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Surprise Enemy Visit is the seventh episode of Survivor: Guatemala.


Fear threatens to ruin one castaway's ability to enjoy a reward. An unexpected visit from the opposing tribe makes some of the other castaways uncomfortable about being friendly with the enemy. A heart to heart ends with one Survivor telling another, "You can lie...But, I will track you down. I will find you!" After a difficult Tribal Council, the castaways are bombarded with another big surprise.

—Episode Synopsis[2]

Night 15[]

Nakúm return from Tribal Council first, and while Judd Sergeant thanked everyone for keeping him safe, he also talked about how much of a relief it was for him that Margaret Bobonich was voted out. Jamie Newton speaks in confessional about how Judd's obnoxious behavior makes Judd a prime choice to take to the end, as Jamie feels he could easily beat Judd in a million dollar vote. Yaxhá return from Tribal Council as well, and Bobby Jon Drinkard talks about his injured shoulder, even showing the wound and talking about how uncomfortable it's making him. Brandon also talks about his wounds, but says that he barely feels a thing during the challenges.

Day 16[]

At the Reward Challenge, Jeff Probst informs both tribes that both Margaret and Brian Corridan were voted out. Due to the uneven tribe numbers, Nakúm elects to have Judd sit out for this challenge. It's a close challenge as both tribes make it to the fourth pole, but Yaxhá make it to the second part of the challenge. Nakúm start to fall apart, however, and Yaxhá win the reward.

Yaxhá arrive at the zipline, and Amy O'Hara is first to take the ride. Though she's initially scared that the line might break in some way, she does make it to the other side, talking in confessional about how awesome this once-in-a-lifetime experience was. Bobby Jon talks as well about how fun it was to take the zipline through the Guatemalan jungle. Gary Hogeboom, Danni Boatwright, and finally Brandon make it to the other side. What awaited them was, as Bobby Jon put it plainly, the most chocolate he's ever seen in his life.

S11 brandon t
Man, I had no idea that you could even do that, just flyin' through there! God, it was so cool!

Day 17[]

At Nakúm, Rafe Judkins, Stephenie LaGrossa, and Lydia Morales play a makeshift game of UNO with a bunch of leaves with different colored numbers on them. Rafe explains more about this in his confessional.

S11 rafe t
I always try to do, like, different things around camp to help us have fun and pass time...We picked all these little leaves from the tree and then painted, um, four different suits and all the cards. We made a deck of 52 cards with even two jokers.

Yaxhá are paddling across the water, and Danni talks in confessional about inviting Nakúm to a pool party. As Nakúm is lounging around camp, Yaxhá starts to call for them. Jamie is, naturally, not enthused, and Stephenie talks about about how this has never been done before in Survivor history. Danni then reveals that it's her birthday, and wants Nakúm to join them for a pool party. Judd laughs and half-heartedly says they don't have to do that, but Danni insists. She talks in confessional that she's always loved having huge birthday parties and that, after 17 days in the Guatemalan wilderness, both tribes would easily benefit from some time away from the game talk and the challenges for a few hours. Cindy Hall joins in with Jamie's sentiment that she had no intention of going, wondering why they would want to hang out with the people they want to vote out. Stephenie was 100% in it for the chocolate, saying how much she loves it. Jamie calmly sits by the pool, not saying much, speaking later in confessional that he was contemplating about whether Amy and Gary would vote with him and the original Nakúm members, and that he thinks everyone else should be thinking about it, too. Stephenie continues in her confessional that she's starting to become wary of Jamie's play hard mentality.

Gary and Amy talk about their position in the game, with Gary speaking in confessional about the intricacies of both tribes, and that he thinks that Amy will be voted out next if Yaxhá lose the Immunity Challenge. Amy jokingly tells Gary (again) that if she finds out that Gary really is an ex-NFL player, she'd beat him down like a stepchild, and Gary simply puts his head down and laughs.

S11 amy t
I want people to give me their word, so I hope Gary doesn't disappoint me. If Gary's playin' me, I am gonna kick his ass. Gonna kick his ass.

Amy brings back to camp their Tree Mail informing them of the upcoming Immunity Challenge and reads it aloud. Bobby Jon talks about just how important the Challenge is. At the Immunity Challenge, Probst tells both tribes the rules, and Nakúm elects to have Lydia sit out. Nakúm slowly gain a lead as the tribes collect the puzzle pieces, but Yaxhá come back to even it up. However, Nakúm finish collecting their puzzle pieces first. Yaxhá fight hard to stay close, but Nakúm's slight lead pays off as they win the Immunity Idol.

Day 18[]

Yaxhá return to camp defeated, and Amy's confessional shows how crestfallen she is, and she assumes she's going home next. All she can do now is try to pull strings and try to keep herself in the game, and may have it when her and Danni talk about voting out Bobby Jon. Although Danni talks about how unfair it is for two people who've already played the game before made it this far, she still doesn't feel right in voting out Bobby Jon. Meanwhile, Brandon and Bobby Jon both talk about how much it sucks to go to Tribal Council. Bobby Jon talks in confessional about wanting so badly to at least make it onto the jury. Brandon, however, is feeling completely torn on who to vote for.

At Tribal Council that night, the tribe mull over how badly they want continue playing as individuals. Brandon talks about the decision to vote someone out that's been eating away at him earlier that day. Danni answers Probst's question that the decision in voting someone out is difficult, as is keeping their word in this game. Jeff closes discussions and the tribe begin to vote. Despite Bobby Jon's status as a returning player, original tribal lines are still running deep, as Amy was sent home unanimously. However, those tribal lines would come to an end. After Amy walks away, Jeff Probst informs Yaxhá that they will NOT go to their old camp, and instead, they will go to Nakúm's camp, as will their personal items and any rewards they have won. Probst hands each member of Yaxhá a bag of brand new red tribe buffs to give to themselves and Nakúm, indicating that the merge has just begun...


Challenge: Spooling Around
Four tribe members will wrap thirty feet of cloth around their bodies, then unwrap themselves as they make their way toward the finish. The first person moves around a pole, unspooling the material around them. The first person then clips themselves to the second person, and together they run around the second pole, unspooling it around the both of them. They continue this pattern for the third and fourth person. When they make their way down, each person will get unspooled at different times, and when they do, they will make their way to the finish mat. The first team to make it to the finish mat wins reward.
Reward: A chocolate feast and a zipline canopy tour of the Guatemalan jungles.
Winner: Yaxhá

Challenge: Tomb Raider
Three members from each tribe race out one at a time to retrieve large puzzle pieces buried in the sand pit. Once they find one they run back and place it on their mat. Once all twelve pieces are found, two other tribe members will assemble the puzzle. The first tribe to correctly put it together wins immunity.
Winner: Nakúm

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 8:
S11 amy t
Amy (4 votes)
S11 bobbyjon tS11 brandon tS11 danni tS11 gary t
Bobby Jon, Brandon, Danni, Gary
S11 bobbyjon t
Bobby Jon (1 vote)
S11 amy t
S11 amy bw
Amy O'Hara

Voting Confessionals[]

Bobby Jon's voting confessional was shown. Amy is only shown writing Bobby Jon's name.

S11 bobbyjon t
Bobby Jon
(voting against Amy) You know, Amy, I don't know how much longer I'm gonna stay out here, I really don't. I tell you what, you're the strongest, most real human being I've ever met in my entire life... my entire life. I won't never meet anybody more real than you, ever.
S11 danni t
(voting against Amy) I wish we would have met in Day 1, because I'm sure things would have been much different, but I hope you'll forgive me and I can still experience my very first Red Sox game, and eat some of that famous clam chowder at Fenway Park. And, uh, you gotta quit rooting for the Patriots; you're killing me.
S11 brandon t
(voting against Amy) Amy, I'm sorry. I hope that you can respect that I'm a man of my word, and I also want you to know that the day that I told you that you're one of the most incredible women that I've ever met, um... I wasn't lying.
S11 amy t
(voting against Bobby Jon) Bobby Jon, I'm just going alphabetical order, baby - just throwing a name out there. Good luck.
S11 gary t
(voting against Amy) Amy, you're awesome. Camp's just not gonna be the same without your smile and your attitude. God bless you.

Final Words[]

S11 amy bw
I'm very proud of myself getting this far. You're ripped down to your soul here out in Guatemala, you have absolutely nothing. And I've learned a tremendous amount of things I never knew about myself and I'll continue to learn about myself after this journey is over when I get home. I made some great friends and I had a great time. And I wouldn't want it any other way.

Still in the Running[]

S11 jim bw
S11 morgan bw
S11 brianna bw
S11 brooke bw
S11 blake bw
S11 margaret bw
S11 brian bw
S11 amy bw
 Bobby Jon
Merged Tribe
S11 bobbyjon t
Merged Tribe
S11 brandon t
Merged Tribe
S11 cindy t
Merged Tribe
S11 danni t
Merged Tribe
S11 gary t
Merged Tribe
S11 jamie t
Merged Tribe
S11 judd t
Merged Tribe
S11 lydia t
Merged Tribe
S11 rafe t
Merged Tribe
S11 stephenie t



Survivor: Guatemala Episodes
"Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise" · "Man Down" · "The Brave May Not Live Long, but the Cautious Don't Live at All" · "To Betray or Not to Betray" · "Crocs, Cowboys and City Slickers" · "Big Ball, Big Mouth, Big Trouble" · "Surprise Enemy Visit" · "The Hidden Immunity Idol" · "Secrets and Lies and an Idol Surprise" · "Eating and Sleeping with the Enemy" · "Everything Is Personal" · "Price for Immunity" · "Big Win, Big Decision, Big Mistake?" · "Thunder Storms and Sacrifice" · "Reunion"