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This is the season premiere of Serdtse Afriki.


Day 1[]

Eighteen castaways arrive in South Africa to live with the Zulus for 48 days. The host, Aleksandr Domogarov, starts a phone timer. Every hour of the castaways' stay in Africa will earn them 3,000 rubles; by the end of the game, the Sole Survivor will receive the total amount of money. Then, Aleksandr hands out phones to the castaways and invites the women to select one man to be their rowing partner. He announces the opening challenge: The pairs must canoe down the Limpopo River and reach the Indian Ocean, and the first man and woman to cross the finish line will win the right to pick their respective tribes.

Ruu1 racetoshore

Roman Lebedev and Rada Razborkis are the first ones to reach the Indian Ocean. They are declared captains of the tribes. The rest of the castaways celebrate after they arrive at the ocean. But their celebration is cut short as the African natives come armed, scaring the contestants with spears. However, the castaways realize they should obey and go to the Zulu village, accompanied by the natives. After they arrive, the Zulu leader greets the contestants and informs them that the tribes will be chosen through a Schoolyard Pick. As they won the opening challenge, Roman and Rada would be the first to pick their respective tribes. The second person selected will pick the third tribe member, the third member will select the fourth, and so on. The tribes were formed in the following order.

RUU1 lesha t
RUU1 conan t
RUU1 lena t
RUU1 dmitrymak t
RUU1 elena t
RUU1 nikolai t
 Olga Si.
RUU1 olgasi t
RUU1 vladimirn t
 Olga Sh.
RUU1 olgash t
RUU1 roman t
RUU1 annak t
RUU1 samir t
RUU1 linda t
RUU1 vladimirv t
RUU1 lyubov t
RUU1 alexey t
RUU1 natalia t
RUU1 vitaly t

The Zulu leader gives each tribe three Zulu guides, who, from now on, will live with the castaways and teach them how to survive in Africa. After the division into tribes, it is announced that one tribe will settle on the rich vegetation river bank, and the other tribe will live on dunes near the ocean. To get the right to select the camp, one castaway from each tribe has to climb up a high pole dug into the ground and get an egg on top of it. Conan Alexeev and Roman Lebedev volunteered for the challenge, where Conan climbed the pole quicker, and his tribe got the opportunity to choose their preferred place of residence. Conan selects the camp near the river, and the River and Sand tribes are formed.

Sand arrive

The Zulu guides use gestures to explain to the castaways that building should begin with a fence and a fire to protect themselves from wild animals. Upon arriving at the camps with a chest of belongings, the contestants try to start a fire by rubbing a stick but are ultimately unable to do so. The River tribe attempts asking for fire from the natives, but they are unsuccessful, due to the natives not understanding them.

Day 2[]

Celebrities arrive in Africa on a secret mission. They have to cast their votes for one of the castaways so that if the person gets voted out, they can return to the game. Actor Andrey Fedortsov joins the River tribe, while singer Ksenia Novikova joins the Sand tribe. Simultaneously, each tribe periodically sends two of its representatives to the Zulus for training. Olga Sidorova and Conan from River, and Lyubov Glazkova and Natalia Nikolaeva from Sand, arrive at the Zulu village. Under the guidance of Zulu mentors, they learn how to bake corn cakes and create traditional Zulu clothing. The game's rules stipulate that 100 hours after it starts, participants must resemble the locals. The person who looks the least like a Zulu is at risk of being eliminated.

Sand first immunity challenge

In the middle of the day, both tribes meet for the first Immunity Challenge of the season, Pig Pen. The tribes compete to collect pigs. Initially, the River tribe takes the lead. However, they ultimately fall behind, leading to the Sand tribe emerging victorious.

Before the first Tribal Council, the Zulus craft wooden figurines of the castaways. The Zulu elders listen to their guides' opinions about which castaway is more deserving than the others to receive Zulu Immunity and be protected from elimination.

Day 3[]

After the members of the Sand tribe wake up, they venture along their shoreline in search of crabs to eat. Within the River tribe, Andrey F. is contributing to his tribe's efforts by employing a fishing net to block the river. After a couple of hours, the net successfully captures three substantial fish and a bird. Lena Pinchuk discusses how Andrey F.'s actions are benefiting the tribe.

Two castaways from each tribe arrive once again at the Zulu village. This time, Lena and Vladimir Nifontov are representing the River tribe, while Samir Makhmudov and Ksenia are representing the Sand tribe. While the women engage in tasks such as plucking chickens and grinding flour, the men are enjoying their time with the Zulus. Vladimir N. is confiding in Samir, revealing that he has enough support within his alliance to target Lena for elimination due to her status as the youngest person.

River Vova voted out

River arrives at Tribal Council. While Lena receives four votes, Vladimir N. narrowly becomes the first contestant to be voted out of the season, primarily due to concerns about his lack of trustworthiness. It is revealed that the Zulus chose to give individual immunity to Conan, resulting in Vladimir N. becoming the first person to be eliminated from the season. The River tribe heads back to their camp.


Challenge: Race to Shore
The pairs must canoe down the Limpopo River and reach the Indian Ocean. The first pair to cross the finish line wins the challenge.
Reward: The first man and woman to reach the shore were tasked to select the remaining players to be on their tribes (through Schoolyard Pick).
Winners: Roman Lebedev and Rada Razborkis

Challenge: Pig Pen
Both tribes must race through a muddy pigpen in order to chase down pigs. Once the time is up, the team with the most pigs back in their tribe pen would win immunity.
Winner: Sand

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 1:
RUU1 vladimirn t
Vladimir N. (5 votes)
RUU1 conan tRUU1 elena t
RUU1 lena tRUU1 olgash tRUU1 lesha t
Conan, Elena, Lena, Olga Sh., Rada
RUU1 lena t
Lena (4 votes)
RUU1 andreyf tRUU1 nikolai tRUU1 olgasi tRUU1 vladimirn t
Andrey F., Nikolai, Olga Si., Vladimir N.
RUU1 olgasi t
Olga Si. (1 vote)
RUU1 dmitrymak t
Dmitry Mak.
RUU1 vladimirn bw
Vladimir Nifontov

Voting Confessionals[]

Voting Confessionals are translated from Russian into English.

RUU1 olgash t
Olga Sh.
(voting against Vladimir N.) I voting for this person, because I think there were situations, where he could be show himself his better side.
RUU1 elena t
(voting against Vladimir N.) This is our first vote and, I think, we still don't know each other well enough. But, he probably is the most strange one for me.
RUU1 andreyf t
Andrey F.
(voting against Lena) We have a girl named Lena Pinchuk. I think she's too little. I feel so sorry for her. And I guess lots of terrible things still lay ahead in this game. I guess so. That's why I'm voting for her.
RUU1 lena t
(voting against Vladimir N.) I'm afraid that I just don't have a choise.
RUU1 olgasi t
Olga Si.
(voting against Lena) Lena Pinchuk. I think she should go back to Moscow and continue her studying. That's much more improtant now for her.
RUU1 nikolai t
(voting against Lena) I voting for this person, because I think, she's too small for this.
RUU1 vladimirn t
Vladimir N.
(voting against Lena) It's not even a choise, it's a logical thing to do. Because we have fewer boys and more girls. And we already started to lose challenges.
RUU1 lesha t
(voting against Vladimir N.) I think that this game is for strong people. And I'm against the cowardice. If he didn't come to me today and then a few other people didn't come to me at his request and ask not to vote for him, I wouldn't have done it.
RUU1 conan t
(voting against Vladimir N.) I picked this person, because there were a few things coming from him that I didn't like. It was laziness, irresponsibility in approach to some things.
RUU1 dmitrymak t
Dmitry Mak.
(voting against Olga Si.) Olya Sidorova. She is a good person, but a way too a city slicker.

Final Words[]

Final words are translated from Russian into English.

RUU1 vladimirn bw
Vladimir N.
Olga Sidorova and I initially were not going to join any alliances. But when we felt that there were some squabbles, we started to communicate with other guys, knowing that most likely I would be voted out and that this is wrong. Many people supported us, but mainly the female half of the tribe felt that I should go home. I wish my tribe good luck. I'm sure we'll make it through, and River tribe will win.

Still in the Running[]

RUU1 vladimirn bw
RUU1 alexey t
RUU1 annak t
RUU1 conan t
RUU1 dmitrymak t
RUU1 elena t
RUU1 lena t
RUU1 linda t
RUU1 lyubov t
RUU1 natalia t
RUU1 nikolai t
 Olga Sh.
RUU1 olgash t
 Olga Si.
RUU1 olgasi t
RUU1 lesha t
RUU1 roman t
RUU1 samir t
RUU1 vitaly t
RUU1 vladimirv t



Serdtse Afriki Episodes
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