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Yves Rey is a contestant from Koh-Lanta: Cambodge.


Profile retrieved from (in French)[1]

Prénom: Yves
Métier: Commercial
49 ans - Hérault (34)

Yves a beau avoir 50 ans, il en a toujours 30 dans sa tête. Il est d'ailleurs fou amoureux de sa compagne plus jeune que lui de 15 ans ! En participant à Koh-Lanta, ce fougueux méridional veut prouver qu'il est encore jeune, à tous, mais surtout à ses filles !


Yves was placed on the first-ever blue starting tribe, Takéo. Though Yves was the oldest member of the tribe and took great pride in being a family man, he tended to distance himself from his tribemates socially and would get into conflict with its members, especially Kelly Beaugrand and sometimes Hada Ghoulam and Dylan Thiry. After the Takéo tribe lost the first Immunity Challenge, both Yves and Dylan found themselves on the chopping block. In an attempt to get a vote off of himself, Yves tricked Dylan into thinking that he was voting for Kelly while suggesting to him that he do so too, when in reality, he would be voting against Dylan. Dylan relayed this information back to Kelly and, when she asked Yves about it, he denied this. Dylan was voted out unanimously at that Tribal Council as he was more problematic for the group than Yves was.

At the beginning of the second cycle, the contestants were joined by three new competitors, Sébastien Gottiniaux, Claire Pradayrol, and Vincent Roux. After placing last in the corresponding Reward Challenge, the Takéo tribe was left with Claire to join them and increase their numbers to six. Meanwhile, Hada tried to make peace with Yves in order to bring unity to the group, but to no avail. The Takéo tribe lost the third Immunity Challenge and, evidently, Yves remained an easy target. However, Hada had heard from Kelly that Frédéric Blancher, Claire, and Yves were going to vote against Mathilde Chevalier in an attempt to flush out her Hidden Immunity Necklace, so she suggested to Mathilde that she play it that night so that the votes against Yves would remain the majority. Mathilde was skeptical of this information, so she questioned Frédéric about it, which he denied was true. What resulted from this was a conflict between Kelly and Hada and the rest of their former allies, with the latter party accusing the former party of being manipulators. Knowing that he had just found an opportunity to skate by again, Yves did not interfere in this conflict. At Tribal Council, Kelly sided with Hada, but the rest of the tribe voted out Hada. On the bright side, Kelly and Yves were able to make peace and the remaining five members of the tribe were more united going forward.

At the final eighteen, a tribe dissolution challenge took place, with the Sokka tribe losing and thus being disbanded. The Takéo tribe assigned Claire to select which of its former members they would absorb and she selected Corentin Albertini, Félicie Greugny, Vincent, and Brahma Sadeyen. Yves was far from the strongest member of this newly-constructed Takéo tribe, but he was again able to remain under the radar as other targets emerged in Kelly, Félicie, and Brahma. However, as Kelly was being voted out at the Final Fifteen, she had cast her own vote against Yves.

Thus, going into the next cycle, Yves became very paranoid and started making accusations towards his tribemates, even those who were closest to him, which turned the tribe against him. Additionally, he returned to his old habits and isolated himself from his tribemates again. After the seventh Immunity Challenge, which the Takéo tribe lost, Yves admitted that he had thought of quitting the game right there and then, but he wanted to play with his head held high even though he knew he was likely being voted out that cycle. Sure enough, Yves was voted out unanimously at Tribal Council, though tensions had died down by that point.

Voting History[]

Episode Yves's
Voted Against
1 Dylan Dylan
2 Takéo Tribe Immune
3 Hada Hada, Kelly
4 Takéo Tribe Immune
5 Félicie -
6 Kelly Kelly
7 Mathilde Claire, Corentin, Frédéric,
Mathilde, Vincent
Voted Out, Day 20

Post Koh-Lanta[]


  • Yves is the oldest member of Takéo.


Koh-Lanta: Cambodge Castaways
FRS20 bastien t
FRS20 brahma t
FRS20 claire t
FRS20 clementine t
FRS20 corentin t
FRS20 dylan t
FRS20 felicie t
FRS20 franck t
FRS20 frederic t
FRS20 hada t
FRS20 kelly t
FRS20 manuella t
FRS20 maria t
FRS20 marjorie t
FRS20 mathilde t
FRS20 sabine t
FRS20 sandro t
FRS20 sebastien t
FRS20 vincent t
FRS20 yassin t
FRS20 yves t