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Something Cruel Is About to Happen... Real Soon is the season premiere of Survivor: Fiji.


The season begins with the arrival of 19 castaways in Fiji.

—Episode Synopsis[2]

Day 1[]

Paddling on a canoe across Fijian waters, nineteen strangers docked on an island to begin the game. Before the castaways make it to the beach, Jeff Probst tells the audience that a castaway (Mellisa McNulty) withdrew before the season began. Not divided into tribes yet, the castaways did not know what to expect, but the survivors did introductions to each other anyways. During the get-to-know, Rocky was called out for looking like Hollywood actor Sylvester Stallone, and went by the name "Rocky."

S14 edgardo t
I thought Jeff was gonna be there and split us into tribes, but it wasn't the case.
S14 rocky t
For some reason, "James" is too hard to remember, so "Rocky" would suffice.

The castaways explored the island, and they found their water source and several fruit-bearing trees. Cassandra found herself to be out of her element, opening coconuts with Yau-Man, who had outdoor experience.

S14 yauman t
I am definitely trying to prove myself. I see the guys are quite young and half of my age. I might be the first one booted off. I hope to be accepted here.

Edgardo and Anthony share insights about what would become of having all nineteen castaways on one island, without any further information, not even meeting Jeff Probst when they should have.

S14 anthony t
It's incredibly overwhelming because there are so many people, and none of us have a clue what's going on. We're looking for Jeff Probst. We're like, "Where's Jeff?"

As the survivors continued exploring the island, Jeff, who was aboard a plane, dropped a crate for them to collect. The younger men of the group tried prying the box open, until Yau-Man pounded the crate on a rock by its corners. The crate contained flint, illustrations for a shelter, a kitchen, a latrine and a kitchen table, and a map to the pre-cut lumber and tools needed for their task.

S14 alex t
Initially, and naïvely, this is awesome, but his is Survivor and something cruel Is about to happen...very soon.

The men found the lumber and tools for the shelter, a toilet seat, a pot, a grill, and a bag of rice. Sylvia, an architect by profession, led the charge in making the shelter, and her demeanor started grating on others. The girls took charge of fire-making. Meanwhile, Edgardo noticed that some were already walking in several groups, which translated to him as building alliances.

S14 erica t
I've never seen a group of survivors that have this much. I am really nervous because I think a curveball is coming. This is too easy.
S14 gary t
I'm sensing that Sylvia is trying to dominate. We're all here to do this together, and you're gonna upset the wagon by doing that.
S14 edgardo t
When we started construction, we're trying to prove to other people that they can handle workload. But as the workload started going on and on, and people started going around in couples. You can see some people are talking.

While carrying more of their roof, Erica and Jessica built an alliance but agreed to have a guy on their group. As the sun set, Sylvia was not contented at the pace they were going with the still-incomplete shelter. Unfortunately for the survivors, rains fell on their roofless shelter.

S14 sylvia t
I feel like, we are not going fast as we should, because we are still working on the primary shelter, while the kitchen and the bathroom are yet to be built.

Day 2[]

Learning from last night's rainfall, the castaways immediately went to work and finished their shelter. Dreamz compared the game to his life experiences, being homeless for some time. He began doing comedic spiels after a long day's work.

S14 dreamz t
Back as a child, I was pretty much homeless, and just stayed in the back of a soup kitchen going to trash cans and getting food. It's kinda like what's going on now. I love it. I wish I could bring my family from home here.

At night, Dreamz' playfulness turned from infectious to annoying, as some others got irritated by his endless talking. Lilliana called him out, but instead of stopping, he continued to blab sporadically, breaking Rocky's fuse, prompting him to confront Dreamz. Instead of sleeping in the cave, Rocky left the cave and chose to sleep on the boat.

S14 rocky t
I am pretty hard on myself when it comes to letting my emotions show. I hate to do it. It's just hard, especially in the conditions we're in right now. What am I supposed to do?

Day 3[]

The nineteen castaways finally meet Jeff Probst for their first Immunity Challenge. Jeff asked who led the building of the shelter, where the castaways unanimously saw Sylvia as the leader in the said task. In a twist, Jeff revealed that Sylvia will divide the eighteen castaways into two tribes of nine. Sylvia, not being on a tribe, was immune and sent to Exile Island, where she will stay until after Tribal Council, and join the tribe that lost the Immunity Challenge to even up the tribes at nine members each. Before Sylvia left, however, Jeff gave her information regarding the Hidden Immunity Idol. Sylvia's order of selection was in alternating between Moto and Ravu. Her selection order was as follows:

S14 cassandra t
S14 michelle t
S14 liliana t
S14 erica t
S14 stacy t
S14 rita t
S14 lisi t
S14 jessica t
S14 dreamz t
S14 rocky t
S14 boo t
S14 earl t
S14 gary t
S14 yauman t
S14 alex t
S14 anthony t
S14 edgardo t
S14 mookie t
S14 sylvia t

After explaining the mechanics of the Immunity Challenge, Jeff revealed that the tribe that wins the challenge would not only win immunity, but also the right to stay on the camp all nineteen players built, plus with additional amenities that were unusual in the game of Survivor: A couch, goblets, cutlery, and a shower head. The losing tribe would relocate to a new beach with only a pot and a machete.

Moto gained an early lead as Stacy and Lisi made quick work with untying their knots and releasing their puzzle bags. Ravu's Jessica fumbled with her knots, prompting Michelle to replace her. Ravu stole the lead when Moto crashed on a pole, but lost it at the puzzle portion. As Mookie, Michelle, Jessica, and Rita struggled for Ravu, Dreamz, Alex, Lisi, and Stacy managed to solve all three puzzles, found their knife and raised their flag first, winning themselves the high-stakes challenge. Not only was Ravu set to go to Tribal Council, but they were also sent to live in hardship and destitution.

The members of Moto, now the sole owners of the camp, were surprised to see their shelter outfitted with bed and linens.


Reward/Immunity Challenge: Chariots of Mire
Two players ride a chariot as the other seven pull them along a 400-meter course, stopping to untie three hanging bags. At the end, someone grabs a tribe flag, and everyone comes back to the start, where four players open the bags and use the pieces inside to assemble three puzzles, revealing a combination for a spinning wheel with compartments containing bundles of fabric. The tribes will then follow the combination correctly to find a knife, and chop a rope to raise a flag.
Reward: The right to live in the luxurious shelter all 19 castaways built. The losing tribe will have to move to a new beach.
Winner: Moto

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 1:
S14 jessica t
Jessica (6 votes)
S14 anthony tS14 earl tS14 michelle t
S14 mookie tS14 rita tS14 yauman t
Anthony, Earl, Michelle, Mookie, Rita, Yau-Man
S14 mookie t
Mookie (1 vote)
S14 rocky t
S14 rita t
Rita (1 vote)
S14 jessica t
S14 yauman t
Yau-Man (1 vote)
S14 erica t
S14 jessica bw
Jessica deBen

Voting Confessionals[]

Jessica's and Yau-Man's confessionals were aired.

S14 michelle t
(voting against Jessica) Girl, you're amazing, and you're tough, and I love you, and that's why you're a threat to me.
S14 jessica t
(voting against Rita) I'm sorry. This wasn't my idea.
S14 earl t
(voting against Jessica) Sorry, Jessica. I love you to death, but the tribe spoke this way. It was based on the challenge from today. They said you dropped the ball a couple of times and that really hurt us when we lost. Sorry. I love you to death. You're wonderful.
S14 mookie t
(voting against Jessica) I'm sorry, but you are the weakest link.
S14 erica t
(voting against Yau-Man) This is basically a throwaway vote. The tribe decided to vote out Jessica, and I won't write her name down.
S14 anthony t
(voting against Jessica) You don't deserve to go, but this is purely a strategical move. Sorry.
S14 yauman t
(voting against Jessica) Sorry, nothing personal here. This is strictly mercenary. I'm trying to stay alive to fight another day.
S14 rita t
(voting against Jessica) I'm sorry, Jessica. As you said earlier, for our tribe now, it had to be a majority vote, and unless the others were lying to me, this is what the majority ruled. Again, I'm sorry.
S14 rocky t
(voting against Mookie) The person I'm voting off tonight is Mookie. I think, brother, you and I realize why. Sorry, brother.

Final Words[]

S14 jessica bw
I guess if you're going to get back-stabbed, it's good to get it done in the beginning when you don't know people that well. I was absolutely shocked. I felt like I worked really hard, so I don't know where I went wrong. I feel honored to have been able to play a game that not many people get to play. My torch may have been snuffed here, but I'm sure it's being lit somewhere else.

Still in the Running[]

S14 jessica bw
S14 alex t
S14 anthony t
S14 boo t
S14 cassandra t
S14 dreamz t
S14 earl t
S14 edgardo t
S14 erica t
S14 gary t
S14 liliana t
S14 lisi t
S14 michelle t
S14 mookie t
S14 rita t
S14 rocky t
S14 stacy t
S14 sylvia t
S14 yauman t


  • Unlike the premieres of The Australian Outback and All-Stars, this season premiered on its normal Thursday date instead of airing after Super Bowl XLI. Instead, CBS aired a new episode of Criminal Minds.
  • This is the first and only season premiere to begin with an odd number of castaways.
    • The intended 20th contestant, Mellisa McNulty, was briefly mentioned, albeit not by name. She quit minutes prior to the game starting due to panic attacks.
  • This is the second season premiere where Jeff did not meet the cast on Day 1, after "They're Back!". It would happen again in Island of the Idols.
  • The title of the episode is said by Alex Angarita about the lack of instructions given by production.


Survivor: Fiji Episodes
"Something Cruel Is About to Happen... Real Soon" · "Snakes Are Misunderstood... We Have an Understanding Now" · "This Is Not Survival... It's a Thrival" · "Let's Just Call Jeff on the Jeff Phone" · "Love Many, Trust Few, Do Wrong to None" · "I've Got Strength Now to Carry the Flag" · "An Evil Thought" · "So You Think You Can Meke?" · "Are We Gonna Live on Exile Island?!" · "It's a Turtle?!" · "Blackmail or Betrayal" · "A Smile, Velvet Gloves and a Dagger in My Pocket" · "I Wanna See If I Can Make a Deal" · "You've Got That Puzzled Look" · "Reunion"