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Olga Khokhlova is a contestant from Koh-Lanta: Le Totem Maudit.


Profile retrieved from[1]

Olga, 35 ans
Danseuse acrobate, Paris (75)

Cette soliste de french cancan au Moulin Rouge vient des steppes du Kazakhstan. Élevée à la dure école de gymnastique russe, elle a du caractère et de l'endurance. À 14 ans, elle a quitté famille et pays pour mener la vie d'artiste à Paris. L'extravagante mais opiniâtre Olga veut incarner la persévérance et montrer qu'il est possible de vivre ses rêves !


Olga was selected by Alexandra Élizé to be a part of the Nacpan tribe. The Nacpan tribe performed well in challenges overall and, until its dissolution, its members never had to worry about attending Tribal Council. On her new tribe, Matingi, Olga maintained a strong alliance with Alexandra and Colin Mottas. At the last Tribal Council before the merge, Olga and Colin lost Alexandra after she drew the black rock in a rock drawing tiebreaker against Setha El Hajjami.

Before the merge, the Cadlao tribe agreed to nominate Colin as the Matingi tribe's Ambassador while the Matingi tribe agreed to nominate Louana Roy at the Cadlao tribe's Ambassador. As the Cadlao tribe had won the last tribal Reward Challenge, the Matingi tribe had received the Cursed Totem. In this instance, the disadvantage was that the Matingi tribe's Ambassador would be twice as likely to be eliminated than the Cadlao tribe's Ambassador should they fail to agree on a name. Though Colin and Louana were both initially willing to go to rocks, Colin backed out at the last minute when he realized that the odds were not in his favour. With Colin having less affinity to Setha, he offered to agree upon her name if Louana would promise to keep him and Olga from being targeted by the original Cadlao tribe members for at least the next four cycles. Louana agreed to these conditions and Setha was eliminated. Though Louana wanted to honour her deal with Colin, her fellow original Cadlao tribe members ultimately did not follow her in this and they voted out Colin at the merged tribe's first Tribal Council. With Colin's elimination kicking off a pagonging of the original Matingi tribe members, Olga continued to lose allies until the Final Ten.

At the Final Ten, the Tied Destinies twist took place and Olga was paired with François Descamp. Because each of the remaining original Matingi tribe members was paired with an original Cadlao tribe member, at least one original Cadlao tribe member would be eliminated this cycle. As Louana, who was paired with Maxime Tournoux, felt unsafe due to Maxime's unpopularity, she rallied her fellow original Ilog tribe members to target original Nacpan tribe members Géraldine Nicolle and Fouzi Ould Bouamama at the corresponding Tribal Council. Though Maxime was initially on board with this, he ultimately did not want to lose Géraldine and Fouzi, so he informed them of this plot and suggested that they target Nicolas Bellon, and in turn Jean-Charles Chatelus as collateral damage, for his duplicity throughout the game. At Tribal Council, Géraldine, Fouzi, and Maxime executed one plan while Nicolas, Jean-Charles, and Louana executed another. However, the majority of votes, including Olga's, were cast against Maxime, eliminating both Louana and Maxime from the game.

At the Final Eight, the winner and runner-up of the corresponding individual Reward Challenge, Bastien San Pedro and Ambre Daudet, selected Fouzi and Jean-Charles, respectively, to compete against each other and Olga, who had finished last in said challenge, in an elimination challenge the next day. Of the three, Fouzi finished last in the elimination challenge and, in turn, was eliminated from the game. As the survivors of the elimination challenge, Jean-Charles and Olga were allowed to select seven items from a chest to take with them back to camp. Among the items were two advantages that were a clue to a Hidden Immunity Necklace and an Extra Vote, both only useable at the corresponding Tribal Council. Jean-Charles took the clue and successfully made use of it while Olga took the Extra Vote. Throughout the cycle, it became evident that the original Ilog tribe members would be working together going forward and they recruited Bastien into their fold. Given that Olga had won the corresponding individual Immunity Challenge, this alliance made plans to split their votes between Jean-Charles and Géraldine at Tribal Council. Their plans seemed successful as only Jean-Charles had played a Hidden Immunity Necklace for himself at Tribal Council, however, they did not anticipate that Géraldine would be voting with Jean-Charles and Olga nor that Olga had an Extra Vote. Nicolas received all four of these outsider votes and was voted out.

The next cycle, though she did not win the sixth individual Immunity Challenge, Olga did not finish last and skipped in celebration as she headed to the bench. Unfortunately, she sprained her ankle on the way and needed to be temporarily evacuated from the game. Olga returned to camp soon enough, but had missed out on strategic discussions while she was at the infirmary. At Tribal Council, Jean-Charles and Géraldine turned on each other out of self-preservation, however, Ambre and François were able to form a plurality thanks to the latter's Extra Vote and they voted out Olga due to both her injury and her threat level going into the final stages of the game. She finished in fifth place and became the ninth jury member.

Voting History[]

Episode Olga's
Voted Against
1 Nacpan Tribe Immune
2 Nacpan Tribe Immune
3 Matingi Tribe Immune
4 Setha;
5 Stéphanie Yannick
6 Matingi Tribe Immune
7 Setha;
8 No Tribal Council
9 Ineligible -
Maxime -
10 Louana +
11 Maxime -4
12 Maxime +
Individual Immunity
13 No Tribal Council
14 Nicolas +
Individual Immunity
15 Ambre Ambre, François (x2)
Voted Out, Day 37
Voted for
Sole Survivor

^1 In Episode 4, the vote ended with a 4-4 tie between Benjamin and Stéphanie, forcing a revote. Olga changed her vote to Benjamin on the revote.
^2 In Episode 7, the vote ended with a 4-4 tie between Alexandra and Setha, forcing a revote. Olga did not change her vote on the revote.
^3 After his elimination in Episode 9, Colin gave the Black Vote to Olga, allowing her to vote twice at the following Tribal Council in Episode 10.
^4 In Episode 11, Olga used an Immunity Necklace, but did not negate any votes against her.
^5 After her elimination in Episode 11, Anne-Sophie gave the Black Vote to Olga, allowing her to vote twice at the following Tribal Council in Episode 12.
^6 In Episode 14, Olga used an Extra Vote advantage, allowing her to vote twice at Tribal Council.

Post Koh-Lanta[]

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Koh-Lanta: Le Totem Maudit Castaways
FRS28 alexandra t
FRS28 ambre t
FRS28 annesophie t
FRS28 bastien t
FRS28 benjamin t
FRS28 celine t
FRS28 colin t
FRS28 fouzi t
FRS28 franck t
FRS28 francois t
FRS28 geraldine t
FRS28 jeancharles t
FRS28 lili t
FRS28 louana t
FRS28 matteo t
FRS28 maxime t
FRS28 nicolas t
FRS28 olga t
FRS28 pauline t
FRS28 samira t
FRS28 setha t
FRS28 stephanie t
FRS28 yannick t