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Sour Grapes is the twelfth episode of Survivor: The Amazon.


Night 30[]

Jacaré returns to camp, where conflict erupts over Alex's blindside, which angers Jenna and Heidi.

Day 31[]

Day 32[]

Day 33[]

In a close battle, Jenna won immunity. After having Jenna and Heidi, as well as Rob, come to her asking her to join their respective alliances, Christy became the swing vote but refused to commit to any alliance, as she was unsure which one would take her the furthest. This worried Rob, so he conspired with Jenna and Heidi to team together and take out Christy due to her lack of commitment. 

At Tribal Council, Christy boasted about being in the diver's seat. Jenna gave her immunity to Heidi as she felt Heidi was in more danger than she was. When the votes were read, a stunned Christy was blindsided 4-2 with Butch being the only one to vote with her against Jenna. 


Challenge: Paddle
The six contestants must dig up a paddle hidden beneath a group of sand mounds. Once they do that, they take one of four local canoes, paddle to a floating crate, read the multiple choice trivia question, choose the bag corresponding to the correct answer, paddle to the other side of the river, open the bag at one of two solving stations, and solve the Anaconda puzzle (if the wrong answer was chosen, the pieces will be black, and players must return). First to solve the puzzle wins.
Reward: One-hour loved one visit at a shared picnic.
Additional Stipulation: Revealed after the challenge, the winner could give up visit so the others could all have ten minutes with their loved one at a shared picnic. Unbeknownst to them, if the winner did so, they would still be rewarded with a visit to an Amazonian village with their loved one.
Winner: Matthew von Ertfelda (shared reward with everyone)

Challenge: Shoot 'n' Shuffle
Slingshots must be used to break hanging plates with shuffleboard discs attached. After ten shots,the contestants took all of their discs (smashed by them, or by someone else) and used them on a shuffleboard table painted to resemble South America. The player closest to the X (representing their current location) wins.
Winner: Jenna Morasca (gave immunity to Heidi Strobel)

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 11:
S6 christy t
Christy (4 votes)
S6 heidi tS6 jenna tS6 matthew tS6 rob t
Heidi, Jenna, Matthew, Rob
S6 jenna t
Jenna (2 votes)
S6 butch tS6 christy t
Butch, Christy
S6 christy bw
Christy Smith

Voting Confessionals[]

Christy's confessional and an edited version of Butch's confessional were shown in the episode.

S6 heidi t
(voting against Christy) I'm voting for you, Christy, because you just skated along too far in this game. It's time to go, your number's up.
S6 matthew t
(voting against Christy) She dug her own grave. She had a secure fourth place finish at a minimum, but she refused to follow through with our alliance. She chose to distance herself from us. She deserves what she's getting. I was very disappointed, and she's a great girl. I bent over backwards to help her, and she basically thumbed her nose up at me. She deserves this.
S6 christy t
(voting against Jenna) Your wish has come true; you're going home, you're getting a shower, you're eating good food. Go look beautiful, be happy. We don't need you.
S6 jenna t
(voting against Christy) I'm voting for you, Christy, because you don't play the game. You don't care about anyone else. You outwardly said that you hate me and Heidi, so why would I ever want you on my team?
S6 rob t
(voting against Christy) I made you an offer that you couldn't refuse, and you said 'let me think about it.' She who hesitates is lost.
S6 butch t
(voting against Jenna) Jenna, I am in a very strong alliance and I gave them my word. I think you're a great girl. This is nothing against you personally, but the alliance is very strong. I'm staying with the alliance all the way. Best of luck to you.

Final Words[]

S6 christy bw
(crying) I'm so pissed off! I didn't deserve to be voted out. I didn't! I developed trust and I knew from Day 1-- don't trust anybody. I can leave here knowing that I'm a role model and that I can make a difference. I'm gonna make sure those freaking evil stepsisters of mine are not gonna win the million dollars! Not gonna happen!

Still in the Running[]

S6 ryan bw
S6 janet bw
S6 daniel bw
S6 joanna bw
S6 jeanne bw
S6 shawna bw
S6 roger bw
S6 dave bw
S6 deena bw
S6 alex bw
S6 christy bw
S6 butch t
S6 heidi t
S6 jenna t
S6 matthew t
S6 rob t


  • This episode marks the first time in which the winner of the Immunity Challenge assigned individual immunity to another contestant since the rule was introduced in Survivor: Marquesas.
  • The end of Christy's final words "Not gonna happen!" aired in the reunion episode.


Survivor: The Amazon Episodes
"Boys vs Girls" · "Storms" · "Girl Power" · "Trapped" · "Pick-Up Sticks" · "More than Meats the Eye" · "Girls Gone Wilder" · "Sleeping with the Enemy" · "The Chain" · "The First 27 Days" · "Q and A" · "Sour Grapes" · "The Amazon Heats Up" · "And Then There Were Four" · "Reunion"