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Survivor Wiki

This is the merged tribe of Korok​ and Lanta-naï​ from Les Aventuriers de Koh-Lanta.

Both starting tribes entered with even numbers. However, once William Lecomte broke his promise from the Ambassadors meeting to give Korok the upper hand, Lanta-naï fell into the minority and initially had their members pagonged. Despite this, an original Lanta-naï member was able to get to the Final Two and narrowly win the season. Their tribe color is blue.


 David Noël
FRS1 david t
FRS1 francoise t
FRS1 geraldine t
 Gilles Nicolet
FRS1 gilles t
FRS1 guenaelle t
FRS1 michele t
 Patricia Tanguy
FRS1 patricia t
 Romain Bissol
FRS1 romain t
FRS1 stephane t
 William Lecomte
FRS1 william t

Tribe History[]

Challenge History[]

Episode Challenge Challenge Type Winner Eliminated
7 Snake Island Relay Immunity William David
7th Voted Out
Day 22
8 Archery Challenge Reward Françoise Stéphane
8th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 25
Letters under water Immunity William
9 Fishing by hand Reward Gilles Géraldine
9th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 30
Squared Off Immunity Michèle
10 Balance on Water Reward Romain Michèle
10th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 33
Fast Fire Immunity Gilles
11 Survivor Quiz Show Reward William William
11th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day 36
Walk the Plank Immunity Guénaëlle
12 Pot Head Reward Guénaëlle Françoise
12th Voted Out
5th Jury Member
Day 40
The Riddle Immunity Gilles
13 Fallen Comrades Immunity Gilles, Guénaëlle, & Patricia Romain
(no vote)2
6th Jury Member
Day 41
Hands on a Hard Idol Immunity Gilles Patricia
13th Voted Out
7th Jury Member
Day 42
Jury Vote Guénaëlle
Sole Survivor

^1 At the ambassadors meeting, Françoise and William agreed to cast the extra vote against David.
^2 At the final four, the remaining castaways competed in the Fallen Comrades challenge, where the castaway with
the fewest correct answers would be eliminated. Since Romain had the fewest correct answers, he was eliminated.

Voting History[]

Merged Tribe
Episode 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Voted Out FRS1 david t
FRS1 stephane t
FRS1 geraldine t
FRS1 michele t
FRS1 william t
FRS1 francoise t
FRS1 romain t
FRS1 patricia t
FRS1 guenaelle t
FRS1 gilles t
Vote 6-51 5-3-1 7-1 4-3 4-2 3-2 No vote2 1-03 4-3
Gilles Michèle Romain Géraldine William William Romain Patricia Jury Vote
Guénaëlle David Stéphane Géraldine Michèle William Françoise None
Patricia David Stéphane Géraldine Michèle William Françoise None Guénaëlle
Romain David Stéphane Géraldine Michèle Gilles Françoise Eliminated Guénaëlle
Françoise Michèle Michèle Géraldine William William Romain Gilles
William David Stéphane Géraldine Michèle Gilles Guénaëlle
Michèle David Stéphane Géraldine William Gilles
Géraldine Michèle Michèle Romain Gilles
Stéphane Michèle Michèle Gilles
David Michèle
Ambassadors David

^1 At the ambassadors meeting, Françoise and William agreed to cast the extra vote against David.
^2 At the final four, the remaining castaways compete in the Fallen Comrades challenge, and the contestant with the fewest right answers is eliminated from the game.
^3 Guénaëlle and Patricia did not vote as they could only vote for were each other. By virtue of winning the final Immunity Challenge, only Gilles voted.




Koh-Lanta Tribes
Les Aventuriers Nicoya Bocas del Toro Panama
Korok Lanta-naï Tambor Ventanas Boro Machiga Chapera Mogo
Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe
Pacifique Vanuatu Palawan Caramoan
Kanawa Kumo Mosso Tana Batang Guntao Mingao Tayak
Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe
Le Retour des Héros Palau Le Choc des Héros Viêtnam
Jacaré Tupan Koror Mawaï Malabou Tiac Do Vang
Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe
Raja Ampat La Revanche des Héros Malaisie La Nouvelle Édition
Mambok Wasaï Klahan Nekmao Mawar Sungaï Simban Tengah
Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe
Johor Thaïlande L'Île au Trésor Cambodge
Lankawaï Tinggi Aopoh Karwaï Naga Sambor Bokor Sokka Takéo
Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe
Fidji Le Combat des Héros La Guerre des Chefs L'Île des Héros
Coravu Makawa Toa Wakaï Ikalu Kama Tabuo Héros Lawaki Nacomo
Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe
Les 4 Terres Les Armes Secrètes La Légende Le Totem Maudit
Ceva Tokalo Vakara Vualiku Oro Toa Men's Tribe Women's Tribe Ilog Nacpan Turung
Sayake Vuro Korok Lanta-naï
Merged Tribe Cadlao Matingi
Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe
Le Feu Sacré Les Chasseurs d'Immunité La Tribu Maudite
Paniman Tinago Kadasi Matukad Pitogo Sabitang The Cursed Tribe
Merged Tribe Merged Tribe Merged Tribe