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This is the thirteenth cycle of Survivor México (2023), covering episodes 61 to 65.


Night 74[]

Day 75[]

Day 75[]

Day 76[]

Day 76[]

Day 77[]

Day 77[]

Day 78[]

Day 79[]


Episode 61[]

Challenge: Divided into two teams of four, each team will compete individually in a challenge that is run in three stages. The winner of each team wins reward and leadership.
Stage 1: The castaways will have one arm tied behind their backs. They will first navigate under a net in a water pit while retrieving three bags along the way. Each bag will have a key, but only one key will open a locked gate of a cage at the end of the pit, and they will have to find the correct key to unlock it. Once out of the cage, they will transport wooden cubes to a balance board, on which they will have to build five towers of three cubes each. The first three people to build their five towers and keep them standing for five seconds move on to the second stage.
Stage 2: The castaways will carry water using two gutters placed on a structure. They will have to transport the structure with one foot on top of it through a series of obstacles, before depositing the water in a container. The first two people to fill the container until water comes out of its spout move on to the final stage.
Stage 3: The final two will use two metal bars to pull a ball out of a cage. The first person to get the ball out of the cage through the hole at the top wins.
Reward: Tomahawk steak with baked potatoes and soft drink.
Winners: Eduardo Guerrero (Green Team) and Aarón Albores (Yellow Team)

Challenge: Tricky Transfer
Divided into two teams of four, each team will send two castaways to play in each round. The players will work together to transport a ball through three stations, using a different method at each station. First, they will use wooden paddles in their hands to transport the ball between the ropes connected to the paddles. At the second station, they will transport the ball on a disc-shaped platform while holding on to ropes connected to the disk. At the third station, they will use a pair of bamboo poles to transport the ball. If at any station they drop the ball, they will have to go back to the start of that station. Once the ball has been brought to the end of the course, one member of the pair will use a pole to aim and shoot two balls into two baskets, having to land one ball in each basket to score a point. The first team to score six points wins reward.
Reward: Chop suey and soft drink for each member of the team.
Winners: Eduardo's Team (Ale Saadi, Eduardo Guerrero, Nahomi Mejía, and Pablo Martí)

Episode 62[]

Reward Challenge #3: Lock Step / Word Forward
Divided into two teams of four, each team will send two castaways to play in each round, with one member acting as the caller, while the other member is blindfolded. The pair will be attached together by a rope, with the caller directing their blindfolded teammate as they make their way through an obstacle course, which includes spinning around a post to unscrew a rod and crossing a series of balance beams. At the end of the course, the pair will detach, and the caller will guide their still-blindfolded teammate to place blocks on a series of shelves, having to spell out the word "SURVIVOR" with the cubes to score a point. The first team to score eight points wins reward.
Reward: A stay for the rest of the day and night in a comfortable camp that includes food, drinks, and movies.
Winners: Aarón's Team (Aarón Albores, Aranza Carreiro, Sergio Torres, and Ximena Duggan)

Episode 63[]

Reward Challenge #4: Pole Dancing / Pinball Wizard
Divided into two teams of four, each team will send two castaways to play in each round. One member of the pair will be attached to a long piece of rope wound around a tall pole. This member will unwound the rope from the pole until they think they have enough rope to walk across a balance beam and reach a flag. Once the first member of the pair has retrieved and raised the flag, the second member of the pair will begin their part of the challenge, having to roll a ball up a ramp and into a plinko board. While the ball is rolling down the plinko board, they must solve a puzzle, while keeping an eye on the ball. When the ball is close to the end of the plinko board, the castaway must grab the ball and roll it back up the board. If the castaway misses catching the ball, they must wait for the ball to roll down to the end of a gutter before they can roll the ball back up the ramp and return to solving their puzzle. The first castaway to complete the puzzle will score a point for their team. The first team to score eight points wins reward.
Reward: A trip in a classic car to Punta Cana, where they will enjoy dinner at a restaurant and spend the night in a luxury villa.
Winners: Aarón's Team (Aarón Albores, Aranza Carreiro, Sergio Torres, and Ximena Duggan)

Episode 64[]

Challenge: Over-Extended
Castaways will stand on a narrow beam over a pool of water, while horizontally holding a pole with a ball balancing on a disc at the end of the pole. At predetermined intervals, they will move their hands further back on their pole. If they fall off the beam into the water or their ball drops, they are out of the challenge. The last person standing wins reward and immunity.
Reward: Profiteroles and coffee.
Winner: Ximena Duggan

Challenge: The castaways will compete in three rounds of a challenge that is run in five stages, with the winner of each round becoming a finalist. In the end, there will be three finalists who will compete in a final round of the same challenge. The winner of the final round wins reward and immunity.
Stage 1: The castaways will walk on stilts from one end to the other without falling, or else they will start from the last checkpoint. The first six people to reach the finish line move on to the second stage.
Stage 2: The castaways will have one hand attached to a long rope. They will walk on stilts of cubes while moving the hand along the rope it's attached to. The first four people to reach the finish line move on to the third stage.
Stage 3: The castaways will build a tower with wooden pieces of different geometric shapes. The first three people to build a tower tall enough to reach the indicated mark and keep it standing for three seconds move on to the fourth stage.
Stage 4: The castaways will walk across a rotating roller. The first two people to accomplish this without falling move on to the final stage.
Stage 5: The final two will use letters tiles to solve a word puzzle on a board. The first person to solve the puzzle and spell the correct phrase wins.
Reward: Pozole and lemonade.
Winner: Pablo Martí

Episode 65[]

Challenge: Unchained Medley
The castaways will compete in three rounds of a challenge that is run in four stages, with the winner of each round becoming a finalist. In the end, there will be three finalists who will compete in a final round of the same challenge. The winner of the final round wins reward and immunity.
Stage 1: The castaways will hold a ball on a disc by a handle, and balance it as they walk across a seesaw and make their way under a hitching post. The first four people to reach the end of the course without the ball falling and raise a flag move on to the second stage.
Stage 2: The castaways will use their fingers to carry a ball inside a cage to an area indicated at the top. Once the ball is placed in the corresponding area, they will take the ball out of the cage. They will then balance the ball on a trowel-shaped structure as they make their way under a series of hitching posts to reach a basket. The first three people to place the ball in the basket move on to the third stage.
Stage 3: The castaways starting on a platform surrounded by cubes will use planks as bridges to move from one cube to another, searching for five balls hidden within the pockets of the respective cubes. The first two people to retrieve their five balls and return to the starting platform move on to the final stage.
Stage 4: The final two will be under a wire-mesh arch and will have to use their fingers to carry three balls, one at a time, over the arch from one end to three slots at the other end. The first person to place a ball into each of the three slots wins.
Reward: Fried fish and soft drink.
Winner: Eduardo Guerrero

Challenge: The nominees must balance a wobbly structure by counterbalancing it with one leg. At regular intervals, they will place horizontally one of seven wooden pieces on the structure. Once all seven pieces have been placed horizontally, they will, again at regular intervals, have to change the position of one of the seven pieces from horizontal to vertical. The first person to drop a wooden piece on the floor or fail to reposition the pieces within ten seconds if they become misadjusted, will be eliminated.
Winners: Nahomi Mejía and Sergio Torres

Tribal Council[]

Episode 65[]

Tribal Council 13:
Merged Tribe
MXS4 aarón t
Aarón (3 votes)
MXS4 aranza tMXS4 nahomi tMXS4 sergio t
Aranza, Nahomi, Sergio
MXS4 nahomi t
Nahomi (2 votes)
MXS4 aarón tMXS4 pablo t
Aarón, Pablo
MXS4 sergio t
Sergio (2 votes)
MXS4 duggan tMXS4 saadi t
Duggan, Saadi
MXS4 aranza t
Aranza (1 vote)
MXS4 eduardo t
MXS4 aarón tMXS4 nahomi tMXS4 sergio t
Aarón Albores, Nahomi Mejía, & Sergio Torres

Voting Confessionals[]

Nahomi and Pablo's votes were not shown during their confessionals.

MXS4 sergio t
(votando en contra de Aarón) Voto por ti, por mera estrategia, porque se haga un Duelo de Eliminación justo, según lo que acordamos. Que gane el mejor.
(voting against Aarón) I vote for you, for mere strategy, to have a fair Elimination Duel, according to what we agreed. May the best person win.
MXS4 duggan t
(votando en contra de Sergio) Pues es la estrategia que tenemos entre las niñas, y lo siento mucho, Serch, te quiero.
(voting against Sergio) Well, it's the strategy we have between the girls, and I'm so sorry, Serch, I love you.
MXS4 nahomi t
(votando en contra de Aarón) Los amo.
(voting against Aarón) I love you all.
MXS4 aarón t
(votando en contra de Nahomi) Voto por esta persona, porque sigue en pie derrocar a la Santísima Trinidad. No más, no menos.
(voting against Nahomi) I vote for this person, because the plan to overthrow the Holy Trinity still stands. No more, no less.
MXS4 pablo t
(votando en contra de Nahomi) Nada es personal, esto es un juego, solo va a ganar uno. Buena vibra.
(voting against Nahomi) Nothing is personal, this is a game, only one will win. Good vibes.
MXS4 eduardo t
(votando en contra de Aranza) Voy a votar porque estamos haciendo una estrategia. Entonces, resulta que es porque, la estrategia que hablamos, pues para que todos vayan y todo sea parejo. Pues, no es nada personal, voto por Aranza. Entonces, es solo por estrategia, nada personal, hermana, ya sabes; se te estima, se te quiere.
(voting against Aranza) I'm going to vote because we are making a strategy. So, it turns out that it's because, the strategy that we talked about, so that everybody goes and everything is even. Well, it's nothing personal, I'm voting for Aranza. So, it's just for strategy, nothing personal, sister, you know; you are esteemed, you are loved.

Extinction Duel[]

Extinction Duel 13
Competitors Result
MXS4 nahomi t
MXS4 sergio t
MXS4 aarón t
MXS4 aarón bw
Aarón Albores

Still in the Running[]

MXS4 jero bw
MXS4 bibiana bw
MXS4 marina bw
MXS4 oscar bw
MXS4 keving bw
MXS4 magdalena bw
MXS4 javier bw
MXS4 bárbara bw
MXS4 jessica bw
MXS4 adianez bw
MXS4 fharid bw
MXS4 gary bw
MXS4 natalia bw
MXS4 kenta bw
MXS4 aarón bw
Merged Tribe
MXS4 aranza t
Merged Tribe
MXS4 duggan t
Merged Tribe
MXS4 eduardo t
Merged Tribe
MXS4 nahomi t
Merged Tribe
MXS4 pablo t
Merged Tribe
MXS4 saadi t
Merged Tribe
MXS4 sergio t


Secret Scenes[]

  • Mujeres quieren derrotar a los hombres: The women of the tribe congratulate Duggan on her necklace and hope to defeat the men to reach the grand finale of the competition.[1]
  • Aarón regresó a su realidad: Aarón returned to his reality, looked in the mirror, weighed himself, took a bath and enjoyed a delicious dinner.[2]


Survivor México (2023) Cycles
Cycle 1 (Ep. 1-5) · Cycle 2 (Ep. 6-10) · Cycle 3 (Ep. 11-15) · Cycle 4 (Ep. 16-20) · Cycle 5 (Ep. 21-25) · Cycle 6 (Ep. 26-30) · Cycle 7 (Ep. 31-35) · Cycle 8 (Ep. 36-40) · Cycle 9 (Ep. 41-45) · Cycle 10 (Ep. 46-50) · Cycle 11 (Ep. 51-55) · Cycle 12 (Ep. 56-60) · Cycle 13 (Ep. 61-65) · Cycle 14 (Ep. 66-70)