Popcorn and lemonade This item secretly came with the Ultimate Vote advantage.
Covered Item (Fried chicken and Coke)
Pepperoni pizza
Covered Item (Brownies and ice cream)
Chicken parma, fries, and beer
Covered Item (A trip to the Survivor Dental Clinic)
Challenge:A Bit Tipsy Each castaway will use a rope to hold up a wobbly table. Extending from each table are four prongs. The first castaway to stack two blocks vertically on each prong wins. If at any point a castaway's block drops, they may reset their blocks without restarting; however, if their entire stack drops, they will have to start over entirely. Winner:Kitty Blomfield
Raymond was shown writing down Mark's name. Rianna was shown writing down Aileen's name. Part of Kirby's confessional was shown during the episode. Part of Mark's confessional was shown during Aileen's final words. Full voting confessionals were posted on the Channel 10 YouTube channel.[1]
(voting against Aileen) Aileen, you have been one of my biggest competitors in all my challenges. I'm so happy to not have to compete against you in all those endurance things. Um, also, you are so good at your strategy. So, um, fingers crossed, this is pulled off, and, uh, you'll be voted out tonight.
(voting against Aileen) I think you're gonna be a threat for me when it comes closer to the end, and... you're Feras' right-hand man, and I need to take you out.
(voting against Mark) I really did try and win that immunity challenge for you today, mate. Sorry, I couldn't get the job done. I hope you've got something in the sleeve that you can pull your finger out and get lucky this time.
(voting against Mark) Thinking about writing Valeria down, because I thought maybe Mark, like, might play an idol and Alex might play an idol. Then... yeah, you get rid of some woman that gets really angry pretty easily. Um, but Mark looks really depressed, so... might not have one. I hope.
(voting against Aileen) Tonight, I'm voting for you Aileen. I think you're probably the best player in the game at the moment. So, if we can pull this off, which is a big ask, it would be an absolute coup.
I was blindsided tonight! It's the best way to go out of the game, and I'm the first member of the jury! I don't regret anything in this game. I took a lot of risks. My message to the Tasi tribe is play hard, and start to make big moves, because you need to start building your resume now. I want the game to shift, and I want alliances to go up and down. My vote is open, and I'm going to vote for the best player out there.