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This is the third episode of Survivor South Africa: Champions.


Night 3[]

Day 4[]

At the Reward Challenge, Selatan won a very valuable reward. Mark Fish's reluctance to strategize before challenge cost his tribe, stirring resentment from some Utara members, especially Sonette, who was not chosen to make a puzzle that she knew could make.

ZAS5 mark t
Hopefully, it makes them a little more comfortable seeing me as their captain; and then I'll give them everything; and then, hopefully, as I said, we will move forward together and win the next challenge, hopefully. And then… Who knows?

Day 5[]

Over on Selatan, Corné Krige is leading a very different tribe. Despite their positive attitude, they lost immunity for a second time. At Tribal Council, the Rugrats alliance split the votes between Philip and Marsha, catching Philip off-guard and sending Marsha — one of Corné's favorite players on the tribe — home


Challenge: Winching Challenge
One at a time, three members of each tribe will hold a rope and race out into the water to a platform with crates. They will clip the rope to one of the crates, allowing three members on a winch to retract the rope and pull in the crate. Once all three crates have been retrieved, the tribe will use a crowbar to open the crates to uncover puzzle pieces. While the tribe holds the winch, the final three castaways will clip puzzle pieces onto the winch cable, arranging the pieces to display a portrait of the legendary pirate Ching Shih. The first tribe to solve their puzzle wins.
Reward: Fishing gear.
Winner: Selatan

Challenge: TBA
The tribe captains will dig in the sand for a machete. Upon retrieving the machete, the captains will cut through four ropes to release a ball down an overhead chute. The first captain to have their ball be caught by legendary South African soccer player Jimmy Tau wins.
Reward: Jimmy Tau will play for the winning tribe in the Immunity Challenge.
Winner: Selatan

Challenge: Magic Boot[1]
Each tribe will assign three defenders to stand on balance beams in front of a goal. The strikers on the opposing tribe will then attempt to kick balls into the goal, while the defenders try to prevent their opponents from scoring. Each round, the tribe will attempt to strike ten balls into the goal; the tribe that scores more goals wins that round. The tribe that wins best of three wins.
Winner: Utara

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 2:
ZAS5 marsha t
Marsha (5 votes)
ZAS5 altaaf tZAS5 gena t
ZAS5 graham tZAS5 philip tZAS5 shona t
Altaaf, Gena, Graham, Philip, Shona
ZAS5 philip t
Philip (4 votes)
ZAS5 david tZAS5 marsha tZAS5 moyra tZAS5 zavion t
David, Marsha, Moyra, Zavion
ZAS5 marsha bw
Marsha Wessels

Voting Confessionals[]

Marsha was shown writing down Philip's name.

ZAS5 gena t
(voting against Marsha) Marsha, first you went around spreading stories. Then, you even tried using my name in a not-so-good light, so, in order to protect myself…
ZAS5 zavion t
(voting against Philip) Philip, you seem shady, I don't trust you, that's why I wrote your name down tonight.

Final Words[]

ZAS5 marsha bw
I am not disappointed at all. All it means is they voted me out tonight, and I expected to be voted out because I'm quite strong, but I brought my part to… to the camp and to the challenges. Would I have played it differently? I don't think so. Uh, my integrity is still intact. I've met Corné, and he's an awesome person, my hero, and I've just had an awesome experience in Survivor South Africa.

Still in the Running[]

ZAS5 ashleigh bw
ZAS5 marsha bw
ZAS5 altaaf t
ZAS5 buhle t
ZAS5 david t
ZAS5 gena t
ZAS5 graham t
ZAS5 killarney t
ZAS5 marian t
ZAS5 moyra t
ZAS5 philip t
ZAS5 shane t
ZAS5 shona t
ZAS5 sivu t
ZAS5 solly t
ZAS5 sonette t
ZAS5 stephen t
ZAS5 vel t
ZAS5 zan t
ZAS5 zavion t


  • This marks the first time that a split vote has been executed in Survivor South Africa.


Survivor South Africa: Champions Episodes
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