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Saboga is a tribe from Survivor: All-Stars. Their tribe color is yellow.

Saboga is best remembered for being the most dysfunctional of the three starting tribes and having its members absorbed by the remaining tribes on Day 13, after which it ceased to exist.


Ethan Zohn
29, New York City, NY
S8 ethan t
Jenna Lewis
26, Burbank, CA
S8 jennal t
Rudy Boesch
75, Virginia Beach, VA
S8 rudy t
Rupert Boneham
39, Indianapolis, IN
Pearl Islands
S8 rupert t

Tribe History[]

Saboga started the game as the most fractured of the three tribes, almost immediately dividing into three separate alliances. Rudy Boesch and Rupert Boneham were the first to join forces; Rudy knew that both men had a reputation of honesty and loyalty, so he approached Rupert to form a coalition. Jenna Lewis and Jerri Manthey bonded on their mutual weariness for the winners: Jenna L. was avidly against the idea of a former Sole Survivor winning twice, while Jerri was eager to vote off Tina, with whom she had had personality conflicts on their prior season. Finally, Ethan Zohn and Tina Wesson bonded out of a sense of necessity; as former winners, their backs were against the wall and they would be even weaker if left unaligned. In the event of a Tribal Council, it was becoming readily apparent that the Rudy-Rupert alliance would decide the outcome as the other duos targeted each other.

On Day 3, Saboga lost the first Immunity Challenge and became the first tribe to attend Tribal Council. After much lobbying from both sides, Rudy and Rupert eventually joined Jenna L. and Jerri. Tina was eliminated from the game in a 4-2 vote.

Ethan was now the obvious odd-man-out, and as such sought to make himself indispensable by catching fish. This led to a mild rivalry between the Africa winner and Rupert, the tribe's fisherman. Meanwhile, Saboga had a brief respite from its bad luck when it won the day four Reward Challenge and a gift of blankets. However, Saboga exchanged the blankets for a flint, cooking pot, and a clue to open the locked box that had been given to the tribes, containing rice. During the challenge, Rudy injured his ankle.

The tribe's winning streak was over as quickly as it had started, and Saboga lost the next Immunity Challenge. Despite Ethan being on the chopping block, the tribe instead chose to target Rudy, who had been ailing due to his injury. On Day 6, Rudy was eliminated from the game in a 3-2 vote.

Rupert took charge of the tribe when the next Reward Challenge tasked the tribes with building a shelter using a tool kit provided with Tree Mail. Rupert and Jerri clashed over the proposed idea—digging down into the sand and building a log cabin around the gap—but Jerri backed down and the tribe went ahead with the idea. The project was largely considered a failure, losing the challenge decisively and being completely destroyed during a subsequent tropical storm. The storm rocked the morale of the tribe—particularly Jerri, who found it difficult to recover. On day ten, the paltry tribe of four finally escaped from their losing streak, placing second at the subsequent Reward Challenge, and later finished first at the day twelve Immunity Challenge.

When the Day 13 Reward Challenge asked the castaways to build a bamboo raft, Rupert sought to redeem himself after the shelter fiasco by constructing a decent raft. Instead, Saboga lost for the final time: having lost the Reward Challenge, the Saboga tribe was dissolved. Ethan and Jerri joined Mogo Mogo, and Rupert and Jenna L. joined Chapera.

On Day 26, the newly merged Chaboga Mogo tribe (including former Saboga members Jenna L. and Rupert) returned to Saboga beach. They lived on the beach for the remainder of the game's duration.

Episode Challenge Challenge Type Sit-Out Result Eliminated
1 Quest for Fire Immunity None Lost Tina
1st Voted Out
Day 3
2 Stairway to the Stars Reward None Won Rudy
2nd Voted Out
Day 6
Float Your Boat Immunity None Lost
3 Better Homes and Island Living Reward None Lost No Tribal Council1
4 Match Maker Reward None 2nd Tribe Immune
Blind Cube Crisis Immunity None 1st
5 Shipwrecked Raft Rescue Reward None Lost
Tribe Dissolved, Day 13
^1 Jenna M. from Mogo Mogo quit the game before the Immunity Challenge, thus canceling the challenge.

Original Tribe
Episode 1 2 3 4 5
Voted Out S8 tina t
S8 rudy t
Vote 4-2 3-2 No vote1
Jenna L. Tina Rudy
Rupert Tina Ethan
Jerri Tina Rudy
Ethan Jenna L. Rudy
Rudy Tina Ethan
Tina Jenna L.
^1 Jenna M. from Mogo Mogo elected to quit the game to be with her ailing mother. As a result, the scheduled Immunity Challenge was cancelled.
^2 Saboga lost the Reward Challenge and was dissolved, with their remaining members absorbed by Mogo Mogo and Chapera.



  • Saboga Island was the island the Pearl Islands castaways visited to buy and barter supplies from in "Beg, Barter, Steal".
  • During a letter-writing activity that was not seen on the edited show, Chapera's Alicia Calaway sent Saboga a letter warning them of a potential alliance comprised of former Africa castaways. Alicia wrote the letter with her left hand to make her handwriting unidentifiable.[1]
  • Saboga's Rupert Boneham and Jenna Lewis are the only two castaways to have been on every All-Stars tribe. They started the game on Saboga, were absorbed by Chapera on Day 13, were switched to Mogo Mogo on Day 22, and became part of the merged Chaboga Mogo on Day 26.
  • Saboga is the only starting tribe from All-Stars to not have one of its members quit the game.
  • All six Saboga members were voted off in back-to-back pairs. Tina Wesson and Rudy Boesch were the first two eliminated; Ethan Zohn and Jerri Manthey were booted eighth and ninth respectively just before the merge; and Rupert and Jenna both made the final four before leaving in 4th and 3rd place respectively.
  • Saboga is the first starting tribe to be disbanded before the merge.
  • Saboga is Ethan Zohn and Jenna Lewis's second yellow-colored starting tribe, following Boran from Africa and Pagong from Borneo respectively.
  • Saboga is the only starting tribe in a three-tribe season to enter the dissolve with the fewest members, and have at least one original member eliminated between the dissolve and the merge. All other minority tribes reached the merge intact.


Survivor (U.S.) Tribes
Borneo The Australian Outback Africa Marquesas
Pagong Tagi Kucha Ogakor Boran Samburu Maraamu Rotu
Rattana Barramundi Moto Maji Soliantu
Thailand The Amazon Pearl Islands All-Stars
Chuay Gahn Sook Jai Jaburu Tambaqui Drake Morgan The Outcasts Chapera Mogo Mogo Saboga
Chuay Jai Jacaré Balboa Chaboga Mogo
Vanuatu Palau Guatemala Panama
Lopevi Yasur Koror Ulong Nakúm Yaxhá Bayoneta Casaya La Mina Viveros
Alinta Xhakúm Gitanos
Cook Islands Fiji China Micronesia
Aitutaki Manihiki Puka Puka Rarotonga Moto Ravu Fei Long Zhan Hu Airai Malakal
Aitutonga Bula Bula Hae Da Fung Dabu
Gabon Tocantins Samoa Heroes vs. Villains
Fang Kota Jalapao Timbira Foa Foa Galu Heroes Villains
Nobag Forza Aiga Yin Yang
Nicaragua Redemption Island South Pacific One World
Espada La Flor Ometepe Zapatera Savaii Upolu Manono Salani
Libertad Murlonio Te Tuna Tikiano
Philippines Caramoan Blood vs. Water Cagayan
Kalabaw Matsing Tandang Bikal Gota Galang Tadhana Aparri Luzon Solana
Dangrayne Enil Edam Kasama Solarrion
San Juan del Sur Worlds Apart Cambodia Kaôh Rōng
Coyopa Hunahpu Escameca Masaya Nagarote Bayon Ta Keo Angkor Chan Loh Gondol To Tang
Huyopa Merica Orkun Dara
Millennials vs. Gen X Game Changers Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers Ghost Island
Takali Vanua Ikabula Mana Nuku Tavua Levu Soko Yawa Malolo Naviti Yanuya
Vinaka Maku Maku Solewa Lavita
David vs. Goliath Edge of Extinction Island of the Idols Winners at War
Jabeni Vuku Tiva Kama Manu Lesu Lairo Vokai Dakal Sele Yara
Kalokalo Vata Lumuwaku Koru
Survivor 41 Survivor 42 Survivor 43 Survivor 44
Luvu Ua Yase Ika Taku Vati Baka Coco Vesi Ratu Soka Tika
Viakana Kula Kula Gaia Va Va
Survivor 45 Survivor 46 Survivor 47
Belo Lulu Reba Nami Siga Yanu Gata Lavo Tuku
Dakuwaqa Nuinui