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The Outpost is a twist used in international seasons of Survivor that first appeared on Survivor New Zealand: Thailand. It later appeared on Selviytyjät Suomi 8 as Challenge Island.


The Outpost first appeared on Survivor New Zealand: Thailand. Once the selected castaways arrived on The Outpost, they would be greeted by host Matt Chisholm and participate in a head-to-head Reward Challenge. The winner will receive the reward, or be met with a dilemma.


The Outpost was first introduced on Day 5 in Survivor New Zealand: Thailand. The Two Tribes were required to send someone to The Outpost. Khangkhaw sent Tess Fahey and Chani sent JT Muirhead, Tess defeated JT in a firemaking challenge and was rewarded a Hidden Immunity Idol Clue.

On Day 8, Kaysha Whakarau of Khangkhaw defeated Eve Clarke of Chani in "The Ball Drop" challenge and was rewarded a buffet of food to enjoy by herself.

On Day 11, Arun Bola of Chani and Josh Hickford of Khangkhaw did not participate in a challenge instead were given instructions to choose a someone from their tribe to sit out of the next Immunity Challenge. The person chosen to sit out would be immune if their tribe lost the challenge. Josh chose himself and Arun chose Eve.

On 17, Renee Clarke of Chani defeated Tara Thorowgood of Khangkhaw and was rewarded by being able to take two items from the opposing tribe's camp. Renee took peanut butter and a tarp.

On Day 20, Lisa Stanger of Khangkhaw defeated Dave Lipanovic of Chani and was rewarded with a Vote Steal at the next Tribal Council she attended.

The Outpost History[]


Episode Chani Representative Khangkhaw Representative Winner Reward and/or Dilemma
2 NZS2 jt t
JT Muirhead
NZS2 tess t
Tess Fahey
NZS2 tess t
Tess Fahey
Clue to Hidden Immunity Idol
3 NZS2 eve t
Eve Clarke
NZS2 kaysha t
Kaysha Whakarau
NZS2 kaysha t
Kaysha Whakarau
4 NZS2 arun t
Arun Bola
NZS2 josh t
Josh Hickford
N/A Both representatives chose someone from their tribe to sit out of the next Immunity Challenge
6 NZS2 renee t
Renee Clarke
NZS2 tara t
Tara Thorowgood
NZS2 renee t
Renee Clarke
Tribe Raid
7 NZS2 dave t
Dave Lipanovic
NZS2 lisa t
Lisa Stanger
NZS2 lisa t
Lisa Stanger
Vote Steal at the next Tribal Council the winner attends

Selviytyjät Suomi 8[]

Episode Sotong Representative Ular Representative Winner Reward and/or Dilemma
2 FIS10 kipa t
Kipa Tiivola
FIS10 lloyd t
Lloyd Libiso
FIS10 kipa t
Kipa Tiivola
Key to Chest of Lucky Keys
5 FIS10 clarissa t
Clarissa Hedman
FIS10 ismo t
Ismo Apell
FIS10 clarissa t
Clarissa Hedman
Ability to switch Team Members
6 FIS10 gogi t
Gogi Mavromichalis
FIS10 sonja t
Sonja Aiello
FIS10 gogi t
Gogi Mavromichalis
Winner earns an extra vote at their next Tribal Council.
Loser loses their vote at their next Tribal Council.
7 FIS10 viki t
Viki Konssi
FIS10 pinja t
Pinja Sanaksenaho
FIS10 pinja t
Pinja Sanaksenaho
Clue to an Immunity Amulet
12 FIS10 sonja t
Sonja Aiello
FIS10 sergey t
Sergey Hilman
FIS10 sergey t
Sergey Hilman
Winners keep their buff. Loser has to earn
their buff back in a Duel at Tribal Council.
FIS10 tytti t
Tytti Junna
FIS10 tytti t
Tytti Junna


  • JT Muirhead and Tess Fahey are the first two contestants to be sent to the Outpost.
    • Tess is the first contestant to win a challenge at the Outpost.
  • Arun Bola and Josh Hickford are the only two contestants to be sent to the Outpost but not participate in a challenge.
  • Renee Clarke is the first and only contestant to win a challenge in the outpost for Chani.
  • Brad Norris is the first person to not be sent to the Outpost, but become beneficiary of one of its rewards.
  • Every contestant that has gone to the Outpost represented the tribe they were assigned to on Day 1.
  • Only women won challenges at the Outpost.
  • "The Outpost" was used as the location for summits in Survivor South Africa: Return of the Outcasts; unlike in Survivor New Zealand, no challenges took place.

