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South Team is a tribe from Expedition Robinson 2000.

An early winning streak would launch this tribe to success both pre and post-merge as their rival North Team struggled to win Immunity Challenges. Their tribe color is yellow.


 Adnan Amedi
32, Gävle
S4sweden adnan t
 Buba Badije
32, Gävle
S4sweden buba t
 Charlotta Flyckt
39, Sigtuna
S4sweden charlotta t
 Edward Lundberg
34, Stockholm
S4sweden edward t
 Hildegard Krebbs
61, Kungälv
S4sweden hildegard t
 Linda Häggkvist
22, Sundsvall
S4sweden linda t
 Mattias Dalerstedt
24, Göteborg
S4sweden mattias t

Tribe History[]

Early in the competition this tribe dominated at challenges. The South Team entered the first Immunity Challenge even to their rival North Team, however the South Team managed to pull off a decisive win sending North to the first Tribal Council. While the results of the first Reward Challenge are unknown, the South Team was able to pull off another win at the second Immunity Challenge increasing their tribe margin against North.

At the second Reward Challenge, the tribe suffered one of its earliest loses but were able to rebound as they won the third Immunity Challenge. With their third immunity in a row, the tribe managed to avoid yet another Tribal Council.

Tribal Struggles[]

Following the third Immunity Challenge the tribe suffered a slough of losses. Following their loss at the fourth Immunity Challenge, the tribe was forced to go to their first Tribal Council where they voted out their smallest member Charlotta Flyckt by a vote of 6-1.

After Charlotta's elimination the tribe failed to rebound and lost the fifth Immunity Challenge and were sent to their second straight Tribal Council.


The South Team at their second Tribal Council.

At Tribal Council, the alliance of Edward Lundberg, Hildegard Krebbs, Linda Häggkvist, and Mattias Dalerstedt made it first move by voting to eliminate Buba Badije by a vote of 4-2.

Episode 6[]

The day after Buba's elimination, Adnan Amedi was evacuated. As this left the South Team with only four remaining members, Buba Badije returned to the competition. Upon returning to the South's beach Buba confronted his tribemates about the events of the previous Tribal Council.


Buba and Linda clash following his return.

This eventually led to an argument with Linda in which she blamed Buba's elimination on Adnan stating that he plotted to have Buba eliminated.

Buba's return would not help the moral of the South Team at the next Reward Challenge as they lost for the fifth time in a row. The tribe did eventually managed to rebound from their losing ways as they pulled off a win at the sixth and Final Immunity Challenge.

The next day the remaining South Team members merged with the North Team to form the Robinson tribe.



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Expedition Robinson Tribes
Expedition Robinson 1997 Expedition Robinson 1998 Expedition Robinson 1999 Expedition Robinson 2000
North Team South Team North Team South Team East Team North Team South Team West Team North Team South Team
Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson
Expedition Robinson 2001 Expedition Robinson 2002 Expedition Robinson 2003 Expedition Robinson 2004
North Team South Team North Team South Team Challengers Veterans North Team South Team North Team South Team Team X
Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson
Expedition Robinson VIP Expedition Robinson 2005 Robinson 2009 Karibien
Danmark Norge Sverige North Team South Team Parangan Magkal Agwe Brise
Robinson Robinson Robinson Legba
Robinson 2010 Robinson 2011 Revanschen Love Edition
Buwanga Sarimanok Kalis Bontoc Kalinga Gago Matal Guntao Tigas Bros Srei
Lubad Naiwan Robinson Sreros
Fiji Robinson 2019 Robinson 2020 Robinson 2021
North Team South Team North Team South Team North Team South Team North Team South Team
Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson
Robinson 2022 Malaysia Robinson 2023 Philippines
North Team South Team East Team West Team North Team South Team North Team South Team North Team South Team
Robinson Robinson Robinson Robinson
Robinson 2024 Palawan
North Team South Team North Team South Team