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For the episode from Survivor: Samoa, see The Puppet Master.

The Puppetmaster is the eleventh episode of Survivor South Africa: Island of Secrets.


Day 25[]

The tribe was asked to draw blocks before the Reward/Immunity Challenge to divide into teams. Additionally, those who drew a white block would go to the Island of Secrets immediately. Cobus Hugo and Nicole Capper draw the white blocks, while the remaining nine members divide into teams.

ZAS7 dante t
ZAS7 jacques t
ZAS7 mike t
ZAS7 laetitia t
ZAS7 rob t
ZAS7 steffi t
ZAS7 durao t
ZAS7 mmaba t
ZAS7 seipei t
ZAS7 cobus t
ZAS7 nicole t

Upon arriving at the Island of Secrets, Nicole and Cobus read a note and learn that they will have a chance to win immunity. They will compete in a head-to-head puzzle challenge, where the first person to solve a tangram puzzle will win immunity. Cobus defeats Nicole and she helps him put on the Immunity Necklace.

Day 26[]


Challenge: Hip to Be Square
Both castaways on the Island of Secrets will race to solve a tangram puzzle so that it forms a square. The first castaway to solve their tangram puzzle wins.
Winner: Cobus Hugo

Challenge: Island Sudoku
In teams of three, castaways will race out relay-style to carry puzzle tiles across a monkey bar obstacle to reach a four-by-four puzzle grid. After transferring all their puzzle pieces, the team will arrange the tiles so that there are no repeating colors in any row or column. The first team to solve their puzzle wins.
Reward: A visit to the Afu Aau waterfalls, where the winners will enjoy pasta and wine.
Winners: Yellow Team (Danté De Villiers, Jacques Burger and Mike Venter)

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 11:
ZAS7 seipei t
Seipei (7 votes)
ZAS7 durao tZAS7 laetitia tZAS7 mike t
ZAS7 mmaba tZAS7 nicole tZAS7 rob tZAS7 steffi t
Durão, Laetitia, Mike, Mmaba, Nicole, Rob, Steffi
ZAS7 mmaba t
Mmaba (2 votes)
ZAS7 jacques tZAS7 seipei t
Jacques, Seipei
ZAS7 durao t
Durão (1 vote)
ZAS7 cobus t
ZAS7 rob t
Rob (1 vote)
ZAS7 dante t
ZAS7 seipei bw
Seipei Mashugane

Voting Confessionals[]

Rob's confessional was shown during Seipei's final words.

ZAS7 laetitia t
(voting against Seipei) You can't promise six people a Final Three position and think they're not going to talk about it.
ZAS7 mmaba t
(voting against Seipei) You said it well when you said it's a numbers game, and I hope today I've got the numbers.
ZAS7 jacques t
(voting against Mmaba) You're a nice girl. Unfortunately, it's a jungle out there. Eat or be eaten.
ZAS7 dante t
(voting against Rob) You're a really good player, but you're becoming a threat each and every single day, and I can't have you close to me.
ZAS7 seipei t
(voting against Mmaba) I believe that, y'know, if we had met earlier, it would've been a different vote today. But, uh- unfortunately, our time spent together was very short and I have to go with my alliance. Cheers.
ZAS7 mike t
(voting against Seipei) You were aggressive enough to get your own allies to turn against you. If only it was one vote earlier.
ZAS7 nicole t
(voting against Seipei) Seipei, you traded the role of mother and sister for puppet master. You betrayed family. But thanks for the love, the lessons, the laughs. And the outfit. See you on the flip side, my queen.
ZAS7 durao t
(voting against Seipei) The moment you feel too comfortable, or untouchable in this game, that's when you're most vulnerable. Now look what happens next. And one more thing, the band of misfits are a joke.
ZAS7 steffi t
(voting against Seipei) What happened? This is a serious vote for me, I'm very disappointed again, the fact that it was so easy for you to jump ship, it was so easy for you to lie and deceive. So, if you don't know how to play the game, the game plays you.
ZAS7 rob t
(voting against Seipei) There are no strings on me.
ZAS7 cobus t
(voting against Durão) I'm sorry, I don't know how to spell your name, firstly. Secondly, this is only in case Mmaba has a Hidden Immunity Idol.

Final Words[]

ZAS7 seipei bw
I really did not see it coming, and that is the beauty of it. I'm shocked! I- I really am. I- I- love how they did it, to actually to have had me not even suspect a thing, I must say bravo to everybody. It was bound to happen, I knew my head was on the block. It was just about- it was a matter of time. You could never be comfortable in the game of Survivor and this is what it is.

Still in the Running[]

ZAS7 leeanne bw
ZAS7 paul bw
 Ting Ting
ZAS7 tingting bw
ZAS7 roselee bw
ZAS7 felix bw
ZAS7 tania bw
ZAS7 rocco bw
ZAS7 nathan bw
ZAS7 meryl bw
ZAS7 geoffrey bw
ZAS7 seipei bw
ZAS7 cobus t
ZAS7 dante t
ZAS7 durao t
ZAS7 jacques t
ZAS7 laetitia t
ZAS7 mike t
ZAS7 mmaba t
ZAS7 nicole t
ZAS7 rob t
ZAS7 steffi t


  • The episode title is a reference to the title bestowed upon Seipei in view of her control over the Manumalo tribe.


Survivor South Africa: Island of Secrets Episodes
"I Just Want to Fix Your Crown" · "One Step Forward, Two Steps Back" · "The Gods Have Smiled Upon Me" · "I'm Not Gonna Buy This B.S." · "It's Time for a Hail Mary" · "Let Them Play Barbie and Ken" · "The Game Chooses for You" · "Putting My Foot in My Mouth" · "Are You Crying?" · "He's Delicious-Looking..." · "The Puppetmaster" · "One Trick Pony" · "Trouble Council" · "The Biggest Mother" · "The Lightbulbs Are Switching On" · "Someone You Can Trust" · "Icarus" · "Action Speaks Louder" · "Reunion"