Sanja Močibob is a contestant from Survivor: Dominikanska Republika.
Sanja had a breakdown during the first Reward Challenge, though she was deemed fit to compete by the medical team. She demonstrated great challenge prowess and was one of the Azua tribe's strongest women. While she said she was ready to go home, she seemingly changed her mind and expressed her wish to stay at Azua's first Tribal Council. Despite this, she was unanimously nominated for elimination by the tribe, in part due to the fact that her tribemates believed she would be able to defeat the Igor Lazić Niggor and Ivona Koković, the other tribe's nominees, at the duel. This was proven incorrect when Sanja lost the duel and was the first person sent home.
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Sanja Močibob, studentica marketinga, društvenih medija i odnosa s javnošću, koja posljednjih sedam godina radi u Trstu u poznatom lancu optika. Sanja dolazi iz Umaga gdje je kao mlađa radila u jednom od vodećih kasina, a srednju školu završila je u Poreču. Sebe opisuje kao impulzivnu, radoznalu, srdačnu i dosljednu osobu koja se u slobodno vrijeme bavi sportom te voli putovati i skupljati nova iskustva i sjećanja, a sudjelovanjem u 'Survivoru' zasigurno će stvoriti brojne zanimljive uspomene. „Moram reći da volim komfor, ali u sebi skrivam avanturistički duh, koji će sigurno doći do izražaja u Survivoru. Budući da sam po prirodi prilagodljiva i društvena, radišna i tvrdoglava mislim da će mi to u showu sigurno pomoći", poručuje Sanja koja kao svoje najveće kvalitete ističe iskrenost, lojalnost i poštenje.
"Nije mi strano u zadnji tren napuniti kofer i otputovati spontano na neku destinaciju", pohvalila se i dodala da se za pet godina vidi zaposlena u nekoj internacionalnoj kompaniji izvan Hrvatske.
Sanja started out on the blue Azua tribe, consisting of fellow Croats, as well as one Bosnian. The opposing Mao tribe consisted of 8 Serbs and 2 Montenegrins. The tribes, still on their boats, were told to race to their mats. Azua lost the challenge, so Mao won the right to pick their tribe color and camp. The first Reward Challenge for camp building tools and matches started soon after. During this challenge, the pressure of the situation got to Sanja, and she started crying and begging for someone to call her mother. She was tended to by the medical team and was deemed fit to compete. She managed to score a point for her tribe, but Azua still lost the challenge.
At camp, she seemed to get along well with the rest of her tribe. On Day 2, she expressed that she was alright with going home, but would give it her all as long as the tribe kept her. When Azua failed to win the second Reward Challenge for 20 potatoes, Sanja had another small fit.
Azua finally had a little luck regain on Day 3 when they won the first Immunity Challenge. Even though Sanja failed to score a point for her tribe, she made it through the day with no breakdown. This seemed to be a fluke, however, as Azua lost the second Immunity Challenge, although Sanja showed herself as a valuable asset by scoring a point. At camp, Sanja got into a verbal altercation with tribemate Kristian Rauch after he told her she was likely the next to go. Kristian was proven right, however, as Sanja was unanimously nominated to be up for elimination at Azua's first Tribal Council. Azua seemed to encourage her and wanted her to beat the opposing tribe's nominees (Igor Lazić Niggor and Ivona Koković).
Sanja tried her best to prepare for the challenge, but was ultimately the first contestant to drop out, permanently eliminating her from the competition. On her way out, she wished her tribe the best and said she believed they still had the potential to win. She was then sent packing, finishing in last place.
Voting History[]
Episode | Sanja's Votes |
Voted Against Sanja |
3 | Azua Tribe Immune | |
5 | Kristian | Goran, Ivana B., Kristian Nika, Roko, Sumejja Tena, Tomislav, Viktor |
Nominated, Day 4 | ||
Lost Duel, Day 5 |
- Sanja had previously competed on Big Brother Croatia 2, where she placed 10th out of 21.
- Sanja is the third contestant from Survivor Hrvatska and the second from Srbija to have competed on another competition show before Survivor, following (in season order) Dvina Meler, Aleks Grdić (both from the first season of the Croatian version of The Farm), and Stanija Dobrojević (from the fourth and sixth seasons of the Serbian version of The Farm). Sanja's Dominikanska Republika castmate Niggor also competed on the first season of the Serbian version of The Farm.
Survivor: Dominikanska Republika Castaways | ||||||||||||||||||
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