The contestants will compete alongside their loved ones for this challenge. The contestant will throw a mud-covered ball to their loved one, who must attempt to knock over five bamboo targets from a pedestal. The first person to knock over all their targets wins.
In Survivor South Africa, the roles were reversed, with the loved ones starting the challenge by opening a box to retrieve a crate of sandbags, which the castaways would then use to knock over the targets.
In Survivor: Philippines, the members of the Dangrayne tribe had to dig up balls from a mud pit and toss them to their loved one, who would throw the balls to knock down bamboo poles from a pedestal. Malcolm Freberg and his brother Miles won the challenge.
In Survivor South Africa: Island of Secrets, the Manumalo tribe's loved ones raced to untie a series of knots to open a box and retrieve a key as well as a crate of sandbags. They would then use that key to unlock their partner, who would then throw sandbags to knock over five blocks. Rob Bentele and his mother Josie excelled in the challenge and he blasted forth to win the challenge for immunity and a braai, which he shared with Josie, Laetitia Le Roux and her daughter Leandre, and Steffi Brink and her best friend Gina.