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Survivor: Palawan is the eighth season of Survivor.

After 46 days, Inbar Pinievsky Basson defeated Ma'ayan Adam and Masgano Mangisto in a 5-2-0 jury vote to become the Sole Survivor.


  • Schoolyard Pick/Day 2 Elimination: On Day 1, the castaways were divided into two groups based on gender. They would then compete in a challenge, where one man and one woman would win. On Day 2, the winners of the challenge would then pick members to be assigned to their tribe one by one, alternating between men and women. Since there were nine women and eight men remaining, the unpicked woman would be eliminated and sent to the Island of the Dead.
  • Island of the Dead: The eliminated contestants would be sent to Island of the Dead to compete in a duel in order to get back into the game.
  • Negotiation Cabin: During the pre-merge, one castaway from each tribe would meet to negotiate deals, such as allocating resources or picking castaways for a tribe switch.
  • Tribe Switch: On Day 9, a Tribe Switch occurred, mixing the 13 castaways between two tribes, one comprised of seven members and the other of six.
  • Extra Vote: A castaway would get the right to vote twice at the same Tribal Council.
  • Observing: After the Immunity Challenge on Day 20, one member of the winning tribe would observe the losing tribe. The observer would also attend Tribal Council and cast a vote, but could not be voted against.
  • Elimination Challenge: On Day 41, an elimination challenge occurred in lieu of a Reward Challenge, where the castaway who finished in last would be eliminated.
  • Juror Veto: The last veto challenge of the season allowed the winner to prevent one juror from voting at the Final Tribal Council.


Contestant Tribe Affiliation Finish Island of the
Dead Status
Original Tribe Switched Tribe Merged Tribe
ILS8 razn t Raz Nisim Cohen
25, Tel Aviv
Ligaw Quit
Day 6
ILS8 adi t Adi Berger
24, Jerusalem
Buhay 1st Voted Out
Day 5
1st Eliminated
Day 7
ILS8 daniel t Daniel Avisris
24, Kiryat Haim
None Eliminated
Day 2
2nd Eliminated
Day 10
ILS8 nicola t Nicola Ward
20, Amir
Ligaw 2nd Voted Out
Day 8
3rd Eliminated
Day 13
ILS8 alon t Alon Sasson
30, Tel Aviv
Buhay Ligaw 3rd Voted Out
Day 11
4th Eliminated
Day 16
ILS8 tanita t Tanita Faber
39, Ashkelon
Buhay Buhay 5th Voted Out
Day 17
5th Eliminated
Day 19
ILS8 bar t Bar Zomer
23, Haifa
Ligaw Ligaw 8th Voted Out
Day 25
6th Eliminated
1st Jury Member
Day 28
ILS8 amir t Amir Fachar
26, Jaffa
Buhay Buhay Tagay 9th Voted Out
Day 31
7th Eliminated
2nd Jury Member
Day 33
ILS8 sagi t Sagi Braitner
23, Caesarea
Ligaw Buhay 10th Voted Out
Day 34
8th Eliminated
3rd Jury Member
Day 36
ILS8 yossi t Yossi Bublil
36, Netanya
Ligaw Ligaw 6th Voted Out
Day 20
2nd Returnee
Day 26
11th Voted Out
Day 37
9th Eliminated
4th Jury Member
Day 39
ILS8 vered t Vered Spivak
46, Tel Aviv
Ligaw Ligaw 12th Voted Out
Day 40
10th Eliminated
5th Jury Member
Day 41
ILS8 razz t Raz Zehavi
45, Hadera
Buhay Buhay Eliminated
6th Jury Member
Day 41
ILS8 michal t Michal Fucs
34, Tel Aviv
Buhay Ligaw 13th Voted Out
7th Jury Member
Day 43
ILS8 nati t Nati Sade
39, Nehora
Ligaw Ligaw 14th Voted Out
8th Jury Member
Day 46
ILS8 mangisto t Masgano Mangisto
30, Ma'ale Adumim
Buhay Buhay 4th Voted Out
Day 14
3rd Returnee
Day 41
ILS8 maayan t Ma'ayan Adam
27, Petah Tiqwa
Ligaw Buhay Runner-Up 9
ILS8 inbar t Inbar Pinievsky Basson
28, Kokhav Ya'ir
Buhay Buhay 7th Voted Out
Day 23
1st Returnee
Day 26
Sole Survivor

Season Summary[]

Episode Airdate Island of the Dead Challenges Eliminated
Inhabitant Challenger Eliminated Finish Reward Immunity Individual
1 May 20, 2017 None Daniel
(No Vote)
Day 2
2 May 24, 2017 Daniel Buhay Ligaw None No
Tribal Council
3 May 27, 2017 Daniel Raz Z. Adi
1st Voted Out
Day 5
4 May 31, 2017 Daniel Adi Ligaw None None Raz N.
(No Vote)
Day 6
5 June 7, 2017 Daniel Adi Buhay None No
Tribal Council
6 June 10, 2017 Daniel Adi Adi 1st Eliminated
Day 7
Vered Nicola
2nd Voted Out
Day 8
7 June 14, 2017 Daniel Nicola Ligaw Buhay None No
Tribal Council
8 June 18, 2017 Daniel Nicola Daniel 2nd Eliminated
Day 10
Yossi Alon
3rd Voted Out
Day 11
9 June 21, 2017 Nicola Alon Buhay Ligaw None No
Tribal Council
10 June 24, 2017 Nicola Alon Nicola 3rd Eliminated
Day 13
4th Voted Out
Day 14
11 June 21, 2017 Alon Mangisto Ligaw Ligaw None No
Tribal Council
12 July 1, 2017 Alon Mangisto Alon 4th Eliminated
Day 16
Sagi Tanita
5th Voted Out
Day 17
13 July 5, 2017 Mangisto Tanita Buhay Buhay None No
Tribal Council
14 July 8, 2017 Mangisto Tanita Tanita 5th Eliminated
Day 19
6th Voted Out
Day 20
15 July 12, 2017 Mangisto Yossi Buhay Ligaw None No
Tribal Council
16 July 15, 2017 Mangisto Yossi3 Raz Z. Inbar
7th Voted Out
Day 23
17 July 19, 2017 Mangisto Amir5 None None No
Tribal Council
Yossi Nati5
Inbar Sagi5
18 July 22, 2017 Mangisto None Buhay Vered Bar
8th Voted Out
Day 25
Mangisto Bar Buhay No
Tribal Council
19 July 22, 2017 Mangisto Bar Inbar 1st Returnee
Day 26
None Inbar6 None No
Tribal Council
Yossi 2nd Returnee
Day 26
20 July 29, 2017 Mangisto Bar 6th Eliminated
1st Jury Member
Day 28
Amir None None No
Tribal Council
21 August 2, 2017 Mangisto Sagi
Raz Z.]
Sagi None No
Tribal Council
22 August 5, 2017 Mangisto Inbar3 Ma'ayan Amir
9th Voted Out
Day 31
23 August 9, 2017 Mangisto Amir Survivor
Inbar None No
Tribal Council
24 August 12, 2017 Mangisto Amir Amir 7th Eliminated
2nd Jury Member
Day 33
Vered Sagi
10th Voted Out
Day 34
25 August 16, 2017 Mangisto Sagi Nati
Ma'ayan None No
Tribal Council
26 August 19, 2017 Mangisto Sagi Sagi 8th Eliminated
3rd Jury Member
Day 36
Michal Yossi
11th Voted Out
Day 37
27 August 26, 2017 Mangisto Yossi Ma'ayan
Inbar None No
Tribal Council
28 August 30, 2017 Mangisto Yossi Yossi 9th Eliminated
4th Jury Member
Day 39
Vered No
Tribal Council
29 September 2, 2017 Mangisto Vered
12th Voted Out
Day 40
30 September 6, 2017 Mangisto Vered Vered 10th Eliminated
5th Jury Member
Day 41
None Raz Z.
(No Vote)
6th Jury Member
Day 41
Mangisto 3rd Returnee
Day 41
31 September 7, 2017 None Nati Mangisto No
Tribal Council
32 September 9, 2017 Michal
13th Voted Out
7th Jury Member
Day 43
None None No
Tribal Council
33 September 13, 2017 Ma'ayan Inbar Nati
14th Voted Out
8th Jury Member
Day 46
34 September 16, 2017 Jury Vote Mangisto
Second Runner-Up
Sole Survivor

^1 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played, negating all votes against its user.
^2 This castaway gave up immunity at Tribal Council to another castaway.
^3 This castaway won a duel against an inhabitant on the Island of the Dead, winning a reward.
^4 Per Survivor 10 rules, a fire-making challenge would be held between the tied players in case of a deadlock tie.
^5 The reward challenge was conducted individually. Any castways that completed it in the allotted time could win reward.
^6 For finishing first in the reentry duel, Inbar was given immunity for the next Tribal Council.

Voting History[]

Survivor: Palawan Voting History
Tribe Selection Original Tribes Switched Tribes Merged Tribes
Episode # 1 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 29 30 32 33 34
Voted out: ILS8 daniel t
ILS8 adi t
ILS8 razn t
Raz N.
ILS8 nicola t
ILS8 alon t
ILS8 mangisto t
ILS8 tanita t
ILS8 yossi t
Tie ILS8 inbar t
ILS8 bar t
ILS8 amir t
ILS8 sagi t
ILS8 yossi t
ILS8 vered t
ILS8 razz t
Raz Z.
ILS8 michal t
ILS8 nati t
ILS8 mangisto t
ILS8 maayan t
ILS8 inbar t
Vote: No Vote1 6-2 No Vote2 4-3 2-03 3-03 4-2 4-2 2-26 Tiebreaker 3-1 3-03 5-3 5-1 3-2 No Vote7 3-1 3-1 5-2-0
Inbar Adi Ma'ayan Amir Ma'ayan Voted out Yossi Sagi Yossi Vered None5 Nati Jury Vote
Ma'ayan Nati Mangisto Tanita Inbar Amir Nati Vered Vered Michal Nati
Mangisto Adi Ma'ayan Michal Nati
Nati Nicola Bar Yossi Bar Yossi Sagi Yossi Ma'ayan Michal Mangisto Inbar
Michal Adi Bar Yossi Bar Yossi Sagi Yossi None5 Mangisto Inbar
Raz Z. Adi Ma'ayan4 Tanita Yossi None5 Yossi Sagi Yossi Vered Eliminated Inbar
Vered Nicola Bar Yossi Bar Yossi Sagi Yossi Ma'ayan Eliminated Inbar
Yossi Nicola Alon Vered Amir Nati4 None5 Eliminated None8
Sagi Nicola Mangisto Tanita Inbar Amir None5 Eliminated Ma'ayan
Amir Inbar Mangisto Tanita Ma'ayan None5 Eliminated Inbar
Bar Nati Alon Vered Nati Eliminated Ma'ayan
Tanita Adi Ma'ayan Amir Eliminated
Alon Adi Bar Eliminated
Nicola Nati Eliminated
Raz N. Quit
Adi Inbar Eliminated
Daniel Eliminated Eliminated

^1 Daniel was not chosen during the tribe selection and was automatically eliminated.
^2 Raz N. quit the game. No vote occurred for his removal.
^3 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played, negating all votes against its user.
^4 This castaway used an Extra Vote advantage, allowing them to vote twice at Tribal Council.
^5 This castaway's vote was blocked by the Veto Bracelet.
^6 Per Survivor 10 rules, a fire-making challenge would be held between the tied players in case of a deadlock tie.
^7 Raz Z. place last in the elimination challenge and was eliminated from the game.
^8 For winning the final veto challenge, Inbar was allowed to block one juror from voting. She chose Yossi.


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