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Robinson Ekspeditionen 2001 is the fourth season of Robinson Ekspeditionen.

After 47 days in the Mensirip Island in Malaysia, Malene Hasselblad defeated Lars Lang in a 10-5 jury vote to become the Sole Survivor.


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  • Tribe Composition: The sixteen original contestants were divided into two tribes of eight.
  • Jokers: At the merge, three new players entered the game.
  • Re-Entry: One player returned to the game during the post-merge.


Contestant Tribe Affiliation Finish Votes
Original Tribe Switched Tribe Merged Tribe
DKS4 malenek t Malene Kaas
31, Nørrebro
South Team 1st Voted Out
Day 4
DKS4 majbritt t Majbritt Yvonne Edelberg
25, Copenhagen
North Team 2nd Voted Out
Day 8
DKS4 ramin t Ramin Zomorodnia
29, Hornbæk
North Team Quit
Day ?
DKS4 britt t Britt Thorhauge
27, Aarhus
North Team 3rd Voted Out
Day ?
DKS4 gitte t Gitte Melballe
26, Aarhus
North Team North Team 4th Voted Out
Day 14
DKS4 gry t Gry Jantzen
22, Albertslund
South Team South Team 5th Voted Out
Day 18
DKS4 tinas t Tina Steele
40, Copenhagen
South Team South Team Robinson 6th Voted Out
Day 21
DKS4 tom t Tom Bach
30, Aarhus
7th Voted Out
Day 22
DKS4 tinan t Tina Nørby
24, Copenhagen
8th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 25
DKS4 poul t Poul Madsen
60, Søborg
North Team North Team 9th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 28
DKS4 mette t Mette Legaard
39, Aarhus
South Team South Team 10th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 33
DKS4 mars t Mars Johansen
38, Silkeborg
North Team South Team Quit
4th Jury Member
Day 38
DKS4 benny t Benny Falk
32, Vallensbæk
11th Voted Out
5th Jury Member
Day 40
DKS4 lasse t Lasse Rungholm
38, Aarhus
South Team South Team 12th Voted Out
6th Jury Member
Day 40
DKS4 jesper t Jesper Christoffersen
27, Frederiksberg
South Team North Team 13th Voted Out
7th Jury Member
Day 44
DKS4 johnny t Johnny Holm
31, Fanø
South Team South Team Eliminated
Removed from Jury
Day 37
14th Voted Out
8th Jury Member
Day 45
DKS4 carsten t Carsten Kamstrup
26, Slagelse
North Team North Team 15th Voted Out
9th Jury Member
Day 46
DKS4 lars t Lars Lang
40, Glumsø
South Team South Team Runner-Up ?
DKS4 maleneh t Malene Hasselblad
32, Copenhagen
North Team North Team Sole Survivor ?

Season Summary[]

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Voting History[]

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