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This is the season finale of Survivor: Pulau Tiga.


Day 40[]

Final Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 8:
UKS1 charlotte t
Charlotte (7 votes)
UKS1 andy tUKS1 eve tUKS1 james t
UKS1 mick tUKS1 pete tUKS1 richard tUKS1 zoe t
Andy, Eve, James, Mick. Pete, Richard, Zoe
UKS1 jackie t
Jackie (0 votes)
UKS1 jackie t
Jackie Carey
UKS1 charlotte t
Charlotte Hobrough

Voting Confessionals[]

Voting confessionals were aired during the reunion show.

UKS1 andy t
(voting for Charlotte) Jackie, you've done very well. Be proud. But Charlotte, you get my vote this evening and I hope it makes you very very happy.
UKS1 james t
(voting for Charlotte) Jackie, you are a leech that's grown fat on other people's misfortunes. I could never vote for you. Charlotte, for me this has been Charlotte's jouney and I with all my heart that you win the £1,000,000 and that you can continue that journey in happiness, but don't spend it all on chocolate.
UKS1 pete t
(voting for Charlotte) From the moment I was voted off and became a member of the jury, there were only two people I was ever want to vote to give the £1,000,000 to. One of them was voted out last night so it gives me more that great pleasure to nominate Charlotte for the £1,000,000 and she's been an inspiration to me. She's been an epitome of survivor, she was down and out a number of times, she heard the fat lady clearing her throat, but she never got to sing and I think she deserves this because she carried on and made it to the end and that's an inspiration to me. You're not out till you're out.
UKS1 zoe t
(voting for Charlotte) I actually feel quite dizzy with this responsibility of the decision. And there have been times where I could've quite cheerfully strangled you both. However, Charlotte, you've grown on me, and I think you grow on people. (inaudible) Jackie, you just live off people.
UKS1 eve t
(voting for Charlotte) I've only told one lie during this whole game and that was about 30 minutes ago and that was that Jackie had played a good game and nothing could be further from the truth. Jackie has been carried and protected by better and more deserving contestants since day one. However, Charlotte has played a good game. She has played both the mental and the physical side of the game. That desrves my vote.
UKS1 mick t
(voting for Charlotte) Charlotte and Jackie, I've listened carefully to your answers tonight and perhaps more importantly I've watched how you've coped with the tremendous pressures and adversities over the last weeks. Charlotte, you deserve my vote.
UKS1 richard t
(voting for Charlotte) I'm voting for Charlotte. Jackie, I am very sorry. We made an alliance, it worked extremely well. I'm not voting against you. I'm not bitter about the fact you got into the last two. It became very apparent to me when we were stood there watching the watching the sunset that I think you missed the beauty of the whole place. I don't think you saw it. I brought my heart to this island, I'm voting with my heart. Charlotte, you're loud, you're brash, you're fun. You make no apology for the person you are and I love that fact and I want you to keep on being you and I think you deserve the money and I hope you enjoy the money and I hope you continue to be yourself and you continue not making any apologies for who you are. I really did enjoy the time you were here, I really did enjoy supporting you, helping you out. I enjoyed your company as well. Thank you very much.

Final Results[]

UKS1 nick bw
UKS1 jj bw
UKS1 uzma t
UKS1 sarah t
UKS1 jayne t
UKS1 adrian t
UKS1 simon t
UKS1 andy t
UKS1 james t
UKS1 pete t
UKS1 zoe t
UKS1 eve t
UKS1 mick t
UKS1 richard t
UKS1 jackie t
UKS1 charlotte t



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