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This is the third episode of Survivor U.K. (2023).


Day 6[]


Caletón wake up in better spirits.

Caletón woke up in better spirits having defeated La Nena for the first time in the previous immunity challenge. Laurence stripped naked on the beach in an homage to Richard Hatch. Meanwhile on La Nena, the tribe reflected on having to go to Tribal Council and vote out Sabrina. Lee told Rach and Hannah about how he believed strength was vital for the tribe to succeed down the road, which annoyed Rach.

UKS3 pegleg t
Sabrina going home was a complete shock. I think because of that, we are now all totally immersed in the game. It has become real.
UKS3 lee t
Going forward I'm looking at strength to win these challenges. Good swimmers, strong people. I'm looking at Doug, Pegleg, Christopher. The girls are great but I definetly feel more of an alliance with the men.

Rach told Ashleigh and Ren about what Lee had said to her, and they all believed Lee would be the first man gone due to his sour attitude and how he tends to target people on the tribe who aren't men. Back at camp Lee told Christopher and Doug that voting should always be about who is the weakest physically, and that that makes the men automatically allies. Doug seemed hesitant but Lee insisted he was not dividing by gender lines, and it was purely on the grounds of physical strength.

UKS3 ren t
I feel really close with Ash and Rach, but that doesn't mean you can trust them. I don't think there is anyone in camp who I can fully trust at the moment, and I don't think you should in Survivor.
UKS3 doug t
Lee is of the mindset that, in simple terms, whoever doesn't perform at a challenge that day goes out of the game. You know, it's a crazy strategy, in my opinion. You just can't do that. You could be sending someone home who you don't want to send home. It's not the way I'm going to play Survivor. That's absolutely no way. It's not about physical strength it's actually about mental and social attitudes. People who can keep their cool under pressure, not panic and not let paranoia get to you, and remain trustworthy. That's what makes a strong tribe. I'm going to let Lee dig his own hole and when it's time to cut him off, then see you later.


Tree mail advises the tribes to pick their "quickest thinker" to go to the outpost.

Tree Mail arrives and it advises both tribes to select one tribemate to go to "the outpost", this person had to be considered the tribe's "quickest thinker". Laurence was voted to go for Caletón while Ren volunteered to go for La Nena.

UKS3 laurence t
I think I was chosen because I'm seen as somewhat bright. I think wacking in big words as I tend to do fools a lot of people. Hopefully I prove them right.
UKS3 ren t
It is very important that I am the one who does this because I have not been excelling in the physical element of the challenges. I have to excel in the mental element and I hope this could be something positive for me.


The outpost.

At the outpost, the tribe members had to make a choice between three rewards: a large fish for the tribe, a small fish for the tribe with the clue to a Hidden Immunity Idol that they must share with another tribe member, and a baked potato for the tribe with a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol that they could keep for themselves.

Laurence returned with the large fish and told Caletón the truth, as he didn't want news of the idol getting out and causing chaos in the tribe. Despite this, he told them what all three options were, including the part about the idol. Ren took the small fish, and told La Nena that they had to choose between fish and a small bag of rice. Their tribe seemed to buy Ren's lie.

UKS3 jess t
Oh my goodness, I mean, if there was an immunity idol and he's chosen the big fish for us all, that shows a lot of trust to me. Or is he pretending? Who knows? I just want to eat the fish.
UKS3 ren t
I take home the small fish and the clue that I would get to share with someone. It's really tiny and the tribe might think I'm lying, but I need an idol. So now my plan is to lie to all my new friends.

UK3EP03Ren shares the clue

Ren shares their clue with Doug.

While Ren was gone Lee grew suspicious of the fish Ren brought back, believing it was not good enough to be a reward implimented by the show. Meanwhile, Ren shared the clue with Doug and told him what her options actually were. After sharing the clue, they disposed of the note by ripping it up and burying it.

UKS3 ren t
The tribe might think I'm lying. That's definitely a negative, but a positive is that I have a clue. And the fact that you must share it with someone else - yeah it's obviously a downside. The ideal is I have an idol and nobody knows about it, but I think, at this point, I really need trust with a small group of people that I'm working with, and even better to have it with just one person. And I'm conscious that Ash and Rach are closer to each other than I am with them. So I don't know if telling one of them... They might tell the other. But alternatively, there's Doug, who I've felt quite close with since day 1. I get the impression that he's going to play quite an honest, straightforward game. And so I think I'm probably going to share this clue with Doug.
UKS3 lee t
Ren brought back a fish - a bream to be exact. They are knoen to not have much meat on their body. I'm sure if this was some reward, the Survivor gods would've brought us a bigger fish. Suspicious.

Day 7[]


The immunity challenge, Hot Pursuit.

At the Immunity Challenge, Caletón beat La Nena by not letting any of their tribe members drop. After winning the challenge, Christopher asked Laurence details about the outpost and the fish Ren had brought back. Laurence told him about the different options, and that the fish was smaller, leading Christopher to distrust Ren.

UKS3 christopher t
Caletón got a big fish, we didn't. Why?

Lee targeted Ashleigh and Rach as he believed that they were the weakest compared to the men, Hannah, and Ren's close relationship with Doug spared them from the discussion. Lee and Pegleg talked to Ashleigh at the water well, telling her that her and Rach were on the chopping block. Ashleigh said she'd think about voting out Rach, despite the fact that the two had become very close. Ashleigh and Rach then spoke on the shores, warning her that they may have to vote eachother out due to Lee targeting them both.

UKS3 ashleigh t
I really don't trust Lee. Rach is my best friend here, but I can imagine that there's a solid chance the two of us are probably the ones that'll be on the chopping block to go home tonight. If this vote doesn't go my way, I'm... I'm going to be out.
UKS3 rach t
I feel like Lee's already playing a big game, trying to pick the women off one by one. And a little bit of me thinks that they will vote for Ash before they vote for me

Lee then confessed to the tribe that as Rach was a personal trainer, he felt she was more at fault than Ashleigh for struggling in the challenges, arguing that she was not putting in enough effort.

UKS3 christopher t
I don't want either Rach or Ashleigh to go. I get on with them both. They've become, like, my closest friends out here. But I do think Lee is the forefront of making these decisions. I think he's taken this leader role and I don't really have any option but to go along with it, because otherwise that puts me at risk.

UK3EP03La Nena at Tribal

The La Nena tribe at Tribal Council.

At Tribal Council, the tribe reflected on their challenge strategy failing. Lee says he underestimated other people's ability, and that the loss was no fault of his own. Rach and Ashleigh argued by saying that Lee's strategy hindered the tribe's ability and brought up the topic of gender roles and the implicit sexism leading to them being targeted, which Lee fiercely denied.

UK3EP03Rach torch snuff

Rach is voted out for struggling in challenges.

Before reading the votes, Joel asked the tribe if anyone was in possession of a Hidden Immunity Idol for the first time this season, to the surprise of a few tribemates. In the end, both Rach and Ashleigh were forced to turn on each other, and Rach was voted out in a 5-3 vote.


Immunity Challenge: Hot Pursuit
Tethered together in opposite sides of an oval course, the two tribes will wade around while carrying a fifteen-pound backpack each. Players can drop out of the challenge at will, but they must give their pack to someone before unclipping themselves from the rope. The first tribe to catch the opponent and touch one of their members wins immunity.
Winner: Caletón

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 3:
La Nena
UKS3 rach t
Rach (5 votes)
UKS3 ashleigh tUKS3 christopher t
UKS3 doug tUKS3 hannah tUKS3 ren t
Ashleigh, Christopher, Doug, Hannah, Ren
UKS3 ashleigh t
Ashleigh (3 votes)
UKS3 lee tUKS3 pegleg tUKS3 rach t
Lee, Pegleg, Rach
UKS3 rach bw
Rach Carstairs

Voting Confessionals[]

Ren and Christopher's votes were not shown during their confessionals.

UKS3 pegleg t
(voting against Ashleigh) Ash, I think you're great, but I think the other team members have got a lot to offer strength-wise right across the board.
UKS3 hannah t
(voting against Rach) I just don't feel like you're someone I can work with, sorry.
UKS3 ren t
(voting against Rach) I'm pretty sure it's not you tonight, but I'm sorry anyway.
UKS3 ashleigh t
(voting against Rach) The last name I wanted to write down. I hope you forgive me.
UKS3 rach t
(voting against Ashleigh) I am voting for Ash. I am very sad to be doing this, but it means possibly keeping my place in the game.
UKS3 christopher t
(voting against Rach) I am so, so sorry.

Final Words[]

UKS3 rach bw
I do feel sad to be leaving Survivor, but I know that I gave it my best shot. To the other remaining players, I would say good luck, but just to watch their backs. I think Lee's coming for them.

Still in the Running[]

UKS3 richard bw
UKS3 sabrina bw
UKS3 rach bw
La Nena
UKS3 ashleigh t
La Nena
UKS3 christopher t
La Nena
UKS3 doug t
La Nena
UKS3 hannah t
UKS3 jess t
UKS3 laurence t
La Nena
UKS3 lee t
UKS3 leilani t
UKS3 matthew t
UKS3 nathan t
La Nena
UKS3 pegleg t
UKS3 rachel t
La Nena
UKS3 ren t
UKS3 shai t
UKS3 tinuke t



Survivor U.K. (2023) Episodes
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