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Pick a Castaway... Any Castaway is the fourth episode of Survivor: Pearl Islands.


Drake is overcome with joy when Shawn finds a treasure chest filled with goblets, candles, candle holders, canned foods, sugar, honey, blankets, coffee beans, and chocolate.

—Episode Synopsis[2]

Day 10[]

At Morgan, the tides are rising each day, and the tribe is starting to regret voting out Lillian. Without Lillian's work ethic, the tribe has been impacted, especially with the tides, crabs, mosquitoes, and fire ants coming in. Ryan O. and Osten have been trying to dig deeper and longer trenches to avoid water getting near their camp, which has yet to pay off.

At the Drake camp, even though the tribe has won every Immunity Challenge, they continue to show cracks under pressure as everyone gets on each other's nerves.

Day 11[]

Day 12[]


Challenge: Float-It Notes
Grab sixteen puzzle pieces buried in the sand and tied up underwater, then solve the puzzle.
Reward: Sewing machine and material; loot one item from losing tribe; piece of treasure map
Winner: Drake

Challenge: Boarding Party
Each tribe member would move one space at a time across a platform to try and get to the opposite tribes platform. If two contestants from different tribes block each other from moving they will have to engage in a physical showdown, with the first person to fall having to go back to the start. The first tribe to get all their members to the opposite platform wins immunity.
Additional Stipulation: The winning tribe would kidnap a member of the opposing tribe until the next challenge, effectively granting them immunity.
Winner: Morgan (kidnapped Rupert Boneham)

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 4:
S7 burton t
Burton (5 votes)
S7 christa tS7 jon t
S7 sandra tS7 shawn tS7 trish t
Christa, Jon, Sandra, Shawn, Trish
S7 christa t
Christa (2 votes)
S7 burton tS7 michelle t
Burton, Michelle
S7 burton bw
Burton Roberts

Voting Confessionals[]

Christa's confessional, as well as edited versions of Burton and Jon's confessionals, were shown in the episode. Jon's vote was not shown during his confessional.

S7 trish t
(voting against Burton) I think you're a really, really great competitor, and you're a threat, and there's no way I can go into a merge with somebody like you. But you're a great guy and I wish you the very best.
S7 sandra t
(voting against Burton) You talked about me from Day 1, to anybody who would give you the opportunity that would just listen. You singled me out and it was time to pay you back. This is it. I sure hate it for you. Goodbye. Adios.
S7 christa t
(voting against Burton) You're the biggest threat that we have. We'll see you, buddy.
S7 michelle t
(voting against Christa) I'm placing this vote tonight because I think you play a narrow-minded game. Not only did you underestimate people, but you overestimated people as well. Keep it real.
S7 burton t
(voting against Christa) Christa, this is a tough--tough game but I'm making strategic decisions. Indecisiveness will get you nothing but a one-way ticket home.
S7 shawn t
(voting against Burton) Burton, really all I gotta say is, competition. I don't want to have competition. See ya soon.
S7 jon t
(voting against Burton) Too much of a threat. Now, can you dig that, sucka?

Final Words[]

S7 burton bw
I'm, uh, disappointed beyond what words could explain. But, being a strategic player and knowing the threat that I posed in my tribe, I probably would've done what the majority ended up doing. It's going to be a lot harder without me. Uh, challenges are not going to be guaranteed as they were when I was involved. Good luck to those left, and I'll see you on the other side.

Still in the Running[]

S7 nicole bw
 Ryan S.
S7 ryans bw
S7 lillian bw
S7 burton bw
S7 andrew t
S7 christa t
S7 darrah t
S7 jon t
S7 michelle t
S7 osten t
S7 rupert t
 Ryan O.
S7 ryano t
S7 sandra t
S7 shawn t
S7 tijuana t
S7 trish t


  • This marks the first time a castaway was abstained from the vote, even after their tribe lost the Immunity Challenge.
  • This also marks the first time where a tribe has the right to kidnap an opposing tribe member for the time being.
  • Jon's voting confessional is a reference to former professional WCW/WWE wrestler Booker T and his most iconic catchphrase, "Can You Dig It, Sucka?"


Survivor: Pearl Islands Episodes
"Beg, Barter, Steal" · "To Quit or Not to Quit" · "United We Stand, Divided We...?" · "Pick a Castaway... Any Castaway" · "Everyone's Hero" · "Me and My Snake" · "What the...? (Part 1)"· "What the...? (Part 2)" · "Shocking! Simply Shocking!" · "Swimming with Sharks" · "The Great Lie" · "Would You Be My Brutus Today?" · "Mutiny" · "Flames and Endurance" · "Reunion"