Challenge:Rove, Rove, Rove Your Boat Divided into teams of four, castaways must paddle a raft to a buoy to retrieve four sets of paddles. Once collecting all of their paddles, the teams must use the letters on the paddles to solve a phrase ("A Win Tastes Good"). The first team to correctly spell the phrase wins. Reward: Gourmet hotdogs with beer and letters from home. Additional Stipulation: The person not chosen to join either team will sit out of the challenge, but will enjoy hotdogs and beer and receive a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol. Winner: Blue Team (Chané Mynhardt, Palesa Tau, Toni Tebbutt, and Werner Joubert)
Challenge:Splash Back Each castaway will hold onto a rope and lean off a platform over water. At regular intervals, the castaways will have to move their hands down the rope, making it harder to lean off the platform. Once a castaway falls into the water, they will be eliminated from the challenge. The last castaway left standing wins. Additional Stipulation: While the challenge is in progress, Nico Panagio would tempt castaways to forfeit the challenge in exchange for food. Winner:Katinka Oosthuizen
(voting against Chané) My plan was to be the only person writing your name down tonight, so hopefully you're not going home and something big is about to happen.
(voting against PK) This has been a long time coming. You voted for me very early on in the game, you've not liked me from day one, and I don't think I've been able to trust you since day one. Cheers.
(voting against Tom) Tom, you are the most impractical, ill-mannered and annoying person I've met in my life. FYI: you never offered me your idol because you were stuck between a rock and a hard place, remember?
I think I'm still in shock, it was a very dramatic exit. I am very sad, I think I could've gone a few more rounds. But I'm very proud of the way I played. I absolutely regret nothing. It just wasn't my night, this game is wack! This game is wack!
This marks the first Tribal Council in the franchise where three castaways played Hidden Immunity Idols.
This is the second time overall when three idols were played at the same Tribal Council, after the final six Tribal Council in Survivor: Game Changers.