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This is the eighth episode of Survivor U.K. (2023).


Day 18[]

UK3EP08Leilani hopes it is Shai

Leilani believes Shai has been voted out.

La Nena had low energy levels, and all missed their loved ones back home. Christopher talked about his failed attempts to throw a challenge to both eliminate a Caletón threat and save Doug and Pegleg. Leilani believed that the Caletón tribe were more likely to have voted out Shai, as he had only been spared for his physical strength up to that point, and was generally seen as being untrustworthy.

UKS3 christopher t
The feeling of not going to another Tribal Council is great, but my problem is that I've been trying to throw the challenges. I want to go to Tribal Council to try and get at least one or two of these Caletón tribe members out, and to save Doug and Pegleg over on the other beach.

On Caletón, Doug and Pegleg were surprised to have survived the vote, as they didn't fully trust Laurence or Shai to the extent that they did Nathan.

UKS3 doug t
Last night's Tribal Council was absolutely critical to my game. I had to make sure a Caletónian went out of the game, and that happened. Bye Jess! Pegleg and I are slowly moving off the bottom and into the majority.
UKS3 nathan t
I'm in a tribe where everyone knew the plan except me, so that would suggest that there's higher levels of trust amongst the other four than there is with me involved. If we were to return to Tribal Council any time soon, that's a pretty precarious position to be in.


The La Nena tribe are excited to read letters from home.

Lee found a crate full of milk bottles that had washed on the shores, inside each bottle was a letter from home addressed to each person in camp. Tinuke's was from her partner, Hannah's was from her family, Christopher's was from his brothers, Leilani's was from her son, Matthew's was from his parents and brother, Ashleigh's was from her fiance, Lee's was from his girlfriend. Everyone became emotional while reading their letters.

On Caletón, they also received the milk crate with letters. Pegleg's was from his partner, children, and grandchildren, Doug's was from his daughter, Laurence's was from his family, Shai's was from his niece, and Nathan's was from his wife and children.

After everyone read their letters, Christopher told Hannah and Lee about his plan to make sure more people were in on it. He explained his motivation for throwing the challenge, but instead of uniting the tribe, Lee was offended by Christopher's method of doing it, as Lee felt it was too obvious. Lee began raising his voice, saying Christopher should have told everyone beforehand.

UKS3 christopher t
Sometimes I feel like I can't even speak to Lee because he just goes on and on and on and on. And actually, I think he's mad because he wasn't in on it, he probably thinks he could've done better because he is Lee, and Lee is the best thing since sliced bread.
UKS3 ashleigh t
Chris and Lee have had a total relationship breakdown. They have been really close before but I think that the way Lee went in on Chris has really upset him because he felt like he couldn't get his point across. I think this could change things moving forward. It could be the end of the La Nena alliance


The immunity challenge, When It Rains.

The tribes meet at the immunity challenge, where Leilani was shocked to see that Jess had been voted out at the previous night, calling it "ruthless" and claiming she did not know who they were to vote her out. Despite this, Christopher smiled at Doug for saving himself. La Nena won fairly easily, sending Caletón back to Tribal Council.

UK3EP08Caleton Tribal

Caletón at Tribal Council.

The Caletón men were surprised by the reaction to Jess's elimination. Nathan, sensing that he was in trouble, decided to try and play as a swing vote, by painting Shai as untrustworthy in Doug and Pegleg's eyes. Laurence and Shai seemed to be between Nathan, as he was an outsider and physically strong, and Pegleg, as Doug may still work with them if they voted Pegleg out while Pegleg would not. To keep trust with Doug and Pegleg, Shai and Laurence decided to vote for Nathan.

UKS3 laurence t
By taking Nathan out, we would maintain the integrity and trust of the newcomers. We are at such a small number of people left so I hope it's not me.
UKS3 nathan t
My plan to keep myself safe at this Tribal Council is to form an alliance with Doug and Pegleg, so i need to be making it clear to them that if they back me now, I will back them to the very end.

UK3EP08Shai voted out

Shai blindsided.

Nathan proclaimed that he was voting Shai out no matter what, which Pegleg eventually began considering as he saw the long-term threat that Shai posed in the game. Nathan told Doug that Shai had lied to him to try and sway Doug over as Doug valued loyalty. Having taken his shot, Nathan hoped for the best. At Tribal Council, Doug and Pegleg decided that Nathan was more loyal and more useful down the road, so Shai was blindsided in a 3-2 vote.


Immunity Challenge: When It Rains
Castaways will have one arm above their head with their wrist tethered to a bucket of water on top of a platform. The castaway who could stand there the longest without tipping the bucket would win immunity for their tribe.
Winner: La Nena

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 8:
UKS3 shai t
Shai (3 votes)
UKS3 doug tUKS3 nathan tUKS3 pegleg t
Doug, Nathan, Pegleg
UKS3 nathan t
Nathan (2 votes)
UKS3 laurence tUKS3 shai t
Laurence, Shai
UKS3 shai bw
Shai Ravindra

Voting Confessionals[]

UKS3 nathan t
(voting against Shai) Shai...I thought my final parting gift would be to spell your name incorrectly. I never thought I'd take great pleasure in writing a name down on voting paper, but today here we are.
UKS3 shai t
(voting against Nathan) This is a hard vote, but I gotta risk it.

Final Words[]

UKS3 shai bw
Obviously, I'm dissapointed, but I kinda had a feeling that something had changed, given that Doug and Peg weren't looking me in the eye. My gut was telling me that something was wrong. I don't think Doug and Peg made the right call because Laurence and me worked with them until the end.

Still in the Running[]

UKS3 richard bw
UKS3 sabrina bw
UKS3 rach bw
UKS3 rachel bw
UKS3 ren bw
UKS3 jess bw
UKS3 shai bw
La Nena
UKS3 ashleigh t
La Nena
UKS3 christopher t
UKS3 doug t
La Nena
UKS3 hannah t
UKS3 laurence t
La Nena
UKS3 lee t
La Nena
UKS3 leilani t
La Nena
UKS3 matthew t
UKS3 nathan t
UKS3 pegleg t
La Nena
UKS3 tinuke t


  • This is the first episode of Survivor U.K. to feature a Tribal Council comprised entirely of the same gender.


Survivor U.K. (2023) Episodes
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