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This is the second episode of Survivor New Zealand: Thailand.


Day 4[]

The two tribes arrive for the Reward Challenge. Upon getting their first glimpse of the new Chani, a good number of the Khangkhaw members are visibly in laughter over the fact that their opposition voted out their physically strongest member.

During the challenge, an exhausted Kaysha collapses onto the mat and the medics are called. After Khangkhaw wins reward, the medics are brought in once again when Adam starts violently throwing up. He is fine to continue, and confesses that he suspects that it was due to him overexerting himself during the challenge.

Day 5[]

Both tribes receive a post in Tree Mail. It informs them that they must select one person to visit "The Outpost". JT picks himself for Chani, Khangkhaw draw straws and Tess is tasked to go.

Both players arrive at The Outpost, where host Matt explains to them that The Outpost is a place where one player from each tribe will face a challenge or a dilemma. Today they will compete in a fire making challenge with the winner being given a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol.

After Tess wins the fire making challenge, Matt informs her that she is free to share the clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol with JT if she wishes. JT tries to convince her to share the clue with him, which she eventually accepts, a decision which she confesses was a really bad move. The clue tells them that the Idol will be hidden under one of their tribe mats at the next Immunity Challenge. Once returning to their respective camps, both players inform their tribes about the clue.

Day 6[]

The previous night was a brutal one for Chani due to a big rainstorm. Franky develops a fever and the medics are called in to check on her. She is fine to continue.

The two tribes arrive at the Immunity Challenge. As Matt explains to the tribes the rules of the challenge, Brad pretends to tie his (intentionally untied) shoelaces in order to reach under the mat, and finds the Hidden Immunity Idol where he quickly hides it in his pocket.

After the challenge, JT tells the rest of Chani that he couldn't find the Idol under their tribe mat, and they suspect that one of Khangkhaw now has it.

Chani arrives at Tribal Council, and Eve breaks down in tears talking about how she wants to win the money for her family. JT says that he believes one of Chani will win. Karla suspects that she is next to go due to being perceived as weak, and makes her best pleas to the rest of the tribe to keep her in the game. Those pleas go unanswered however, and she's voted out unanimously.


Challenge: Smash and Grab
Reward: Baskets of fruit.

Winner: Khangkhaw

Challenge: Fast Fire

Reward: Hidden Immunity Idol clue.
Fire making
Participant Result
NZS2 jt t
NZS2 tess t

Challenge: Water Torture

Winner: Khangkhaw

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 2:
NZS2 karla t
Karla (7 votes)
NZS2 arun tNZS2 dave tNZS2 eve t
NZS2 franky tNZS2 jt tNZS2 liam tNZS2 renee t
Arun, Dave, Eve, Franky, JT, Liam, Renee
NZS2 liam t
Liam (1 vote)
NZS2 karla t
NZS2 karla bw
Karla Karaitiana

Voting Confessionals[]

Full uncut voting confessionals were available as bonus material on TVNZ's website.

NZS2 liam t
(voting against Karla) You're an absolute badass.
NZS2 karla t
(voting against Liam) You've got so many opportunities in your life. Mine are running out. Sorry mate.
NZS2 jt t
(voting against Karla) Much respect, you're a very strong person.
NZS2 arun t
(voting against Karla) Hold your head up high, your kids are very proud.
NZS2 dave t
(voting against Karla) It's nothing personal, all the best in the future.
NZS2 eve t
(voting against Karla) You're the coolest mum, and your kids are going to be super proud of you.
NZS2 renee t
(voting against Karla) You're such a strong woman, and we're going to miss you around camp, sorry.
NZS2 franky t
(voting against Karla) Karla, you're an amazing person, but I need strength and longevity in this game, and I think you're missing home too much. I'm sorry.

Final Words[]

NZS2 karla bw
I'm really overwhelmed, um, I think I knew pretty well that was coming so I'm not entirely blindsided or anything. I'm really proud of what I got to do in the short time I had and I had so much more to show. It's just been a really short space of time and I haven't had the time to do that. What I'm looking forward to most is about coming of the game is that I just I get to go home to my babies. I get to see my babies again. It's everything to me. I just hope I made them so proud.

Still in the Running[]

NZS2 jose bw
NZS2 karla bw
NZS2 adam t
NZS2 arun t
NZS2 brad t
NZS2 dave t
NZS2 dylan t
NZS2 eve t
NZS2 franky t
NZS2 jt t
NZS2 josh t
NZS2 kaysha t
NZS2 liam t
NZS2 lisa t
NZS2 matt t
NZS2 renee t
NZS2 tara t
NZS2 tess t

Survivor New Zealand: Thailand Episodes
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