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My Wheels Are Spinning is the eleventh episode of Survivor: Cambodia. This and the previous episode, "Like Selling Your Soul to the Devil" were aired together in a two-hour event.


Night 26[]

The Orkun tribe head back to camp after Tribal Council and Joe Anglim calls Jeremy Collins "sneaky, sneaky" for playing his Hidden Immunity Idol on Stephen Fishbach. Kimmi Kappenberg says it was classy. Stephen says he had no idea that Jeremy had an idol and says that Jeremy saved his life in the game and that he now owes him. Jeremy tells him that the other people do not trust him. He thanks Jeremy and says that he has Jeremy's back. Jeremy says he now knows Stephen will take him to the end.

Jeremy says he knows that there is a target on him now, but says that he has wiggle room to make another move. Jeremy then goes and tells Spencer Bledsoe not to be paranoid. He says he would do the same thing for Spencer. Spencer feels betrayed though and is ready to jump ship on the alliance.

Day 27[]

It rains again on Day 27 and Stephen is annoyed that he did not see the previous night's vote coming.

He talks to Kimmi about Tribal Council the previous night and he says that he knew nothing last night when he usually knows what is happening. Stephen's feet are swollen and he puts them up by the fire. Stephen says his feet are swollen to monster size and he can barely walk and cannot sleep. That night, the tribe come to a nighttime Reward Challenge about Survivor Folklore.

Host Jeff Probst will them some Cambodian history and they must answer trivia questions. The first to answer five questions correctly wins. The winner will get picked up by helicopter to go to a spa resort for steak, chicken, cocktails, and the works. Jeff tells the story about a Cambodian king, Jayavarman VII, from the 12th and 13th centuries. He talks about the king's armies. Angkor Wat was the largest city in the world back then. Jeff gives the history of the city and says that it was as big as Los Angeles. But the king was Buddhist and changed the state religion and built the Bayon temple, which is the length of three football fields.

The castaways now head into the woods to begin the challenge. Unbeknownst to them, there is an idol clue in one of the packets. They take off running into the jungle. The questions ask about the king's religion and the stone of the temple.

They all run back with a packet. Keith is wrong. Spencer is right. Stephen and Kelley Wentworth are right. Jeremy and Abi-Maria Gomes get it right too. Keith is wrong again. Joe is wrong. Stephen has two right ones. Spencer has two. Kelley gets the idol clue and shoves it in her pants. Spencer has a third right and takes the lead. Keith only has one. Abi-Maria gets a third.

Stephen gets a third, while Spencer gets a fourth and just needs one more. Stephen lies to Abi-Maria about an answer that she did not know. Jeremy gets a third, while Abi-Maria misses. Spencer gets a question wrong so now Stephen can win it if he hurries. Spencer and Stephen have four each and they are both unwrapping their packets. Stephen wins it with the fifth question beating Spencer by seconds.

Stephen will get the spa reward and Jeff tells him to choose one person to come along. He chooses Tasha Fox, and then Jeff tells him to choose one more and he chooses Jeremy. Stephen says he needs to mend fences with Tasha. Spencer says that Stephen made questionable choices by taking Jeremy and Tasha, and that he now knows that he is not as tight with them as he thought and that he needs to make a move.

Jeremy is furious that Stephen did not pick him first for the reward after he saved him with the idol the previous night. The castaways come back to camp and Stephen says running on his monster feet was hard. Kelley is happy to have an idol clue and it says she has to pick the right moment. The idol is under the shelter. She tries to feel around while it is dark. She decides to wait until tomorrow when the three are gone on reward.

Day 28[]

The helicopter takes Jeremy, Stephen, and Tasha to the resort. Stephen says that Tasha wrote down his name at the last Tribal Council, so he is worried about her. Stephen says he feels tight with them and tells them what his advantage is. He says that he can steal a vote so can have a second vote. They all agree that the first time Joe loses individual immunity, he has to go home.

Back at the camp, the others talk about how tight Jeremy, Stephen, and Tasha obviously are. Kimmi leaves and the others talk about what they want to do. Spencer says that they gave to get rid of Stephen because of his advantage. Abi-Maria worries that he would use it against her. She asks Joe to let her win the upcoming Immunity Challenge, but Joe refuses. Abi-Maria thinks that Joe and Spencer are sketchy. She is not sure if she will go along with the plan. They talk about going with Stephen or Tasha depending on who wins immunity.

Meanwhile Kelley is focused on getting the idol hidden under the shelter. Joe and Spencer decide to go fishing, while Keith and Kimmi go look for crabs. It is only Abi-Maria left at camp. Kelley is desperate to get her out of there before the others come back, and she compares Abi-Maria to an annoying little sister who will not leave. Kelley fakes sleeping and Abi-Maria goes to the hammock. She has her back to the shelter so Kelly climbs under the shelter. She tries to get the Hidden Immunity Idol loose and then everyone comes back. She gets it and skitters out. She says it was stressful but has it now and is ready to shake up the game.

Day 29[]

At the Immunity Challenge, Jeff takes back the Immunity Necklace from Joe. The challenge is The Game is Afoot. They must use their feet to release a rope, drop and stack blocks, then place a flag in the middle. Jeff notes that Jeremy and Keith previously competed in this challenge in San Juan del Sur and that Jeremy was sent home that night when he did not win it. Jeremy "thanks" him for the reminder.

Everyone quickly unspools their blocks except for Spencer who is struggling with the initial knot. His blocks finally fall. Stephen is the slowest at building his first tier because his feet are swollen. Jeff says that his feet look prehistoric. Spencer catches up and is doing well. Kelley takes the lead, with Joe close behind. Keith and Spencer are close behind them.

Jeff says if that Joe wins this Immunity Challenge, he would join an elite group of castaways who have won five individual immunities in a single season, but then Joe knocks some of his blocks over. Keith's stack takes a tumble. Spencer takes over the lead and Joe is close behind. Spencer is one block ahead. Joe is catching up. Spencer puts the last block on his top row. Spencer has to put the flag in the middle. Spencer struggles to get his flag in as Joe puts his last block in. Joe's blocks tumble as Spencer gets his flag in and wins individual immunity, and breaks Joe's immunity streak. Joe is worried that he has no safety tonight, and he is nervous.

Back at camp, the others congratulate Spencer, and Stephen is excited that Joe will be available for elimination. Stephen has his shot and is ready to make a move.

Joe goes to lay in the hammock and Stephen asks the others about voting Joe out. Jeremy says that Joe is a big challenge threat and could keep winning. They agree to tell Joe that they are voting for Abi-Maria and tell Abi-Maria the plan only if they asks. Kelley says that she has five people: Abi-Maria, Joe, Keith, and the possible exception of Spencer, and Kelley goes to Keith and tells him they need to take out Stephen. Joe says that he is relying on his social game tonight.

Kelley says that they have a solid five. Joe hopes the Stephen blindside goes through. Abi-Maria talks to Stephen and he tells her to vote for Joe. She says "yeah" and thanks him. He says that she sounds like she does not believe him. She then gets angry and asks what else he wants from her. Stephen says that Abi-Maria is insane and suspicious of everyone. Stephen now needs to convince Joe that he is going after Abi-Maria.

Joe says that Abi-Maria thinks it is her. Abi-Maria thinks that Joe is shady for talking to Jeremy and Stephen. Abi-Maria tells the others that she is not sure how she will vote at Tribal Council. She says she thinks that Joe is playing her and Kelley, but Kelley urges her to stick to the plan. Abi-Maria says that she has decisions to make. Kelley is ready to play the idol if she has to.

Abi-Maria goes to Spencer and he tells her to vote for Stephen. He tells Abi-Maria that she has nothing to worry about. She says that she is ready to go home if she has to. She says that it does not matter who goes home and says that she will decide her vote at Tribal Council. Spencer is worried that she will not vote for Stephen. He says that they have to vote for Stephen or this will not work.

Stephen then goes to Jeremy and tells him that Abi-Maria is all over the place. Stephen speculates that maybe Joe has an idol, but Jeremy says that he does not. Stephen wonders about using his advantage. He says that they would lose Abi-Maria and Joe with his advantage. He tells Spencer that he will use his advantage tonight and says they should split their votes between Abi-Maria and Joe. Stephen tells Spencer what his advantage is and now Spencer is worried about that. Spencer says in a confessional that their plan is to take out Stephen, but that is now a risk because of his advantage.

The tribe departs Tribal Council. The jury comes in: Kass McQuillen, Andrew Savage, Kelly Wiglesworth, and Ciera Eastin. Jeff notes that Joe is not wearing the Immunity Necklace for the first time since the merge. Joe saysthat he just hopes the trust he has built will take him further. Abi-Maria says that there are clearly alliances and it all depends on which alliance is most loyal to you.

Jeff mentions all the blindsides this season. Tasha says the voting blocs may not hold going forward and that they need to build a core and move forward. Kelley says that Stephen said that Tasha was in his alliance at the Reward Challenge. Stephen says that his advantage is scary and he knows why it threatens people. He says that the last Tribal Council showed that they can vote his way.

Spencer says this is insanely complicated and that there are so many possibilities. Abi-Maria says there was a lot of talk and a lot of names being thrown, saying that she has a headache from all of this. Stephen says that there is a 33% chance of a blindside. Tasha says a shift is happening and says you need people you can trust to get you to the end.

When Jeff calls for the vote, Stephen plays his advantage. He reveals that he can steal a vote from another person. He announces that he is stealing Joe's vote. Joe says that sucks, but it is the game. The vote starts. Stephen splits his votes between Abi-Maria and Joe. Jeff goes to count the votes and then comes back. He asks if anyone wants to play a Hidden Immunity Idol, but neither Jeremy nor Kelley play theirs.

The votes are revealed: Joe, Abi-Maria, Stephen, Joe, Abi-Maria, Abi-Maria, Stephen, Stephen, and when the last vote is also for Stephen, Stephen becomes the 12th person eliminated from Survivor: Cambodia and the 5th member of the jury. Stephen is surprised and immediately looks at Spencer, while Jeremy buries his head in his hands. Joe is thrilled to see his nemesis Stephen voted out. Jeff extinguishes Stephen's torch. After Stephen leaves, Jeff says that the only predictable thing in the game is the unpredictability.


Challenge: Folklore
Host Jeff Probst will tell the castaways a story about Cambodian history. They will then race into the jungle with torches to a series of five stations where they will have a question and three answers. When they think they have a correct answer, open the jar and grab a wrapped medallion and head back to the start. At the start, open the wrapping and if they get a gold medallion they have answered correctly. If they open a wooden medallion, then they have answered incorrectly and must toss it in the fire and go back to the station and try again. The first person to answer all five questions correctly wins reward.
Reward: Trip to a local resort.
Additional Stipulation: Unknown to the castaways, one of the medallions came packaged with a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol.
Winner: Stephen Fishbach (shared with Jeremy Collins and Tasha Fox)

Challenge: The Game is Afoot
Using only their feet, castaways must unwind a rope to release blocks that they will use to assemble a three-tiered tower. However, they may use their hands to return fallen blocks to the basket. Once the tower is assembled, they must place a flag in the middle of the tower. The first person to do so wins.
Winner: Spencer Bledsoe

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 11:
(Joe's vote stolen by Stephen)
S31 stephen t
Stephen (4 votes)
S31 abimaria tS31 keith tS31 kelley tS31 spencer t
Abi-Maria, Keith, Kelley, Spencer
S31 abimaria t
Abi-Maria (3 votes)
S31 kimmi tS31 stephen tS31 tasha t
Kimmi, Stephen, Tasha
S31 joe t
Joe (2 votes)
S31 jeremy tS31 stephen t
Jeremy, Stephen
S31 stephen bw
Stephen Fishbach

Voting Confessionals[]

Stephen used the Vote Steal advantage granting him two total votes. Stephen stole Joe's vote rendering him unable to cast a vote at Tribal Council.

S31 stephen t
(voting against Abi-Maria) With my vote, I'm going to vote for Abi.
(voting against Joe) And with Joe's vote, Joe will be voting for Joe. This has been 29 days coming so I just want to take a second and marinate in it. Thank you.

Final Words[]

S31 stephen bw
So clearly, I was blindsided. I thought I had locked up the split, but I think Spencer must have turned and, you know, good on him. I regret splitting the votes-- we could've all voted for Joe. But I went out big. You know, this is a Survivor first. I played the "Vote Steal" and it's been awesome. You know, I've had-- I've had tremendous highs, I've had terrible lows, and I'm grateful for both.

Still in the Running[]

S31 vytas bw
S31 shirin bw
S31 peihgee bw
S31 jeff bw
S31 monica bw
S31 terry bw
S31 woo bw
S31 kass bw
S31 andrew bw
S31 kelly bw
S31 ciera bw
S31 stephen bw
S31 abimaria t
S31 jeremy t
S31 joe t
S31 keith t
S31 kelley t
S31 kimmi t
S31 spencer t
S31 tasha t


Life at Ponderosa[]

Stephen Fishbach gets his customary post-game weigh-in where he lost 20 lbs. While on his way to Ponderosa, Stephen says that he is grateful to the fans for voting for him to play a second time. When he arrives at Ponderosa, everybody gives him a hug except for Andrew Savage. Stephen takes a shower and then joins the others to eat. When talking with Ciera Eastin, Stephen is shocked to learn from her that Spencer Bledsoe voted against him.

The next day, Stephen says that he felt guilty for betraying people he befriended in his previous season and that it took him quite some time to get over it. Kass McQuillen sympathizes with him and understands his pain and let him have his space. Later that day, he and Kelly Wiglesworth bake cookies and enjoy each other's company.[2]


  • Because of Stephen Fishbach's Vote Steal advantage, this marks the first time that a castaway was rendered ineligible to vote outside of re-votes and the vote at the final three on Day 38.
    • Also because of the Vote Steal advantage, Stephen became the first castaway to vote for two people at the same Tribal Council, excluding revotes.
  • With Stephen's elimination, every castaway on this season has been voted out of Survivor at least once.
  • This marks the first time this season that Joe Anglim was vulnerable at Tribal Council for elimination. This is also the first and thus far, only, time in his Survivor career that Joe survived a Tribal Council after the merge without immunity.


Survivor: Cambodia Episodes
"Second Chance" · "Survivor MacGyver" · "We Got a Rat" · "What's the Beef?" · "A Snake in the Grass" · "Bunking with the Devil" · "Play to Win" · "You Call, We'll Haul" · "Witches Coven" · "Like Selling Your Soul to the Devil" · "My Wheels Are Spinning" · "Tiny Little Shanks to the Heart" · "Villains Have More Fun" · "Lie, Cheat and Steal" · "Reunion"