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Quentin Paygnard is a contestant from Koh-Lanta: Le Feu Sacré.


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Quentin, 26 ans
Charpentier, Moselle (57)

Quentin est un jeune homme mature, un jeune homme pressé. Il a tout fait vite. Il a déjà monté son entreprise, acheté sa maison, et fondé une famille. Il a appris très jeune la valeur du travail, tout comme la fragilité de la vie, lui qui revient de si loin. Quentin a en effet été victime d'un grave accident de moto, puis d'une agression. Il sait que tout peut basculer très vite, et veut maintenant profiter de l'existence. Koh-Lanta, c'est la vie en grand à laquelle il aspire désormais.[1]


Quentin was selected by Nicolas Pretot to be a part of the Paniman tribe. After the Paniman tribe lost the first Immunity Challenge, Tania Cakarevic and Célia Desfontaines fell in the hot seat and the latter discussed voting out Quentin to Tania, Gilles De Baere, and Benjamin Di Benedetto as she felt that the "easy targets" of the tribe needed to work together. Fortunately for Quentin, these three declined Célia's proposition and joined the majority in voting her out at Tribal Council. Reinserting himself into a safer social position, Quentin didn't have to worry about elimination for the following two cycles because the Paniman tribe won the corresponding Immunity Challenges.

At the Final Sixteen, a tribe switch took place and Quentin was assigned by Rudy Noël to be a member of the second Tinago tribe. On the second Tinago tribe, the original Paniman tribe members and the original Tinago tribe members found themselves equal in numbers, however, the majority of both groups were united in fearing that Tania and Rudy had gotten too close to each other for comfort. In turn, Quentin joined this majority in voting out Tania and Rudy at the Tinago tribe's next two Tribal Councils.

Before the merge, the Paniman tribe agreed to nominate Grâce Jeantel as their Ambassador while the Tinago tribe agreed to nominate Quentin as their Ambassador. At the Ambassadors' Meeting, though both Grâce and Quentin were in accord that they needed to be faithful to the original Paniman tribe members, neither was willing to lose someone who was on their current tribe. Failing to come to an agreement, the pair drew rocks. Quentin drew the black rock and was thus eliminated from the game. However, after the pair returned to camp to reveal Quentin's elimination and Denis Brogniart came to pick Quentin up, Grâce revealed to everybody that she was incredibly homesick and that she had been hoping to draw the black rock instead of Quentin since she was ready to return home. With Grâce now deciding to quit the game and to leave camp with Denis, her unorthodox elimination allowed for Quentin to immediately return to the game in her place.

It was shown that Quentin had bonded the most with Frédéric Khouvilay over the later end of the tribal phase and the pair made a Final Four deal with Gilles and Nicolas going into the merge. For the time being though, Gilles and Laura Yelpa led a majority alliance of second Paniman tribe members that began pagonging the second Tinago tribe members while Frédéric and Quentin voted with the other second Tinago tribe members in order to feign obliviousness. At the Final Nine, Quentin selected Gilles to face him in the final of the second individual Reward Challenge, but Gilles decided to share his reward with Nicolas after he won it. While this pair were enjoying their reward and Frédéric and Quentin were doing camp chores together, the women of the tribe began realizing that Gilles had made a lot of endgame deals with people. Thus, an alliance between the four women and Esteban Garcia-Mora emerged and, after Gilles failed to win the third individual Immunity Challenge, they blindsided him at the corresponding Tribal Council in a 6-2-2 vote.

Though Quentin and his allies suddenly found themselves in the minority, things shook up again at the Final Eight as the Tied Destinies twist took place which, due to the equal number of men and women among them, forced each of the women to be paired with a man. The pairings were Tania, who had returned to the game earlier during the tribal phase, and Frédéric, Julie Debever and Nicolas, Esteban and Clémence Noquet, and Quentin and Laura, with Tania and Frédéric winning the corresponding individual Immunity Challenge. In terms of planning for Tribal Council, the minority alliance of Frédéric, Quentin, and Nicolas evidently felt that their best move would be to target the pair of Esteban and Clémence and, out of self-preservation, their partners got on board with that save for Laura, who was willing to sacrifice Julie in order to keep Clémence around. At Tribal Council, Quentin joined Esteban, Clémence, and Laura in voting against Nicolas in order to feign loyalty to his partner, but Julie had an Extra Vote and Nicolas had a Black Vote which they used to help vote out Esteban, causing Clémence's exit as well due to the Tied Destinies twist.

A couple of cycles later, Laura was voted out near-unanimously mostly for her threat status as the endgame approached. With Quentin's alliance regaining control in the tribe, they planned to vote out Julie at the Final Five as there was a notion that Tania had a Hidden Immunity Necklace and would be playing it since it would be her last opportunity to do so at the corresponding Tribal Council. In response, Julie borrowed Tania's Hidden Immunity Necklace and showed it to Quentin in an attempt to get the alliance's votes off of her and onto Tania. At Tribal Council, Julie's plan worked as the men voted against Tania, Tania played her Hidden Immunity Necklace for herself and nullified all votes cast against her, and Quentin was "idoled out" thanks to the two votes cast against him by the women.

Voting History[]

Episode Quentin's
Voted Against
1 Célia -
2 Paniman Tribe Immune
3 Paniman Tribe Immune
4 Tania Tania1
5 Rudy -2
6 Tinago Tribe Immune
7 Tinago Tribe Immune
8 None3 Ambassador
Eliminated, Day 233
Returned, Day 234
9 Tania -
10 Tania -
11 Tania -
12 Nicolas -
13 Julie Tania5
14 Tania +
15 Tania +
Julie, Tania
Voted Out, Day 38
Voted for
Sole Survivor

^1 In Episode 4, Gilles used a Sacred Fire Talisman on Quentin, negating 1 vote against him.
^2 In Episode 5, Frédéric used a Sacred Fire Talisman on Quentin, but did not negate any votes against him.
^3 In Episode 8, Quentin and Grâce did not agree on a castaway to eliminate at the ambassadors meeting, therefore both of them drew rocks. Quentin lost the draw and was eliminated from the game.
^4 In Episode 9, Grâce decided to quit the game, and Quentin returned to the game to replace her.
^5 In Episode 13, Laura used a Sacred Fire Talisman on Quentin, negating 1 vote against him.
^6 In Episode 15, Quentin used an Extra Vote advantage, allowing him to vote twice at Tribal Council. Also, Julie used an Immunity Necklace on Tania, negating Quentin's votes against her.


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Koh-Lanta: Le Feu Sacré Castaways
FRS29 Alexandre t
FRS29 Anne-Sophie t
FRS29 Benjamin t
FRS29 Célia t
FRS29 Christine t
FRS29 Clémence t
FRS29 Elodie t
FRS29 Emin t
FRS29 Esteban t
FRS29 Frédéric t
FRS29 Gilles t
FRS29 Grâce t
FRS29 Helena t
FRS29 Julie t
FRS29 Laura t
FRS29 Martin t
FRS29 Nicolas t
FRS29 Quentin t
FRS29 Rudy t
FRS29 Tania t