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SL is a contestant from Koh-Lanta: Panama.



SL was one of the two scouts of the all-female Chapera tribe assigned to travel to camp by helicopter and get a head start on setting up their tribe for camp life, the other being Catherine Ehret-Mader. The two did not get along and, sometime after the whole tribe reunited at Chapera beach, SL became close with Linda Alario and Sophie Eeckhout and the trio teased and criticized Catherine for the next few days due to her charisma, appearance, and demeanour. In response, Nathalie Lapicque and Vicky Lemarié defended Catherine against the girls and the three eventually formed a voting bloc with Amélie Grégoire and Odile Héritier. After losing the second Immunity Challenge, the five voted against Sophie as she was seen as the ringleader of the trio.

On Day 8, the Chapera tribe sent Linda and their two scouts, SL and Catherine, to what they thought was going to be a challenge for reward, but it turned out to be a tribe switch. As a result, they were reassigned to the Mogo tribe and their representatives, Raphaël Andrès, Romuald Lafite, and Alban Mbossoro were reassigned to the Chapera tribe. Right out of the gate, Linda and SL formed an alliance with Jean-Bernard de Cools and Guillaume Brauer and the former pair suggested Catherine as a potential target for their alliance to vote against due to her weakness in challenges. When Vidéli Dittmar was evacuated and eliminated from the game on Day 10 because his heel wound was worsening, Sophie returned to the game on the Mogo tribe in his place. With Linda and SL reuniting with Sophie and their newfound alliance with Jean-Bernard and Guillaume, it seemed that Catherine would be going home when the Mogo tribe lost the third Immunity Challenge. However, Jean-Bernard and Guillaume weren't trustworthy of Linda and SL and SL had earned the ire of her tribemates, including Linda and Sophie, because they felt that her nastiness towards Catherine had gone too far. Therefore, at the corresponding elimination, SL was voted out in what would be the first of four consecutive unanimous eliminations in the tribal phase.

Voting History

Episode SL's
Voted Against
1 Chapera Tribe Immune
2 Catherine -
3 Catherine Catherine, Guillaume, Jean-Bernard,
Linda, Philippe, Sophie
Voted Out, Day 10



  • SL is the youngest woman to compete on Panama.


Koh-Lanta: Panama Castaways
FRS4 alban t
FRS4 amelie t
FRS4 catherine t
FRS4 guillaume t
FRS4 jeanbernard t
FRS4 linda t
FRS4 nathalie t
FRS4 nelson t
FRS4 odile t
FRS4 philippe t
FRS4 raphael t
FRS4 romuald t
FRS4 sophie t
FRS4 vicky t
FRS4 videli t