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The Lightbulbs Are Switching On is the fifteenth episode of Survivor South Africa: Island of Secrets.


Night 32[]

Day 33[]

Day 34[]


Challenge: Survivor Yankee Swap
The castaways will participate in a "Yankee swap". Standing in a randomly determined order, each castaway will be presented with an item. The next castaway may choose to take that item, or trade it for an item that has already been introduced.

Participants (in order of play)
ZAS7 nicole tZAS7 laetitia tZAS7 mike tZAS7 jacques tZAS7 durao tZAS7 steffi tZAS7 rob t
Nicole, Laetitia, Mike, Jacques, Durão, Steffi, Rob
Item History
Order Item Offered To History Winner
1 Chocolate cake ZAS7 nicole t
Nicole Capper
ZAS7 rob t
Rob Bentele
ZAS7 rob t
Rob Bentele
2 Bangers and mash ZAS7 laetitia t
Laetitia Le Roux
None ZAS7 laetitia t
Laetitia Le Roux
3 Covered Item
(Visit to Island of Secrets)
ZAS7 mike t
Mike Venter
ZAS7 jacques tZAS7 steffi t
Jacques BurgerSteffi Brink
ZAS7 steffi t
Steffi Brink
4 Right to beg for food from tribemates ZAS7 jacques t
Jacques Burger
ZAS7 mike tZAS7 durao tZAS7 rob tZAS7 nicole t
Mike VenterDurão MarianoRob BenteleNicole Capper
ZAS7 nicole t
Nicole Capper
5 Letter from Home
The winner will have the right to give the letter to one other person
Mike shared the letter with Laetitia.
ZAS7 durao t
Durão Mariano
ZAS7 mike t
Mike Venter
ZAS7 mike t
Mike Venter
6 Covered Item
(Breakfast Platter)
ZAS7 steffi t
Steffi Brink
ZAS7 jacques t
Jacques Burger
ZAS7 jacques t
Jacques Burger
7 Biltong and beer ZAS7 rob t
Rob Bentele
ZAS7 durao t
Durão Mariano
ZAS7 durao t
Durão Mariano

Challenge: Teeter Tower
The castaways will use one hand to hold on to a rope to steady a balancing board. With the other hand, they will build a house of cards with wooden tiles on one end of the balancing board. The first castaway to build a house of cards tall enough to reach the finish mark wins.
Winner: Mike Venter

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 15:
ZAS7 jacques t
Jacques (4 votes)
ZAS7 laetitia tZAS7 nicole tZAS7 rob tZAS7 steffi t
Laetitia, Nicole, Rob, Steffi
ZAS7 steffi t
Steffi (3 votes)
ZAS7 durao tZAS7 jacques tZAS7 mike t
Durão, Jacques, Mike
ZAS7 jacques bw
Jacques Burger

Voting Confessionals[]

No voting confessionals were aired.

ZAS7 steffi t
(voting against Jacques) You voted for me twice in this game, and you have not been playing a great social game, so at this point you lost the one outwit part. Sorry. You have to go.
ZAS7 rob t
(voting against Jacques) I really hope this is the last time we have to get rid of you. Cheers, Jacques. Good game though, I really respect that.
ZAS7 laetitia t
(voting against Jacques) You played an excellent game, but you're just too strong for us. Take care.
ZAS7 nicole t
(voting against Jacques) Jacques, no one dangles my family like a carrot. That's that.
ZAS7 mike t
(voting against Steffi) If we have to go up against you at Final Three, it's tickets. But besides that, I just feel like it's your time.
ZAS7 durao t
(voting against Steffi) I know you're not gonna like this, not one bit, but it has to happen.
ZAS7 jacques t
(voting against Steffi) If this plan doesn't work, I'm going home. If it does work, I'll see you on the flip side.

Final Words[]

ZAS7 jacques bw
Playing Survivor has been a lifelong dream of mine, uh- I'm the happiest guy in the world right now. I've known for a while now my game was on life support for a number of different reasons: some of the people didn't like the way I played, some people viewed me as a massive threat, some people had personal vendettas against me. Sitting next to me at the end, it would've been a hard sell. Only regret I have is not making the loved ones visit and spending time with my wife. Other than that, I'm the most blessed man in the world right now.

Still in the Running[]

ZAS7 leeanne bw
ZAS7 paul bw
 Ting Ting
ZAS7 tingting bw
ZAS7 roselee bw
ZAS7 felix bw
ZAS7 tania bw
ZAS7 rocco bw
ZAS7 nathan bw
ZAS7 meryl bw
ZAS7 geoffrey bw
ZAS7 seipei bw
ZAS7 dante bw
ZAS7 cobus bw
ZAS7 mmaba bw
ZAS7 jacques bw
ZAS7 durao t
ZAS7 laetitia t
ZAS7 mike t
ZAS7 nicole t
ZAS7 rob t
ZAS7 steffi t


Behind the Scenes[]

  • Jacques tried to use his Reward Steal to sway Nicole to his side, stating that he would use it for her at the family visit. She rebuked this offer in her voting confessional.[1]


  • After this episode, with Jacques' elimination, the original Ta'alo tribe is extinct.


Survivor South Africa: Island of Secrets Episodes
"I Just Want to Fix Your Crown" · "One Step Forward, Two Steps Back" · "The Gods Have Smiled Upon Me" · "I'm Not Gonna Buy This B.S." · "It's Time for a Hail Mary" · "Let Them Play Barbie and Ken" · "The Game Chooses for You" · "Putting My Foot in My Mouth" · "Are You Crying?" · "He's Delicious-Looking..." · "The Puppetmaster" · "One Trick Pony" · "Trouble Council" · "The Biggest Mother" · "The Lightbulbs Are Switching On" · "Someone You Can Trust" · "Icarus" · "Action Speaks Louder" · "Reunion"