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This is the seventh episode of Survivor New Zealand: Thailand.


Day 19[]

The two tribes arrive to compete in the Reward Challenge. In Round 1: Adam and Eve are on the posts; while Brad, Tara; Dave, and Arun are in charge of removing them. Dave and Arun win a point for Chani, but Arun calls out the unfairness of two big guys dragging a small woman half their size through the mud, and Chani decide to concede the challenge rather than keep going.

The two tribes have to select one person each to The Outpost, Lisa and Dave are chosen. The challenge is revealed to be a word scramble spelling out a phrase revealing the mystery reward. While the challenge is underway, Dave finds a scroll. Lisa wins the challenge by spelling out the phrase 'YOU CAN STEAL A VOTE'. Matt Chisholm explains that the advantage can only be used at the next Tribal Council she attends. Lisa confesses that she's nervous about using it as two of her all-time favourite players Cirie Fields and Stephen Fishbach saw themselves lose the game partly because of the Vote Steal advantage.

Upon returning to camp after the Outpost challenge, Dave reads the scroll and it's revealed to be a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol. He finds the Idol hidden underneath the water well. He also tells the tribe about Lisa's advantage.

Day 20[]

With the Immunity Challenge looming, the original Khangkhaw members (Brad, Lisa, Tara and Tess) conspire to throw the challenge knowing Adam and Matt are outnumbered 4-2 in Chani after Dylan's flip. On the Chani side, they also conspire to throw the challenge in an attempt to flush out Lisa's Vote Steal before the merge.

The Immunity Challenge goes down to the wire, and despite attempting to throw the challenge, an unwell Lisa inadvertently aids Khangkhaw into completing the puzzle and winning the challenge. She confesses that it's harder to throw a challenge and be sick at the same time.

Arun, Dylan and Renee plan on taking out Matt next, but Dave (his secret real-life friend) persuades them to keep him due to his closeness with Lisa and they could use him as a double agent to get information on how she'll use the Vote Steal.

Matt Chisholm arrives at the Khangkhaw camp by boat, much to the surprise of the tribe. It's revealed that JT is considering pulling out of the game due to an ongoing health issue. Matt asks if he really wants to go through with it, and JT insists. After saying his final goodbyes to the rest of the tribe, JT steps onto the boat and leaves the game.

Tribal Council goes ahead, and Dylan is blindsided 5-1.


Challenge: Kicking and Screaming
One tribe member holds onto a pole, while two from the opposing tribe try to remove them and drag them across the finish line.
Reward: Two egg-laying hens, 12 eggs, and chicken feed.

Winner: Khangkhaw

Challenge: Word Scramble

Reward:Vote Steal advantage.
Word Scramble
Participant Result
NZS2 dave t
NZS2 lisa t

Challenge: Flips, Flops, & Flags
Contestants must maneuver a large box containing puzzle blocks over and through various obstacles. When reaching the final station, untie the blocks and use them to solve a math problem.

Winner: Khangkhaw

Tribal Council[]


Removed from Camp
NZS2 jt bw
JT Muirhead

Final Words[]

NZS2 jt bw
This is a horrible decision to have to make. Winning Survivor has been a twenty-year dream of mine, but it's not my only dream in life. 32-year-old me has a lot different priorities than 13-year-old JT and health is one of them.


Tribal Council 7:
NZS2 dylan t
Dylan (5 votes)
NZS2 adam tNZS2 arun t
NZS2 dave tNZS2 matt tNZS2 renee t
Adam, Arun, Dave, Matt, Renee
NZS2 matt t
Matt (1 vote)
NZS2 dylan t
NZS2 dylan bw
Dylan Conrad

Voting Confessionals[]

Full uncut voting confessionals were available as bonus material on TVNZ's website.

NZS2 arun t
(voting against Dylan) I just don't trust you in the long game mate.
NZS2 renee t
(voting against Dylan) I have to stick with my alliance on this one.
NZS2 dave t
(voting against Dylan) I've really enjoyed playing with you bro, but there's just no way I'm voting out Matt instead of you. At least it's a blindside, like you always wanted.
NZS2 matt t
(voting against Dylan) Man, I hope I'm not going home.
NZS2 dylan t
(voting against Matt) Two down, five to go.
NZS2 adam t
(voting against Dylan) I'm literally going to write your name every single Tribal Council until one of us goes. Like, literally. Literally.

Final Words[]

NZS2 dylan bw
I think I've got mixed emotions. I think a blindside's almost a way of someone saying to you, like, you're a threat, and so I think I kinda take comfort in that, but, you know, I'm still really gutted I'm out of this game. Trust was formed last Tribal Council and so I thought there was trust there with the group of four. They got rid of someone who I think was maybe a bigger threat than Matt at this stage.

Still in the Running[]

NZS2 jose bw
NZS2 karla bw
NZS2 franky bw
NZS2 kaysha bw
NZS2 liam bw
NZS2 josh bw
NZS2 jt bw
NZS2 dylan bw
NZS2 adam t
NZS2 arun t
NZS2 brad t
NZS2 dave t
NZS2 eve t
NZS2 lisa t
NZS2 matt t
NZS2 renee t
NZS2 tara t
NZS2 tess t

Survivor New Zealand: Thailand Episodes
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