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Patricia Morel is a contestant from Koh-Lanta: Raja Ampat and Koh-Lanta: La Revanche des Héros.


Profile retrieved from[1]

Maman courage de 36 ans, Patricia a une grande force de caractère. Ultra motivée, elle veut gagner les 100.000 euros pour changer la vie de sa maman adorée. Grâce à son métier de chauffeur routier, Patricia n'a peur ni des machos ni de la vie à la dure. Elle vient du Lot.

Profile retrieved from[2]

  • Koh-Lanta 11 - Raja Ampat - Indonésie (2011)
    Nombre de jours: 33/40

    L'année dernière à Raja Ampat, cette mère célibataire avait impressionné par sa combativité. Patricia revient avec la détermination qui la caractérise, prête à tous les sacrifices pour ne pas rater cette seconde chance de victoire.
  • Quels souvenirs gardez-vous de votre première participation à Koh-Lanta? Tout d'abord, j'ai été agréablement surprise par l'authenticité du jeu. C'est une aventure hors du commun au cours de laquelle, par exemple, j'ai découvert des espèces animales étonnantes ! C'était surprenant. Tout comme cette faculté soudaine à aller au-delà de ses propres limites. Sinon, je garde un souvenir particulier du collier qui a changé la donne du jeu. J'étais plus que ravie de le trouver mais, à partir de ce moment, j'ai eu tous les aventuriers sur le dos!
  • Quel a été votre plus grand regret lors de cette aventure? Et votre plus grande fierté? Koh-Lanta est un jeu où les concurrents les plus malins mettent en place des stratégies pour retarder leur élimination lors du Conseil. Je n'ai pas su développer la mienne pour contrer celle des autres. J'ai fait confiance à certains aventuriers mais je me rends compte que j'aurais dû être plus méfiante. Paradoxalement, être éloignée de mon fils, Jordan, m'a permis de lui montrer mes sentiments. Quand j'ai remporté l'épreuve du coup de fil à un proche, je l'ai appelé pour lui dire tout ce que je ressentais. J'en suis assez fière, je n'y étais pas parvenue auparavant.
  • Pourquoi avoir choisi de revenir en découdre dans cette Revanche des Héros? Je ne suis pas du genre à rester sur une défaite. Cette nouvelle aventure était l'occasion rêvée pour prendre ma revanche et prouver que je pouvais aller encore plus loin. Cette fois, j'ai l'intention d'arriver jusque sur les poteaux, de gagner les 100.000 euros et d'offrir un logement à ma mère.


Raja Ampat[]

Following the marooning, Patricia found the women's individual Immunity Necklace, which granted her immunity for when her tribe, the Wasaï tribe, would attend their first Tribal Council. Though Patricia played a strategically innovative game and generally had good social reads, her social positioning was flawed and she voted incorrectly more so than correctly. During the tribal phase of the game, she became close to Gégé Icardi and Alexandra Pouillon and was the only person who didn't vote against Gégé at the Wasaï tribe's first Tribal Council. With her temporary individual immunity having been expired and Denis revealing that each tribe had a Hidden Immunity Necklace hidden at camp, Patricia searched for and found it. She correctly played it at the Final Ten, which resulted in original Mambok tribe member Olivier Moenaert being the first contestant in Koh-Lanta history to be "idoled out." With Patricia going into the Final Nine with only Alexandra and Teheiura Teahui as her allies, Martin Bazin and Gérard Urdampilleta joined the trio in voting out Florence Delbarre Reuter due to her recent explosive behaviour. After this, Patricia felt confident that this new group would form the Final Five and they would pagong Florence's alliance on the way. However, Martin was immediately blindsided because Alexandra and Teheiura flipped on him due to his treachery and improving performances in challenges. Though Patricia was elated to see Martin reenter to the game after Virginie Jarry had been evacuated, Martin came back with a new plan in mind. The original Mambok tribe members agreed with Martin's new plan to vote together in order to form the Final Four and Patricia was the first original Wasaï tribe member to fall victim to their resumed pagonging.

Voting History[]

Episode Patricia's
Voted Against
1 Wasaï Tribe Immune
2 Wasaï Tribe Immune
3 Alexandra Individual Immunity
4 Benoît Anthony
5 Caroline Benoît
6 Caroline Caroline, Teheiura
7 Ineligible -
Olivier -
8 Olivier Ella, Florence, Gérard,
Laurent, Martin, Olivier, Virginie
9 Florence Olivier
10 Ella -
11 Ella Ella, Gérard, Laurent, Martin
Voted Out, Day 33
Voted for
Sole Survivor

^1 Patricia used a Hidden Immunity Necklace, negating seven votes against her.
^2 Patricia's black vote for Ella took effect in episode 12.

La Revanche des Héros[]

Patricia bonded well with Isabelle Da Silva, but the pair were not in the majority alliance on the Klahan tribe. The Klahan tribe was immune from Tribal Council for most of the tribal phase of the game, so Patricia was not in any danger of being voted out until her tribe lost the last tribal Immunity Challenge. When the corresponding Tribal Council came, Isabelle and Patricia voted against Francis Bordas as they thought that he was the weakest link of the tribe in terms of challenges. Meanwhile, Maud Garnier voted against Patricia as she had believed that Patricia was "the plan" for that night. Ultimately, Patricia's ally Isabelle was voted out by the majority alliance. In spite of having received a vote from her before, Patricia became close with Maud going forward and understood that Maud was confused when voting against her. Just before the merge, Patricia's position as an outsider came back to bite her as Ambassadors Francis and Claude Dartois negotiated to pit Patricia against former Raja Ampat ally Teheiura Teahui in a duel believing that the latter would defeat the former. These assumptions turned out to be correct and Patricia was eliminated, but not before expressing frustration towards her former tribemates except for Maud.

Voting History[]

Episode Patricia's
Voted Against
1 Klahan Tribe Immune
2 Klahan Tribe Immune
3 Francis Maud
4 Lost Challenge1
Eliminated, Day 10
Voted for
Sole Survivor

^1 At the ambassador's meeting, Francis and Claude had to nominate on member of each tribe to compete in a duel to stay in the game. Teheiura and Patricia were nominated. Patricia lost the challenge and was eliminated.

Post Koh-Lanta[]


  • Patricia is the first Koh-Lanta contestant to play a Hidden Immunity Collar.
    • She is also the first contestant to use one successfully.


Koh-Lanta: Raja Ampat Castaways
FRS13 alexandra t
FRS13 anthony t
FRS13 benoit t
FRS13 caroline t
FRS13 catherine t
FRS13 delisia t
FRS13 ella t
FRS13 florence t
FRS13 gege t
FRS13 gerard t
FRS13 laurent t
FRS13 lisa t
FRS13 martin t
FRS13 maxime t
FRS13 naouel t
FRS13 olivier t
FRS13 patricia t
FRS13 steve t
FRS13 teheiura t
FRS13 virginie t
Koh-Lanta: La Revanche des Héros Castaways
FRS14 bertrand t
FRS14 claude t
FRS14 coumba t
FRS14 fabienne t
FRS14 francis t
FRS14 freddy t
FRS14 guenaelle t
FRS14 isabelle t
FRS14 marine t
FRS14 maud t
FRS14 moussa t
FRS14 nicolas t
FRS14 patricia t
FRS14 patrick t
FRS14 teheiura t
FRS14 wafa t