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This is the fifth episode of Serdtse Afriki.


Night 12[]

At the Sand tribe, the castaways discuss the previous Tribal Council, where Vladimir Varzanov was voted out. Lyubov Glazkova mentions that even though Vladimir V. was insufferable, she wouldn't have voted against him because he's her friend. She then asserts that the choice was the right one. However, Samir Makhmudov expresses doubts about the correctness of the decision, seeing Roman Lebedev as the tribe's biggest liability.

Day 13[]

Sand steals sugarcane

Early in the morning, the Sand castaways venture into private plantations once again and pilfer bunches of bananas and sugarcane. Tutuko, the guide of the Sand tribe, warns them that the owners would be displeased with their crops getting stolen. Despite this, the castaways choose to disregard his advice, and they decide to steal the sugarcane and bananas.

In the River tribe, the castaways read a letter from Rada Razborkis regarding confrontations within the Sand tribe. The letter was sent by Vusi, a guide of the River tribe, who had informed the police the previous day about a fishing net, resulting in its confiscation.

The Sand tribemates who had stolen bananas return to their camp. Roman asks Tutuko to carry the basket of bananas up the mountain, then expresses his irritation with the disorganization of the tribe.

At the River tribe, guest Dima Bilan bids farewell to the contestants. Nikolai Demin mentions that Dima is a nice person and expresses his admiration for Dima's exchange of his shoes for a loaf of bread. Elena Ivankova reads a letter from Tree Mail, stating that guests will arrive by helicopter and a landing site needs to be prepared. Dmitry Makarov takes the initiative to designate a place for the helicopter to land on the river bank. The tribemates speculate about the potential guests, with Vitaly Ratnikov hoping that Alla Pugacheva or Joseph Kobzon will be among them.

Once again, two castaways from each tribe are required to visit the Zulu village. The River tribe chooses Conan Alexeev and Elena, while the Sand tribe selects Rada and Lyubov. Rada and Conan share a joyful reunion. Lyubov mentions that the participants decided during the ceremony to offer underpants to the Zulus as a token of appreciation for their meeting at the village gates. Lyubov and Elena engage in learning the art of mat weaving, accompanied by singing Russian songs.

The River tribemates rush to the helicopter landing site, but the helicopter passes by the camp. The guests turn out to be the frontmen of the Bi-2 band, Lyova Bortnik and Shura Uman. Lyova explains that they spotted crocodiles in the river from the helicopter and decided against landing on the River bank. Instead, they landed on the beach of the Sand tribe, by the ocean. The members of the Sand tribe warmly welcome Lyova and Shura. Meanwhile, the River tribemates, having missed the helicopter, return to their camp. The Sand members offer them bananas as a treat, and Lyova and Shura bring food for the tribe, including fish, bananas, and chicken. Additionally, the castaways bury cans of beer in the ground for safekeeping.

Ruu1 stompede

All of the castaways meet for the next Reward Challenge, Stomp-ede. One person at a time will use an adjustable seesaw under a tower to launch eight assorted items into a basket on top of the tower. The winning tribe will receive a basket of food, while the losing tribe will leave empty-handed. Host Aleksandr Domogarov then invites both Lyova and Shura to join the River tribe in order to even out the numbers, and they agree. However, despite this adjustment, the River tribe ends up losing the challenge, and Sand wins the food basket.

Day 14[]

At the Sand tribe, the castaways struggle with waking up. Shura talks about his feelings in the morning.

At the River tribe, Elena attempts to go for a swim in the river but refrains due to crocodiles. The tribemates, concerned about the potential risk of crocodiles coming onto land, engage in a discussion about how to safeguard themselves from the creatures. Lena Pinchuk expresses skepticism about the likelihood of crocodiles appearing in the camp. Dmitry Mak. and Vitaly make the decision to place stakes around the camp as a protective measure.

At the Sand tribe, both Anna Karpova and Linda Hevard-Mills confront Roman, expressing their concerns that he exerts pressure on the tribe through his domineering attitude. They also feel that Roman is displaying selfish behavior when it comes to rationing food, deciding how much each person should eat. Roman denies these accusations, and he expresses frustration with what he perceives as laziness within the tribe.

At the River tribe, Dmitry Mak. crafts a spear from a stick using a knife. Later, Dmitry Mak. and Nikolai go for a swim in a canoe, engaging in a conversation about crocodiles. Nikolai indicates the spot where he spotted a small crocodile, but it swam away. Continuing their activities, Dmitry Mak. and Nikolai paddle up to the reeds, collect bird eggs from nests, and intend to boil them.

Back at the Sand tribe, Anna K. and Linda persist in their conflict with Roman, focusing on the distribution of bananas and the disagreement over how many each person should be allowed to eat.

Both of the tribes arrive at the fifth Immunity Challenge, Dragged Through Mud. Once again, the Sand tribe emerges victorious, while the River tribe faces defeat, failing to score any points during the challenge.

Day 15[]

At River, the castaways decide to kill the rooster for keeping them awake. However, they decide to keep the chicken alive, hoping that it will eventually lay eggs. Aleksandr reveals that both the chicken and the rooster have been laying eggs on the shelter's roof, suggesting that the presence of the crocodile might have frightened the birds. In response to the crocodile threat, Vitaly sharpens stakes and places them around the camp as a protective measure to safeguard the tribe.

During this round, one castaway from each tribe is chosen to visit the Zulu village once again. The River tribe selects Dmitry Mak., while the Sand tribe selects Linda. At the village, the castaways are taught how to extract palm juice, which is used to make an alcoholic drink. The Zulus demonstrate the process by using a machete to cut branches from a palm tree, creating incisions on the trunk to allow the sap to collect in a mug as it drips from the leaves. Dmitry Mak. explains that the Zulus collect this juice over three days and then consume it daily, similar to the way kvass is consumed.

In the Sand tribe, Lyova and Shura distribute items to their fellow tribemates and express their growing connection with the castaways. The women of the Sand tribe engage in dancing with the Zulu women in the village and have conversations with them about cows and weddings. A Zulu woman recounts a situation where a man is unable to marry due to his lack of cows.

River Nikolay voted out

The River tribe arrives at Tribal Council for their fourth time. Aleksandr queries the castaways about the reasons behind their streak of challenge loses. However, the members struggle to provide a definitive answer. Aleksandr reminds them that the guest castaways had left votes, potentially leading to the return of an eliminated castaway in the future. Elena and Nikolai votes against Dmitry Mak., Lena casts a throwaway vote against Vitaly, while Conan, Dmitry Mak., and Vitaly vote against Nikolai. Following the revelation that the Zulus had granted their immunity to Lyubov, Nikolai is confirmed to be eliminated. As Nikolai bids his tribe farewell, his torch is snuffed, and he departs from Tribal Council.


Challenge: Stomp-ede
One tribe member at a time uses an adjustable seesaw beneath a tower to catapult eight assorted items into a basket atop the tower.
Reward: Basket of food from the challenge.
Winner: Sand

Challenge: Dragged Through Mud
Four men and one woman from each tribe participate in this challenge, each member of the tribe will be connected to each other, they must reach from the center of the site to each of the bandanas and take it in their hands.
Winner: Sand

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 5:
RUU1 nikolai t
Nikolai (3 votes)
RUU1 conan tRUU1 dmitrymak tRUU1 vitaly t
Conan, Dmitry Mak., Vitaly
RUU1 dmitrymak t
Dmitry Mak. (2 vote)
RUU1 elena tRUU1 nikolai t
Elena, Nikolai
RUU1 vitaly t
Vitaly (1 vote)
RUU1 lena t
RUU1 nikolai bw
Nikolai Demin

Voting Confessionals[]

Voting Confessionals are translated from Russian into English

RUU1 dmitrymak t
Dmitry Mak.
(voting against Nikolai) Kolya, this might not be the best choice, as without you our tribe will become significantly weaker, but without our girls, it will simply cease to exist. You're a true man.
RUU1 conan t
(voting against Nikolai) Kolya is a wonderful person, and I'm sorry to vote against him, but at the moment I consider him less valuable in the tribe. And I'm ashamed of it.
RUU1 elena t
(voting against Dmitry Mak.) Dima, I'm sorry, you are sweet and wonderful...
RUU1 lena t
(voting against Vitaly) Vitalik, you know how highly I think of you; I'm sure that no one will write your name at all.
RUU1 nikolai t
(voting against Dmitry Mak.) Dima, you are a great man, but my vote is against you.
RUU1 vitaly t
(voting against Nikolai) Kolya, sorry, but I have to vote against you.

Final Words[]

Final words are translated from Russian into English.

RUU1 nikolai bw
I will miss Africa the most because I already love it. I wanted to know what a snake tastes like, I wanted to build a small village like the Zulus, but it didn't happen, maybe I can do it again. In fact, it's very nice that celebrities vote not only against, but also for the castaway they like the best; I would like that castaway to be me.

Still in the Running[]

RUU1 vladimirn bw
 Olga Si.
RUU1 olgasi bw
 Olga Sh.
RUU1 olgash bw
RUU1 vladimirv bw
RUU1 nikolai bw
RUU1 alexey t
RUU1 annak t
RUU1 conan t
RUU1 dmitrymak t
RUU1 elena t
RUU1 lena t
RUU1 linda t
RUU1 lyubov t
RUU1 natalia t
RUU1 lesha t
RUU1 roman t
RUU1 samir t
RUU1 vitaly t



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