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Pablo Martí Rivera is the Sole Survivor of Survivor México (2021) and Survivor México (2023), being the first two-time winner in Survivor México history.


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- 37 años.


- Nacido en México, de familia veracruzana, con corazón jarocho y alma libre.

- Vivió gran parte de su vida en Catalunya, España donde tuvo sus estudios escolares y universitarios.

- En Veracruz empezó a experimentar los primeros deportes extremos: la patineta, el surf, ski acuático, pesca, buceo y sandboard, siempre en busca de la sensación de adrenalina.

- Su influencia jarocho-mediterránea es la que mantiene hoy también para su cocina, la que combina con otras técnicas y sabores orientales que aprendió en el camino.

- La pasión por el mundo de los restaurantes y la gastronomía la adquirió desde pequeño, por su familia y por necesidad, trabajar para pagar sus viajes y así poder practicar sus deportes favoritos en los mejores lugares del mundo.

- En su regreso a México empezó a colaborar con varias asociaciones civiles ecologistas fomentando la permacultura, ecotécnias, reducir la creación de desechables, reciclando, construcción natural y promoviendo estas técnicas en festivales como la cumbre tajín y en mercados artesanales.

- Con su mamá y otros maestros se tituló como maestro de yoga y empezó a estudiar otras técnicas de sanación alternativas, dónde aprendiendo que la mayoría de las enfermedades tienen una raíz emocional como dice la "biología del ser", el "hoponopono" y otras metodologías en las que ha estado estudiando por muchos años.

- MasterChef apareció causalmente y fue una gran oportunidad para demostrar su cocina creativa, su carisma y la capacidad de trabajar bajo presión. Sin duda, es una de las mejores cosas que le ha pasado.

- Después de su paso por el programa, emprendió su primer negocio, preparando tacos y burritos a la parrilla. Colabora con empresas de ecoturismo como solución a reducir la mancha de contaminación y fomentar el respeto a la naturaleza.

- La gran notícia de que iba a ser papá dio una vuelta de 360° a todos los proyectos, tuvo que viajar a Portugal, lugar de origen de su mujer.

- De regreso a México surgió la oportunidad de MasterChef La Revancha.

- Actualmente vive en un lugar precioso de la costa del Pacífico Mexicano, idílico para que crezca un bebé en un ambiente natural.

- Trabaja como chef privado para casas, armando caterings, pop ups y eventos. Su trabajo como influencer en redes sociales con marcas de renombre ha sido constante.

- Ahora, su mayor meta es tener una propiedad en el lugar de sus sueños. Pablo y su familia hicieron un pacto y decidieron que es momento de crear ese sueño. Va dispuesto a pasar las noches a la intemperie, comer poco, estar en ausencia de su familia, pausar sus proyectos y vida cotidiana por el sueño de comprar un terreno para su familia.[2]


Survivor México[]


Cycle Episode Pablo's
Voted Against
1 3 Halcones Tribe Immune
4 Bella -
2 7 Bella -
8 Halcones Tribe Immune
3 11 Guillermo -
12 Halcones Tribe Immune
4 15 Guillermo Guillermo
16 Paco -
5 19 Denisha Bárbara, Brissia,
Denisha, Niebla
Nominated, Day 29
5 20 Bárbara Nominated
Won Extinction Duel, Day 32
6 23 Guillermo -
24 Guillermo -
7 27 Halcones Tribe Immune
28 Halcones Tribe Immune
8 32 Halcones Tribe Immune
9 35 Niebla Denisha, Guillermo, Niebla
Nominated, Day 62
Won Extinction Duel, Day 62
10 39 Niebla -
11 43 Halcones Tribe Immune
12 47 Halcones Tribe Immune
13 51 Valeria -;
Nominated, Day 89
Won Extinction Duel, Day 89
14 55 Halcones Tribe Immune
15 59 Jorge -
16 62 Gary -
17 66 Julio -;
Nominated, Day 117
Won Extinction Duel, Day 117
18 70 Jorge Alejandra, Jorge, Sargento
19 71 Adianez -;
Nominated, Day 123
Won Extinction Duel, Day 123
19 72 Julio -;
Nominated, Day 124
Won Extinction Duel, Day 124
19 73 Julio Adianez, Niebla
Nominated, Day 129
Won Extinction Duel, Day 129
19 74 Individual Immunity
Public Votes
for Pablo
Sole Survivor, Day 131

^1 In "Episode 51", Pablo was directly nominated by Julio, the winner of the Individual Immunity.
^2 In "Episode 66", Pablo was directly nominated by Paco, the winner of the Individual Immunity.
^3 In "Episode 71", Pablo was directly nominated by Paco, the winner of the Individual Immunity.
^4 In "Episode 72", Pablo was directly nominated by Paco, the winner of the Individual Immunity.

Cycle Episode Opponent(s) Result
1 4 Not Nominated
2 8 Not Nominated
3 12 Not Nominated
4 16 Not Nominated
5 20 Brissia 2nd
6 24 Not Nominated
7 28 Halcones Tribe Immune
8 32 Halcones Tribe Immune
9 35 Sargento 1st
10 39 Not Nominated
11 43 Halcones Tribe Immune
12 47 Halcones Tribe Immune
13 51 Sargento 1st
14 55 Halcones Tribe Immune
15 59 Not Nominated
16 62 Not Nominated
17 66 Sargento 2nd
18 70 Not Nominated
19 71 Sargento 2nd
72 Jorge 2nd
73 Julio 2nd
74 Individual Immunity


Episode Tribe
Challenge Challenge Type Result
Cycle 1
1 Dominantes (No title) Reward Won
Fire Starter Reward Won
Kicking and Screaming Reward Won
2 (No title) Reward Lost
(No title) Reward Lost
3 Strung Out Reward Lost
4 Vampire Bats Individual Immunity Lost
Rollerball Reward Won
5 Get Hooked Immunity Won
Cycle 2
6 Dominantes Getting Tanked Reward Won
(No title) Reward Won
7 Buried Alive / Matt Finish Reward Won
By Any Means Necessary Reward Won
8 Vertically Challenged Reward Lost
9 A Bit Tipsy Individual Immunity Lost
Idol Hands Reward Won
10 Reverse Tug of War Immunity Won
Cycle 3
11 Dominantes (No title) Reward Won
Clear the Deck Reward Lost
Switched Tribes, Day 15
12 Toros The Bottom Line Reward Won
(No title) Reward Won
13 Nut Bucket Reward Lost
14 Ballin' A Jack Individual Immunity Lost
(No title) Reward Lost
15 Shoulder the Load Immunity Lost
Cycle 4
16 Toros Rescue Mission Reward Lost
Dizziness as Usual Reward Lost
17 Roll Away the Dew Reward Won
Know Your Ropes Reward Won
18 (No title) Reward Lost
19 Audio Slave Individual Immunity Won
Loose Change Reward Lost
20 Styx / Box Car Blues Immunity Lost
Cycle 5
21 Toros United We Stand Reward Lost
Bungee Running Reward Lost
22 Chopstix Reward Lost
Strand Off Reward Won
23 A-Tension Span Reward Lost
24 (No title) Individual Immunity Lost
Ladder Daze Reward Lost
25 Rice Race Immunity Won
Cycle 6
26 Toros In The Barrel Reward Won
Log Jam Reward Stolen1
27 Blind Leading the Blind Reward Won
(No title) Reward Lost
28 Victory in the Bag Reward Lost
29 Take the Reins Individual Immunity Lost
Dirty Water Dog / House of the Holey Reward Lost
30 Lock Step Immunity Lost
Cycle 7
31 Toros Push Comes to Shove Reward Lost
32 (No title) Reward Stolen1
33 (No title) Reward Lost
34 Chimney Sweep Individual Immunity Lost
(No title) Reward Lost
35 Kenny Log-Ins / Domino Effect Immunity Lost
Cycle 8
36 Toros Losing Face Reward Won
37 Carry On / Stacked Up Reward Won
38 Log Handler Reward Lost
39 Over-Extended Individual Immunity Won
Box Your Mind / The Gauntlet Reward Won
40 (No title) Immunity Lost
Cycle 9
41 Toros (No title) Reward Won
Letter Hunt Individual Reward Won
42 Nutslinger Reward Lost
43 What-er Drag / Cannonball Run Reward Won
44 I Hold On Individual Immunity Won
Blind Leading the Blind Reward Won
45 (No title) Immunity Lost
Cycle 10
46 Toros Cage Against the
/ Jail Break
Reward Lost
47 Dizzy Gillespie Reward Won
48 (No title) Reward Lost
49 (No title) Individual Immunity Stolen2
Jump Shot Reward Lost
50 House of the Holey Immunity Lost
Cycle 11
Tribes Merged, Day 63
51 Merged
Around the Bend Reward/Leadership Won
52 (No title) Reward Won
More Than a Feeling / Memory Lane Reward Won
53 Bungee Running Reward Won
54 A Leg Up Reward/Immunity Lost
Get Crackin' Reward/Immunity Lost
55 Strung Out Reward/Immunity Lost
Cycle 12
56 Merged
Vampire Bats Reward/Leadership Won
Make Your Point Reward Won
57 Palm Beach Reward Won
58 (No title) Reward Won
Survivor Auction
59 Bow Diddley Reward/Immunity Lost
House of Cards / Around
the Bend / Inside Track
Reward/Immunity Lost
60 Ram-Ball On Reward/Immunity Won
Cycle 13
61 Merged
(No title) Reward/Leadership Lost
Tricky Transfer Reward Won
62 Lock Step / Word Forward Reward Lost
63 Pole Dancing / Pinball Wizard Reward Lost
64 Over-Extended Reward/Immunity Lost
(No title) Reward/Immunity Won
Cycle 14
66 Merged
(No title) Reward/Immunity Lost
Rusty Gates Reward/Immunity Won
68 Chimney Sweep Reward/Immunity Lost
Push Your Luck Reward/Immunity Lost
69 Scale Challenge / Teeter Tower Reward/Immunity Lost
More Than a Feeling Reward/Immunity Lost
70 Price On Your Head / Snake in
the Grass
/ Domino Effect
Immunity Won
Sole Survivor, Day 84
^1 A Reward Steal's Secret Totem was played, allowing the user to steal a reward originally won by the opposing tribe and give it to their tribe.
^2 Aranza played her Immunity Necklace Steal and stole Pablo's Immunity Necklace at Tribal Council.

Cycle Episode Pablo's
Voted Against
1 5 Dominantes Tribe Immune
2 8 Saadi -
10 Dominantes Tribe Immune
3 13 Oscar Eduardo, Jessica,
Keving, Magdalena, Oscar1
Nominated, Day 16
Saved, Day 172
3 15 Keving -
4 18 Saadi -
20 Aarón;3
Individual Immunity
5 25 Toros Tribe Immune
6 28 Jessica -
30 Sergio -
7 33 Jessica -
35 Fharid Aranza, Fharid, Gary, Sergio
Nominated, Day 44
Won Extinction Duel, Day 44
8 38 Sergio -
40 Adianez;4
Individual Immunity
9 45 Fharid;5
Individual Immunity
10 50 No Vote6
Nominated, Day 62
Won Extinction Duel, Day 62
11 55 Duggan -
12 60 Saadi Individual Immunity
13 65 Nahomi Individual Immunity
14 67 Duggan Individual Immunity
68 Duggan -
69 Lost Challenges7
Nominated, Day 83
Won Extinction Duel, Day 84
14 70 Individual Immunity
Public Votes
for Pablo
Sole Survivor, Day 84

^1 In "Episode 13", Pablo received the most votes in the Exile Vote, being exiled and automatically nominated to the Extinction Duel.
^2 In "Episode 14", Pablo found the Exile's Hidden Idol, allowing him to leave the Exile and save himself from nomination.
^3 In "Episode 20", Pablo as the winner of the Individual Immunity had the right to directly nominate a member of the tribe, he chose Aarón.
^4 In "Episode 40", Pablo as the winner of the Individual Immunity had the right to directly nominate a member of the tribe, he chose Adianez.
^5 In "Episode 45", Pablo as the winner of the Individual Immunity had the right to directly nominate a member of the tribe, he chose Fharid.
^6 In "Episode 50", Pablo had won Individual Immunity, but Aranza played her Immunity Necklace Steal to steal it. The Toros tribe was to nominate two members by tribal vote, since Pablo was one of the only two castaways eligible to receive votes, there was no need for a vote and he was nominated by default.
^7 In "Episode 69", Pablo lost the two Immunity Challenges and was automatically nominated to the Extinction Duel.

Cycle Episode Duel Opponent(s) Result
1 5 Dominantes Tribe Immune
2 10 Dominantes Tribe Immune
3 15 Not Nominated
4 20 Individual Immunity
5 25 Toros Tribe Immune
6 30 Not Nominated
7 35 Splash Back Jessica Won
8 40 Individual Immunity
9 45 Individual Immunity
10 50 House of Cards Sergio 1st
11 55 Not Nominated
12 60 Individual Immunity
13 65 Individual Immunity
14 67 Individual Immunity
68 Not Nominated
69 Cling Ons Eduardo Won
70 Individual Immunity


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Preceded by
Survivor México (2020)
SM1 Eduardo t
Eduardo Urbina
Sole Survivor Titleholder
Survivor México (2021)
SM2 Pablo t
Pablo Martí
Succeeded by
Survivor México (2022)
SM3 Julián t
Julián Huergo
Preceded by
Survivor México (2022)
SM3 Julián t
Julián Huergo
Sole Survivor Titleholder
Survivor México (2023)
MXS4 pablo t
Pablo Martí
Succeeded by
Survivor México (2021) Castaways
SM2 Adianez t
SM2 Alejandra t
SM2 Aranza t
SM2 Bárbara t
SM2 Bella t
SM2 Brissia t
SM2 Chicken t
SM2 Cyntia t
SM2 Dani t
SM2 Dany t
SM2 Denisha t
SM2 Dennis t
SM2 Eduardo t
SM2 Fernando t
SM2 Gabo t
SM2 Gary t
SM2 Guillermo t
SM2 Jorge t
SM2 Julio t
SM2 Kristal t
SM2 Natalia t
SM2 Tania t
SM2 Pablo t
SM2 Paco t
SM2 Sargento t
SM2 Valeria t
Survivor México (2023) Castaways
MXS4 aarón t
MXS4 adianez t
MXS4 aranza t
MXS4 bárbara t
MXS4 bibiana t
MXS4 duggan t
MXS4 eduardo t
MXS4 fharid t
MXS4 gary t
MXS4 javier t
MXS4 jero t
MXS4 jessica t
MXS4 kenta t
MXS4 keving t
MXS4 magdalena t
MXS4 marina t
MXS4 nahomi t
MXS4 natalia t
MXS4 oscar t
MXS4 pablo t
MXS4 saadi t
MXS4 sergio t