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This is the fifth episode of Survivor U.K. (2023).


Night 10[]

UK3EP05Leilani arrives

Leilani arrives at the La Nena camp.

After being voted out of Caletón, Leilani arrived at La Nena, where the tribe were all asleep. She woke up her new tribe, who were too tired to talk about it at that moment. They gave her a space in the shelter and decided to talk about it the folowing morning.

Day 11[]

UKS3 leilani t
Last night was completely and utterly surreal. I'm now a La Nena tribe member. I mean, I definitely did not see this coming. But the reception was really welcoming, which was not what I expected, but absolutely wonderful to feel.
UKS3 ashleigh t
It's brilliant having that fresh energy come in, someone else to sort of, you know, change up the day. Especially getting the girls in our tribe together. But I know that she's ex-Caletón.

Leilani quickly began to bond with her new tribemates, who in turn appreciated having a new face around, despite everyone keeping in mind that she was originally on Caletón.

UKS3 leilani t
I knew that I couldn't come in with honesty about the Tribal Council and I don't usually lie in my life, but I needed them to believe that I am disgruntled with my former tribe so that they trust me.


Leilani with her new tribe.

As promised, La Nena gathered round to hear what Leilani had to say about what was going on at Caletón. She lied to her tribe, and told them that she had been voted off after having a huge fight with Shai over his negative attitude. She began to get along particularly well with Christopher. Pegleg noticed this, and said that he was skeptical of Christopher as someone who is playing the game for himself. While Leilani was gone, Doug, Lee and Pegleg cemented that Leilani was simply a dead woman walking and would be the next one voted out if La Nena were to lose an immunity challenge.

UKS3 pegleg t
Having Leilani here is bringing a new dynamic to the game. We don't know her. Chris is being very friendly so I think he's trying to form an alliance, this isn't just making her welcome. Chris is a player, he knows what he's doing.

Day 12[]

Back on Caletón, Shai now felt endangered with Leilani gone, as he now felt he was now the biggest target to go home next, so he began looking for the hidden immunity idol, which Caletón had just learned about at their last Tribal Council. Jess was also worried about her place in the tribe as she could now be seen as the weakest on the tribe as Leilani and Richard were both gone.

UKS3 shai t
Leilani going to La Nena, I feel like we lost kind of a buffer here, and it puts a bigger target on my back. At Tribal Council last night, Joel said there's a hidden immunity idol. So if I find the hidden immunity idol on this island, it's an option for me to use if I do feel like I'm in trouble.
UKS3 jess t
If you were going to go in order of strength, now that Leilani and Richard are gone, I'm probably at the bottom. But I have formed some really good friendships, especially with Matty, Rachel, Tinuke and Nathan. So my plan is to just keep close to the alliances that I'm making and just make sure that we're all on the same page.


The reward challenge, Sumo at Sea.

At the Reward Challenge, La Nena and Caletón were tied three rounds each when Christopher and Rachel had a major collision causing the team to call in the medics. The challenge was cancelled, and both tribes were sent home empty handed. Later, after Christopher and Rachel were fixed up and deemed safe, Joel brought comfort rewards to both tribes.

UKS3 rachel t
Today's challenge was a pretty brutal one. It was an accident, nothing to blame, it was just the wet bags slipped off each other and we just collided.

On La Nena, Leilani grew a guilty conscience about lying to her new tribe, so she confessed her lies, and told the tribe that she never had a fight with Shai. Everyone in the tribe seemed off put by this, as they didn't have anyway to validate what she said as true, and they began to distrust her.

UKS3 ren t
Can you believe a word she's saying? No she could tell us absolute crap because there is no way to know if she's lying. So her word doesn't mean much at this point.
UKS3 pegleg t
There's lies coming out here. At the moment, the verdict is out on trust with Leilani.
UKS3 christopher t
I think Leilani has a game plan where she's trying to keep both tribes sweet. I think she's made best friends on Caletón, and now she's trying to make best friends on La Nena, meaning that when push comes to shove, she can almost play us both. But it doesn't work like that. You're either with us or you're not. Ant right now, I don't think she is.

That night, Caletón's comfort items were ruined by the rain as they didn't have a tarp.

Day 13[]

UKS3 leilani t
It's tricky for me. it's my first immunity challenge with my new tribe and I really want to prove myself. Obviously my friendship runs very deep with everyone at Caletón, and of course my loyalty is with my tribe that I spent 11 days with, that doesn't switch overnight. I might have to just hope that I do well in the challenge to prove myself to La Nena.


The immunity challenge.

The tribes convened at the Immunity Challenge, which Caletón lost meaning they would have to go back to Tribal Council.

UKS3 nathan t
For me, to make sure that I'm safe today is checking in with everybody, checking where everyone's head is at, and just getting a feel for the vibe. Shai's name has been in the mix from day 1, purely for all the reasons of how he rubs people the wrong way, his communication isn't great. But I think over the last few challenges he has definitely demonstrated his worth, at least as far as challenges go.

Initially, the focus became centered around Shai's social awkwardness around camp and general lack of popularity which has placed him on the chopping block in the last three tribal councils. Jess and Rachel's plan was to split the vote 3-2 between Shai and Laurence, in case Shai played a Hidden Immunity Idol.

UKS3 jess t
So, initially I was picking Shai tonight, but I think he's got an idol. The other option is Laurence, because I just don't trust him. Every time I try to talk to him and, you know, gauge him, he just kind of skirts around the answer. So there's five of us. If we do three for Shai, two for Laurence. So if Shai does have the idol, then Laurence will go.

UK3EP05Caleton at tribal

Caletón at Tribal Council.

Matthew, Laurence, Tinuke, and Nathan all didn't agree with this plan, finding Shai to be an asset in challenges over Jess and Rachel. The conversation shifted to focus around Jess and Rachel. Tinuke noted that Jess would be more loyal than Rachel, who had a mind of her own.

UK3EP05Rach voted out

Rachel voted out.

At Tribal Council, The tribe were not on the same page, and Rachel was blindsided in a 5-2 vote, with only Jess voting with her, for being seen as one of the weakest tribe members, and being less loyal than Jess.


Challenge: Sumo at Sea
In one-on-one face offs, castaways use a heavy bag to knock their opponents from the platform. The first tribe to score four points wins.
Reward: Camp comforts
Winner: None (the challenge was cancelled due to injuries sustained by Christopher and Rachel; Joel later handed out an even share of the reward to both tribes)

Challenge: High and Mighty
Tribes must race over a series of wall and an a-frame. They will then push a deck on a track, and flip it up in order to get on top of a tower. Once over the tower, tribes will then need to pull a frame containing several tiles, locking it in place. Using throwing clubs, they must break their tiles. The first tribe to smash all five tiles wins.
Winner: La Nena

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 5:
UKS3 rachel t
Rachel (5 votes)
UKS3 laurence tUKS3 matthew t
UKS3 nathan tUKS3 shai tUKS3 tinuke t
Laurence, Matthew, Nathan, Shai, Tinuke
UKS3 laurence t
Laurence (2 votes)
UKS3 jess tUKS3 rachel t
Jess, Rachel
UKS3 rachel bw
Rachel Golding

Voting Confessionals[]

Shai was shown writing Rachel's name. Matthew's confessional was shown during Rachel's final words.

UKS3 jess t
(voting against Laurence) Sorry, but I just don't really trust you.
UKS3 laurence t
(voting against Rachel) Didn't expect to make this one today.
UKS3 matthew t
(voting against Rachel) Honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I'm so sorry that I've had to do this tonight.

Final Words[]

UKS3 rachel bw
Tinuke and Nathan couldn't even look me in the eye, so I knew something was up straight away. I think I've been eliminated because they're playing the game now, so they want to get rid of the threats, and I'm clearly the threat. Good luck to them, that's all I have to say. Good luck. I think it's a big mistake but they'll soon find that out, won't they.

Still in the Running[]

UKS3 richard bw
UKS3 sabrina bw
UKS3 rach bw
UKS3 rachel bw
La Nena
UKS3 ashleigh t
La Nena
UKS3 christopher t
La Nena
UKS3 doug t
La Nena
UKS3 hannah t
UKS3 jess t
UKS3 laurence t
La Nena
UKS3 lee t
La Nena
UKS3 leilani t
UKS3 matthew t
UKS3 nathan t
La Nena
UKS3 pegleg t
La Nena
UKS3 ren t
UKS3 shai t
UKS3 tinuke t



Survivor U.K. (2023) Episodes
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