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Sydney Segal is a contestant from Survivor 41.

Sydney was part of the dominant Luvu tribe, which avoided Tribal Council throughout the pre-merge portion of the game. After the apparent merge, although Sydney's team won immunity, a twist allowed Erika Casupanan to revoke their immunity, causing Sydney to be put back into the pool of candidates vulnerable to be voted out. With only Sydney, her original Luvu tribemates, and Evvie Jagoda eligible for elimination, her alliance targeted Evvie. However, Evvie's allies threatened to play a Hidden Immunity Idol on them, forcing Sydney's allies to throw her under the bus to save themselves. The resulting split vote between Sydney and Evvie led to Sydney's elimination after a failed attempt at playing her Shot in the Dark die.


Retrieved from

Age: 26
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Current Residence: Brooklyn, NY
Occupation: Law student
Hobbies: Running, knitting and crocheting, soccer
3 Words to Describe You: Confident, charismatic, empathetic
Pet Peeve: Bodily noises: sniffling, snoring, heavy breathing, coughing
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Being the California State Champion in cross-country.
What is something we would never know from looking at you? I speak Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and some French.
Who is your hero and why? My father. He is the second messiah to me. He is even-keeled and rational. My dad is the perfect role model and the most positive person I have ever met, even in circumstances where it would be easy to get down.
Which past Survivor will you play the game most like? Natalie White. She was able to assess her plan in her tribe and in her alliance, while consciously nursing Russell's ego. Her social awareness is something I admired.
Why do you believe you can win Survivor? I have the essential social skills and social awareness. I am athletic, but not some 6'2" buff dude who will be threatening. I am not a creature of habit and can adapt to any situation. Having watched Survivor, I have the benefit of hindsight and think I have a high Survivor IQ. I play to win.[2]


Sydney began the game as a part of the Luvu tribe, where she quickly aligned with Deshawn Radden and Danny McCray. On Day 9, Erika Casupanan approached Deshawn about eliminating Sydney should Luvu lose an Immunity Challenge. Deshawn warned Sydney of Erika's intentions and tried to throw two separate Immunity Challenges to eliminate her, even once recruiting Naseer Muttalif into the fold. However, both plans failed as Erika and Naseer still performed well enough for Luvu to win each challenge, keeping Sydney safe until the next phase of the game.

At what appeared to be the merge, Sydney was placed onto a team with Evvie Jagoda, Ricard Foyé, Danny, and Deshawn for the initial Reward/Immunity Challenge. Their victory won them the merge feast and immunity, until Erika reversed the result, forcing Sydney to compete in the Day 14 individual Immunity Challenge. When Ricard narrowly beat Sydney in this challenge, her sights turned towards Evvie as the target of the upcoming vote. However, Evvie and the rest of the Yase Alliance offered Sydney protection in exchange for voting with them against Deshawn. Fearful for his own safety, Deshawn proposed Sydney as a split vote option to his new All-Black Alliance in case one of Yase played a Hidden Immunity Idol for Evvie.

At Tribal Council, the strategy mounted, and Sydney began to feel unsafe. During the ensuing live Tribal Council, Sydney was excluded from the majority alliance's discussions, as they debated how to split the vote between her and Evvie. At the same time, Sydney appealed to the Yase Alliance, trying to convince them to play their idol for her instead of Evvie. In the end, Sydney ultimately felt vulnerable enough to sacrifice her vote and use her Shot in the Dark. The risk did not pay off and the forfeited vote sealed Sydney's fate, as she was voted out in a 5-4-3 vote.

Episode Tribe
Challenge Challenge Type Sit-Out? Result
1 Luvu Marooning Reward No Lost
Bonus Track Immunity No Won
2 Water Sports Reward/Immunity No 1st
3 Victory in the Bag Reward/Immunity No 1st
4 Running Down a Dream Reward No Lost
Kenny Log-Ins Immunity Yes 2nd
5 Ramplified Reward/Immunity No 2nd
Tribes Disbanded, Day 12
6 None Keep Digging Reward/Immunity No Won1
7 The Game is Afoot Immunity No Lost
Voted Out, Day 14
^1 The unchosen sit-out from the challenge (Erika) was exiled. There, she was given an hourglass which she may choose to break to strip the winning team of their immunity, transferring it to the losing team and herself. Erika broke the hourglass and Sydney lost her immunity.

Episode Sydney's
Voted Against
1 Luvu Tribe Immune
2 Luvu Tribe Immune
3 Luvu Tribe Immune
4 Luvu Tribe Immune
5 Luvu Tribe Immune
7 Ineligible1 Erika, Heather,
Liana, Naseer, Shan
Voted Out, Day 14

^1 In "There's Gonna Be Blood", Sydney used her Shot in the Dark die, making her ineligible to vote at Tribal Council.


  • On May 13, 2022, Sydney graduated from Brooklyn Law School.[3]



Survivor 41 Castaways
S41 abraham t
S41 brad t
S41 danny t
S41 deshawn t
S41 erika t
S41 evvie t
S41 genie t
S41 heather t
S41 jd t
S41 liana t
S41 naseer t
S41 ricard t
S41 sara t
S41 shan t
S41 sydney t
S41 tiffany t
S41 voce t
S41 xander t