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A split vote is a strategy employed in Survivor by alliances at Tribal Council in an attempt to avoid one of their own being voted out following the use of a Hidden Immunity Idol. The strategy involves the alliance(s) casting an equal or near-equal number of votes on two different members of an opposing alliance or individual targets, theoretically ensuring that one of them is voted out regardless of whom the idol is played on. In order for the split vote to work, the alliance must control two-thirds of the votes at Tribal Council, or correctly play a Hidden Immunity Idol such that they will gain said majority.

The split vote was originally devised by Cao Boi Bui in the Survivor: Cook Islands episode "Plan Voodoo", but the Aitutaki tribe opted to vote Cao Boi out rather than attempt a risky move that could have eliminated a strong physical competitor. The strategy was not used until the following season, Survivor: Fiji, where the Ravu tribe split a vote between Anthony Robinson and Sylvia Kwan in order to eliminate Sylvia.

Split Vote Strategy[]

See Split Vote/Strategy

List of Split Vote Attempts[]

Successful Split Votes[]

This list compiles successful split votes.

For a split vote to qualify as successful, one of the two targets must be voted out (after a revote if necessary) regardless of which target plays the idol. It is not required that every member of the splitting alliance be aware of the identity of the primary target.

Season Episode Splitting Alliance Primary Target Secondary Target Result
Fiji 3 Ravu S14 sylvia bw
Sylvia Kwan
S14 anthony t
Anthony Robinson
Neither person had an idol.
Sylvia was voted out 4-3-1.
11 Syndicate Alliance S14 alex t
Alex Angarita
S14 mookie bw
Mookie Lee
Neither person had an idol.
Mookie was voted out 4-3-1.
Micronesia 11 Black Widow Brigade S16 jason bw
Jason Siska
S16 james t
James Clement
Jason did not play his idol.
Jason was voted out 4-3-1.
Gabon 7 Onion Alliance S17 dan bw
Dan Kay
S17 susie t
Susie Smith
Neither person had an idol.
Dan was voted out 4-3.
12 Fang Alliance S17 corinne bw
Corinne Kaplan
S17 matty t
Matty Whitmore
Neither person had an idol.
Corinne was voted out 4-3.1
Tocantins 9 Timbira Alliance S18 brendan bw
Brendan Synnott
S18 sierra t
Sierra Reed
Brendan did not play his idol.
Brendan was voted out 4-3-2.
Heroes vs. Villains 12 Russell's Villains Alliance S20 rupert t
Rupert Boneham
S20 candice bw
Candice Woodcock
Neither person had an idol.
Candice was voted out 5-3.
Nicaragua 6 La Flor Alliance S21 marty t
Marty Piombo
S21 kellyb bw
Kelly Bruno
Marty did not play his idol.
The vote tied 3-3-2.
Kelly B. was voted out 5-1 in the revote.2
7 La Flor Alliance S21 jill bw
Jill Behm
S21 marty t
Marty Piombo
Neither person had an idol.
Jill was voted out 3-2-2.
Redemption Island 1 Stealth R Us S22 kristina t
Kristina Kell
S22 francesca bw
Francesca Hogi
Kristina did not play her idol.
Francesca was voted out 4-3-2.
2 Stealth R Us S22 matt bw
Matt Elrod
S22 kristina t
Kristina Kell
Kristina played her idol.
Matt was voted out 4-2-0.3
3 Zapatera Six S22 russell bw
Russell Hantz
S22 stephanie t
Stephanie Valencia
Neither person had an idol.
The vote tied 3-3-3.
Russell was voted out 5-1-0 in the revote.
4 Stealth R Us S22 kristina bw
Kristina Kell
S22 phillip t
Phillip Sheppard
Neither person had an idol.
Kristina was voted out 4-3.
South Pacific 2 The Family S23 christine bw
Christine Shields Markoski
S23 stacey t
Stacey Powell
Neither person had an idol.
Christine was voted out 4-3-1-1.
One World 9 Salani Alliance S24 jay bw
Jay Byars
S24 troyzan t
Troyzan Robertson
Troyzan played his idol.
Jay was voted out 5-2-1-0.
10 Salani Alliance S24 leif bw
Leif Manson
S24 tarzan t
Tarzan Smith
Neither person had an idol.
Leif was voted out 4-3-2.
11 Salani Alliance S24 troyzan bw
Troyzan Robertson
S24 christina t
Christina Cha
Neither person had an idol.
Troyzan was voted out 4-3-1.
Philippines 7 Kalabaw Alliance S25 jonathan t
Jonathan Penner
S25 rc bw
RC Saint-Amour
Jonathan played his idol.
RC was voted out 4-2-0.
Matsing Alliance
Tandang Alliance
10 Fulcrum Alliance S25 abimaria t
Abi-Maria Gomes
S25 pete bw
Pete Yurkowski
Abi-Maria played her idol.
Pete was voted out 3-2-0.
Kalabaw Alliance
Matsing Alliance
Caramoan 3 Gota Alliance S26 hope bw
Hope Driskill
S26 eddie t
Eddie Fox
Neither person had an idol.
The vote tied 3-3-3.
Hope was voted out 5-1-0 in the revote.
7 Stealth R Us S26 julia bw
Julia Landauer
S26 michael t
Michael Snow
Neither person had an idol.
The vote tied 3-3.
Julia was voted out 4-0 in the revote.
11 Stealth R Us S26 malcolm bw
Malcolm Freberg
S26 reynold t
Reynold Toepfer
Neither person had an idol.
The vote tied 3-3-3.
Malcolm was voted out 6-0-0 in the revote.
12 Stealth R Us S26 reynold bw
Reynold Toepfer
S26 eddie t
Eddie Fox
Neither person had an idol.
Reynold was voted out 4-2-1-1.
Stealth R Us S26 andrea bw
Andrea Boehlke
S26 eddie t
Eddie Fox
Andrea did not play her idol.
Andrea was voted out 3-2-2.
Blood vs. Water 9 Singles Alliance S27 vytas bw
Vytas Baskauskas
S27 katie t
Katie Collins
Neither person had an idol.
Vytas was voted out 8-1-1.4
Cagayan 2 Solana S28 brice bw
Brice Johnston
S28 morgan t
Morgan McLeod
Neither person had an idol.
The vote tied 2-2-2.
Brice was voted out 3-0-0 in the revote.
San Juan del Sur 2 Coyopa Guys Alliance S29 val bw
Val Collins
S29 baylor t
Baylor Wilson
Neither person had an idol.
The vote tied 4-4.
Val was voted out 5-1 in the revote.5
5 Coyopa Pairs Alliance S29 kelley bw
Kelley Wentworth
S29 dale t
Dale Wentworth
Neither person had an idol.
Kelley was voted out 3-2-2.
6 Coyopa Pairs Alliance S29 dale bw
Dale Wentworth
S29 keith t
Keith Nale
Keith did not play his idol.
Dale was voted out 3-2-1.6
10 Fab Five S29 keith t
Keith Nale
S29 wes bw
Wes Nale
Keith played his idol.
Wes was voted out 2-0-0.7
12 Fab Five S29 keith t
Keith Nale
S29 alec bw
Alec Christy
Neither person had an idol.
Alec was voted out 4-3.8
13 Fab Five S29 jon bw
Jon Misch
S29 jaclyn t
Jaclyn Schultz
Jon did not play his idol.
The vote tied 2-2-2.
Jon was voted out 2-1-0 in the revote.
Worlds Apart 3 Nagarote Alliance S30 nina bw
Nina Poersch
S30 will t
Will Sims II
Neither person had an idol.
Nina was voted out 3-2.
4 Escameca Alliance S30 lindsey bw
Lindsey Cascaddan
S30 sierra t
Sierra Dawn Thomas
Neither person had an idol.
The vote tied 2-2-2.
Lindsey was voted out 3-0-0 in the revote.
9 Escameca Alliance S30 joe bw
Joe Anglim
S30 jenn t
Jenn Brown
Neither person had an idol.
Joe was voted out 5-4-1.
10 Escameca Alliance S30 jenn bw
Jenn Brown
S30 shirin t
Shirin Oskooi
Neither person had an idol.
Jenn was voted out 5-3-1.
12 Escameca Alliance S30 mike t
Mike Holloway
S30 tyler bw
Tyler Fredrickson
Mike played his idol.
Tyler was voted out 3-0.
Cambodia 2 Ta Keo S31 shirin bw
Shirin Oskooi
S31 spencer t
Spencer Bledsoe
Neither person had an idol.
Shirin was voted out 5-4.
7 Bayon Alliance S31 kass bw
Kass McQuillen
S31 ciera t
Ciera Eastin
Neither person had an idol.
Kass was voted out 6-4-2-1.
Kaôh Rōng 1 To Tang S32 darnell bw
Darnell Hamilton
S32 alecia t
Alecia Holden
Neither person had an idol.
The vote tied 3-3.
Darnell was voted out 4-0 in the revote.
3 Chan Loh S32 liz bw
Liz Markham
S32 peter t
Peter Baggenstos
Neither person had an idol.
The vote tied 2-2-2.
Liz was voted out 3-0-0 in the revote.
10 Dara Women's Alliance S32 scot bw
Scot Pollard
S32 tai t
Tai Trang
Scot and Tai did not play their idols.
Scot was voted out 4-2-2.9
Millennials vs. Gen X 1 Takali S33 rachel bw
Rachel Ako
S33 cece t
CeCe Taylor
Neither person had an idol.
Rachel was voted out 5-3-1-1.
9 Vinaka S33 taylor bw
Taylor Stocker
S33 jay t
Jay Starrett
Jay did not play his idol.
Taylor was voted out 7-4-1.
Game Changers 7 Power Six S34 hali bw
Hali Ford
S34 michaela t
Michaela Bradshaw
Neither person had an idol.
Hali was voted out 7-4-2.
Tavua Alliance
Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers 8 The Round Table S35 desi bw
Desi Williams
S35 joe t
Joe Mena
Neither person had an idol.
The vote tied 4-4-1-1.
Desi was voted out 7-1 in the revote.10
9 The Round Table S35 cole bw
Cole Medders
S35 mike t
Mike Zahalsky
Mike played his idol.
Cole was voted out 7-1-0.
13 Solewa S35 ben t
Ben Driebergen
S35 mike bw
Mike Zahalsky
Ben played his idol.
The vote tied 1-1-0.
Mike was voted out 2-1 in the revote.11
Ghost Island 1 Malolo S36 jacob bw
Jacob Derwin
S36 james t
James Lim
Neither person had an idol.
Jacob was voted out 5-2-1.
8 Naviti Alliance S36 michael t
Michael Yerger
S36 libby bw
Libby Vincek
Michael played his idol.
Libby was voted out 4-1-0.
10 Naviti Alliance S36 michael bw
Michael Yerger
S36 laurel t
Laurel Johnson
Neither person had an idol.
The vote tied 2-2-1-1.
Michael was voted out 3-0 in the revote.12
12 Final Four Alliance S36 kellyn bw
Kellyn Bechtold
S36 donathan t
Donathan Hurley
Neither person had an idol.
The vote tied 3-3-1.
Kellyn was voted out 4-1 in the revote.
David vs. Goliath 8 David Alliance S37 john bw
John Hennigan
S37 angelina t
Angelina Keeley
Dan played one of his idols for Angelina.
John was voted out 3-0-0.13
11 Kalokalo S37 christian t
Christian Hubicki
S37 gabby bw
Gabby Pascuzzi
Christian played his idol.
Gabby was voted out 2-1-0.
12 Kalokalo S37 christian bw
Christian Hubicki
S37 davie t
Davie Rickenbacker
Davie played his idol.
Christian was voted out 3-2-0.
Edge of Extinction 1 Manu Alliance S38 reem bw
Reem Daly
S38 wendy t
Wendy Diaz
Neither person had an idol.
Reem was voted out 4-3-1-1.
11 Vata S38 rick t
Rick Devens
S38 ron bw
Ron Clark
Rick played his idol.
Ron was voted out 3-1-0.
Island of the Idols 3 Lairo S39 vince bw
Vince Moua
S39 karishma t
Karishma Patel
Vince did not play his idol.
Vince was voted out 5-3-1.
8 Lairo Women's Alliance S39 jamal bw
Jamal Shipman
S39 karishma t
Karishma Patel
Neither person had an idol.
Jamal was voted out 6-3-0.14
Vokai Alliance
10 Vokai Alliance S39 karishma t
Karishma Patel
S39 elizabeth bw
Elizabeth Beisel
Karishma played her idol.
The vote tied 1-1-0.
Elizabeth was voted out 7-0 in the revote.
12 Vokai Alliance S39 elaine bw
Elaine Stott
S39 noura t
Noura Salman
Neither person had an idol.
Elaine was voted out 5-2.
Winners at War 1 Dakal S40 amber bw
Amber Mariano
S40 kim t
Kim Spradlin-Wolfe
Neither person had an idol.
Amber was voted out 6-3-1.
9 Koru S40 adam bw
Adam Klein
S40 nick t
Nick Wilson
Neither person had an idol.
Adam was voted out 8-2-1.
10 Koru S40 tyson bw
Tyson Apostol
S40 denise t
Denise Stapley
Kim played her idol on Denise.
Tyson was voted out 5-2-0.15
13 Koru S40 jeremy bw
Jeremy Collins
S40 michele t
Michele Fitzgerald
Neither person had an idol.
Michele played her 50/50 Coin, which landed on "Safe".
Jeremy was voted out 3-2-0.
Survivor 41 7 All-Black Alliance S41 sydney bw
Sydney Segal
S41 evvie t
Evvie Jagoda
Neither person had an idol.
Sydney played her Shot in the Dark, drawing "Not Safe".
Sydney was voted out 5-4-3.
8 All-Black Alliance S41 tiffany bw
Tiffany Seely
S41 xander t
Xander Hastings
Xander did not play his idol.
Tiffany was voted out 6-2-2-1.
9 Viakana S41 naseer bw
Naseer Muttalif
S41 heather t
Heather Aldret
Naseer did not play his idol.
The vote tied 3-3.
Naseer was voted out 4-0 in the revote.16
10 Final Four Alliance S41 shan bw
Shan Smith
S41 liana t
Liana Wallace
Shan did not play her idol.
The vote tied 3-3-2.
Shan was voted out 6-0 in the revote.
12 Final Four Alliance S41 danny bw
Danny McCray
S41 deshawn t
Deshawn Radden
Neither person had an idol.
The vote tied 3-3.
Danny was voted out 4-0 in the revote.
Survivor 42 5 Vati S42 daniel bw
Daniel Strunk
S42 chanelle t
Chanelle Howell
Neither person had an idol.
The vote tied 2-2-1.
Daniel was voted out 3-0 in the revote.17
8 Advantage Alliance S42 chanelle bw
Chanelle Howell
S42 romeo t
Romeo Escobar
Neither person had an idol.
Chanelle was voted out 7-3-1.
12 Kula Kula S42 omar bw
Omar Zaheer
S42 romeo t
Romeo Escobar
Neither person had an idol.
Omar was voted out 3-2-2.18
Survivor 44 6 Merge S44 josh bw
Josh Wilder
S44 yam yam t
Yam Yam Arocho
Neither person had an idol.
Josh was voted out 7-3-1.
7 Ratu Alliance S44 matt bw
Matt Blankinship
S44 yam yam t
Yam Yam Arocho
Neither person had an idol.
Matt was voted out 3-2.
11 Ratu Alliance S44 danny bw
Danny Massa
S44 heidi t
Heidi Lagares-Greenblatt
Heidi did not play her idol.
Danny was voted out 3-2-0.19
Tika Three
13 Tika Three S44 lauren bw
Lauren Harpe
S44 heidi t
Heidi Lagares-Greenblatt
Neither person had an idol.
Lauren was voted out 3-1-1.
Survivor 45 10 Reba Four S45 bruce bw
Bruce Perreault
S45 jake t
Jake O'Kane
Bruce did not play his idol.
Bruce was voted out 4-3-1.
Survivor 46 9 Nuinui S46 hunter bw
Hunter McKnight
S46 q t
Q Burdette
Hunter did not play his idol.
The vote tied 4-4-1.
Hunter was voted out 6-1 in the revote.
11 Nuinui S46 venus bw
Venus Vafa
S46 kenzie t
Kenzie Petty
Venus did not play her idol.
Venus was voted out 5-1-1.20

^1 The original intent was for the entire alliance to vote for Corinne, as she was the only vulnerable member of the minority Onion Alliance. However, Crystal Cox and Ken Hoang split their votes between Corinne and Matty to ensure that Matty would be voted out instead of another member of the majority if Corinne played an idol.
^2 The original intent of the vote was to get Marty to flush his idol in order to eliminate Kelly. When he did not play his idol, the alliance voted out Kelly anyway.
^3 The primary intent of this vote was to send Matt to Redemption Island, not to counter Kristina's idol. Andrea Boehlke and Phillip Sheppard, the two alliance members who voted for Kristina, were not told that Matt was the primary target.
^4 The original intent was for the entire alliance to split the vote between Vytas and Katie 4-3. However, Monica Culpepper and Laura Morett, members of the alliance who were both assigned to vote against Katie, voted against Vytas instead, making the split 6-1.
^5 The original intent was for the entire alliance to split the vote between Val and Baylor 3- 3, with Josh Canfield meant to vote against Baylor. However, Josh switched his vote to Val, making the split 4-2 and ensuring Val could not save herself by voting against Baylor.
^6 The main target was Dale (who had a fake idol) due to him being the outsider of the alliance. However, they chose affiliate Keith as the secondary target, and he did have an idol.
^7 The original intent was for the alliance to split the vote between Keith and Wes 4-3. Alec Christy and Reed Kelly voted against Jon Misch instead (making it 4 votes against Jon), but Jon played his own idol, keeping the split vote successful. Jon received 4 votes that did not count, while Keith received 3 votes that did not count.
^8 The primary target was Keith, with the alliance planning to split the vote between him and Alec 3-2; however, Natalie Anderson switched her vote to Alec. Combined with Keith's own vote for Alec, this resulted in Alec's elimination.
^9 Tai reneged from the Gondol Alliance in order to execute the plan. Also, the primary intent of this vote was to eliminate Scot, not to counter the idols held by Scot and Tai. Julia Sokolowski and Michele Fitzgerald, the two alliance members who voted for Tai, were not told that Scot was the primary target. Tai himself was possibly unaware that he was the secondary target.
^10 The original intent was for the entire alliance to split the vote between Desi and Joe 4-3, with Lauren Rimmer meant to vote against Joe. However, Lauren used her advantage allowing her to abstain from the vote in order to use it at a future Tribal Council to vote twice. Combined with outsiders Cole Medders and Mike Zahalsky also voting for Joe, this resulted in the tie.
^11 The original intent was for the entire alliance to vote for Ben. However, Devon Pinto cast a throwaway vote for Mike to ensure that Mike would be voted out instead of another member of the majority if Ben played an idol. (see: Throwaway Votes)
^12 Kellyn Bechtold cast two votes against Laurel by using her Extra Vote advantage, with the knowledge that Domenick Abbate and Wendell Holland were voting against Michael.
^13 The David Alliance split their votes between John and Angelina 3-2. Davie Rickenbacker played his idol on Christian Hubicki, negating the 7 votes cast against Christian. Dan Rengering then played his idol on Angelina, negating the 2 votes cast against her. John was voted out with 3 votes.
^14 Janet Carbin, a member of the splitting alliance, played her own idol and negated the 2 votes cast against herself.
^15 After Jeremy Collins used his Safety Without Power advantage, only nine votes were left to be cast. Sarah Lacina then used her Vote Steal to steal Denise's vote, ensuring that her alliance would control enough votes to split the vote between Denise and Tyson.
^16 Shan Smith played her Extra Vote, casting one vote each against Heather and Naseer, with the intention of forcing a 3-3 tie.
^17 Chanelle cast a throwaway vote against Mike Turner as a contingency in case Daniel successfully played his Shot in the Dark.
^18 Jonathan Young and Mike Turner voted against Romeo in case Lindsay Dolashewich played her Advantage Amulet for Omar. Maryanne Oketch played her Extra Vote to eliminate Omar outright without proceeding to a revote.
^19 Carolyn Wiger, a member of the splitting alliance, played her idol for Carson Garrett and negated the 2 votes cast against him.
^20 The original intent was for Q Burdette to vote against Kenzie[1] and for Ben Katzman to vote against Venus.[2] By mistake, the two voted for the opposite target.

Failed Split Votes[]

This list includes Tribal Councils where the split voting alliance(s) actually attempted the split, but failed due to some members of the alliance reneging, if all members of the opposing alliance are immune (therefore losing one of their own or someone not from the target alliance) and/or splits that did not ensure that one of the targets would be eliminated if an idol was used on one of them. This does not include proposed splits the alliance as a whole did not intend to follow through with.

Season Episode Splitting Alliance Primary Target Secondary Target Eliminated Result
China 11 Fei Long Alliance S15 james t
James Clement
S15 todd t
Todd Herzog
S15 james bw
James Clement
Erik Huffman reneged on the plan (voted against James).
James did not play either of his idols.
James was voted out 5-1-1.1
Zhan Hu Alliance
Micronesia 2 Airai S16 chet t
Chet Welch
S16 tracy t
Tracy Hughes-Wolf
S16 mary bw
Mary Sartain
Alexis Jones, Erik Reichenbach, and Natalie Bolton reneged on the alliance (all voted against Mary).
Neither person had an idol.
Mary was voted out 6-2-2.
Heroes vs. Villains 4 Heroes Alliance S20 tom t
Tom Westman
S20 colby t
Colby Donaldson
S20 cirie bw
Cirie Fields
J.T. Thomas reneged on the plan (voted against Cirie).
Tom played his idol.
Cirie was voted out 3-2-0.
6 Rob's Villains Alliance S20 russell t
Russell Hantz
S20 parvati t
Parvati Shallow
S20 tyson bw
Tyson Apostol
Tyson reneged on the plan (voted against Parvati).
Russell played his idol on Parvati.
Tyson was voted out 3-2-0.2
Caramoan 10 Stealth R Us S26 eddie t
Eddie Fox
S26 malcolm t
Malcolm Freberg
S26 phillip bw
Phillip Sheppard
Erik Reichenbach reneged on the plan (voted against Phillip).
Eddie and Malcolm both played their idols.
Phillip was voted out 4-0-0.3
Blood vs. Water 8 Galang Alliance S27 lauram t
Laura Morett
S27 ciera t
Ciera Eastin
S27 aras bw
Aras Baskauskas
Gervase Peterson, Monica Culpepper, and Tyson Apostol reneged on the alliance;
Caleb Bankston and Hayden Moss reneged on the plan (all voted against Aras).
Neither person had an idol.
Aras was voted out 7-2-2.4
Cagayan 9 Solana Alliance S28 spencer t
Spencer Bledsoe
S28 jeremiah t
Jeremiah Wood
S28 lj bw
LJ McKanas
Tony Vlachos and Woo Hwang reneged on the plan (both voted against LJ).
Spencer did not play his idol.
LJ was voted out 5-3-1.
12 Aparri Alliance S28 tony t
Tony Vlachos
S28 trish t
Trish Hegarty
S28 tasha bw
Tasha Fox
Kass McQuillen and Woo Hwang reneged on the plan (both voted against Tasha).
Tony did not play his idol.
Tasha was voted out 4-1-1.5
Worlds Apart 2 Nagarote Alliance S30 nina t
Nina Poersch
Vince S.
Vince S.
Will Sims II reneged on the plan (voted against Vince).
Neither person had an idol.
Vince was voted out 3-2-1.6
Cambodia 9 Bayon Alliance S31 kelley t
Kelley Wentworth
S31 ciera t
Ciera Eastin
S31 kelly bw
Kelly Wiglesworth
Jeremy Collins, Spencer Bledsoe, and Stephen Fishbach reneged on the plan (all voted against Kelly).
Neither person had an idol.
Kelly was voted out 6-3-2.
10 Bayon Alliance S31 stephen t
Stephen Fishbach
S31 kimmi t
Kimmi Kappenberg
S31 ciera bw
Ciera Eastin
Jeremy Collins reneged on the plan (voted against Ciera).
Jeremy played one of his idols on Stephen.
Ciera was voted out 3-2-0.
Witches' Coven
11 Bayon Alliance S31 joe t
Joe Anglim
S31 abimaria t
Abi-Maria Gomes
S31 stephen bw
Stephen Fishbach
Spencer Bledsoe reneged on the plan (voted against Stephen).
Neither person had an idol.
Stephen was voted out 4-3-2.7
Kaôh Rōng 3 Chan Loh S32 neal t
Neal Gottlieb
S32 aubry t
Aubry Bracco
S32 liz bw
Liz Markham
Debbie Wanner and Joe del Campo reneged on the alliance (both voted against Liz).
Neither person had an idol.
The vote tied 2-2-2.
Liz was voted out 3-0-0 in the revote.8
8 Gondol Alliance S32 debbie t
Debbie Wanner
S32 aubry t
Aubry Bracco
S32 nick bw
Nick Maiorano
Cydney Gillon, Julia Sokolowski, and Michele Fitzgerald reneged on the alliance (all voted against Nick).
Neither person had an idol.
Nick was voted out 6-2-1-1.
Millennials vs. Gen X 7 Ikabula S33 bret t
Bret LaBelle
S33 sunday t
Sunday Burquest
S33 michaela bw
Michaela Bradshaw
Jay Starrett and Will Wahl reneged on the plan (both voted against Michaela).
Neither person had an idol.
Michaela was voted out 4-2.
13 Vinaka S33 jay t
Jay Starrett
S33 david t
David Wright
S33 sunday bw
Sunday Burquest
Adam Klein and Hannah Shapiro reneged on the plan (both voted against Sunday).
Jay played his idol.
Sunday was voted out 4-2-0.
Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers 10 The Round Table S35 mike t
Mike Zahalsky
S35 joe t
Joe Mena
S35 jp bw
JP Hilsabeck
Ashley Nolan, Devon Pinto, and Lauren Rimmer reneged on the alliance (all voted against JP).
Neither person had an idol.
JP was voted out 5-3-1.
David vs. Goliath 9 Goliath Alliance S37 christian t
Christian Hubicki
S37 angelina t
Angelina Keeley
S37 dan bw
Dan Rengering
Dan played his idol.
Dan's idol was nullified by Carl Boudreaux.
Dan was voted out 6-3-2.9
Edge of Extinction 7 Kama Six S38 kelley t
Kelley Wentworth
S38 lauren t
Lauren O'Connell
S38 eric bw
Eric Hafemann
Aurora McCreary, Gavin Whitson, Julia Carter, and Victoria Baamonde reneged on the plan (all voted against Eric).
Kelley and Lauren did not play their idols.
Eric was voted out 8-2-2.
Island of the Idols 2 Vokai S39 jason t
Jason Linden
S39 noura t
Noura Salman
S39 molly bw
Molly Byman
Dan Spilo, Janet Carbin, Kellee Kim, Lauren Beck, and Tommy Sheehan reneged on the plan (all voted against Molly).
Neither person had an idol.
Molly was voted out 7-2-1.
Winners at War 1 Sele S40 denise t
Denise Stapley
S40 adam t
Adam Klein
S40 natalie bw
Natalie Anderson
Ben Driebergen, Danni Boatwright, Ethan Zohn, Parvati Shallow, and Rob Mariano reneged on the plan (all voted against Natalie).
Neither person had an idol.
Natalie was voted out 7-2-1.
11 Cops-R-Us S40 jeremy t
Jeremy Collins
S40 michele t
Michele Fitzgerald
S40 sophie bw
Sophie Clarke
Nick Wilson and Tony Vlachos reneged on the plan (both voted against Sophie).
Neither person had an idol.
Sophie was voted out 4-3-2 with an idol in her possession.
Survivor 42 7 Merge S42 jonathan t
Jonathan Young
S42 maryanne t
Maryanne Oketch
S42 lydia bw
Lydia Meredith
Drea Wheeler, Hai Giang, and Mike Turner reneged on the plan (all voted against Lydia).
Maryanne did not play her idol.
Lydia was voted out 6-2-2-1.
Survivor 43 7 Gaia S43 james t
James Jones
S43 ryan t
Ryan Medrano
S43 dwight bw
Dwight Moore
Cody Assenmacher, Jesse Lopez, and Sami Layadi reneged on the plan (all voted against Dwight).
James did not play his Knowledge is Power to steal an idol.
Dwight was voted out 7-3-2.
11 Gaia S43 karla t
Karla Cruz Godoy
S43 sami t
Sami Layadi
S43 noelle bw
Noelle Lambert
Cody Assenmacher, Jesse Lopez, and Mike Gabler reneged on the plan (all voted against Noelle).
Karla did not play her idol.
Noelle was voted out 5-2-1.
Survivor 44 9 Ratu Alliance S44 heidi t
Heidi Lagares-Greenblatt
S44 danny t
Danny Massa
S44 kane bw
Kane Fritzler
Carolyn Wiger, Carson Garrett, and Yam Yam Arocho reneged on the plan (all voted against Kane).
Heidi did not play her idol.
Kane was voted out 5-3-1-1.
Tika Three
Survivor 46 5 Siga S46 tim t
Tim Spicer
S46 ben t
Ben Katzman
S46 jem bw
Jem Hussain-Adams
Charlie Davis and Maria Shrime Gonzalez reneged on the plan (both voted against Jem).
Neither person had an idol.
Jem was voted out 4-2 with an idol in her possession.

^1 The intent was for everyone to vote against James to flush his idols. The Zhan Hu Alliance initially planned to split the vote on Todd in case James played an idol. However, Erik reneged on the plan and voted against James such that if James had played the idol, the vote would be tied 1-1 and his ally Peih-Gee Law would have presumably been voted out by the Fei Long Alliance in the revote.
^2 The original intent of the split vote was for Tyson to vote against Russell to split the votes 3-3 between Russell and Parvati. However, Tyson voted for Parvati instead, ironically resulting in his own elimination.
^3 Eddie received four votes that did not count, while Malcolm received two votes that did not count.
^4 The original intent of the split vote was for Gervase and Tyson to vote against Laura M. and for Monica to vote against Ciera to split the votes between the two. However, Gervase, Tyson, and Monica sided with the Singles Alliance to vote against Aras instead.
^5 The original intent was to get Kass and Woo to renege from the Solana Alliance, then have Kass and Tasha vote against Trish and Spencer and Woo vote against Tony. Kass and Woo decided however to stay with the Solana Alliance, voting out Tasha instead.
^6 The primary target was Nina, with the tribe planning to split the vote between her and Vince 2-2 but vote Nina out in the revote; however, Will switched his vote to Vince, nullifying the purpose of the split vote (Vince using an idol would not vote out Nina, but would vote out Jenn Brown instead).
^7 Stephen used his Vote Steal advantage to steal Joe's vote and cast an extra vote against Joe.
^8 The original intent was for Debbie and Joe to side with Liz and Peter Baggenstos, splitting the votes 2-2 between Neal and Aubry and voting out Neal in the revote. However, Debbie and Joe sided with Neal and Aubry instead, and they did split the votes between Liz and Peter.
^9 The Goliath Alliance split their votes 3-2 between Christian and Angelina, and Dan used his idol in an attempt to ensure Christian's elimination. However, due to Carl using the Idol Nullifier on Dan, the plan failed.

Throwaway Votes[]

Another voting strategy related to the split vote is the throwaway vote. Even before the threat of Hidden Immunity Idols were put in the game, some castaways cast a throwaway vote (usually against their allies if they are in the minority) in order to divert votes against themselves to someone that could likely also get votes. It could also be used as a strategy on seasons with the past votes tiebreaker, in order to add votes to a particular castaway when the main target already had enough votes against them, that could be used for future Tribal Councils.

Some throwaway votes, however, are used to prevent the effect of Hidden Immunity Idols, and are usually done impromptu when they vote without a clear plan before doing it.


  • According to Cao Boi Bui, the idea of "Plan Voodoo", or split votes, came to him in a dream.
  • Eddie Fox has the record for the most number of times being a target of split votes, with four.
    • He also holds the record for the most votes received at split votes (excluding succeeding revotes), with 11 votes received as part of split votes.
  • Jason Siska and Andrea Boehlke are the first male and female castaway, respectively, to be blindsided by a split vote while holding a Hidden Immunity Idol.
  • San Juan del Sur currently holds the record for the most successful split votes in a season, with 6. It currently ties with Caramoan and Worlds Apart for the most attempted split votes with 6, although only 5 splits were successful in those seasons.
  • Cambodia currently holds the record for the most failed split vote attempts in a season, with three.
  • Two alliances jointly hold the record for the most split votes done in one season by alliance, with five:
    • Stealth R Us in Caramoan split the votes five times, of which four were successful. If one counts the original incarnation of the alliance in Redemption Island, the number rises to eight times, seven of which were successful.
    • The Fab Five alliance (which started as the Coyopa Pairs Alliance) from San Juan del Sur split the votes five times, all successfully.
  • Sophie Clarke is the first castaway to be voted out in a failed split vote attempt with a Hidden Immunity Idol in their possession.
  • Survivor 41 holds the record for the greatest number of unique split vote targets, with ten victims being targeted by one split vote each.


Survivor Gameplay
Challenges Challenge Advantage · Do-It-Yourself Challenge · Duel · Family Visit · Immunity Challenge (Final Immunity Challenge) · Immunity Idol · Immunity Necklace · Medallion of Power · Reward Challenge · Survivor Auction
Elimination Edge of Extinction · Ejection · Evacuation · Final Tribal Council · Jury · Null Vote · Quit · Redemption Island · Snuffer · Sole Survivor (Perfect Game) · Tiebreaker · Torch · Tribal Council · Urn
Strategy Alliance · Goat Strategy · Pagonging · Split Vote
Social Dynamics Final Two · Final Three · Merge · Tribe
Twists Casting Battle of the Sexes · Blood vs. Water · Brawn vs. Brains vs. Beauty · Old vs. Young · Returning Players · Schoolyard Pick · Tribes Divided by Ethnicity
Tribal Council Advantage Amulet · Do or Die · Double Elimination · Double Tribal Council · Extra Vote · Hidden Immunity Idol (History) · Idol Nullifier · Joint Tribal Council · Juror Removal · Legacy Advantage · Knowledge is Power · Safety Without Power · Shot in the Dark · Vote Blocker · Vote Steal
Game Mechanics Advantage Menu · Buried Treasure · Day Zero · Earn the Merge · Exile Island · Fake Merge · Fire Token · First Impressions · Ghost Island · Haves vs. Have Nots · Hourglass · Island of the Idols · Kidnapping · Looting · Mutiny · One World · Reward Steal · Summit · The Outcasts · Tribe Leader · Tribe Switch
Post-Game Contestants on other programs · Fan Favorite Award · Lawsuits and Legal Action · Ponderosa · Reunion Show
Miscellaneous Buff · Camp · Confessional · Luxury Item · Rites of Passage · Survivor Rulebook · Ulonging