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Like Selling Your Soul to the Devil is the tenth episode of Survivor: Cambodia. This episode and the following episode, "My Wheels Are Spinning" were aired together in a two-hour event.


Night 23[]

The Orkun tribe comes back from Tribal Council after the blindside of Kelly Wiglesworth. Jeremy Collins wants to talk to Tasha Fox to smooth things over. He tells her that he could not tell her and Tasha says once you have a voting bloc, they do not tell anyone else.

She says she will give them one last chance but if they leave her out again, then that is it for her. Joe Anglim talks to Jeremy and Tasha about Kelly's blindside. He is mad and is trying to hold it in check. They ask about who voted for Kelly. Spencer Bledsoe says that he, Jeremy, Stephen Fishbach and the Witches' Coven alliance of Abi-Maria Gomes, Ciera Eastin, and Kelley Wentworth did. Joe says that they cannot let the girls get a leg up. Joe is worried because his allies are falling away and he says that he must win immunity again.

Days 24-25[]

On Night 24, the rain is beating down on the tribe and all day on Day 25. The tribe sits huddled under the shelter shivering. Ciera is feeling pretty good about her position in the game, but says that the rain ruins everything. She cannot have one-on-one conversations because they have to hide in the shelter. Then lightning starts and they wonder if they can eat dry rice.

Keith Nale says that he can sit in the rain for a million bucks. His toes are shredding. He says Survivor is not fun, going on a cruise is fun.

The tribe meets with host Jeff Probst for the Reward Challenge: Basket Brawl. Tasha says that the weather is exhausting them. The rain keeps pouring down on them. Probst reveals that the reward is to get away from the rain to somewhere with a roof. He says that they will be warm, have blankets, and food. They will see a Cambodian circus too.

He then explains the rules. The tribe would be divided into two teams of five, where they must battle for a ball and toss it into a basket. The first team to three points wins and the challenge will take place in the water. They do a Schoolyard Pick for teams, and Probst remarks that Stephen scored the winning basket for his tribe when he previously played in this challenge in Tocantins. The green team consists of Jeremy, Keith, Kelley, Stephen, and Kimmi Kappenberg, while the purple team consists of Abi-Maria, Ciera, Joe, Spencer, and Tasha.

The first round takes place between Ciera, Joe, and Spencer facing off against Jeremy, Kelley, and Stephen. Spencer misses and Jeremy sinks a basket for the green team. Next is Keith, Kelley, and Kimmi taking on Abi-Maria, Joe, and Tasha. Joe throws Kimmi out of the way and Keith hangs on. Kimmi grabs Joe's foot and he shoves her down then shoots and ties it up.

Next is Jeremy, Kimmi, and Stephen against Ciera, Joe, and Spencer. Spencer tackles Jeremy. Jeremy runs for the basket and Joe knocks him down. Jeremy misses. Spencer sinks it and the purple team takes the lead 2-1.

Next is Abi-Maria, Joe, and Tasha against Jeremy, Kelley, and Kimmi. Kimmi clings to Tasha's leg and Jeremy has Joe in a headlock. Tasha gets loose and sinks it to win reward for the purle team. They are loaded right onto a boat and head out.

Probst tells the losing green team that he has nothing for them and sends them back to camp colder and with nothing to show for their efforts. The reward winners watch the Cambodian circus while they sit under warm blankets with food. Spencer says that this feels as important as immunity. Ciera says she likes seeing the kids and that it makes her miss her kids. She cries a bit.

Later, they sit and talk. Ciera is ready to work on an advantage. She tells the group that they have a chance to take out Stephen since he has an advantage that he won at the previous Immunity Challenge. Joe has wanted Stephen out for a while and hopes that this will happen since Stephen has been targeting him.

Back at camp, life is miserable for the five losers. Jeremy says this sucks but they need to push through. Kimmi says she has sat at the hospital with her son for more than 40 days with his kidney disease and that that was worse, so she can do this. Keith takes one of Joe's shirts to warm up and says: to hell with him. Jeremy comments about Joe pushing all the girls down. Keith says someone needs to stop Joe from winning all the challenges.

Kelley is thrilled to be part of a voting bloc against Joe. Stephen is happy that they are all on the same page to make sure Joe does not win immunity. Stephen is happy to have the advantage and wonders if he can use it against Joe.

It is a stormy night and the reward winners return to camp. Everyone is miserable and Stephen starts having horrible stomach pains. Everyone feels bad for him. Stephen cries and says he thinks that his body is breaking down and he cannot go on like this. They have not been able to eat since they cannot start the fire.

Day 26[]

On Day 26, there is more rain. Stephen says that the rain will not stop and that his stomach is tearing him up. He says that he just needs the sun for 15 minutes and he will be better. Stephen is bawling and upset. He says he does not know what he is going to do. Jeremy says that he feels bad for him and says Stephen is in bad shape with messed up stomach and swollen feet. Jeremy says he needs Stephen as an ally.

The tribe heads to the Immunity Challenge: Ballin' A Jack. Probst gives them each one black rock and one white rock. He takes back the Immunity Necklace from Joe again before explaining the rules. They must balance on one foot on a block and hold a ball against a post with an oval stick device, with the last person left standing winning immunity. Probst remarks that Keith previously competed in this challenge in San Juan del Sur, and that he lost.

The good news is, the rain has stopped. Stephen says that it has been terrible and says it was a personal life low. Probst says they still have half a month left. Probst says that they can improve their shelter. He says that a construction crew is at their camp. They will waterproof it, get a fire going in the center and more. However, five people must sit out of the Immunity Challenge for the tribe to get this incentive. A white rock means they give up the chance at a challenge. A black rock means they have to play in the challenge.

Probst says this is about trust. They would vote with a rock in their hand. They reveal their decision and it turns out that only Joe and Keith are the ones with a black stone. The other eight flip a white rock. Probst says that they will have a big shelter when they get back to camp. Keith says that he is a competitor and he wants to play and figured that Joe would play. Joe says he was back and forth then figured the rain would affect others more so they would vote for the shelter.

Only Joe and Keith will face off for the challenge. They step up and get their balls balanced and the challenge begins. They must have to hold their arms up over their head to keep the ball in play. Probst remarks that the fatigue has to be setting in. Joe has a bit of movement. Spencer whispers that he is slipping. Keith moves a little and then he loses it. Joe wins his fourth individual immunity. Stephen is not happy. Probst sends them back to camp. Stephen says "Joey Amazing" wins again but at least with the new shelter, they can play again. He plans to target Ciera instead.

The tribe returns to camp and see their new shelter, along with some cookies, hot tea, coffee. Spencer says that the shelter is incredible, but he also says he feels like they sold their souls to the devil. Stephen talks to Jeremy and Kimmi about targeting Ciera. He thinks that she is dangerous, and that he does not want to use his advantage right now.

Joe talks about voting out Stephen, and Abi-Maria calls Stephen "poopy pants", much to Tasha's annoyance. Joe reminds them all that Stephen has an advantage. They wonder about splitting the vote and agree to split it between Kimmi and Stephen.

Tasha talks to Spencer about this being the Ciera show. Tasha says that Ciera has unhinged groups and if they take her out, they could use Abi-Maria and Kelley. Spencer agrees, but he wants Stephen out of the game and has to convince people to move with them. Joe and Spencer talk to Jeremy and Tasha about voting out Stephen. Jeremy says that he thought the plan was to target Ciera. Joe and Spencer tell them that the girls are definitely going after Stephen. Tasha says that Ciera is a bigger threat.

Joe wants both Ciera and Stephen gone. He says he knows that Ciera is a liar, but that Stephen has an advantage that none of them know about. Spencer says that they need to blindside him before he can play it. Jeremy argues; he says he has two Hidden Immunity Idol, but he wants Stephen in the game since they trust each other. Jeremy says that Ciera is a free agent. Spencer talks to Jeremy about the importance of getting rid of Stephen's advantage. He says that Stephen can flip more easily. Jeremy still pushes back.

The tribe heads off to Tribal Council and Spencer says this will be close. He says he and Jeremy are both convinced that they are right in this and he hopes that Stephen will go home, but he has no idea what will happen tonight. As the tribe take their seats, Probst welcomes the jury consisting of Kass McQuillen, Andrew Savage, and Kelly.

Probst talks about the weather. He talks to Kelley about being at the Reward Challenge. She says that standing in the water during the challenge was warmer than the rain and says that it was the first time she has cried in Survivor. Stephen says he had severe gastrointestinal stress at the peak of the storm. Probst says that he offered them a shot to change up their shelter and Ciera says that her first thought was giving up her spot, but that she wondered who else would also give up. Tasha says that she wondered who would be selfish and unselfish.

Joe speaks up and says that if he put out that white rock, he knew that he would go home tonight, no question. Keith says that he is a competitor and was trying to kill the "golden boy", Joe. Spencer says that Keith's choice will not sway the vote against him.

Stephen says that there are many clusters of power here and that he has no idea what is coming. Probst asks Jeremy about voting blocs. He says that there is a plan and then people start walking off and it changes.

Tasha says that there has been a lot of talk about Stephen's advantage. Stephen says that he knew he would be a target when he went for the advantage. Jeremy says everyone knows about his, so it is bad in a way and is a disadvantage. Stephen says that you have to vote for the best thing for you right now. Ciera says that this complicates things because there are no lines. Ciera says that this is an exciting vote and says it would be suck if she is blindsided and if turning her white rock up could be a million-dollar mistake.

The vote starts. Abi-Maria votes for Stephen. No other votes are shown. Probst comes back and asks if anyone wants to play a Hidden Immunity Idol. Jeremy stands up and plays one of his idols, and says that it is for Stephen. Joe buries his head in his hands. Stephen thanks him.

The votes are: Stephen, Stephen, Stephen, Stephen, Stephen, Ciera, Ciera, Kimmi, Kimmi, and the last vote is for Ciera. With the 5 votes against Stephen discounted, Ciera becomes the 11th person eliminated from Survivor: Cambodia and the 4th member of the jury.

Jeremy whispers to Spencer that he would do the same thing for him. After Probst snuffs Ciera's torch, she wishes them luck and leaves. Probst says that it is another big move and sends them back to camp. In her final words, Ciera says that it was her night to go, but that she at least got people to play a little harder and is happy she went out with a fight and can go home in peace.


Challenge: Basket Brawl
In each round, three people from each team will battle for a ball and work together to get that ball into a basket. Meanwhile, the other team tries to stop them any way they can. Every time they get a ball in the basket, they score a point. The first team to three wins reward.
Reward: A trip to a Cambodian circus, complete with lunch under shelter from the rain.
Winners: Purple Team (Abi-Maria Gomes, Ciera Eastin, Joe Anglim, Spencer Bledsoe, and Tasha Fox)

Challenge: Ballin' A Jack
The castaways will each stand on a small block while stabilizing a ball against an overhanging piece of wood. If at any point they lose their concentration or their balance, the ball will drop and they are then out of the challenge. The last person left standing wins.
Additional Stipulation: If at least five castaways agreed to forfeit their chance at immunity, the Survivor construction crew would enhance the tribe's shelter with a waterproof roof. Eight members of the tribe agreed to forfeit the challenge in exchange for the enhanced shelter.
Winner: Joe Anglim

Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 10:
S31 stephen t
(used Hidden Immunity Idol)
S31 abimaria tS31 joe t
S31 keith tS31 spencer tS31 tasha t
Abi-Maria, Joe, Keith, Spencer, Tasha
(votes not counted)
S31 ciera t
Ciera (3 votes)
S31 jeremy tS31 kimmi tS31 stephen t
Jeremy, Kimmi, Stephen
S31 kimmi t
Kimmi (2 votes)
S31 ciera tS31 kelley t
Ciera, Kelley
S31 ciera bw
Ciera Eastin

Voting Confessionals[]

Abi-Maria was shown writing Stephen's name down on the parchment.

Final Words[]

S31 ciera bw
Tonight, I guess, was my night to go, you know? I have been telling people, 'Let's play hard, let's play this game'. I got people to play a little bit harder, and I can genuinely say I went out with a fight, and at least I can go home with that peace.

Still in the Running[]

S31 vytas bw
S31 shirin bw
S31 peihgee bw
S31 jeff bw
S31 monica bw
S31 terry bw
S31 woo bw
S31 kass bw
S31 andrew bw
S31 kelly bw
S31 ciera bw
S31 abimaria t
S31 jeremy t
S31 joe t
S31 keith t
S31 kelley t
S31 kimmi t
S31 spencer t
S31 stephen t
S31 tasha t


Life at Ponderosa[]

Ciera Eastin gets her customary post-game weigh-in, where learns that she lost 14 lbs. She says that she is not excited to see Andrew Savage at Ponderosa when she hops on the truck and talks about spending only 2 days at Ponderosa in her previous season with her mother, Laura Morett, and is excited to stay at Ponderosa this time for more than 2 days to relax. When she arrives at Ponderosa, only Kass McQuillen gives her a warm welcome; Andrew and Kelly Wiglesworth say hello to her, but are not interested in speaking to her, notably Kelly because Kelly does not like how she got voted out the day before her birthday. When Ciera wishes her a belated Happy Birthday, Kelly gets annoyed and leaves the dining room area.

The next day, Ciera tries to make peace with Andrew by smiling at him and joking with him. She enjoys the food at Ponderosa and Andrew notices that she is eating a lot. Later while relaxing on the beach, Ciera says she is very grateful to have gotten a second chance playing the game.[2]


  • This episode's Immunity Challenge currently holds the record for the lowest percentage of contestants participating in a single Immunity Challenge, with only two out of the ten remaining contestants (20%) competing.
  • Ciera Eastin becomes the first woman and second person to sit out of the last individual Immunity Challenge before their elimination, after Phillip Sheppard in "Zipping Over the Cuckoo's Nest".
  • After this episode, both Jeremy Collins and Joe Anglim, who both placed 10th on their original seasons respectively, have improved on their previous placements.


Survivor: Cambodia Episodes
"Second Chance" · "Survivor MacGyver" · "We Got a Rat" · "What's the Beef?" · "A Snake in the Grass" · "Bunking with the Devil" · "Play to Win" · "You Call, We'll Haul" · "Witches Coven" · "Like Selling Your Soul to the Devil" · "My Wheels Are Spinning" · "Tiny Little Shanks to the Heart" · "Villains Have More Fun" · "Lie, Cheat and Steal" · "Reunion"