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Osindile is the merged tribe of Vuna and Zamba from Survivor South Africa: Immunity Island. Their tribe color is blue.


 Amy Eliason
ZAS8 amy t
 Anela Majozi
ZAS8 anela t
 Anesu Mbizvo
ZAS8 anesu t
 Chappies Chapman
ZAS8 chappies t
 Kiran Naidoo
ZAS8 kiran t
 Marisha du Plessis
ZAS8 marisha t
 Nicole Wilmans
ZAS8 nicole t
 Renier Louwrens
ZAS8 renier t
 Santoni Engelbrecht
ZAS8 santoni t
 Shaun Wilson
ZAS8 shaun t
 Tyson Zulu
ZAS8 tyson t
 Wardah Hartley
ZAS8 wardah t


Challenge History[]

Episode Challenge Challenge Type Winner Exiled Eliminated
8 Get a Grip Immunity Kiran Tyson
9th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 21
9 Tricky Transfer Reward Amy, Chappies,
Renier, Tyson,
10th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 23
Living Color Immunity Kiran
10 A Leg Up Reward/Immunity Anela, Nicole
[Amy, Renier]5
None Renier
11th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 26
(no vote)6
4th Jury Member
Day 26
11 Faulty Towers Reward Chappies, Nicole,
Tyson, Wardah
Santoni Anesu
12th Voted Out
5th Jury Member
Day 28
Keel Hauling Immunity Chappies
12 Survivor Auction Nicole7 Wardah
13th Voted Out
6th Jury Member10
Day 30
Around the Bend Immunity Chappies
13 Audio Slave Reward Chappies Santoni
7th Jury Member
Day 32
Snag, Drag and Bag Immunity Chappies
14 TBA Reward Chappies
14th Voted Out
8th Jury Member
Day 35
Might as Well Jump Immunity Chappies
15 Gimme Three Steps Reward/Immunity Chappies Chappies9 Wardah
Removed from Jury
Day 37
15th Voted Out
8th Jury Member
Day 37
16 Hands on a Hard Idol Immunity Nicole Chappies
16th Voted Out
9th Jury Member
Day 38
Jury Vote Anela
Sole Survivor
^1 Tyson returned early from Immunity Island and chose to bequeath the Immunity Island necklace to Wardah.
^2 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played, negating all votes against its user.
^3 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played; however, no votes were cast against its user.
^4 Wardah returned early from Immunity Island and chose to bequeath the Immunity Island necklace to Tyson.
^5 As part of the Tied Destinies twist, Nicole, the last person standing in the challenge, also won reward and immunity for her partner Anela. Additionally, she shared the reward with another pair.
^6 Amy was Renier's partner during the Tied Destinies twist, therefore she was also eliminated when Renier was voted out.
^7 Nicole used her Immunity Island Send Pass to send herself to Immunity Island.
^8 The Fire Idol was played, forcing the two castaways with the most votes to compete in a fire-making challenge to determine who would be eliminated.
^9 Chappies was sent to Immunity Island to enjoy his reward.
^10 As part of the reward, Chappies earned the power to remove a juror.

Voting History[]

Merged Tribe
Episode 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Voted Out ZAS8 marisha t
ZAS8 shaun t
ZAS8 renier t
ZAS8 amy t
ZAS8 anesu t
ZAS8 wardah t
ZAS8 santoni t
ZAS8 kiran t
ZAS8 tyson t
ZAS8 chappies t
ZAS8 anela t
ZAS8 nicole t
Vote 4-0-03,5 6-5 6-4 No vote6 5-2 2-03 3-2-03,8 Challenge 3-2 2-1-1 1-010 8-1
Nicole Chappies Wardah Tyson Anesu None1 Kiran Kiran Tyson Chappies Jury Vote
Anela Chappies Wardah Tyson Anesu None7 Santoni Kiran Tyson None10
Chappies None4 Shaun Renier Tyson Wardah Tyson Kiran Anela None10 Nicole
Tyson Marisha Shaun Renier Anesu Santoni Santoni Won Nicole Nicole Nicole
Kiran Marisha Shaun Renier Anesu Santoni Santoni Nicole Nicole
Santoni Marisha Shaun Renier None1 Wardah Tyson Eliminated Nicole
Wardah Marisha Shaun Renier Anesu Santoni None9
Anesu Chappies Shaun Renier Tyson Nicole
Amy Chappies Wardah Tyson Eliminated Nicole
Renier Chappies Wardah Tyson Nicole
Shaun Chappies Wardah Anela
Marisha Chappies Nicole
^1 This castaway lost their vote by staying and playing on Immunity Island. However, they attended Tribal Council with individual immunity.
^2 Thoriso was ineligible to vote after losing the Immunity Island challenge.
^3 A Hidden Immunity Idol was used, negating all votes against the user.
^4 Anela stole Chappies' vote using the Tribal Insurance advantage, effectively being able to vote despite his punishment from losing the Immunity Island challenge.
^5 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played; however, no votes were cast against its user.
^6 Amy was Renier's partner during the Tied Destinies twist; therefore, she was also eliminated when Renier was voted out.
^7 Chappies used a Tribal Council Pass on Anela, allowing him to abstain from Tribal Council without voting.
^8 The Fire Idol was played, forcing the two castaways with the most votes to compete in a fire-making challenge to determine who would be eliminated.
^9 For winning the challenge on Day 36, Chappies earned the power to remove a juror. He chose Wardah.
^10 Anela and Chappies did not vote as they could only vote for each other. By virtue of winning the final Immunity Challenge, only Nicole voted.



  • Osindile is the first blue merged tribe in Survivor South Africa.
  • Osindile lived the rest of their days in the game at the old Vuna camp with replenished supplies.
    • Osindile is the first merged tribe to not move to a new camp.
  • Anela is the only member of Osindile to never be a member of Vuna, while Anesu is the only member to never be a member of Zamba.
  • Due to the season being originally planned to be filmed in the Philippines, the tribe was supposed to be named "Sulo", which means "torch" in Filipino. The tribe's color and torch tribe emblem, however, remained.[1]
    • The side pattern used on Osindile's buff is called Funtumfunefu Denkyemfunefu, an Adinkra symbol from Ghana.


Survivor South Africa Tribes
Panama Malaysia Santa Carolina Maldives
Aguila Rana Bajau Iban Chibudu Timbila Goma Raituhn
Burba Empu Kululama Eku
Champions Philippines Island of Secrets Immunity Island
Selatan Utara Salvation Luzon Mindanao Visayas Laumei Sa'ula Ta'alo Vuna Zamba
Juara Araw Manumalo Osindile
Return of the Outcasts
Masu Yontau