The Truth Works Well is the sixth episode of Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X.
“ | Figgy and Taylor may regret an earlier decision to reveal their budding "showmance" to their tribemates, and some castaways worry there may be a snitch at camp after a hidden immunity idol is found. | ” |
—Episode Synopsis[2] |
Night 15[]
The Vanua tribe returns to camp following Tribal Council having just voted out CeCe, and David is certain that the line between Millennials and Gen X has blurred. He says, "Coming back after Tribal Council was an absolute relief. Chris and I said goodbye to CeCe with these two Millennials. It's absolutely the right thing to do going forward. It's no longer Millennials versus Gen X. It's the people I trust versus the people you trust." Meanwhile, Zeke relishes the fact that his bond with Chris heavily attributed to Gen X giving up their numbers. Zeke speaks, "Tribal was such a delight because those silly Gen X'ers sent home one of their own on the one tribe they had numbers! Now, I seem to be in a power position with Chris. I'm so stoked!"
Day 16[]
At Ikabula, Jay takes Will in the woods in hopes of finding a Hidden Immunity Idol under the guise of collecting coconuts. Jay explains to Will his motivation to win the game. Jay says, "People say millennials are selfish and they just want to do things their own way and they do whatever they want, you know, but it's not true. This is for my family." The two search around the jungle and they find a piece of bamboo with the Ikabula tribe emblem painted on it. Jay cracks it open and find the idol inside. While the idol intrinsically provides its owner a degree of power in the game, Jay thinks differently. He explains, "This Hidden Immunity Idol means mom just got one step closer to getting the house." Just as the two about to leave the scene, Michaela arrives and sees them with the idol. Jay resents that Michaela has found them, but tells her the idol is for them to share and has to keep it a secret. Michaela explains the scene: "Hey! What you got there? I walk up on them two huddled up like two Eskimos and out pops this idol. Jay is one of my allies at this point, but do I think Jay would play that Immunity Idol on me? Heck no! Right now, I'm not going to tell anyone that Jay has the idol, but if I get wind of something going down, I'm snitching." Michaela leaves the scene, and Jay and Will mutually express dismay that someone else other than them knows of the idol.
The three tribes arrive at the next Reward Challenge. Figgy cannot contain her glee upon seeing the Vanua tribe with her friend Michelle still there. Figgy claps, which elicits an immediate reaction from Jeff. Figgy explains, "I love Michelle. I love Zeke too, but I was really, really worried. It sounded bad, but Michelle and I are really close, I love her." Jeff asks Michelle what she makes of Figgy's reaction. Michele says that she is not alarmed being outed as Figgy's friend, even lauding Figgy for being honest. Once Jeff has explained the rules of the challenge, he presents the castaways the reward: apple pie, cookies, brownies, and pitchers of cold milk and iced tea for first place, and chocolate chip cookies for the runner-up. Having two extra members, Ikabula sits out Bret LaBelle and Hannah Shapiro. Having one extra member, Takali sits out Jessica Lewis. Jay, Figgy, and Michelle are the callers for Ikabula, Takali, and Vanua respectively.
Commotion sets in immediately as the blindfolded castaways scatter around to retrieve their pieces while listening to the callers, while accidentally hitting the obstacles. Sunday Burquest of Ikabula reaches one of the stations where she has to run around to unspool a piece of wood to release a set of puzzle pieces. She does so, and she gets dizzy in the process. Adam Klein is first to return with Takali's first puzzle piece. Meanwhile, Michelle fails to keep David from going off-course. Ken McNickle extends Takali's lead by bringing back their second set of puzzle pieces. Sunday recovers and returns with Ikabula's first set of puzzle pieces. Takali and Ikabula begin to pull away as Vanua continues to struggle with David. David apparently finds Michelle's voice to be faint from afar, prompting a still blindfolded Chris to repeat Michelle's instructions, albeit louder. David finally hears audible instructions but continues to fumble after he somehow winds up at one of Ikabula's puzzle pieces. Ken and Taylor Stocker return with Takali's last puzzle pieces, prompting Figgy to then lead Ken into solving the puzzle while still blindfolded. David later ends up at another of Ikabula's puzzle piece stations, where Michaela pushes him aside as she tries to retrieve her tribe's puzzle pieces. Michaela shortly returns with Ikabula's final puzzle piece, allowing Jay to guide her to solve their puzzle. David finally reaches a Vanua station and retrieves his puzzle pieces. David and Zeke return with Vanua's remaining puzzle pieces, allowing Michelle to help Zeke solve the puzzle. On the sit-out bench, Hannah tells Bret that she feels faint. Bret informs Jeff of this, who then suggests Hannah to move under a shade. Moments later, Vanua finishes their puzzle first and earns a come-from-behind victory despite lagging throughout the challenge. In a battle for second place, Figgy gets stumped solving Takali's puzzle, while Jay guides Michaela in solving Ikabula's, stealing the lead from Takali. In the end, Michaela places the last piece, winning Ikabula second place.
Immediately following the challenge, Jeff calls in the Medical Team to check on Hannah, who begins to cramp and can not breathe. Dr. Joe Rowles attends to Hannah and gets her to breathe normally. He describes Hannah's condition as a panic attack, where she got too excited to the point that she started breathing too fast. Hannah seconds Dr. Joe's diagnosis, admitting that she has had panic attacks in the past. Jeff lauds Hannah for bravely taking the challenge of going to Survivor despite the game having a way to viciously unravel a person. With her cramps gone, Hannah is cleared to rejoin her tribe. As Vanua and Ikabula collect their reward, Jeff asks Figgy what went wrong in the challenge. Figgy vents her frustration of losing the lead and eventually the challenge.
Back at camp, the Vanua tribe enjoys their reward. Zeke congratulates Michelle for a job well done as caller, while David says that they could not have won the challenge if CeCe had stayed over her. With Figgy openly admitting her bond with Michelle to everyone, Zeke is reminded of where he stood back at the original Vanua tribe. Zeke says, "Michelle is a very dangerous player in this game because Figgy announced to the world in this challenge: I'm so happy to see Michelle and then she waits a beat and then says Oh, and Zeke too. I'm obviously at the bottom of the Millennials right now and so my gut tells me that getting rid of Michelle isn't bad for me, because Michelle was plotting against me before and has connections to Taylor and Figgy."
At Ikabula, Hannah explains to Sunday her history with panic attacks, believing having one on the island would make people make fun of her. Hannah explains, "I can't help that I am a person that has anxiety. Of course it's embarrassing; you're just collapsing and you're not even in the challenge. There were game thoughts that I can't seem weak. That's the worse part: I can't seem weak in front of my tribe. My brain is just so exhausted. There's not a moment where you can just breathe out and be like Okay, I'm going to take five minutes out of Survivor and go take a breath. And so, now I have to keep going. Perception is reality and I have to keep saying I'm good so people know that I'm good so that it doesn't become a hindrance in my game."
At Takali, Taylor flagrantly kisses Figgy by the cheek, irking Adam. Taylor says, "My Survivor romance is growing each day but Fig is like, Don't tell Jess and Ken about Fig-Tayls, our little romance we got going on here. But the Millennials have the numbers, so we're in a good position right now. We're a power couple and at this point there's no reason to hide it." Confident that Adam is with them regardless, Figgy and Taylor decide to reveal to Jessica and Ken their relationship. The two remain in the shelter rehearsing how they would inform them. Later however, Jessica and Ken admit that they knew and that it has been apparent the entire time. Ben muses, "I've been around the block, little girl. I've been around it way longer than you and it's obvious, and she was shocked. She thought they were doing a great job of hiding it. These kids think they are in charge of it all and they think, This is vacation; this is fun! I'm on Survivor! This is awesome! But that little couple of Taylor and Figgy aren't as cool as they think they are. I'm not going to sit on my ass and hope and pray that everything is okay. I'm going to make the moves to make sure I'm okay."
Day 18[]
The three tribes arrive at the Immunity Challenge. Adam sits out for Takali, while Sunday and Will sit out for Ikabula.
Jay, Ken, and David open the challenge for Ikabula, Takali, and Vanua respectively, with Ken falling off at the latter end of the balance beam, putting Ikabula and Vanua in the lead. Jay takes a first place lead by releasing his bags faster than David. Ken makes up for the bad start by carrying all three of his bags at once. Bret, Taylor, and Chris are next up, with Taylor returning to the beach with the remaining three bags first. With Takali now ahead, Figgy and Jessica open their bags to look for the balls and work on their maze, but the latter proves to be a difficult task while standing on a narrow stump. Hannah and Michaela from Ikabula and Michelle and Zeke from Vanua shortly follow. Hannah begins to panic, prompting a visibly frustrated Michaela to yell orders at her. Figgy and Jessica land Takali's first ball. Michaela's aggressive approach appears to be working as she and Hannah get all three balls at the end first, winning immunity for Ikabula. Michaela then starts coaching Michelle and Zeke on how to work the maze, which helps them land Vanua's first ball. In a close race for runner-up, Vanua finishes the task, winning them immunity.
After handing out the Immunity Idols to Ikabula and Vanua, Jeff asks Michaela why she was helping out Vanua, in which Michaela unabashedly admits that she does not want a Millennial to go home. Taylor points out that there are Millennials on Takali too, but Michaela retorts that they have a majority and would deserve to go home if they could not work together. Confident with her numbers, Figgy says, "[The] Takali tribe is going to Tribal Council tonight, and it really blows. But if the Millennials are smart, we will stick together and take out the Gen X'ers."
The Takali tribe returns to camp where Adam laments him being the swing vote between two pairs.
Adam |
“ | Losing puts me in a bind because this whole time that I've been out here, I've been playing double agent and it certainly feels like if I wanted to side with Jessica and Ken, then I could do that. If I wanted to side with Figgy and Taylor, then I could do that, but no matter how I vote tonight, somebody is coming back unhappy and I am in a really, really tough position. | ” |
Adam and Figgy later walk in the woods where Figgy states that she and Taylor want to work with him. The two agree that Ken is a bigger threat than Jessica, so he needs to go home first. Taylor joins in and agrees with the plan. While Figgy appears to have given her full trust in Adam, Taylor has doubts.
Taylor |
“ | Tonight at Tribal Council, we are going to vote out Ken, but who knows? Maybe Adam is double-crossing us and he's way smarter than we think he is... Unlikely, but maybe. | ” |
Later, Jessica also talks to Adam into working with her and Ken, where Adam admits that the other pair is targeting Ken. Believing that she would be next if Ken goes, she asks Ken to convince Adam to join them instead.
Jessica |
“ | Figgy and Taylor are going to vote for Ken, but clearly this can't happen because I need Ken to move forward. He's got my back and I have his, and if Ken went home, I would be the next one to go. | ” |
Ken then pleads his case to Adam.
Ken |
“ | I could be going home, but I've never gone down without a fight. So, until Tribal tonight, I am going to be fighting for this. | ” |
Looking at the future, Adam ponders which couple he would join and can work with moving forward.
Adam |
“ | My mind is just reeling right now because Ken makes really good arguments. The question is: Which side is going to be better for my future in this game? I mean the whole world is probably screaming: 'Get out the power couple! What are you thinking?' But at this point, I don't know that it makes sense for me. | ” |
The Takali tribe arrives at Tribal Council where Adam appropriately sits in the middle of the two pairs. Taylor stresses how important it is to keep the Millennials' numbers strong, but Jeff explains that just because they started on a tribe together, it does not mean they will stay together. Figgy says everything is "all peachy" with the Millennials, and she does not harbor any resentment towards Adam for voting for her in their first Tribal Council. The conversation then leads to Adam opening up Figgy and Taylor's romance. Jeff, an ordained minister, jokingly volunteers to officiate Figgy and Taylor's wedding. Figgy believes that her relationship with Taylor being known to everyone does not concern her, and that Adam will keep his word. Taylor warns Adam that he will be a target of the Gen X'ers come the merge. But Jessica tells Adam that the Millennials are not as strong as Taylor thinks. In the end, Adam joins Jessica and Ken, voting Figgy out, 3-2. Upon leaving, Figgy wishes Taylor good luck, while Taylor glares at Adam for betraying him.
Challenge: Blind Faith
Three members of each tribe are blindfolded, while a fourth will direct them through a course to retrieve a four bundles of puzzle pieces. Once all the pieces have been retrieved, the caller will direct one of the still blindfolded members to complete the puzzle. The first tribe to finish their puzzle wins.
Reward: Baked goods, ice tea, and milk for the first placers; chocolate chip cookies for the runners-up.
Winners (in order of finish): Vanua and Ikabula
Challenge: It's in the Bag
Two members of each tribe will race through a series of balance beams to retrieve three bags of coconuts each. A third member must the opened the bags to retrieve three billiard balls, and then join the last member to navigate the three balls through a labyrinth. The first two tribes to land all three balls at the end of the table win immunity.
Winners (in order of finish): Ikabula and Vanua
Tribal Council[]
Tribal Council 6: Takali | |
Voted Against |
Voter |
Figgy (3 votes) |
Adam, Jessica, Ken |
Ken (2 votes) |
Figgy, Taylor |
VOTED OUT: Figgy Figueroa |
Voting Confessionals[]
No voting confessionals were aired this episode.
Final Words[]
Figgy |
“ | I came in here with one speed, guns blazing, and I was definitely a force to be reckoned with. So I guess it's more of a compliment to be taken out right now, because otherwise, I probably would've taken out every single one of them. So I'm not disappointed in my game at all, but I'm definitely bummed that I don't get to be around Taylor. Fig-Tayls will probably be reunited one day, but, uhm, just not anytime soon. | ” |
Still in the Running[]
| ||||||||||
Secret Scenes[]
- Hannah Outweighs Me: David Wright discusses about Hannah Shapiro being his counterpart from the Millennials and how he wants to work with her.[3]
Behind the Scenes[]
- No footage from Day 17 was shown in the episode.
- The name of the Reward Challenge, Blind Faith, references the English supergroup of the same name.
- The episode title is said by Michelle Schubert when asked about Figgy Figueroa's response to learning the former was safe.
Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X Episodes |
"May the Best Generation Win" · "Love Goggles" · "Your Job Is Recon" · "Who's the Sucker at the Table?" · "Idol Search Party" · "The Truth Works Well" · "I Will Destroy You" · "I'm the Kingpin" · "Still Throwin' Punches" · "Million Dollar Gamble" · "About to Have a Rumble" · "Slayed the Survivor Dragon" · "I'm Going for a Million Bucks" · "Reunion" |