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This is the season premiere of Survivor South Africa: Maldives.


Day 1[]

Day 2[]

The "Celebs" convene for their first Reward Challenge. Nico reveals that the celebrity contestants will now be divided into two teams, with the sandbags on which they are standing determining their tribe allocations. Nico hands out the buffs and divides the contestants into the blue and yellow teams. Hykie Berg, Tshepo Maseko, Carmel Fisher, and Bonnie Henna find themselves on the yellow team, while MXO Lokwe, Jacques Terre'Blanche, Roxy Burger, and Vanessa Haywood are on the blue team. Meanwhile, Philicity finds that she has stood on the black sandbag, and is not assigned to a tribe.

ZAS4 jacques t
ZAS4 mxo t
ZAS4 roxy t
ZAS4 vanessa t
ZAS4 bonnie t
ZAS4 carmel t
ZAS4 hykie t
ZAS4 tshepo t
ZAS4 philicity t

After the challenge, Nico instructs the Celebs to return to Celeb Beach as a single group, leaving the nine contestants uncertain as to their tribal affiliations.

Later, a group of Maldivian locals passes the "Plebs" "Boat Mail". They are notified of an upcoming Immunity Challenge, but are still unclear as to who their opponents are.

The "Plebs" show up to the Immunity Challenge and Nico directs the men to grab a buff from a bag to determine their tribes, then the women. The yellow team consists of Tejan Pillay, Malusi Mbambo, Harry Wiggins, Letshego Moshoeu, and Tasleem Vally, while the blue team comprises Lukhanyo Nontshinga, Simon Coetzer, Sean September, Sindi Lukhele, and Alison de Chazal. Nico separates the teams, and explains the rules of the Immunity Challenge. The team that loses will head to Tribal Council and vote out one member.

ZAS4 alison t
ZAS4 lukhanyo t
ZAS4 sean t
ZAS4 simon t
ZAS4 sindi t
ZAS4 harry t
ZAS4 letshego t
ZAS4 malusi t
ZAS4 tasleem t
ZAS4 tejan t

Day 3[]


Challenge: Mud Sumo Wrestling
Each castaway uses a padded bag to push against the other player. The first one to push the other one into the mud pit wins the round. The first team to score six points wins.
Reward: Flint and fishing kit.
Winner: Celebs Blue Team (Jacques Terre'Blanche, MXO Lokwe, Roxy Burger, Vanessa Haywood)

Challenge: Raft and the Furious
The competing teams will run to a boat and paddle out to a marker, where one member will dive down to retrieve two keys. The team will then paddle further out to the next marker; one member will use the keys to unlock a chest to release a bag of puzzle pieces. The team will paddle back, opening their bag to reveal a set of bamboo pieces each bearing a letter. They will arrange the letters to create a palindromic phrase. The first team to spell "NOW I WON" wins.
Winner: Plebs Yellow Team (Harry Wiggins, Letshego Moshoeu, Malusi Mbambo, Tasleem Vally, Tejan Pillay)

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 1:
Plebs — Blue Team
ZAS4 lukhanyo t
Lukhanyo (3 votes)
ZAS4 alison tZAS4 sean tZAS4 simon t
Alison, Sean, Simon
ZAS4 sean t
Sean (2 votes)
ZAS4 lukhanyo tZAS4 sindi t
Lukahnyo, Sindi
ZAS4 lukhanyo bw
Lukhanyo Nontshinga

Voting Confessionals[]

Simon's confessional was shown after Lukhanyo's final words.

ZAS4 lukhanyo t
(voting against Sean) I'm voting you off, Sean. I think Survivor is teamwork. Cheers, man.
ZAS4 simon t
(voting against Lukhanyo) The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, so it has to be you.

Final Words[]

ZAS4 lukhanyo bw
I love the game, I actually thought I was gonna go further than that, but um, it's a very challenging game. It just shows, um, it's not about surviving the island, it's also about surviving the people around you.

Still in the Running[]

ZAS4 lukhanyo bw
ZAS4 alison t
ZAS4 bonnie t
ZAS4 carmel t
ZAS4 harry t
ZAS4 hykie t
ZAS4 jacques t
ZAS4 letshego t
ZAS4 malusi t
ZAS4 mxo t
ZAS4 philicity t
ZAS4 roxy t
ZAS4 sean t
ZAS4 simon t
ZAS4 sindi t
ZAS4 tasleem t
ZAS4 tejan t
ZAS4 tshepo t
ZAS4 vanessa t



Survivor South Africa: Maldives Episodes
Episode 1 · Episode 2 · Episode 3 · Episode 4 · Episode 5 · Episode 6 · Episode 7 · Episode 8 · Episode 9 · Episode 10 · Episode 11 · Episode 12 · Episode 13 · Episode 14 · Reunion