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This is the eleventh cycle of Survivor Québec (2023), covering episodes 34 to 38.


Les joueurs choisissent officiellement le nom de leur nouvelle tribu et s'affrontent lors d'une épreuve de récompense éprouvante.
Players officially choose the name of their new tribe and compete in a gruelling Reward Challenge.

—Episode Description

Day 24[]


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Ce soir, l’équipe gagnante de l’épreuve profite d’une récompense culinaire qui fera bien des vagues.
Tonight, the winning team of the event enjoys a culinary reward that will make waves.

—Episode Description

Day 24[]

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Day 25[]


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De nombreuses surprises attendent les joueurs lors de l’encan Survivor Québec.
Many surprises await players at the Survivor Québec Auction.

—Episode Description

Day 25[]


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Une épreuve d’immunité classique à Survivor pousse les joueurs à aller au bout d’eux-mêmes. Ce soir, qui rejoindra l’île de la rédemption?
A classic Survivor Immunity Challenge pushes players to their limits. Tonight, who will join Redemption Island?

—Episode Description

Day 26[]


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Benoit Gagnon anime SURVIVOR QUÉBEC EN PROLONGATION, une émission pour les fans qui en veulent encore plus!
Benoit Gagnon hosts SURVIVOR QUÉBEC EN PROLONGATION, a show for fans who want even more!

—Episode Description

Survivor Québec en prolongation with Benoît Gagnon, Alexandre Despatie, Tammy Verge, Johannie Thériault, Denis Potapov, and Marika Guay.


Reward Challenge: Mud Pack
In two teams of four, players dive into a mud pit and cover their body with as much mud as they can. They then race back and scrape it off into a bucket. They may only transport mud on their torso, and are not allowed to carry it with their arms or hands. Once all of their buckets are full, one team member must destroy four targets using balls of mud to win.
Reward: A barbecue on a boat, including beer, chicken skewers, fish, fruits, porc skewers, ribs, and vegetables.
Additional Stipulation: The odd player out would return immediately to camp and choose a smaller reward, either a bag of rice or a jar of cookies.
Winners: Jean-Junior Morin, Maryse Lauzon, Sandrine Fortier, and Sango Bien-Aimé (Justine Turpin was the odd player out and chose the jar of cookies, which she shared with her tribemates; Jean-Junior Morin gave up his spot at the reward to Justine Turpin)

Reward Challenge: Survivor Québec Auction
Each castaway will be given ₱2000 to bid on items such as food in increments of ₱100. They are not allowed to share money nor food. The auction will end without notice.

Purchase Breakdown
QCS1 christophe tQCS1 jeanjunior tQCS1 joel tQCS1 justine tQCS1 karine tQCS1 kimberly tQCS1 maryse tQCS1 sandrine tQCS1 sango t
Christophe, Jean-Junior, Joël, Justine, Karine, Kimberly, Maryse, Sandrine, Sango
Item Winner Bid
Cold beer and nuts QCS1 jeanjunior t
Chocolate cake QCS1 karine t
Bowl of nachos with dipping sauce
Maryse was offered to switch this item for a covered item, which she accepted. The covered item was
a larger bowl of nachos, including cheese, meat, salsa, and vegetables, with a margarita on the side.
QCS1 maryse t
Covered Item
(Popcorn, candy, and soft drink)
QCS1 kimberly t
Secret advantage
(Extra Vote)
QCS1 sandrine t
Bucket of KFC
Justine had the right to share her food with one other person. She chose Christophe.
QCS1 justine t
Foot massage lasting the rest of the auction, and a soda QCS1 justine t
Covered Item
(Bowl of rice and glass of water)
QCS1 joel t
Covered Item

Before opening the bid, Patrice presented a french fry as a hint.
QCS1 joel t
Mystery Scroll

Sango would receive this prize after the auction.
He had the right to share his prize with two other people. He chose Christophe and Karine.
QCS1 sango t
^1 Christophe, Joël, Sandrine, and Sango all put the maximum bid for the item, so a rock draw was held to determine who won the item. Sandrine won the rock draw, though the losers did not lose their money.

Immunity Challenge: Last Gasp
The castaways must swim under a steel grate and keep their head above water. As the tide rises, they will run out of breathing room. If the fear of drowning becomes too much, they can bail out. The last person still under the grate wins the challenge.
Winner: Jean-Junior Morin

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 11:
QCS1 sango t
Sango (5 votes)
QCS1 christophe tQCS1 jeanjunior t
QCS1 justine tQCS1 karine tQCS1 kimberly t
Christophe, Jean-Junior, Justine, Karine, Kimberly
QCS1 christophe t
Christophe (4 votes)
QCS1 joel tQCS1 maryse tQCS1 sandrine tQCS1 sango t
Joël, Maryse, Sandrine, Sango
QCS1 sango t
Sango Bien-Aimé
(sent to Redemption Island)

Voting Confessionals[]

QCS1 christophe t
(en votant contre Sango) Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk... Sango, tu te dis mon ami et que tu ne changeras jamais d'alliances, qu'on est invincible... Je t'ai eu, mon chum.
(voting against Sango) Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk... Sango, you said you were my friend and that you would never change alliances, that we are invincible. I got you, my friend.
QCS1 jeanjunior t
(en votant contre Sango) C'est avec un grand plaisir que j'écris ton nom. Un membre infidèle de mon alliance.
(voting against Sango) It's with great pleasure that I am writing your name. A disloyal member of my alliance.
QCS1 justine t
(en votant contre Sango) Désolée, Sango, je fais maintenant partie de la grosse alliance.
(voting against Sango) Sorry, Sango, I am now a part of the big alliance.
QCS1 sandrine t
(en votant contre Christophe) J'ai adoré être ton alliée, mais j'ai jamais été ta priorité numéro un, ni numéro deux, ni numéro trois, quatre, cinq... peut-être six.
(voting against Christophe) I loved being your ally, but I was never your first priority, nor your second, nor your third, fourth, fifth... maybe sixth.

"Final Words"[]

QCS1 sango t
Je m'attendais à ce que mon nom sorte, je m'attendais juste pas à ce quelqu'un trahisse. Je ne sais pas c'est qui. Si c'était Maryse, c'est sûr que ça me ferait un petit quelque chose, parce que c'est la seule fois où j'ai laissé mes émotions prendre le dessus. Je trouve ça vraiment cool d'avoir une deuxième chance. La vengeance va être bonne.
I expected my name to come up, I just didn't expect anyone to betray me. I don't know who it was. If it was Maryse, for sure it would hurt me a little because this was the only time I let my emotions take over. I think it's really cool to have a second chance. Revenge is going to be good.

Still in the Running[]

QCS1 martin bw
QCS1 simon bw
QCS1 vicky bw
QCS1 isabelle bw
QCS1 johannie bw
QCS1 denis bw
QCS1 marika bw
QCS1 martine bw
On Redemption
QCS1 sylvain t
On Redemption
QCS1 nicolas t
On Redemption
QCS1 sango t
QCS1 christophe t
QCS1 jeanjunior t
QCS1 joel t
QCS1 justine t
QCS1 karine t
QCS1 kimberly t
QCS1 maryse t
QCS1 sandrine t


Secret Scenes[]

  • Chris se fait mal à l'oreille: Christophe Tiffet needs treatment following an incident involving his ear.[1]
  • Jean-Junior manque à l'appel: The players' island is vast and this time Jean-Junior Morin is missing! Is it just a bad joke on his part...[2]

Behind the Scenes[]

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Survivor Québec (2023) Cycles
Cycle 1 (Ep. 1-2) · Cycle 2 (Ep. 3-6) · Cycle 3 (Ep. 7-8) · Cycle 4 (Ep. 9-12) · Cycle 5 (Ep. 13-14) · Cycle 6 (Ep. 15-18) · Cycle 7 (Ep. 19-20) · Cycle 8 (Ep. 21-24) · Cycle 9 (Ep. 25-26) · Cycle 10 (Ep. 27-33) · Cycle 11 (Ep. 34-38) · Cycle 12 (Ep. 39-44) · Cycle 13 (Ep. 45-50) · Cycle 14 (Ep. 51-56) · Cycle 15 (Ep. 57-62) · Cycle 16 (Ep. 63-64) · Cycle 17 (Ep. 65-67)