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This is the tenth cycle of Survivor México (2023), covering episodes 46 to 50.


Night 57[]

Day 58[]

Day 59[]

Day 60[]

Day 60[]

Day 61[]

Day 62[]


Episode 46[]

Reward Challenge #1: Cage Against the Machine / Jail Break
Divided in pairs, the castaways will be trapped within a cage, which they will have to physically carry to a series of stations along an obstacle course, where they will dig up a number of sticks. At the end of the course, they will use the sticks to build a long pole to retrieve three bags of balls. Once they have all three bags, they will get out of the cage and place the balls in the slots of a board, where one member of the pair will have to solve a sort puzzle with sliding pieces of different colors. The first castaway to slide and arrange the pieces, so that each column on the board contains only pieces of the same color as the ball in that respective column, will score a point for their tribe. The first tribe to score seven points wins reward.
Reward: Food supplies (one melon, apples, potatoes, garlic, peas, broccoli, flour, milk, rice, honey, tostadas, chicken breasts, jalapeños, chipotle peppers, eggs, cheese, and coffee).
Winner: Leones

Episode 47[]

Reward Challenge #2: Dizzy Gillespie
Divided in pairs, the castaways will start by spinning together around a turnstile to unscrew it. After that, they will slide across a slippery track. Each member of the pair will then spin around a post to unscrew a rod and retrieve a bag of balls, which will make them dizzy before they make their way across a balance beam. At the end of the course, one member of the pair will roll four balls through a tunnel with holes, having to apply the right amount of force so that each ball falls into one of four baskets through the corresponding hole. All four balls will have to fall into the baskets in a sequential order, one ball in each basket, from the closest to the farthest, to score a point. The first tribe to score seven points wins reward.
Reward: A catamaran trip that includes chicken wings, fish fingers, bruschettas, fried calamari, drinks, and water activities.
Winner: Toros

Episode 48[]

Reward Challenge #3: Divided in pairs, the castaways will start by heading into the sea to retrieve a bag of balls from a post. They will then return to the shore of the beach, where they will toss three balls into a basket. Once the three balls land into the basket, they will be trapped inside a long net, and the castaways will have to guide them along the net to another basket placed at the end. One member of the pair will then have to solve a slide puzzle by sorting a number sequence in ascending order to score a point. The first tribe to score seven points wins reward.
Reward: Four sopes, one flan, and soft drink, for each member of the tribe.
Winner: Leones (Aarón Albores would not be allowed to enjoy the reward due to a sanction for inappropriate behavior)

Episode 49[]

Challenge: The castaways will stand on a structure with different levels of steps, while with inverted wooden pincers they balance two balls by pressing them against discs on poles. At regular intervals, they will move up to a narrower step on the structure. If they fall to the ground or one of their balls drops, they are out of the challenge. The last person left standing from each tribe wins immunity.
Winners: Pablo Martí (immunity stolen by Aranza Carreiro at Tribal Council) and Eduardo Guerrero

Challenge: Jump Shot
The tribes will face each other in one-on-one confrontations. One player will be the defender standing on a platform in the water and in front of a net, while the other leap off a platform into the water and attempt to throw a ball past the defender and into the net. In each round, the castaways will play each role once. Several rounds of the same confrontation will take place until a castaway, in one round, gets a ball in the net while their opponent doesn't, scoring a point for their tribe. The first tribe to score six points wins reward.
Reward: A movie night that includes snacks, popcorn, and hot dogs.
Winner: Leones

Episode 50[]

Challenge: House of the Holey
Divided in pairs, the castaways will get on a giant scale, where they will have to maneuver on it using their body weight to reach and untie two bags of balls hanging from posts. Once the two bags have been retrieved, they will make their way to a table maze with holes, where they will have to work together using a pulley system to navigate two balls through the maze into a basket at the end, avoiding the holes, to score a point. The first tribe to score six points wins immunity.
Winner: Leones

Challenge: House of Cards
The nominees would be given 57 wooden tiles. The first two players to use the tiles to build a nineteen-story house of cards and keep it standing for five seconds would be saved from elimination.
Winners (in order of finish): Pablo Martí and Sergio Torres

Tribal Council[]

Episode 50[]

Tribal Council 10:
Immune Vote
MXS4 sergio t
Sergio (1 vote)
MXS4 aranza t
MXS4 sergio t
Sergio Torres

The Toros tribe was to nominate two members by tribal vote. Since Gary and Pablo were the only castaways eligible to receive votes, there was no need for a vote and they were nominated by default.

Tribal Vote
No vote
(Pablo used the Power Blocker Advantage to block Gary's idol)
MXS4 gary tMXS4 pablo t
Gary Centeno & Pablo Martí

Extinction Duel[]

Extinction Duel 10
Competitors Result
MXS4 pablo t
MXS4 sergio t
MXS4 gary t
MXS4 gary bw
Gary Centeno

Still in the Running[]

MXS4 jero bw
MXS4 bibiana bw
MXS4 marina bw
MXS4 oscar bw
MXS4 keving bw
MXS4 magdalena bw
MXS4 javier bw
MXS4 bárbara bw
MXS4 jessica bw
MXS4 adianez bw
MXS4 fharid bw
MXS4 gary bw
MXS4 aarón t
MXS4 aranza t
MXS4 duggan t
MXS4 eduardo t
MXS4 kenta t
MXS4 nahomi t
MXS4 natalia t
MXS4 pablo t
MXS4 saadi t
MXS4 sergio t


Secret Scenes[]

  • Warrior encuentra papiro robado: After Gary stole Pablo's papyrus, it was Warrior who went to look for what the castaway had buried after his bad deed.[1]
  • Natalia, Aarón у T-Rex hablan sobre la fusión: Natalia, Aarón у T-Rex talk about the merge and which side they are going to choose. This is their strategy![2]
  • Gary sería neutral en fusión: Since before the fight, Pablo no longer trusted his tribe. Gary talked about being neutral at the merge for convenience![3]
  • Pablo ya pensaba en mandar a Gary a extinción: Pablo had already thought about going with Gary to the Extinction Duel![4]


Survivor México (2023) Cycles
Cycle 1 (Ep. 1-5) · Cycle 2 (Ep. 6-10) · Cycle 3 (Ep. 11-15) · Cycle 4 (Ep. 16-20) · Cycle 5 (Ep. 21-25) · Cycle 6 (Ep. 26-30) · Cycle 7 (Ep. 31-35) · Cycle 8 (Ep. 36-40) · Cycle 9 (Ep. 41-45) · Cycle 10 (Ep. 46-50) · Cycle 11 (Ep. 51-55) · Cycle 12 (Ep. 56-60) · Cycle 13 (Ep. 61-65) · Cycle 14 (Ep. 66-70)