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Orkun (អរគុណ) is the merged tribe of Bayon​ and Ta Keo​ from Survivor: Cambodia.

The tribe was created when the two surviving tribes of Bayon and Ta Keo merged on Day 17. They lived on the island at the old Bayon camp for the remainder of the game. Their tribe color is orange.


 Abi-Maria Gomes
S31 abimaria t
 Andrew Savage
S31 andrew t
 Ciera Eastin
S31 ciera t
 Jeremy Collins
S31 jeremy t
 Joe Anglim
S31 joe t
 Kass McQuillen
S31 kass t
 Keith Nale
S31 keith t
 Kelley Wentworth
S31 kelley t
 Kelly Wiglesworth
S31 kelly t
 Kimmi Kappenberg
S31 kimmi t
 Spencer Bledsoe
S31 spencer t
 Stephen Fishbach
S31 stephen t
 Tasha Fox
S31 tasha t

Tribe History[]

The show's first ever merged tribe with 13 contestants looked like a huge mismatch with nine original Bayon (Andrew, Ciera, Kass, Kimmi, Jeremy, Joe, Keith, Stephen, and Tasha) vastly outnumbering the four original Ta Keo (Abi, Spencer, Wentworth, and Wiglesworth). However, alliances began shifting almost immediately after the merge and this shifting, later dubbed "voting blocs", would be a theme for this season. The players involved in the Woo blindside found themselves in a tough position as one of the victims of that blindside, Savage, rallied his old Bayon allies to find himself in the numbers. This minority alliance known as the Witches Coven attempted to pull in Spencer, Keith, and Joe to regain control. However, Keith seemed disinterested in working with the women, which forced Joe to follow suit. Knowing the majority alliance were splitting the vote, they had a last ditch attempt at swinging Spencer to their side, but to no avail, as he contributed to his Cagayan enemy Kass's vote out, making her the first member of the jury.

However, all was not lost for the now minority of three. In the next round of voting, Stephen approached them about potentially working together to blindside Joe, and Joe caught wind of this plan, so the witches fanned the flames of this situation. However, Joe won immunity and the Bayon alliance was unwilling to let Joe target Stephen, which frustrated the women. Thankfully for them, Wentworth had a Hidden Immunity Idol back from the first Immunity Challenge location on Day 3, and she played it correctly in record setting fashion to eliminate Savage 3-0. In the next vote, Fishbach would work with them as he, Jeremy, and Spencer joined them in blindsiding Wiglesworth in an attempt to weaken Joe's grip on the game. However, Joe himself remained unavailable to target by opting to participate in the Immunity Challenge on Day 26. This was after Probst presented Orkun with an ultimatum that at least five players must forfeit immunity in order for their dilapidated shelter to be rebuilt ahead of more rain, and all but Joe and Keith accepted. Joe's fourth consecutive individual immunity win seemingly set the stage for Stephen to be blindsided, but Jeremy played an idol on him to ensure Ciera left the game. Even though Jeremy used this move to appeal to Spencer's sense of loyalty, Spencer employed the voting bloc strategy yet again so that even with Stephen's vote steal, he would successfully take out the Tocantins runner up, passing up the first opportunity in 29 days to vote out Joe who had lost to Spencer in that earlier Immunity Challenge.

With eight players left in the game, the voting blocs slowed down a bit as the focus was centralized on Joe. Spencer was nervous that letting the chance to take out Joe last vote could become costly, but after Wentworth won the Reward Challenge and brought Keith, Kimmi, Abi, and Joe along, Spencer, Tasha, and Jeremy recovered from the last few hectic votes and made a final three deal. Despite increasing rumors of an all girls alliance, Spencer and Jeremy trusted Tasha would not let it happen, and voted out Joe on Day 32. After receiving a rogue vote from Keith and reaching her boiling point with Abi, Tasha became adamant that she wanted to be at the end with players she perceived deserved to be there. However, she struggled in the water portion of the next Immunity Challenge. Fortunately for her, Spencer, Jeremy, and Kimmi had her back despite Wentworth having a plan in motion to take her out, and the majority alliance removed the wildcard Abi from the game.

At the final 6, Kimmi felt that it was her time to make a move, and she told Keith and Wentworth that they would split the votes between the former two, but Kimmi would secretly vote with them to blindside Spencer or Jeremy in a 3-2-1 move. Spencer winning immunity on Day 36 complicated this plan as it forced this new coalition to target Jeremy, who played an idol earlier in the game but they were confident he didn't have another one. The trio of Jeremy, Tasha, and Spencer had a similar feeling about Wentworth, and after seeing Kimmi talk extensively with Keith and Wentworth, they no longer trusted her and abandoned the vote split. Both Jeremy and Wentworth played their idols resulting in a Survivor first: no votes cast for anyone at Tribal Council. This resulted in a series of tiebreakers that put the newer coalition in a vulnerable spot after a revote between Kimmi and Tasha: either Wentworth and Keith agree to vote out Kimmi, or Keith gets eliminated by default since Kimmi and Tasha would become immune in a deadlock scenario. Though Keith initially offered Kimmi his spot, he ultimately decided to stay in the game, meaning Kimmi's big move backfired. Wentworth won immunity on Day 37, and despite brewing a fake idol plan to scare Jeremy into voting for Spencer, it could not prevent Keith from being voted out. Jeremy won a crucial Day 38 Final Immunity Challenge, and Wentworth was certain she was going out. However, she attempted to throw Spencer under the bus, which worried Spencer and lead to a desperate and aggressive plea for Jeremy to keep him in the game. This visibly shocked the jury and annoyed Wentworth, vowing in the voting confessional the vote she cast against Spencer that night would be the last time she wrote his name down. Wentworth was voted out after nearly an entire post merge of dodging bullets from an underdog position.

At Final Tribal Council, Tasha was accused of being more of a follower in her alliance, and both Spencer and Jeremy were criticized for their behavior in either one (the former in Jeremy's case) or both (in Spencer's case) during the Day 36 and Day 38 Tribal Councils. Jeremy revealed his wife Val was pregnant. Ultimately Jeremy's game was respected the most and he won unanimously 10-0-0 over the Cagayan duo.

Episode Challenge Challenge Type Winner Eliminated
7 Hard to Handle Immunity Joe Kass
7th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 19
8 Boats, Brains, and Brawn Reward Ciera, Joe, Keith,
Kelley, Kelly, Kimmi
8th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 21
Take the Reins Immunity Joe
9 Styx Reward Ciera, Joe,
Spencer, Stephen,
9th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 24
Bermuda Triangles Immunity Joe
10 Basket Brawl Reward Abi-Maria, Ciera, Joe,
Spencer, Tasha
10th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day 26
Ballin' A Jack Immunity Joe
11 Folklore Reward Stephen
[Jeremy, Tasha]
11th Voted Out
5th Jury Member
Day 29
The Game is Afoot Immunity Spencer
12 Jungle Love Reward Kelley
[Abi-Maria, Joe,
Keith, Kimmi]
12th Voted Out
6th Jury Member
Day 32
Over-Extended Immunity Keith
13 Pole Dancing Reward Keith
[Kelley, Spencer]
13th Voted Out
7th Jury Member
Day 35
Floatsam & Jetsam Immunity Spencer
14 Step on Up Immunity Spencer Kimmi
14th Voted Out
8th Jury Member
Day 36
Giant Tick Immunity Kelley Keith
15th Voted Out
9th Jury Member
Day 37
Simmotion Immunity Jeremy Kelley
16th Voted Out
10th Jury Member
Day 38
Jury Vote Tasha
Sole Survivor
^1 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played, negating all votes against its user.
^2 All votes cast were negated, causing a null vote. Per the rules of Survivor, a vote restart occurred.
^3 Per Survivor rules, in case of a deadlock tie, the non-immune players would have an open discussion to eliminate one of the tied players. If no consensus is reached, the non-immune castaways would be forced to draw rocks.

Merged Tribe
Episode 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Voted Out S31 kass t
S31 andrew t
S31 kelly t
S31 ciera t
S31 stephen t
S31 joe t
S31 abimaria t
Null Tie S31 kimmi t
S31 keith t
S31 kelley t
S31 tasha t
S31 spencer t
S31 jeremy t
Vote 6-4-2-1 3-01 6-3-2 3-2-01 4-3-22 6-1-1 4-2-1 0-01,4 3-35 4-06 3-2 3-1 10-0-0
Jeremy Ciera Kelley Kelly Ciera Joe Joe Abi-Maria Kelley Kimmi Kimmi Keith Kelley Jury Vote
Spencer Ciera Kelley Kelly Stephen Stephen Joe Abi-Maria Kelley Kimmi Kimmi Keith Kelley
Tasha Kass Kelley Ciera Stephen Abi-Maria Joe Abi-Maria Kelley Kimmi None Keith Kelley
Kelley Kass Andrew Kelly Kimmi Stephen Joe Tasha Jeremy Tasha Kimmi Spencer Spencer Jeremy
Keith Kass Kelley Kelley Stephen Stephen Tasha Tasha Jeremy Tasha Kimmi Spencer Jeremy
Kimmi Kass Kelley Ciera Ciera Abi-Maria Joe Abi-Maria Jeremy Tasha Voted Out Jeremy
Abi-Maria Tasha Andrew Kelly Stephen Stephen Joe Keith Jeremy
Joe Ciera Kelley Kelley Stephen None3 Abi-Maria Jeremy
Stephen Kass Kelley Kelly Ciera Abi-Maria Jeremy
Ciera Andrew Andrew Kelly Kimmi Jeremy
Kelly Ciera Kelley Ciera Jeremy
Andrew Kass Kelley Jeremy
Kass Tasha Jeremy
^1 A Hidden Immunity Idol was played, negating all votes against its user.
^2 This castaway played the Vote Steal advantage, allowing them to steal another castaway's vote to vote twice at Tribal Council.
^3 This castaway's vote was stolen by the Vote Steal.
^4 All votes cast were negated, causing a null vote. Per Survivor rules, a vote restart occurred.
^5 Per Survivor rules, in case of a deadlock tie, the non-immune players would have an open discussion to eliminate one of the tied players. If no consensus is reached, the non-immune castaways would be forced to draw rocks.
^6 By consensus, Kimmi was eliminated.



  • Orkun is the first merge tribe with 13 members.
  • Orkun is the third orange merged tribe, after Barramundi and Alinta.
  • Abi-Maria is the only member of this tribe to have never been a member of Bayon.
  • Orkun is the second merged tribe after Dangrayne to have members who never visited Tribal Council during the pre-merge phase of the game. Joe and Keith never went to Tribal Council until Orkun's first.
  • Orkun and Vinaka from Millennials vs. Gen X have the same meaning in their season's host respective languages, both meaning "thank you".
  • Orkun is tied with Merica and Vata for the tribe with the most castaways voted out due to a Hidden Immunity Idol being played, with three.


Survivor (U.S.) Tribes
Borneo The Australian Outback Africa Marquesas
Pagong Tagi Kucha Ogakor Boran Samburu Maraamu Rotu
Rattana Barramundi Moto Maji Soliantu
Thailand The Amazon Pearl Islands All-Stars
Chuay Gahn Sook Jai Jaburu Tambaqui Drake Morgan The Outcasts Chapera Mogo Mogo Saboga
Chuay Jai Jacaré Balboa Chaboga Mogo
Vanuatu Palau Guatemala Panama
Lopevi Yasur Koror Ulong Nakúm Yaxhá Bayoneta Casaya La Mina Viveros
Alinta Xhakúm Gitanos
Cook Islands Fiji China Micronesia
Aitutaki Manihiki Puka Puka Rarotonga Moto Ravu Fei Long Zhan Hu Airai Malakal
Aitutonga Bula Bula Hae Da Fung Dabu
Gabon Tocantins Samoa Heroes vs. Villains
Fang Kota Jalapao Timbira Foa Foa Galu Heroes Villains
Nobag Forza Aiga Yin Yang
Nicaragua Redemption Island South Pacific One World
Espada La Flor Ometepe Zapatera Savaii Upolu Manono Salani
Libertad Murlonio Te Tuna Tikiano
Philippines Caramoan Blood vs. Water Cagayan
Kalabaw Matsing Tandang Bikal Gota Galang Tadhana Aparri Luzon Solana
Dangrayne Enil Edam Kasama Solarrion
San Juan del Sur Worlds Apart Cambodia Kaôh Rōng
Coyopa Hunahpu Escameca Masaya Nagarote Bayon Ta Keo Angkor Chan Loh Gondol To Tang
Huyopa Merica Orkun Dara
Millennials vs. Gen X Game Changers Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers Ghost Island
Takali Vanua Ikabula Mana Nuku Tavua Levu Soko Yawa Malolo Naviti Yanuya
Vinaka Maku Maku Solewa Lavita
David vs. Goliath Edge of Extinction Island of the Idols Winners at War
Jabeni Vuku Tiva Kama Manu Lesu Lairo Vokai Dakal Sele Yara
Kalokalo Vata Lumuwaku Koru
Survivor 41 Survivor 42 Survivor 43 Survivor 44
Luvu Ua Yase Ika Taku Vati Baka Coco Vesi Ratu Soka Tika
Viakana Kula Kula Gaia Va Va
Survivor 45 Survivor 46 Survivor 47
Belo Lulu Reba Nami Siga Yanu Gata Lavo Tuku
Dakuwaqa Nuinui