Maud Garnier is a contestant from Koh-Lanta: Nicoya and Koh-Lanta: La Revanche des Héros.
A sweet and friendly presence in her first season, she returned to the game in La Revanche des Héros to take her revenge after her devastating blindside at the final five. She was largely underestimated by her tribe, and she took control of the game by flipping to the opposing alliance at the merge, cementing her as one of the most heroic and powerful players in the history of the game. Despite being labelled as a traitor by Moussa Niangane, against the odds, Maud managed to reach the final three, but was voted out after Claude Dartois won the Final Immunity Challenge and took Bertrand Bolle to the Final Two.
Profile retrieved from[1]
- Age: 25 ans - Célibataire
- Profession: Mannequin
- Ville: Nantes
- Passion: Les voyages, les rencontres
- Devise: Une aventure humaine avant tout
Profile retrieved from[2]
- Koh-Lanta 2 - Nicoya, Costa Rica (2002)
Nombre de jours: 36/40
En 2002, cette ex-miss avait échoué aux portes de la finale. Maud a aujourd'hui plus d'expérience. Cette femme active, aventurière dans l'âme, a du tempérament et elle veut le prouver. - Quels souvenirs gardez-vous de votre première participation à Koh-Lanta? Participer à Koh-Lanta il y a 10 ans était déjà une véritable expédition en soi ! A l'époque, seule une saison avait été tournée. Nous n'étions pas aussi aguerris que certains concurrents plus récents, très au fait des mécanismes du jeu. D'ailleurs, les conditions de survie extrêmes m'ont permis de tisser des liens très forts avec plusieurs coéquipiers. Nous sommes devenus des frères d'aventure. Ces amitiés demeurent aujourd'hui, comme avec Jimmy, qui vit à Hong-Kong, ou avec Amel, que j'ai vue se marier et avoir 3 enfants.
- Quel a été votre plus grand regret lors de cette aventure? Et votre plus grande fierté? Avoir été éliminée aux portes de la finale reste tout de même une grande frustration. Mais je ne regrette rien de cette aventure, comme dans la vie d'ailleurs. Je suis fière d'être restée fidèle à moi-même, durant toute l'aventure.
- Pourquoi avoir choisi de revenir en découdre dans cette Revanche des Héros? Participer à La Revanche des Héros s'annonçait comme un véritable défi pour une ancienne comme moi ! Le jeu a beaucoup évolué, les aventuriers paraissent plus forts et les épreuves terriblement difficiles. Mais je suis extrêmement motivée, je me suis préparée physiquement pour revenir en forme. J'ai même perdu 19 kilos ! Je ne suis pas une grande sportive mais j'ai un mental d'acier. Je voulais prouver qu'avec beaucoup de volonté, on pouvait arriver à de grandes choses. Ma devis : "A vaincre sans péril, on triomphe sans gloire "!
A member of the Tambor tribe in Nicoya, Maud formed a friendship with Amel Fatnassi and both voted in the majority throughout the entire tribal phase. When Xavier Lemasson was evacuated and eliminated from the game on Day 5 after falling face first and suffering a cervical sprain, Jacky returned to the game in his place.
On Day 14, Tambor sent Jacky to what they thought was going to be a Hero Challenge for reward, but it turned out to be a tribe switch. As a result, Jacky was reassigned to the Ventanas tribe and their representative, Bernard Lenoir, was reassigned to the Tambor tribe. As a positive for everyone, both tribes were given fishing equipment, presented to them by their new members, as a welcoming gift. Bernard managed to integrate himself well into his new tribe by discussing aesthetic affairs with their women and, when the tribe lost the fifth Immunity Challenge, Pierre was voted out instead for his perceived untrustworthiness.
When the two tribes merged at what was the Ventanas tribe's camp, Bernard eagerly reunited with his fellow original Ventanas tribe members. They were generally dismissive of the original Tambor tribe members, much to the latter's annoyance. The original Tambor tribe members voted against Bernard at the merged tribe's first elimination for his sudden ghosting of them, but Jimmy Denis was voted out instead due to his challenge prowess. At the Final Eight, seeing that Isabelle Vial was the most receptive of the original Ventanas tribe members to the original Tambor tribe members and had built a good rapport with them, Béatrice tried to pull her over to her, Amel, and Maud's side in order to vote against Nicolas Roy due to his strategic prowess and tie the vote. However, this failed as Isabelle and the other original Ventanas tribe members voted out Béatrice and the original Tambor tribe members voted against three different people for their own honest reasons. At the Final Seven, being the only original Ventanas tribe member to not be a full member of Nicolas' alliance, François-Xavier Arguillère tried to shake things up by allying with Amel and Maud in order to blindside Marianne with Nicolas. However, when François-Xavier filled Nicolas in on the plan, Nicolas informed his alliance about François-Xavier's plotting and they put their pagonging plans on hold to blindside François-Xavier instead.
Maud was the majority alliance's original target for elimination at the Final Six, but, after witnessing Isabelle socializing with Amel and Maud again, Nicolas concluded that Isabelle was a strong competitor who would be hard to beat if she made it to the Final Two. Therefore, Nicolas convinced Amel and Maud, who knew that they were in danger at the upcoming elimination, Bernard, and even Marianne to blindside Isabelle unanimously at the upcoming elimination. At the Final Five, Nicolas considered getting the tribe to vote out Marianne, but her winning immunity prevented any possibility of that happening. Right before elimination, production revealed to the merged tribe that Marianne, Nicolas, and Isabelle cheated by straying from camp and receiving food from a ranger multiple times during the tribal phase. In spite of this reveal, the contestants' voting plans, along with their reasonings for their votes, remained unaffected and Maud was voted out. When casting his vote, Nicolas admitted that this was the first time in the game where a vote did not go his way. He had a soft spot for Maud and would have preferred for her to stay over Amel, but he voted against her because that is what his alliance had wanted and he needed to stay in Bernard's good graces, especially considering the cheating allegations that had just been revealed.
Voting History[]
Episode | Maud's Votes |
Voted Against Maud |
1 | Jacky | - |
2 | Tambor Tribe Immune | |
3 | Tambor Tribe Immune | |
4 | Pierre | - |
5 | Pierre | - |
6 | Tambor Tribe Immune | |
7 | Tambor Tribe Immune | |
8 | Bernard | - |
9 | Bernard | - |
10 | Marianne | - |
11 | Isabelle | Isabelle |
12 | Nicolas | Bernard, Marianne, Nicolas |
Voted Out, Day 37 | ||
Voted for Sole Survivor |
Amel |
La Revanche des Héros[]
At the Klahan tribe's sole Tribal Council, Maud voted against Patricia Morel as she had believed that Patricia was "the plan" for that night. As it turned out, she had been kept out of the vote by the majority of the tribe, who actually voted out Isabelle Da Silva. In spite of having received a vote from her before, Patricia became close with Maud going forward and understood that Maud was confused when voting against her. Just before the merge, Ambassadors Francis Bordas and Claude Dartois negotiated to pit Patricia against Teheiura Teahui in a duel believing that the latter would defeat the former. These assumptions turned out to be correct and Patricia was eliminated. Seeing as how Patricia was easily sacrificed by Francis as a convenience, Maud became bitter towards her fellow original Klahan tribe members going into the merge. The original Nekmao tribe members, who entered the merge with a numbers disadvantage against the original Klahan tribe members, took advantage of this and approached Maud for her to consider flipping to their side. Considering that the original Nekmao tribe members promised her a place in the finale for her allegiance, Maud joined them in blindsiding Francis at the merged tribe's first Tribal Council, targeting him specifically for his decision at the Ambassadors' Meeting. Immediately after Francis' elimination, Wafa lashed out at Maud, but calmed down soon after. Meanwhile, Maud and Moussa became at odds with each other over the next few cycles, with the latter constantly referring to the former as a traitor. Maud's alliance continued to pagong the original Klahan tribe members over the next couple of cycles, but Maud was left out of Teheiura's blindside at the Final Eight. In spite of this, the original Nekmao tribe members maintained their promise to Maud by saving her at the Final Six over Guénaëlle Biras, who had been an outsider on the Nekmao tribe during the tribal phase. Having made it to the finale, Maud was eliminated at the Final Three after Claude won the Perch challenge and took Bertrand Bolle to the Final Two instead of her.
Voting History[]
Episode | Maud's Votes |
Voted Against Maud |
1 | Klahan Tribe Immune | |
2 | Klahan Tribe Immune | |
3 | Patricia | - |
4 | Francis | - |
5 | Freddy | Bertrand, Freddy, Moussa, Wafa |
6 | Wafa | Bertrand, Freddy, Moussa, Wafa |
7 | Moussa | Claude |
8 | Claude | - |
9 | Ineligible | Claude |
Voted Out, Day 23 | ||
Voted for Sole Survivor |
Bertrand |
Post Koh-Lanta[]
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- Maud is the only castaway from Nicoya to return for a future season and not finish in 14th place.
- Maud is the highest-placing woman on La Revanche des Héros.
Koh-Lanta: Nicoya Castaways | |||||||||||||||
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Koh-Lanta: La Revanche des Héros Castaways | |||||||||||||||
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