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Nothing Unites Like a Common Enemy is the season premiere of Survivor South Africa: Immunity Island.


Day 1[]

Day 2[]

Day 3[]


Challenge: One for All
The castaways would have two minutes to grab as many items as possible and return them to their mat. Additionally, two Immunity Necklaces, one for each tribe, would be available for castaways to collect, granting them immunity at their first Tribal Council. Additionally, a Tribe Advantage was hidden amongst the items, allowing the finder's tribe to earn additional supplies.
Reward: Items collected during the challenge; the tribe that holds the Tribe Advantage will also receive a sleeping bag, mosquito net, a foam mattress, a blow-up mattress, axe, and switch-blade knife (Renier Louwrens found the Tribe Advantage, earning Zamba the additional supplies.)
Immunity Winner(s): Dino Paulo (Vuna's necklace went unclaimed.)

Challenge: Fired Up
Each tribe would nominate one member of their tribe to represent them in the challenge. The two castaways would compete in a fire-making competition. The first castaway to create a fire high enough burn their rope, raising their flag, wins.
Reward: Fire-making kit and dry wood.
Winner: Vuna

Challenge: Great Escape Run
Five members from each tribe will individually race into the water to retrieve a set of rope rungs tied to one of five buoys. Once they have all of the rungs, two members of the tribe will use them to create a ladder to the first level of an elevated structure. Once all members are up on the first level, one member will need to solve a rope puzzle, releasing more rungs, allowing them to create a ladder to the second level. On the top of the structure, two members will need to solve a puzzle. The first tribe to complete their puzzle wins.
Winner: Vuna (sent Thoriso M-Afrika to Immunity Island)

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 1:
(Thoriso ineligible to vote)
ZAS8 jason t
Jason (7 votes)
ZAS8 amy tZAS8 anela tZAS8 dino t
ZAS8 marisha tZAS8 nicole tZAS8 qiean tZAS8 renier t
Amy, Anela, Dino, Marisha, Nicole, Qieän, Renier
ZAS8 qiean t
Qieän (2 votes)
ZAS8 jason tZAS8 shaun t
Jason, Shaun
ZAS8 jason bw
Jason Brookstein

Voting Confessionals[]

Anela's confessional was shown during Jason's final words.

ZAS8 jason t
(voting against Qieän) Qieän girl, um, it pains me to write your name, but a name needs to be written down and I really hope we can be friends after this.
ZAS8 amy t
(voting against Jason) Jason, I'm so sorry. You're such a nice guy and I really wanted to get to know you a bit better, but unfortunately I think you put a target on my back at some point so, um, this is my vote for you.
ZAS8 marisha t
(voting against Jason) Jason, I'm very sorry.
ZAS8 nicole t
(voting against Jason) This is not an easy vote. I'm sorry Jason. I hope we can laugh about this one day over a piece of chocolate mousse cake.
ZAS8 shaun t
(voting against Qieän) Unfortunately, it's either you or me tonight, um, and I'd rather stay in the game. I'm so sorry.
ZAS8 anela t
(voting against Jason) You played it a little bit too hard and too fast too quickly for me and unfortunately I couldn't follow you down that rabbit hole.
ZAS8 qiean t
(voting against Jason) You said that you trusted Shaun so you trust me. That is such a lie.
ZAS8 renier t
(voting against Jason) I gave it my best shot, but it wasn't enough. I'm not good at going home. Swinging trying.
ZAS8 dino t
(voting against Jason) You've been way too calm this Tribal Council considering the amount of information that's been going around. My gut has been saying you aren't the one going home, but I'm writing your name down anyway cause I've got to put my vote to somewhere. Um, but I have absolutely no idea what's going on. It's a little cradle beside the sea. For all I know, it could still be me, it could even be Nico. Um, but, um, yeah, you're a great guy otherwise and, uh, yeah.

Final Words[]

ZAS8 jason bw
I am gutted, honestly, I am gutted because I expected myself to go a bit further, but obviously my tribe saw a threat. Seeing my name on that parchment is so scary because you think you're going in with a certain idea and plan and it turns out differently. If I could replay the last 3 days differently, I would've not gone searching for as much information as I could because at the end of the day, that did burn my fingers and it sucks, but it was an amazing adventure.

Still in the Running[]

ZAS8 jason bw
ZAS8 amy t
ZAS8 anela t
ZAS8 anesu t
ZAS8 carla t
ZAS8 chappies t
ZAS8 dino t
ZAS8 kiran t
ZAS8 marisha t
ZAS8 mike t
ZAS8 nicole t
ZAS8 paul t
ZAS8 pinty t
ZAS8 qiean t
ZAS8 renier t
ZAS8 santoni t
ZAS8 shaun t
ZAS8 thoriso t
ZAS8 tyson t
ZAS8 wardah t


  • The episode title is said by Dino after the tribe targeted Shaun and Qieän for their attempts to find a Hidden Immunity Idol.


Survivor South Africa: Immunity Island Episodes
"Nothing Unites Like a Common Enemy" · "I Can Go 'Bos'... No Pun!" · "Always Be Closing" · "Gloat or Vote" · "Collateral Damage" · "Control the Flow" · "Look Behind You" · "Here for a Good Time" · "A Deal with the Devil" · "Tied Destinies" · "Brownie Points Are Everything" · "All in a Day's Work" · "A Very Weird Vibe" · "A Sour Taste in the Mouth" · "The Fruits of Your Labour" · "The Final Decision" · "Reunion"