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Signed, Sealed and Delivered is the fourth episode of Survivor: Kaôh Rōng.


Day 8[]

Day 9[]


Immediately following the Reward Challenge, Caleb, Cydney and Debbie collapse, causing chaos.

Day 11[]


Challenge: Dig It
The tribes would race through a series of obstacles to a log, which they must dig under and get themselves through. They would then make their way to a sandy pit where they have to dig up three bags of balls. Once they had all the balls, they would roll those balls attempting to land them in a series of targets. The first two tribes to finish win reward.
Reward: Coffee and a Survivor kitchen set for the winners; salt, pepper and some dishes for the runner-up.
Winners (in order of finish): Chan Loh and Gondol

Challenge: Snake, Rattle & Roll
Two tribe members would race into the jungle and climb up a ladder to retrieve puzzle pieces and bring them back. Then two more tribe members would swim out into the ocean, then dive down and retrieve more puzzle pieces. Once a tribe has collected all the puzzle pieces, they would use them to complete a snake puzzle. The first two tribes to finish win immunity.
Winners (in order of finish): Chan Loh and Gondol

Tribal Council[]

Day 9[]

Removed from Challenge Area
S32 caleb bw
Caleb Reynolds

Final Words[]

S32 caleb bw
My Survivor experience was like nothing I've ever done before. For those people that do think is that easy, I just say, "Try it, you know, this is the real deal." And I didn't expect it to be as tough as it really is. It was fun. It pushed my body to its limit. The doctors were great. It's one of them experiences that I would honestly do again.

Day 11[]

Tribal Council 4:
To Tang
S32 alecia t
Alecia (3 votes)
S32 cydney tS32 jason tS32 scot t
Cydney, Jason, Scot
S32 scot t
Scot (1 vote)
S32 alecia t
S32 alecia bw
Alecia Holden

Voting Confessionals[]

S32 scot t
(voting against Alecia) I really hope you watch this over and over, and understand that we really were trying to help you.

Final Words[]

S32 alecia bw
I've never been around elements like this, and coming to where I have no shelter and no food, you know, it's really changed me as a person. At the end of the day, I'm proud of myself. I don't think I gave up.

Still in the Running[]

S32 darnell bw
S32 jennifer bw
S32 liz bw
S32 caleb bw
S32 alecia bw
S32 anna t
Chan Loh
S32 aubry t
To Tang
S32 cydney t
Chan Loh
S32 debbie t
To Tang
S32 jason t
Chan Loh
S32 joe t
S32 julia t
S32 michele t
Chan Loh
S32 neal t
S32 nick t
Chan Loh
S32 peter t
To Tang
S32 scot t
S32 tai t



Episode Title[]


Survivor: Kaôh Rōng Episodes
"I'm a Mental Giant" · "Kindergarten Camp" · "The Circle of Life" · "Signed, Sealed and Delivered" · "The Devils We Know" · "Play or Go Home" · "It's Merge Time" · "The Jocks vs. the Pretty People" · "It's Psychological Warfare" · "I'm Not Here to Make Good Friends" · "It's a 'Me' Game, Not a 'We' Game" · "Now's the Time to Start Scheming" · "With Me or Not with Me" · "Not Going Down Without a Fight" · "Reunion"