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This is the second cycle of Survivor Québec (2023), covering episodes 3 to 6.


Suite à une première élimination, les tribus s'affrontent dans une épreuve pour déterminer qui gagnera une récompense.
Following the first elimination, the tribes compete in a challenge to determine who will win a reward.

—Episode Description

Night 3[]

Kalooban returned to camp after voting Martin. Knowing she was Martin's target, Vicky quickly thanked the tribe for not voting her out. Other people, such as Sylvain, was a bit more emotional seeing him leave.

QCS1 vicky t
J'étais nerveuse, je savais que Martin voulait m'éliminer. T'sais, les gens, ils peuvent te dire: "Oui, oui. Non, non, t'es safe, c'est correct." Mais c'est stressant pareil.
I was nervous, I knew that Martin wanted to eliminate me. You know, people can say: "Yes, yes. No, no, you're safe, it's OK." But it's still stressful.
QCS1 sylvain t
J'ai trouvé ça un peu émouvant quand même, parce que Martin, c'était ma première alliance et il avait tellement bien commencé ça avec moi pis Karine, mais après ça, il y est allé agressif, il voulait absolument son nombre de six mais sans même avoir connu les personnes, pis je pense que c'est ça qui a joué contre lui.
I found it a little emotional still, because Martin, he was my first ally and he started it so well with me and Karine, but after that, he went aggressive, he absolutely wanted his group of six without even knowing the people, and I think that's what played against him.

Day 4[]

After 4 days, the Kalooban tribe finally received their flint and steel along with a bag of rice.

QCS1 sylvain t
Hier soir, on avait parti un feu, faque ce matin, en se levant, on avait un petit peu braise. Un petit coup de flint, le feu est reparti.
Last night, we started a fire, so this morning, when we woke up, we had a little ember. A little hit of flint, the fire reignited.
QCS1 maryse t
Je suis tellement excitée, c'est le premier courrier de la saison faque, pour moi, c'était un cadeau tombé du ciel, et on ouvre le parchemin en se demandant: "Est-ce que c'est l'immunité? Est-ce que c'est par rapport au prochain défi? Est-ce que c'est par rapport à de la nourriture?" Enfin, parce que ça fait trois jours qu'on mange pas. [...] On était tellement excitées qu'on s'est mis tout de suite à courir vers le camp pour l'annoncer aux autres dans notre tribu. Notre première poche de riz à Survivor!
I'm so excited, it's the first treemail of the season so, for me, it was a gift from heaven, and we open the parchment and we ask ourselves: "Is it the immunity? Is it related to the next challenge? Is it related to food?" Finally, because we haven't eaten in three days. [...] We were so excited that we ran right away to the camp to announce it to the tribe. Our first rice pouch at Survivor!

Over on Tiyaga, the discussions on which direction the shelter should face resurfaced, which creates discord among the tribe.

QCS1 sango t
On est encore en train de parler du fait que l'abri est pas du bon bord. [...] Moi je veux le tourner de bord, JJ veut le tourner de bord… Les autres, y en a beaucoup qui suivent. On dirait que c'est pas tout le monde qui veut mettre son point là-dessus.
We're still talking about the fact that the shelter isn't heading the right way. [...] I want to turn it, JJ wants to turn it… The others, there's a lot who follows. It seems like not everyone wants to put their point on it.
QCS1 joel t
J'ai pas envie d'être pilote en ce moment, je fais tout ce que je peux pour me retirer des décisions.
I don't want to be the main driver right now, I do everything I can to remove myself from decisions.
QCS1 marika t
Moi, dans le fond, ma stratégie, c'est d'être en arrière-plan. Moi, je veux pas être une leader parce que les gens, ils veulent savoir c'est qui les leaders, pour après ça, les éliminer.
Me, at the end of the day, my strategy is to be in the background. I don't want to be a leader because people want to know who's the leader to eliminate them after.
QCS1 johannie t
J'en ai un peu marre que les gens s'écoutent parler. par exemple, Sango, il parle, il parle, pis il est très envahissant pour plusieurs joueurs.
I'm a little bit tired of people who talks to themselves. For example, Sango, he talks, he talks, and he's very overwhelming for many players.

Sango tries to talk to the tribe about taking a final decision, but no decision is taken, to the anger of Sango, who opens up about this with Simon.

QCS1 simon t
Y'a pas vraiment de leader dans la tribu parce que c'est un rôle très dangereux à Survivor, d'être le leader, de donner des ordres.
There's not really a leader in the tribe because it's a very dangerous role in Survivor, to be the leader, to give orders.

After, Jean-Junior talks with Joël about expanding his alliance (Unbeknownst to Joël, who wasn't made aware of Jean-Junior's previous attempts at making an alliance) and even making a duo together.

After this discussion, Joël quickly talks with Marika to go over Jean-Junior's offer, solidifying the duo between Joël and Marika.

QCS1 joel t
Mon alliée principale, avec qui j'ai envie de travailler, c'est Marika.
My number one ally, with whom I wanna work with, is Marika.

Jean-Junior, in return, talks with Simon about both alliances in making sure to create a majority with Christophe, Joël, Kimberly and Marika.

QCS1 jeanjunior t
J'utilise Joël pour le moment, parce qu'il connaît le jeu, il connait la game, pis je veux pas qu'il connaisse nos intentions de l'alliance de six tout de suite.
I'm using Joël for now, because he knows the game, he knows how to play it, and I don't want him to know our intentions for the alliance of six right now.
QCS1 simon t
Mon alliance avec JJ, c'est pas clair, selon moi. J'ai pas encore été capable de discerner vraiment de quel côté du tableau il se situe. Je doute encore de la confiance que je peux lui accorder.
My alliance with JJ, it's not clear, in my opinion. I haven't been able to detect which side of the board he's really on. I still doubt about the trust I can give him.

Later in the day, Jean-Junior starts doubting Simon, similar to how Simon distrusts Jean-Junior.

QCS1 jeanjunior t
Là, c'est sûr qu'on est dans un jeu, pis on comprend tout ça, mais on commence à avoir certains doutes de loyauté de la part de Simon.
Now, it's sure that we're in a game, and I understand that, but we're starting to have doubts about Simon's loyalty.
QCS1 christophe t
Ça fait trois fois qu'on va le voir, cachés dans le bois, pour lui dire: "Là, on comprend pas pourquoi telle et telle affaire." On voulait amener Sandrine avec nous. Simon, lui-même, nous dit: "Faut attendre. C'est pas le moment. On va le faire, mais plus tard." Deux minutes après, de lui-même, il va la revoir. Finalement, c'est comme s'il passe pour le bon gars face à Sandrine, de lui commencer à lui parler de ça. Ça laisse semer énormément de doutes.
It's the third time we go see him, hiding in the woods, to tell him: "Now, we don't understand why this and that." We wanted to bring Sandrine with us. Simon, himself, says: "We need to wait. It's not the right time. We'll do it, but later." Two minutes later, by himself, he goes to see her. Finally, it's like if he's trying to pass as the good guy, to start talking with her about that. It leaves us with a ton of doubt.

Christophe, under the name of himself and Jean-Junior, goes to confront Simon about their doubts. However, Simon took it personally and actually pushed him closer to Sango.

QCS1 simon t
Pourquoi est-ce qu'il faut tout le temps se rassurer? Tout le temps confirmer qu'on est ensemble? La confiance, c'est la chose la plus précieuse, t'es en train de me dire qu'entre toi et moi, on a pas ça? [...] Me faire dire: "Je doute de ta loyauté"... Si tu veux douter de ma loyauté, check bien, tu vas douter en tabarouette. Ma loyauté maintenant est nulle.
Why do we always need to reassure ourselves? Always confirm that we're together? Trust, it's the most precious thing, you're telling me that between you and me, we don't have that? [...] To be told: "I'm doubting your loyalty"... If you want to doubt my loyalty, look at that, damn you're going to doubt. My loyalty is now null.
QCS1 sango t
Moi pis Simon, on est comme ça. On est meilleurs amis.
Me and Simon, we're like this. We're best friends
QCS1 simon t
On vit les mêmes stress, on a les mêmes inquiétudes parce qu'on a les mêmes problèmes.
We have the same stresses, we have the same worries because we have the same issues.
QCS1 sango t
On va pas se mettre en alliance avec du monde qui stresse. Au conseil de tribu, c'est le genre de personnes qui va stresser pis qui va faire capoter le plan, pis ça on veut pas.
We don't want to be in alliances with people who are stressed. At tribal council, it's the type of people who will stress and will blow up the plan, and we don't want that.

At the Kalooban camp, they used their fire to boil some eggs and some snails to give them strength for today's challenge.

QCS1 vicky t
On a gagné des œufs, le premier défi, faque là, on est en train de les faire cuire pour les faire à la coque, faque ça va faire du bien.
We won eggs, the first challenge, so now, we're boiling them to make hard-boiled eggs, so this will be good for us.
QCS1 denis t
Pour moi, aujourd'hui, c'est une nouvelle journée, on a mangé un peu d'oeufs, on a mangé des escargots…
For me, today, it's a new day, we ate a little bit of eggs, we ate snails…

At the challenge, Tiyaga gets their first look at the new Kalooban tribe, minus Martin, which shocks Joël.

The Reward challenge, Nut Bucket, sees two tribe members, one men and one women, holding onto a rope connected to a large net. The remaining castaways attempt to shoot coconuts into the opposing tribe's nets, increasing the weight load. The first tribe to get all members of the opposing tribe to drop their nets wins fishing gear.

On Tiyaga, Jean-Junior and Johannie holds the net while Joël sit out for the tribe. On Kalooban, Pierre-Alexandre and Martine holds the net.

Tiyaga tries to pile all of their coconut on Pierre-Alexandre's net while Kalooban, despite being a little more equal with their coconuts, still seems to target Jean-Junior's net first. Pierre-Alexandre's net is the first to fall. After 18 minutes, Martine's net fell, which gave a third victory to Tiyaga.

After the challenge, Jean-Junior opens up about doing this for his brother, who has mobility issues due to a car accident. Later, Sandrine mentions in front of the camp how beautiful she felt Jean-Junior's message was.

QCS1 jeanjunior t
J'ai pensé à mon frère tout de suite parce que, mon frère, il a eu un gros accident d'auto, pis il souffre tous les jours. Il vit avec la douleur, la souffrance, donc moi, je suis capable de vivre avec un autre 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes.
I thought about my brother immediately because, my brother, he had a big car accident, and he suffers everyday. He lives with pain, with suffering, so I can live with another 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes.

Back at the Kalooban camp, the tribe is devastated with their third loss, especially Martine, who felt like she let her tribe down.

QCS1 martine t
C'est drôle, parce que quand on le voit, à Survivor, on dit: "Ah, c'est challengeant, ce qu'ils vivent." Mais ce l'est vraiment, challengeant. Y'a vraiment pas de ressources, pis tu dois continuer à performer. Je le savais que c'était pour être difficile. Mais que je donne pas la performance que je pensais… ça c'est encore plus difficile.
It's funny, because when we see it, at Survivor, we say: "Ah, it's challenging, what they're going through." But it really is, challenging. There's no resources, and you need to keep performing. I knew it was going to be hard. But to not give the performance I wanted… that's even harder.

Les stratégies vont bon train dans les deux tribus et c'est la chasse aux immunités cachées. Qui trouvera l'indice en premier?
The strategies are going well in the two tribes and it is time for the hunt for Hidden Immunity Idols. Who will find the clue first?

—Episode Description

Day 4[]

The episode opens on the Tiyaga tribe, with everyone trying out the new fishing equipment from the Reward Challenge. Johannie leads the tribe with her experience.

QCS1 johannie t
Parce que je viens d'un petit village de pêcheurs, je pêche au printemps, je pêche l'été. On pêche toutes sortes de poissons. Pour moi, gagner ce kit-là, étant Acadienne, c'est la plus belle chose qui peut m'arriver là.
Because I come from a small village of fishermen, I fish in spring, I fish in summer. We fish all sorts of fish. For me, winning this kit, being Acadian, it's the best thing that could've happened.

Over on Kalooban, the women are starting to start the fire. After some struggling, Martine ended up starting it.

QCS1 martine t
T'sais, tu penses que t'as la pierre à feu, pis que ça va partir d'une shot comme un briquet, là. Mais c'est loin d'être ça, là. Puis j'avais essayé deux-trois fois, pis j'y arrivais comme pas, faque j'ai laissé toutes les filles faire. Pis un moment donné, bien, elles avaient les bras morts, faque je suis partie à le faire. [...] J'étais vraiment contente, c'est comme si ça venait un peu patcher la défaite que j'avais eue. [...] T'sais, on voulait tellement manger, que c'est comme si c'était mon cadeau à eux autres que je pouvais leur donner, là. Ça m'a vraiment émue. Je me sens super émotive. Chaque chose que je fais, ça vient vraiment me chercher, là.
You know, you think you have the flint and steel, and that it's going to ignite in one shot like a lighter, you know. And I tried two or three times, and I couldn't do it, so I let the other girls do it. And at a certain point, well, their arms were tired, so I attempted it. [...] I was really happy, it's like if I fixed the defeat I had. [...] You know, we wanted to eat so much, it's like if I did a gift for them that I could give, you know. Everything I do, it really comes and gets me.

Back at the Tiyaga camp, Sango notices some tics on Simon's shirt. Afterwards, they quickly discuss about who to eliminate on their first tribal council, which sums up to breaking up either Christophe or Jean-Junior due to their close relationship and their paranoia. They quickly both share their plan, starting with Sango telling Kimberly, which even if she understands, she still worries about lying to them.

QCS1 sango t
Moi pis Simon, on est comme ça, on est meilleurs amis.
Me and Simon, we're close like that, we're best friends.
QCS1 sango t
On veut pas se mettre en alliance avec du monde qui stresse pis qui va faire capoter le plan. Faque là, la nouvelle alliance qui est en train de se faire, ça a commencé de moi et Simon. Aujourd'hui, on avait comme plan d'aller chercher Sandrine et Kimy. Moi, je vais chercher Kimy, lui, il va chercher Sandrine.
QCS1 kimberly t
Je joue beaucoup avec mon cœur, en ce moment, et non avec ma tête, donc je les aime d'amour Chris pis JJ, pis c'est les premières personnes avec qui j'ai fait un contact.
I'm playing a lot with my heart, and not with my head, so I really like with my heart Chris and JJ, and they're the first people with whom I had a connection.
QCS1 sango t
Je pense qu'elle va finir par comprendre, pis elle va finir par venir avec nous, parce qu'elle va comprendre que je veux vraiment la rendre avec nous jusqu'à, minimum, la fusion.
I think she'll end up understanding, and she'll come with us, because she'll understand and I really want to let her with us until, minimum, the merge.
QCS1 kimberly t
Ses points sont valables. Y'a de la logique dans qu'est-ce qu'il dit, à réfléchir pour mon jeu, c'est sûr.
He has valid points. There's logic and what he says, to think about for my game, that's for sure.

Their morning routine quickly gets interrupted with Marika bringing treemail back to camp.

QCS1 marika t
Ce matin, j'étais en train de ramasser du bois pour qu'on se fasse un feu ce soir. Pis il y avait du courrier. Le drapeau était levé, donc j'étais tout excitée, je l'ai pris, je l'ai apporté à la gang.
This morning, I was collecting wood to make a fire for ourselves tonight. And there was treemail. The flag was up, so I was all excited, I took it, and brought it back to the gang.

Over on Kalooban, Pierre-Alexandre is the one to notice the treemail.

It says that a Hidden Immunity Idol has been hidden, along with some clues to help them.

QCS1 maryse t
L'immunité cachée, ça vaut tout l'or du monde à Survivor. Imagine que je tombe dessus. Ouais. Je suis excitée!
The Hidden Immunity Idol, it's worth all the gold of the world at Survivor. Imagine I get it. Yeah. I'm excited!

Both tribes split up to try and hunt individually for the idol.

After Johannie leaves to go search somewhere else, Christophe, near her, decides to look over where she was and ends up finding a clue, which he shared with Jean-Junior, Kimberly and Marika.

QCS1 christophe t
Je suis allé dans les roches, Johannie s'y trouvait. J'ai cherché un petit peu partout, là, ça a été quand même un peu long, mais les deux on cherchait au même endroit, alors Johannie, un moment donné a décidé de lâcher et est sorti de là. Pis, je suis allé directement où elle était simplement pour vérifier, pis j'ai trouvé une petite affaire bien le fun. Il fallait que je la cache, parce que là, je regardais à l'entour de moi et il y avait quand même Sango, de mon équipe. Alors là, j'ai pogné un tas de feuilles dans mes mains, donc je suis reparti avec. Et je l'ai mis dans l'endroit que je croyais le plus sécure, qui était dans mon arrière-train. Et, mon ami J est arrivé, alors je lui ai dévoilé mon secret, parce qu'on se fait totalement confiance.
I went to the rocks, Johannie was there. I looked a little bit everywhere, you know, it took a while, but we both searched at the same place, so Johannie, at a certain point decided to give up and left. And, I went directly where she was simply to check, and I found something really fun. I had to hide it, because, I was looking around me and there was still Sango, from my team. So, I took a pile of leaves in my hands, so I left with it. And I put it in the place I thought was the safest, which was my behind. And then, my friend J arrived, so I told him my secret, because we totally trust eachothers
QCS1 kimberly t
Aujourd'hui, Christophe, il est venu m'annoncer qu'il avait trouvé un indice pour l'immunité cachée, donc là présentement, qui qui est au courant, c'est Christophe, JJ, moi et Marika. Donc, on est un quatuor un peu plus en ce moment.
Today, Christophe, he came to announce that he found a hint for the immunity idol, so right now, for the people who know, there's Christophe, JJ, me and Marika. So, we're a quartet a little bit more right now.

Over on Kalooban, Nicolas opens up about not wanting to find the idol, since he doesn't want the target on his back.

QCS1 nicolas t
À ce stade-ci de la game, je veux pas la trouver parce que je pense que ça mettrait une grosse cible sur mon dos. Pour le moment, je veux pas qu'ils me voient comme étant intimidant.
At this stage of the game, I don't want to find it because that would put a huge target on my back. For now, I just don't want them to see me as threatening.

Instead, the clue is found by Karine.

QCS1 karine t
Un moment donné, je suis juste tombée sur un arbre, où est-ce que les feuilles ressortent vers le haut. [...] J'en reviens juste pas, j'espère que je suis la première à avoir trouvé un indice ici. [...] Et là, il faut que je retourne au camp sans que ça paraisse. Ça adonne super bien, parce que j'ai mon gros chandail, donc je mets ça dans mon short, je mets mon coton ouaté par-dessus, donc ni vu ni connu. Ça paraît pas trop, et je retourne au camp.
At a certain point, I just found a tree where it had leaves which emerged to the top. [...] I just can't believe it, I hope I'm the first to find that clue. [...] And then, I need to go back to the camp without seeming like it. Luckily, I had my big shirt, so I put it in my shirt, I put my hoodie above, so it goes unnoticed. It doesn't show too much, and I go back to camp.

This idol hunt allows Sylvain to solidify his duo with Maryse, who also took the opportunity to discuss potential targets. From there, Justine's name came out due to her isolation from the rest of the tribe, along with her struggling with life at camp.

QCS1 sylvain t
Quand on est allés faire un tour dans la forêt tantôt, moi et Maryse, on a consolidé notre alliance de deux. [...] Pis on a parlé des prochaines personnes qui seraient à éliminer. [...] On a parlé de Juju qui se plaint beaucoup, pis qui a tout le temps des maux, pis qui performe pas toujours non plus dans les challenges.
When we left to walk in the forest earlier, me and Maryse, we solidified our alliance of two. [...] And we talked about the next people to eliminate. [...] We talked about Juju, who complains a lot, and who always has pains, and who doesn't always perform in challenges.

Back at the Tiyaga camp, Simon is talking with Johannie and Marika about various member of the tribe, including Joël, who supposedly threw Johannie's name, Sango, who worries Simon on a longer term, and Chris, who believes is the biggest threat and need to go, which comes back to what he said earlier about them.

QCS1 marika t
Au début, dans notre grosse alliance, on avait Simon avec nous. Pis on pensait que Simon était super, super loyal, pis on a réalisé que Simon parlait vraiment a beaucoup de monde, un peu partout, pour un peu les amadouer, pis les mettre de son côté.
At the beginning, in our big alliance, we had Simon with us. And we thought that Simon was really, really loyal, and we realized that Simon talks a lot with a lot of people, a little bit everywhere, to try to appease them, and put them on his side.

Marika then went to talk with Christophe about her discussion with Simon, which then got out of control, as Christophe and Marika told Kimberly that Simon would've told Marika that Christophe emotionally manipulates people in life.

QCS1 christophe t
Hier, je parlais avec Marika, parce qu'on s'ennuyait de nos copines, dans le fond. Simon est allé dire à Marika que j'étais un manipulateur émotionnel. Il lui a dit que pendant ces deux heures de temps-là, j'ai que joué avec son mental émotivement.
Yesterday, I talked with Marika, because we missed our girlfriends, essentially. Simon went to say to Marika that I was an emotional manipulator. He told her that during these two hours, that I played with her mental emotionally.
QCS1 marika t
Christophe, il était vraiment sincère, il a eu la chair de poule qui est venue, il était émotif, il était fâché que sa réputation est un peu en jeu, qu'il l'a fait passer comme un manipulateur.
Christophe, he was really sincere, he had goosebumps, he was emotive, he was angry that his reputation was a little bit in jeopardy, that he made him pass as a manipulator.

Over on Kalooban, Maryse, Pierre-Alexandre and Vicky who are near the beach and end up discussing potential targets. The name of Justine comes back once again, solidifying her target. Justine then opens up to Denis about feeling left out of the tribe discussion, as more people opens up about wanting to eliminate her.

QCS1 vicky t
Elle donne son 100%, mais là, aujourd'hui, c'est comme un petit peu plus difficile pour elle. Elle est fatiguée: "Oh, j'ai mal à la tête", faque t'sais, y'a ça qui rentre en ligne de compte aussi.
She gives it her all, but then, today, it's a little bit harder for her. She's tired: "Oh, my head hurts", so you know, that is taken into consideration as well.
QCS1 justine t
Le fait que je me sente pas bien, je pense que ça joue en ma défaveur, parce que j'ai pas pu donner et m'impliquer autant que je voulais. [...] Parce que chez nous, je suis pas comme ça. Je suis la rassembleuse, donc c'est difficile. J'ai l'impression que c'est peut-être un clash de personnalités. Pourtant, dans ma tête, je fais rien. Pis habituellement, je vois vraiment ce que je suis capable de faire de pas correct, pis là, je le vois pas. [...] Denis m'a rassuré un peu, mais Denis, il dit des compliments tout le temps. Des fois, ça fait plaisir de savoir que des gens t'apprécient quand même, mais, est-ce que c'est vrai? On est quand même dans un jeu de petites menteries.
The fact that I'm not feeling good, I think this plays against me, because I couldn't give and involve myself as much as I wanted. [...] Because back at home, I'm not like that. I'm bringing people together, so it's hard. I have the feeling that it's maybe a clash of personalities. However, in my head, I'm doing nothing. And usually, I know what I'm doing wrong, and now I don't see it. [...] Denis reassured me a little, but Denis, he gives compliments to everyone. Sometimes, it's fun to know that people appreciate you, but still, is it true? We're still in a game of little lies.

Sylvain offers to look for clues with Martine and Karine, but Karine declines due to "needing to go fish with the tribe". Before leaving, however, she hides her clue in her bag.

QCS1 karine t
Là faut que je me change, mais comment je prends ça? Je le mets là-dedans, ça me tente pas de laisser ça nulle part. Je vais aller me changer, pis je vais essayer de cacher ça quelque part.
I need to change clothes, but how do I do it? I put it in the bathing suit, I don't want to leave it anywhere. I'm going to change, and I'll try to hide this somewhere.

She puts the clue in her bathing suit top while she hides the jute envelope in the tribe's tool box. Martine leaves to go look for the idol, and she falls on a symbol carved on a tree. She believes that it is a clue and leads her to the very same tool box that has Karine's jute. There, she found a small rope, presumably the rope that was tied to Karine's clue. Martine then believes that it is either a clue or even the idol. Finally, they fell on the jute envelope and believe it is a clue. She decided to keep it between her and Denis, who was with her while looking through the toolbox.

QCS1 martine t
Moi, je suis très curieuse dans la vie, quand il y a quelque chose de caché là, je suis très, bien, je dirais… ratoureuse, mais dans le sens que j'aime ça trouver les affaires. Pis, en marchant, je regardais les arbres, pis je me disais: "Faut pas que ce soit si simple, mais en même temps faut pas que ce soit trop compliqué non plus." Il y avait comme des réflexions dans ma tête, que j'essayais de décortiquer quelque chose. Pis un moment donné, je suis tombée sur un arbre qui avait comme un "J" dessus. Faque selon moi, c'est un indice. Donc, je me suis dit: "Qu'est-ce qu'il pourrait y avoir en J, t'sais?" La seule chose qui me venait à l'esprit c'est de la jute, pis on en a dans notre coffre à outils.
I'm someone who's really curious in life, when there's something hidden, I'm really… clever, but in the way that I love finding stuff. And, while walking, I was looking at the trees, and I told myself: "It can't be this easy, but also it can't be too hard." There was this reflection in my head, that I was trying to decipher something. And then, I found a tree that had like a "J" on it. So in my opinion, it's a clue. So I told myself: "What could start with a J, you know?" The only thing that came to mind was the jute, and we have that in our toolbox.
QCS1 denis t
Je me dis: "Hum, ça a l'air un petit peu trop suspect pour être l'immunité." J'étais très emballé, très heureux sauf que ceci n'est pas une immunité.
I told myself: "Mmh, it looks a little bit too suspicious to be an immunity." I was really excited, really happy, but this is not immunity.
QCS1 denis t
Je vois mon entourage et des gens de confiance comme une espèce de poupées russes. Ma petite poupée russe à qui je fais une confiance aveugle, c'est Martine. Tout de suite après, ça remonte vers P-A avec Karine. Tout de suite après, c'est Maryse avec Nico, et le reste, ils sont dans la dernière poupée. C'est des gens que je vais travailler pour éliminer, quand le temps va être bon.
I see my surroundings and the people I trust like some kind of Russian doll. My little Russian doll that I give full trust to, it's Martine. Right after, it goes towards P-A with Karine. Right after, it's Maryse with Nico, and the rest, they're in the last doll. It's the people that I'll work on eliminating, when the time will be right.

Vicky finds the second clue.

QCS1 vicky t
Je regardais dans les troncs, je regardais dans les racines, je regardais s'il y avait quelque chose qui avait pas de l'air à sa place, mais t'sais, dans la jungle, je vais dire franchement que toute a pas de l'air à sa place. Je descends dans une petite crevasse, il y avait un arbre. Je creuse, et là, je trouve l'indice, je le dis là, j'ai jamais mis quelque chose aussi vite dans mes bobettes. J'ai un indice.
I was looking in the trunks, I was looking in the roots, I was looking if there was something that didn't seem at its place, but you know, in the jungle, I'll say frankly that nothing looks at its place. I went down in this small crevice, there was a tree. I was digging, and then, I found the clue, I'm telling you, I never put something that fast in my underwear. I have a clue.

On Tiyaga, Joël finds the second clue.

QCS1 joel t
Tout le monde est parti à gauche, parti à droite, on a cherché pendant plusieurs heures, et j'ai fini par arriver près d'un arbre, et dans l'arbre, je trouve ça! C'est l'indice officiel, en route vers le premier immunité. [...] C'est une arme. Vous croyez que ce n'est qu'un bout de jute, eh bien, non, là. Je possède une arme nucléaire dans Survivor.
Everyone went to the left, went to the right, we searched for many hours, and I finished near a tree, and in the tree, I found this! It's the official clue, on the road to the first immunity. [...] This is a weapon. You think this is just a piece of jute, well no. I have a nuclear weapon in Survivor.

Les tribus s'affrontent dans une épreuve très physique pour déterminer quelle équipe aura l'immunité lors du prochain Conseil de tribu.
The tribes compete in a very physical challenge to determine which one will have immunity from the next Tribal Council.

—Episode Description

Day 5[]

The episode opens up in the Tiyaga camp, with Jean-Junior talking about the tribe leaving to try and find the Hidden Immunity Idol.

QCS1 jeanjunior t
Ça a été un matin paisible. Tout le monde est parti chacun de son bord. Il y a une immunité cachée qu'on a pas trouvée encore. En tout cas, je crois que ça a pas été trouvé. On avait une stratégie, Christophe et moi, on a trouvé un indice ensemble pour trouver l'immunité cachée, pis il fallait aller chercher où il y avait des roches. Faque on est parti pensant que personne nous regardait, avec un filet de pêche pour aller trouver l'immunité cachée.
It was a peaceful morning. Everyone left in separate ways. There's a hidden immunity that wasn't found yet. Anyways, I think it wasn't found. We had a strategy, Christophe and I, we found a clue together for the immunity idol, and we had to look where there were rocks. So we went thinking that no one was looking, with the fish net to find the idol.

This raised suspicions from Isabelle and Johannie, who thought it was weird that they weren't in the forest.

QCS1 sango t
Depuis ce matin, le monde continue à paranoïer, ça continue à chercher l'indice.
This morning, everyone keep being paranoid, it keeps looking for clues.

Joël, the second holder of the clue, ends up looking in the same spot where Christophe and Jean-Junior were, which makes them believe that Joël has the clue or is watching them. After some discussions, they decide to confront him.

Joël, who felt threatened by the direct approach the duo took, blew up to them and denied the claim, saying that he was around to join them and just fish. He also took the opportunity to talk with them about how the rest of the tribe sees them as a duo.

QCS1 joel t
Je pense que tout le monde, en ce moment, dès qu'ils font une tâche, cherchent l'immunité caché. Moi, je prends pour acquis que tout le monde est constamment en train de la chercher, faque je savais que probablement qu'ils regarderaient dans ce coin-là en même temps qu'ils sont allés, mais ils ont trouvé ça louche que j'aille les rejoindre dans cet emplacement-là. [...] Là, je suis tombé sur la défensive parce que je me suis senti attaqué. [...] Ça m'a fait un peu paranoier parce qu'à la base, je suis supposé avoir un solide quatre avec JJ, Christophe, Marika et moi. [...] Je n'ai comme plus envie de travailler avec ces gars-là. J'aime pas ça me sentir constamment sur la défensive.
I think that everyone, right now, as soon as they are doing a task, looks for the hidden immunity. Me, I take for granted that everyone is constantly looking for it, so I know they were looking in that side while going fishing, but they thought it was odd that I went with them. [...] I fell on the defensive because i felt attacked. [...] It makes me paranoid because at the start, I was supposed to have a solid four with JJ, Christophe and Marika. [...] I like don,t want to work with these guys. I don't like feeling constantly on the defensive.

Over on Kalooban, with no one having any information on the immunity idol, the tribe keep looking for clues while letting paranoia roam through the camp, with people like Sylvain looking for them while collecting wood or Denis talking with Maryse for information.

Nicolas is now aware of the relationships on the tribe and his position within.

QCS1 nicolas t
Si j'ai bien compris les dynamiques en ce moment, notre tribu est gérée par trois duos. Donc on a P-A et Karine, on a Martine et Denis, pis on a Maryse et Sylvain. Ces trois-là en ce moment ont pas mal le contrôle. [...] L'autre moitié de la tribu, on a moi, Vicky et Justine. Des informations que j'ai entendues, je suis pas mal sûr qu'en ce moment, Vicky et Justine sont plus en danger que moi.
So if I understand the dynamics correctly, our tribe is managed by three duos. So we have P-A and Karine, we have Martine and Denis, and we have Maryse and Sylvain. Those three right now pretty much have control. [...] The other half of the tribe, there's me, Vicky and Justine. From what I've heard, I'm pretty sure that right now, Vicky and Justine are more in danger than me.

The discussion of who would go home if they go back to tribal is brought up once again by Sylvain and Martine, confirming the claims of the previous episode that Justine would be voted out.

QCS1 justine t
Les gens se dispersent autour de moi, sans nécessairement que je sois inclus. [...] Je pense qu'une victoire ne ferait pas de tort à personne. Y'en a qui ont peut-être moins à prouver, mais pour ceux qui ont besoin de se prouver comme moi, je veux dire, un deux-trois jours de plus, ça me ferait du bien, pis je pourrais juste un petit peu mieux respirer.
People are dispersing around me, without necessarily being included. [...] I think a victory wouldn't hurt anybody. Maybe some have less to prove, but for those who need to prove themselves like me, I mean, two or three more days, it would be good for me, and I could just breathe a little.

Day 6[]

Back at Tiyaga, in preparations for the next Immunity Challenge, Sango makes a speech to hype the tribe.

Both tribes are invited to the set to battle in Sumo at Sea. Christophe ends up sitting out for the Tiyaga tribe.

The first match-up is Johannie for Tiyaga versus Justine for Kalooban. With a more defensive stand throughout the match-up, Justine gets the first point for Kalooban.

The second match-up is Simon for Tiyaga versus Sylvain for Kalooban. Simon takes a more offensive approach, landing him the first point for Tiyaga. After getting back with his tribe, Patrice calls out Simon's cocky attitude following his victory.

The third match-up is Marika for Tiyaga versus Maryse for Kalooban. Maryse swiftly pushes Marika out, giving Kalooban a second point.

The fourth match-up is Sandrine for Tiyaga versus Martine for Kalooban. Martine quickly took the advantage and was able to overpower Sandrine, giving a third point for Kalooban.

The fifth match-up is Sango for Tiyaga versus Pierre-Alexandre for Kalooban. Sango opts to do the challenge barefoot, and with a lack of grip on the slippery platform, gives Kalooban a fourth point.

The sixth match-up is Joël for Tiyaga versus Nicolas for Kalooban. Joël pushes himself on Nicolas, barely beating Nicolas and giving a second point to Tiyaga.

The seventh match-up is Isabelle for Tiyaga versus Karine for Kalooban. Karine was able to take control of the fight and win the final point for Kalooban.

Back at camp, Tiyaga felt defeated after losing a first challenge. Jean-Junior opens up a discussion with the tribe, asking them to be more humble in the future, in reference to Simon's reaction after his match-up.

Despite not agreeing with what he said, Simon was aware that he needed to be more careful.

QCS1 simon t
Je me suis senti un peu visé par le discours de Jean-Junior. De dire que ça tombe dans l'arrogance, je suis pas d'accord. Je sais que je suis très expressif dans mes réactions lorsque je fais un bon coup. J'aime le célébrer. Je vais me calmer, je suis pas dans une belle position du tout présentement, je me suis mis les pieds dans les plats. Mon plan, présentement, c'est de me cacher dans la broussaille.
I felt a bit targeted by Jean-Junior's speech. To say that it was arrogant, I disagree. I know I'm really expressive in my reactions when I do something good. I like to celebrate it. I will calm myself, I'm really not in a good position right now, I put a foot in my mouth. My plan, right now, is to hide in the bushes.

On Kalooban, the mood is much better. The tribe is congratulating Justine for giving the first point, which gives her a new hope. She thanks Karine for her cheering, which hits her emotionally.

QCS1 justine t
Je suis vraiment contente d'avoir gagné aujourd'hui. Ça peut juste me faire du bien, on dirait que je peux vaincre tout ce qui se passe sur mon passage.
I'm really happy to have won today. It can only do me good, it feels like I can overcome anything on my path.

QCS1 karine t
C'est important pour moi d'encourager Justine parce que… On se cachera pas qu'elle était en danger. Elle était en danger mais ça reste une bonne personne. Je l'ai trouvée magnifique. Je la lâchais pas jusqu'à tant qu'elle ait fini ce combat. Je suis vraiment vraiment fière d'elle.
It was important for me to cheer Justine because… I'm not going to hide that she was in danger. She was in danger, but it's still a good person. I found her amazing. I didn't let her go until she finished that battle. I'm really proud of her.

Le moral est difficile chez la tribu perdante qui doit éliminer un de ses joueurs. Qui deviendra la 2e personne à quitter Survivor Québec?
Morale is difficult for the losing tribe which must eliminate one of its players. Who will become the second person to leave Survivor Québec?

—Episode Description

Day 6[]

The episode opens on Kalooban, with the tribe boiling coconut juice, reminding them of the taste of coffee.

QCS1 martine t
Oh, mon dieu, c'était délicieux. Vraiment là, ça a tourné comme une genre de tisane, mais quelque chose de chaud, réconfortant. Ça a été le grand succès ce matin.
Oh, my god, it was delicious. Really, it turned into something like tea, but something warm and comforting. It was the big success of the morning.

Over on Tiyaga, they are working on baits for the fish, with Isabelle crushing molluscs.

Despite being the only one working with the fishing gear, Johannie is still happy to do so, since it gives her leverage on the tribe.

QCS1 johannie t
Je me sens un peu en charge de cette trappe à poissons là, puis y'a personne qui va l'installer sauf moi. Puis, ça me dérange pas pantoute d'aller la mettre toute seule, parce qu'ils veulent pas perdre leur trappe. Puis, t'sais, si des fois ils essaient de me faire un coup de cochon, un petit blindside par en arrière, pis de m'éliminer, bien, aujourd'hui, ils sauraient même pas où est la trappe.
I feel a bit in charge of this fish trap, and there's no one to install it other than me. And it doesn't bother me at all to put it alone, because they don't want to lose their trap. And you know, if they might try to do a dirty shot, a little blindside in the back, and eliminate me, well, today, they wouldn't know where the trap is.

The first name to be said out loud was Simon, said by Christophe. Sango went and told Simon that information.

QCS1 sango t
On a fini par comprendre que Simon manipulait tout le monde. Tout le monde se parlait contre, tout le monde était en train de se mettre contre, puis on a compris que derrière tout ça, y avait Simon.
We ended up understanding that Simon manipulated everyone. Everyone spoke behind other's back, everyone was putting themselves against, and we understood that behind it all, there was Simon.

Simon voiced his concerns to Johannie and Isabelle that asking everyone on their thoughts regarding tribal might've made people uncomfortable, to which Johannie replied saying that no matter what, it was important to get the strategy going.

QCS1 simon t
Isabelle et Johannie sont vraiment deux personnes avec qui j'ai envie de continuer à travailler. Mon lien avec les garçons, Chris, Sango et JJ est vraiment brisé. C'est de ma faute à moi, je dois réparer les pots cassés, alors c'est l'opération dans laquelle je me lance.
Isabelle and Johannie are two people that I really want to continue working with. My bridges with the boys, Chris, Sango and JJ are really broken. It's my fault, I need to repair the broken pots, so it's the operation that I'm starting to work on.

Simon then talks with Jean-Junior to try and flip the direction the vote is going, to which Jean-Junior replied that Simon broke a lot of moral values that Jean-Junior upholds.

QCS1 simon t
Tout à l'heure, JJ m'a confié vraiment qu'il avait été déçu de certaines actions que j'ai posées. C'est quelque chose que j'ai vraiment respecté de sa part, parce que je l'ai senti très honnête. Je crois même pas que JJ est capable de mentir. C'est pas dans ces capacités, c'est quelqu'un qui va droit au but.
Earlier, JJ confided that he was really disappointed from certain things I did. It's something I really respected from him, because I felt he was really honest. I don't think that JJ is able to lie. It's not in his capacities, it's someone who goes straight to the point.

Despite that, Jean-Junior still wishes to keep Simon around for his physical strength. From here, he calls out Isabelle and Kimberly as potential targets, with him preferring Isabelle as a boot over Kimberly.

However, things aren't simple, as the tribe seems to be divided between Isabelle and Kimberly. For Joël, he mentions having no relationship with Kimberly and would prefer voting her out. From his perspective, the votes would be divided so that Christophe, Jean-Junior and Sango votes Isabelle while trying to get Joël and Marika. However, the claims of the previous day where Simon called Christophe a manipulator resurfaced and threaten once again Simon's place among the tribe.

Marika then has a talk with her alliance of Christophe, Kimberly, Sandrine and Sango. The name of Isabelle quickly came up, and seems to be the consensus of the group, despite Marika not feeling it.

QCS1 marika t
T'sais, Isabelle, je l'aime beaucoup, je veux pas qu'elle parte, mais c'est sûr qu'en ce moment, on dirait l'unanimité… pis il faut que je suive le groupe, mais j'ai de la misère. J'ai de la misère parce que je suis vraiment dans un combat entre ma tête pis mon coeur, vraiment.
You know, Isabelle, I like her a lot, I don't want her to leave, but it's for sure that right now, it feels unanimous… and I need to follow the group, but I struggle. I struggle because I really am in a battle between my head and my heart, really.

QCS1 jeanjunior t
Pour ce soir, c'est dans le béton. Je crois qu'y aura pas de surprise. Notre alliance, qui est majoritaire, va voter pour Isabelle, pis probablement l'alliance qui est minoritaire va voter pour Kimberly. Fait que ça va jouer entre les deux, mais étant donné qu'on a le compte, je pense que j'ai pas peur pour Kimberly.
For tonight, it's locked. I don't think there'll be any surprises. Our alliance, who's in majority, will vote for Isabelle, and probably the alliance in minority will vote for Kimberly. So it will be between the two, but considering we have the numbers, I think I'm not scared for Kimberly.

Tiyaga arrives at Tribal Council. Patrice talks with Isabelle about hearing her name, and decides to make a pitch to the tribe. From here, whispers quickly start blowing up as Christophe talks publicly about what Simon said. Simon then spoke up and defended his actions, saying that it was purely a game move and he shouldn't apologize for it.

Simon votes against Christophe, while everyone else votes against Simon due to his scheming, eliminating him from the game. Simon's torch is snuffed, and the Tiyaga tribe heads back to their camp.


Reward Challenge: Nut Bucket
Two tribe members will hold onto a rope connected to a large net. The remaining castaways attempt to shoot coconuts into the opposing tribe's nets, increasing the weight load. The first tribe to get all members of the opposing tribe to drop their nets wins.
Reward: Fishing gear.
Winner: Tiyaga

Immunity Challenge: Sumo at Sea
Each tribe will square off one-on-one sumo style. In each round, the opponents, both of the same gender, will hold a padded bag and try to knock their opponent off the platform and into the water. The first tribe to score five points wins immunity.
Winner: Kalooban

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 2:
QCS1 simon t
Simon (9 votes)
QCS1 christophe tQCS1 isabelle tQCS1 jeanjunior tQCS1 joel t
QCS1 johannie tQCS1 kimberly tQCS1 marika tQCS1 sandrine tQCS1 sango t
Christophe, Isabelle, Jean-Junior, Joël, Johannie, Kimberly, Marika, Sandrine, Sango
QCS1 christophe t
Christophe (1 vote)
QCS1 simon t
QCS1 simon bw
Simon Paradis-Lacroix

Voting Confessionals[]

QCS1 christophe t
(en votant contre Simon) On était des amis, je ne sais pas ce qui t'a pris. Ainsi va la vie.
(voting against Simon) We were friends, I don't know what got into you. But that's the way life goes.
QCS1 jeanjunior t
(en votant contre Simon) Désolé.
(voting against Simon) Sorry.
QCS1 johannie t
(en votant contre Simon) À contrecoeur, j'aurais aimé t'emmener avec moi jusqu'à la fin.
(voting against Simon) I'm reluctant, I would have liked to take you to the end with me.
QCS1 marika t
(en votant contre Simon) T'as émis des propos, des actions, qui ont dépassé mes limites.
(voting against Simon) Your words and actions have crossed a line.
QCS1 sango t
(en votant contre Simon) J'élimine le joueur, mais j'ai découvert un ami.
(voting against Simon) I'm eliminating the player, but I found a friend.
QCS1 simon t
(en votant contre Christophe) Pour ce que ça vaut.
(voting against Christophe) For what it's worth.

Final Words[]

QCS1 simon bw
Dire que j'en veux à quelqu'un, c'est très fort. De dire que je n'aurais pas dû m'associer à certaines personnes, c'est le bon mot. C'est vraiment Chris avec qui je n'ai jamais cliqué. Je n'ai jamais senti que Chris était honnête envers moi. Je me suis retrouvé dans une alliance avec lui d'entrée de jeu. Je n'aimais pas le fait qu'il soit le leader de cette alliance-là, que tout le monde semble triper sur lui, que tout le monde lui fasse confiance, alors que pour moi c'était tout le contraire. J'ai tenté de renverser la vapeur, ça s'est reviré contre moi. C'est exagéré de m'avoir accusé d'avoir des mauvaises valeurs. La manipulation, ça fait partie de Survivor, c'est la tactique que j'ai utilisée. Peut-être que j'ai joué à l'américaine dans un jeu québécois. Terminer 18e sur 20, ce n'est vraiment pas comme ça que personne s'imagine venir ici. On vient ici en pensant qu'on va vivre un conte féérique, que l'émission va raconter notre histoire du début jusqu'à la fin. Malheureusement pour moi, ça se termine aujourd'hui. Ça ne sera pas comme ça pour tout le monde, c'est comme ça pour moi.
To say that I blame someone is very strong. To say that I shouldn't have associated with certain people is the right word. It's really Chris who I never clicked with. I never felt that Chris was honest with me. I found myself in an alliance with him from the outset. I didn't like the fact that he was the leader of that alliance, that everyone seemed to like him, that everyone trusted him, whereas for me it was quite the opposite. I tried to turn the tides, it turned against me. It is exaggerated to accuse me of having bad values. Manipulation is part of Survivor, that's the tactic I used. Maybe I played like an American in a Quebecois game. Finishing 18th out of 20, that's really not how anyone imagines coming here. We come here thinking that we are going to live a fairy tale, that the show will tell our story from beginning to end. Unfortunately for me, it ends today. It won't be like that for everyone, it's like that for me.

Still in the Running[]

QCS1 martin bw
QCS1 simon bw
QCS1 christophe t
QCS1 denis t
QCS1 isabelle t
QCS1 jeanjunior t
QCS1 joel t
QCS1 johannie t
QCS1 justine t
QCS1 karine t
QCS1 kimberly t
QCS1 marika t
QCS1 martine t
QCS1 maryse t
QCS1 nicolas t
QCS1 pierrealexandre t
QCS1 sandrine t
QCS1 sango t
QCS1 sylvain t
QCS1 vicky t


Secret Scenes[]

Un faux indice pour Kim!: Sango Bien-Aimé pulls a prank on Kimberly Fortin by hiding a fake clue on the island.[1]

Behind the Scenes[]

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Survivor Québec (2023) Cycles
Cycle 1 (Ep. 1-2) · Cycle 2 (Ep. 3-6) · Cycle 3 (Ep. 7-8) · Cycle 4 (Ep. 9-12) · Cycle 5 (Ep. 13-14) · Cycle 6 (Ep. 15-18) · Cycle 7 (Ep. 19-20) · Cycle 8 (Ep. 21-24) · Cycle 9 (Ep. 25-26) · Cycle 10 (Ep. 27-33) · Cycle 11 (Ep. 34-38) · Cycle 12 (Ep. 39-44) · Cycle 13 (Ep. 45-50) · Cycle 14 (Ep. 51-56) · Cycle 15 (Ep. 57-62) · Cycle 16 (Ep. 63-64) · Cycle 17 (Ep. 65-67)