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Robinson Ekspeditionen 2013 is the sixteenth season of Robinson Ekspeditionen.

Jeppe Hansen defeated Marttin Christensen and Jan Due in a final challenge to become the Sole Survivor.


  • Separate Contestant: Robert Nielsen, known as "Dovne Robert", started on his own island and had to build a raft to get into the game. He joined North Team as a reward after they won a Reward Challenge.
  • Leaders: Each tribe would have a leader. The leader would cast the final vote if there was a tie, and couldn't be voted out. After each Tribal Council, the tribe had to vote for whether or not they wanted to keep the leader.
  • Day 2 Elimination: Both tribe leaders picked a member of their tribes to be nominated for elimination, who would be perched on a post in the water within the grounds of the Reward Challenge. The tribe that lost the Reward Challenge would have their nominated castaway eliminated.
  • Paired Voting: At one Tribal Council, the castaways were paired together, and the person who was voted out would compete in a duel with their partner.
  • Switching Tribes: After South Team won a Reward Challenge, Bettina Tammaro was given the choice to switch one person from her tribe with a person from the other.
  • Jokers: Sara Nielsen and Kenneth Willander were introduced in Episode 3 as 'jokers', being the reward in the Reward Challenge.
  • Jury: The jury formed in this season decided which of the three castaways at the final four without immunity would automatically advance to the Final Challenge. The remaining would take part in a duel to decide who would compete in the Final Challenge, with the loser being eliminated.


Contestant Tribe Affiliation Finish Votes
Original Tribe Switched Tribe Merged Tribe
DKS16 buket t Buket Genc
32, Aarhus
North Team Eliminated
Day 2
DKS16 behrad t Behrad Moini
30, Copenhagen
South Team 1st Voted Out
Day 3
DKS16 lone t Lone Heding
58, Aarhus
South Team 2nd Voted Out
Day ?
DKS16 cecilie t Cecilie Poulsen
22, Amager
South Team Evacuated
Day ?
DKS16 morten t Morten Lange
51, Christianshavn
North Team Quit
Day ?
DKS16 laura t Laura Groth
25, Amager
North Team 3rd Voted Out
Day ?
DKS16 rikke t Rikke Jæger
25, Aarhus
South Team 4th Voted Out
Day ?
DKS16 bettina t Bettina Aalsing
33, Hedehusene
South Team South Team 5th Voted Out
Day ?
DKS16 mikael t Mikael Ryttergaard
34, Løgumkloster
South Team South Team Evacuated
Day ?
DKS16 robert t Robert Nielsen
45, Nørrebro
North Team North Team Robinson Eliminated
Day ?
DKS16 kenneth t Kenneth Willander
27, Aalborg
North Team South Team 6th Voted Out
Day ?
DKS16 camilla t Camilla Brydensholt
24, Østerbro
Fitness Instructor
North Team North Team 7th Voted Out
Day ?
DKS16 mikkel t Mikkel Saabo
39, Hørsholm
North Team North Team 8th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day ?
DKS16 backer t Michael Backer
25, Valby
South Team South Team 9th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day ?
DKS16 patrick t Patrick Lønsmann
28, Gudbjerg
North Team North Team Eliminated
3rd Jury Member
Day ?
DKS16 helle t Helle Lykke
45, Stensved
Fitness Instructor
North Team North Team 10th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day ?
DKS16 tammaro t Bettina Tammaro
47, Solrød Strand
South Team South Team Eliminated
5th Jury Member
Day 34
DKS16 sara t Sara Nielsen
21, Aalborg
South Team North Team Eliminated
Day 34
DKS16 due t Jan Due
38, Taulov
Bowling Alley Manager
South Team South Team Runners-Up 6
DKS16 marttin t Marttin Christensen
31, Brønshøj
North Team North Team 8
DKS16 jeppe t Jeppe Hansen
35, Aabyhøj
North Team North Team Sole Survivor 6

The Game[]

Episode Captain Challenges Eliminated Vote Finish
Reward Immunity
1 Due Mikkel South North Buket No vote Eliminated[1]
Behrad 6-2-1 1st Voted Out
2 South North Lone 4-3 2nd Voted Out
3 Tammaro North South Cecilie No vote Evacuated
Morten No vote Quit
Laura 6-3 3rd Voted Out
4 South North Rikke 4-3 4th Voted Out
5 South North Bettina 4-2 5th Voted Out
6 Backer None None Mikael No vote Evacuated
None None Due Robert 5-5-3-1 Lost duel[2]
6th Voted Out
7 Backer Jeppe Kenneth 7-6 7th Voted Out
8 Auction Due, Patrick[3] Camilla 7-4-1 8th Voted Out
9 Jeppe Jeppe Mikkel 5-4 9th Voted Out
10 Marttin Due[4] Backer 5-3 10th Voted Out
11 Helle Jeppe Patrick 4-3 Lost duel[5]
11th Voted Out
12 Jeppe Due Helle 4-3 12th Voted Out
13 None Jeppe[6] Tammaro No vote Lost The Plank[7]
Sara No vote Lost duel[8]
Due Final
Jeppe Sole Survivor

Voting History[]

Original Tribes Switched Tribes Merged Tribe
Episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Voted Out DKS16 buket t
DKS16 behrad t
DKS16 lone t
DKS16 cecilie t
DKS16 morten t
DKS16 laura t
DKS16 rikke t
DKS16 bettina t
DKS16 mikael t
Tie DKS16 robert t
DKS16 kenneth t
DKS16 camilla t
DKS16 mikkel t
DKS16 backer t
DKS16 patrick t
DKS16 helle t
DKS16 tammaro t
DKS16 sara t
DKS16 due t
DKS16 marttin t
DKS16 jeppe t
Vote No vote 6-2-1 4-3 No vote No vote 6-3 4-3 4-2 No vote 5-5-3-12 Duel3 7-6 7-4-1 5-4 5-3 4-3 Duel 4-3 No vote No vote Final Challenge
Jeppe Robert Backer Tammaro Backer Sara Backer Patrick Helle
Marttin Laura Backer Tammaro Camilla Sara Jeppe Sara Helle
Due Behrad Lone Rikke Bettina Marttin Kenneth Camilla Mikkel Jeppe Sara Helle
Sara Rikke Marttin Kenneth Camilla Mikkel Backer Patrick Won Jeppe Eliminated
Tammaro Behrad Lone Sara Kenneth Mikkel Kenneth Camilla Mikkel Backer Patrick Jeppe Eliminated
Helle Laura Kenneth Kenneth Camilla Mikkel Backer Patrick Jeppe
Patrick Laura Marttin Tammaro Backer None4 Backer Sara Eliminated
Backer Lone Cecilie Rikke Bettina Marttin Won Kenneth Camilla Sara Jeppe
Mikkel Laura Backer Tammaro Camilla Sara
Camilla Robert Backer Tammaro Backer
Kenneth Laura Bettina Backer Tammaro
Robert Separated Laura Mikkel Eliminated
Mikael Behrad Lone Rikke Bettina Evacuated
Bettina Behrad Lone Sara Kenneth
Rikke Behrad Cecilie Sara
Laura Robert
Morten Quit
Cecilie Behrad Exempt1 Evacuated
Lone Cecilie Cecilie
Behrad Cecilie
Buket Eliminated
Penalty Vote Marttin Backer Mikkel
Mikkel Helle
^1 Cecilie was hospitalized during this Tribal Council and was not present. Although she did not vote, she could still be voted against.
^2 Because Marttin came last in the Immunity Challenge, as a penalty, he had an extra vote cast against him at this Tribal Council, in which contestants went in as pairs. As a result, because Marttin's partner was Mikkel, the latter also had an extra vote against him.
^3 The tiebreaker between Backer and Marttin was determined by a coin toss, which Backer lost. Robert lost his duel against Backer and was eliminated.
^4 When Patrick came last in the Reward Challenge, he decided to sacrifice his right to vote to allow the other castaways to receive a letter from home.


  1. Each team captain had to nominate a member of their tribe before the first Reward Challenge. The tribe that lost the challenge would have its nominee eliminated. North lost the challenge, and Buket was eliminated.
  2. This was a Paired Tribal Council. Backer and Robert were paired, and since Backer lost the tiebreaker against Marttin, he went into a duel against Robert. Robert lost the duel and was eliminated.
  3. The contestants were paired in this challenge. Due and Patrick were paired and both won the challenge.
  4. As winner of the challenge, Due had to choose four contestants to exile until the next Tribal Council. He choose Sara, Helle, Patrick and Jeppe.
  5. Patrick came last in the Immunity Challenge in this episode, and as a penalty, he had to compete in a duel against the castaway who received the most votes at the subsequent Tribal Council besides himself. Patrick lost the duel against Sara and was eliminated.
  6. Jeppe won The Plank, securing himself a spot in the Final Challenge.
  7. The final five competed in the Plank challenge, where the castaway who finished in last would be eliminated. Tammaro was the first to fall, and was eliminated.
  8. The jury voted to give Marttin a spot in the Final Challenge, sending Due and Sara into a duel. Sara lost the duel and was eliminated.

Robinson Ekspeditionen Seasons
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