This is the premiere cycle of Survivor, Expedición Robinson 2024, covering episodes 1 to 2.
Challenge: Perch
Winner: Samanta Herdt
Challenge: Fast Fire
Reward: TBD
Winner: North Team
Winner: North Team
Tribal Council[]
Voting Confessionals[]
Samanta |
“ | (Voting against Braian) Siento que no tiene la capacidad física para seguir con los desafios I feel that he does not have the physical capacity to continue with the challenges |
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Malvina |
“ | (Voting against Braian) Lo he visto muy bajoneado emocionalmente y eso está afectando al grupo I have seen him very emotionally down and that is affecting the group |
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Eugenia |
“ | (Voting against Braian) Este no es el voto que yo tenía pensado en un principio pero me sumo al consenso del grupo This is not the vote I had in mind at first but I join the group consensus |
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Braian |
“ | (Voting against Giselle) La escuché hablando mal de mi compañero Goldi y a mí eso no me gusta, que la gente hable mal a las espaldas de otra persona y que después se ría I heard her speaking badly about my partner Goldi and I don't like that, that people speak badly behind someone else's back and then laugh |
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Janet |
“ | (Voting against Braian) Creo que es lo mejor para conservar su buen estado emocional I think it is the best to preserve his good emotional state |
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Goldi |
“ | (Voting against Iván) Iván y yo no nos queríamos ver afectados al nominar a otra persona Iván and I did not want to be affected by nominating another person |
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Iván |
“ | (Voting against Goldi) Voté a el cordobés I voted for the Cordoban |
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Giselle |
“ | (Voting against Braian) Es una persona un poco vulnerable o sensible, o sin fuerzas muchas veces, entonces por eso decidí votarte pensando en equipo He is a person who is a little vulnerable or sensitive, or often without strength, so that's why I decided to vote for you thinking as a team |
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Francisco |
“ | (Voting against Janet) Para salvar a Braian This is to save Braian |
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Martina |
“ | (Voting against Braian) Siento que es el que más necesita volverse ahora I feel like he's the one who needs to go home the most now |
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Baltasar |
“ | (Voting for Braian) Estaba extrañando al hijo, me parece que lo mejor es que esté con él y aprovechar los primeros años que deben ser los más lindos He was missing his son, it seems to me that the best thing is for him to be with him and enjoy the first years, which are probably the best ones |
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Aixa |
“ | (Voting against Braian) Pienso en el grupo y lo que nos conviene I think about the group and what is best for us |
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Mauro |
“ | (Voting against Braian) Lo siento Braian, mi corazón dice que no haga este voto pero mi cabeza sabe que lo tengo que hacer, hay una alianza mayoritaria de mujeres y me conviene quedarme con ellas I'm sorry Braian, my heart says not to make this vote but my head knows that I have to do it, there is a majority alliance of women and it is better for me to stay with them |
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Last Words:[]
Braian |
“ | Éxito para todos; un gusto conocerlos. La verdad, es bastante duro esto, lamentablemente para mí, porque yo dejé a mi bebé y bueno… Sinceramente todas las noches lo extraño; nunca lo dejé solo para nada y estar bastantes días sin él. La verdad, fue muy fuerte; capaz que alguno de los grupos no tienen hijos chicos o capaz que algunos no tienen hijos directamente y no tienen el mismo sentimiento que yo, pero bueno… Algún día capaz que lo tendrán, pero bueno… I wish the best to all of you; nice to meet you. To tell you the truth, this is quite hard, unfortunately for me, because I left my baby and well... Honestly, I miss him every night; I never left him alone for nothing and to be without him for many days. To tell you the truth, it was very hard; maybe some of the group do not have young children or maybe some of them do not have children directly and do not have the same feeling as me, but well... Maybe someday they will, but well... |
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Still in the Running[]
Secret Scenes[]
Behind the Scenes[]
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