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No Limite 4 (also known as No Limite: Ceará) is the fourth season of No Limite.

After 62 days, Luciana de Araújo defeated Gabriela Costa in a 6–4 jury vote to become the Sole Survivor.


After a nine-year hiatus, No Limite returned to the location where the first season was recorded in 2000 to film a fourth season.[1] Nineteen contestants were chosen by the producers to participate in the show, of which filming took place between July and September 2009. The last original contestant was chosen by a public vote in a competition between two male contestants, which aired on July 26, 2009.[2] Episodes aired twice a week, on Thursdays and Sundays. The Tribal Councils were shown live in every episode. The prize for this season increased from R$300,000 and a new car, to R$500,000. The latter prize is roughly equivalent to US$200,000 in 2023.


  • Longer Game: The game lasted 62 days, 38 days longer than the standard format of No Limite.
  • Expanded Cast: For the first time in the series, the starting cast of the season featured 20 castaways divided into two tribes, each with 10 members. This is 8 more contestants than the casting of the standard format.
  • Exílio: Based on Exile Island, one castaway from each tribe would be banished to Exílio for the time period between the Immunity Challenge and the next Tribal Council.
  • Hidden Immunity Idol: While on Exílio, each exiled castaway picked from one of two urns. One urn contained a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol, while the other urn contained nothing.
  • Public Vote: For the first time, contestants were eliminated by public vote. On each "cycle" of the show, two members of the losing tribe faced each other in the "Desafio do Portal" ("Gate Challenge", in English) (one member chosen by other team members and the other member chosen by the current team leader), then the public would vote on the contestant they wanted to leave the game.[3] From the fifth episode onwards, this method was dropped, returning the show to its original format.[4]
  • Replacements: During the show, three new contestants entered the game, replacing two players who withdrew from the competition and one player who broke the rules and was ejected from the show.
  • Jury: This is the first season of No Limite to have a jury comprised of participants eliminated after the merge who would eventually vote to crown the Sole Survivor.


Contestant Tribe Affiliation Finish Votes
Original Tribe Merged Tribe
Nl4 eneida2 t Eneida Diniz
33, Belém, PA
Manibu 1st Voted Out
Day 6
Nl4 ronaldo t Ronaldo Machado
54, Belo Horizonte, MG
Taiba 2nd Voted Out
Day 10
Nl4 denise t Denise Oliveira
27, Pato Branco, PR
Taiba Quit
Day 11
Nl4 sibele t Sibele Maciel
24, Itajaí, SC
Taiba 3
Nl4 joão t João Alves
30, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Manibu 3rd Voted Out
Day 13
Nl4 luiz2 t Luiz Nascimento
35, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Manibu Ejected
Day 13
Nl4 júlia t Júlia Vasques
26, São Paulo, SP
Manibu 4th Voted Out
Day 17
Nl4 cebola t Marcelo "Cebola" Caminha
26, Recife, PE
Manibu 5th Voted Out
Day 20
Nl4 isabel t Isabel Oliveira
23, Niterói, RJ
Taiba 6th Voted Out
Day 24
Nl4 bia t Bia Amaral
24, Juiz de Fora, MG
Manibu 7th Voted Out
Day 27
Nl4 rafão t Rafael "Rafão" Matos
28, Belo Horizonte, MG
Manibu Carnaúba 8th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 31
Nl4 taritza t Taritza Puggina
32, Porto Alegre, RS
Taiba 9th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 34
Nl4 felipe t Felipe Lima
27, Santos, SP
Manibu 10th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 38
Nl4 gilson t Gilson Alves
37, Porto Alegre, RS
Taiba 11th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day 41
Nl4 marcelo2 t Marcelo Gaya
30, Porto Alegre, RS
Manibu 12th Voted Out
5th Jury Member
Day 45
Nl4 sandi t Sandi Ribeiro
29, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Taiba 13th Voted Out
6th Jury Member
Day 48
Nl4 índia2 t Índia Soares
30, Barreiras, BA
Taiba 14th Voted Out
7th Jury Member
Day 52
Nl4 guimarães2 t Marcelo Guimarães
24, Itabuna, BA
Taiba 15th Voted Out
8th Jury Member
Day 55
Nl4 osmar t Osmar Guesser
31, Florianópolis, SC
Taiba 16th Voted Out
9th Jury Member
Day 59
Nl4 alexandre t Alexandre Loureiro
29, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Taiba 17th Voted Out
10th Jury Member
Day 61
Nl4 jéssica t Jéssica da Silva
25, Jundiaí, SP
Manibu 18th Voted Out
11th Jury Member
Day 62
Nl4 gabriela t Gabriela Costa
28, Juiz de Fora, MG
Taiba Runner-Up 9
Nl4 luciana2 t Luciana de Araújo
38, Goiânia, GO
Manibu Sole Survivor 12

Season Summary[]

Episode Air Date Challenges Leader Portal Exiled Eliminated Results Finish
Reward Immunity Tribe Leader Vote Public's Vote
1 July 30, 2009 Taiba Rafão Eneida Bia Eneida 8-2 57% 1st Voted Out
Day 6
2 August 2, 2009 Taiba Manibu Sandi Ronaldo Índia Ronaldo 4-3-2-1 55% 2nd Voted Out
Day 10
3 August 6, 2009 Taiba Taiba Bia João Felipe Denise No Vote No Vote Quit
Day 11
Sibele No Vote No Vote Quit
Day 11
João 4-3-2 53% 3rd Voted Out
Day 13
Luiz No Vote No Vote Ejected
Day 13
4 August 9, 2009 Manibu Taiba Júlia Júlia Luciana Júlia 4-1-1 66% 4th Voted Out
Day 17
5 August 13, 2009 Manibu None None No Portal
6 August 16, 2009 Manibu Taiba Marcelo Cebola 4-2-1 5th Voted Out
Day 20
7 August 20, 2009 Taiba Manibu None Isabel 8-1 6th Voted Out
Day 24
8 August 23, 2009 Manibu Taiba Felipe Bia 3-3;
7th Voted Out
Day 27
Taiba Gabriela
9 August 27, 2009 Taiba Luciana None Rafão 9-3-1 8th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 31
10 August 30, 2009 None Osmar Alexandre,
Taritza 7-4-1 9th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 34
11 September 3, 2009 None Osmar None Felipe 7-2-1-1 10th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 38
12 September 6, 2009 Gabriela, Gilson,
índia, Marcelo, Osmar
Sandi Guimarães,
Gilson 5-2-2-1 11th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day 41
13 September 10, 2009 Índia,
Sandi None Marcelo 5-3-1 12th Voted Out
5th Jury Member
Day 45
14 September 13, 2009 Guimarães, Jéssica,
Luciana, Sandi
Jéssica Sandi,
Sandi 7-1 13th Voted Out
6th Jury Member
Day 48
15 September 17, 2009 Gabriela, Índia,
Alexandre None Índia 4-2-1 14th Voted Out
7th Jury Member
Day 52
16 September 20, 2009 Guimarães,
Osmar Jéssica Guimarães 3-2-1 15th Voted Out
8th Jury Member
Day 55
17 September 24, 2009 Osmar,
Alexandre None Osmar 3-2 16th Voted Out
9th Jury Member
Day 59
18 September 27, 2009 None Gabriela,
Alexandre 2-0 17th Voted Out
11th Jury Member
Day 61
Gabriela Jéssica 1-0 18th Voted Out
11th Jury Member
Day 62
Jury Vote Gabriela 6-5 Runner-Up
Luciana Sole Survivor

Voting History[]

Original Tribes Merged Tribe
Episode 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Eliminated Nl4 eneida2 t
Nl4 ronaldo t
Nl4 denise tNl4 sibele t
Denise & Sibele
Nl4 joão t
Nl4 luiz2 t
Nl4 júlia t
Nl4 cebola t
Nl4 isabel t
Nl4 bia t
Nl4 rafão t
Nl4 taritza t
Nl4 felipe t
Nl4 gilson t
Nl4 marcelo2 t
Nl4 sandi t
Nl4 índia2 t
Nl4 guimarães2 t
Nl4 osmar t
Nl4 alexandre t
Nl4 jéssica t
Nl4 gabriela t
Nl4 luciana2 t
Vote 8-2 57% 4-3-2-1 55% No vote 4-3-2 53% No vote 4-1-1 66% 4-2-1 8-1 3-3 4-0 9-3-1 7-4-1 7-2-1-1 5-2-2-1 5-3-1 7-1 4-2-1 3-2-1 3-2 2-0 1-0 6-5
Luciana Eneida Marcelo Júlia Saved Marcelo Felipe Bia Felipe Felipe Felipe Gilson Marcelo Sandi Índia Guimarães Osmar None None Jury Vote
Gabriela Ronaldo Isabel Rafão Felipe Felipe Marcelo Marcelo Sandi Índia Guimarães Osmar Alexandre Jéssica
Jéssica Eneida Marcelo Júlia Cebola Felipe Bia Felipe Taritza Felipe Gilson Marcelo Sandi Índia Guimarães Osmar Alexandre None Luciana
Alexandre Ronaldo Isabel Rafão Taritza Jéssica Gilson Luciana Sandi Luciana Gabriela Gabriela None Gabriela
Osmar Gabriela Isabel Rafão Jéssica Felipe Gabriela Gabriela Sandi Índia Luciana Gabriela Luciana
Guimarães Sibele Isabel Rafão Taritza Felipe Gilson Marcelo Sandi Gabriela Luciana Luciana
Índia Ronaldo Saved Isabel Rafão Taritza Felipe Luciana Luciana Sandi Luciana Luciana
Sandi Índia Isabel Taritza Taritza Gabriela Gilson Marcelo Índia Luciana
Marcelo Eneida João Júlia Cebola Bia Bia Rafão Taritza Luciana Luciana Luciana Gabriela
Gilson Sibele Isabel Rafão Felipe Felipe Marcelo Gabriela
Felipe Eneida João Saved Marcelo Cebola Bia None Rafão Taritza Luciana Luciana
Taritza Not in game Isabel Rafão Felipe Gabriela
Rafão Bia Marcelo Felipe Cebola Bia Bia Felipe Gabriela
Bia Eneida Saved Felipe Júlia Marcelo Felipe None
Isabel Not in game Taritza
Cebola Not in game Bia
Júlia Eneida João Luciana Voted Out
Luiz Eneida João Ejected
João Eneida Felipe Voted Out
Sibele Ronaldo Quit
Denise Ronaldo
Ronaldo Sibele Voted Out
Eneida Bia Voted Out



No Limite Seasons
No Limite 1 · No Limite 2 · No Limite 3 · No Limite 4 · No Limite 5 · No Limite 6 · Amazônia