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Lie, Cheat and Steal is the season finale episode of Survivor: Cambodia.


The Survivor finale starts live in Los Angeles with host Jeff Probst talking about the intense and unpredictable season. Jeff says Los Angeles is packed to capacity and the fans think this is the best season yet. Jeff says tonight's episode is historic.

The three hours of Survivor begins with an overview of the season including the hidden idols that were a risk to get, the tribe switches, the monsoon level rains, and the constant blindsides at Tribal Council. The final 6 are Jeremy, Spencer, Tasha, Kimmi, Kelley, and Keith.

Night 35[]

The Final 6 return to camp after Tribal Council on Night 35 after blindsiding Abi-Maria. Spencer is happy Abi-Maria is gone and Keith says he wanted her next to him at the finals and is angry at Spencer.

S31 spencer t
I'm very happy to see Abi go. You know, Keith said (mocking Keith) "Well gosh, why'd you get rid of Abi? I wanna go the end with Abi rather than you." It's like Keith, you just proved exactly why it made sense to get rid of Abi.

Kimmi says she's going to swoop in and make a big move. Kimmi talks to Kelley later about a plan to go after Jeremy and Spencer. Kelley agrees. Kimmi knows she's at the bottom of the Tasha, Jeremy, and Spencer alliance so she needs to make a new deal with Kelley and Keith.

S31 kimmi t
From the outside, Wentworth and Keith look like they're low men on the totem pole but this is just now left me with the perfect opportunity to swoop in and make my dreams happen.
S31 kelley t
I think Kimmi is starting to realize if she sticks with that four: Spencer, Tasha, Jeremy and her that she may not get to the Final Three.
S31 kimmi t
I came out here to win this thing and if I go with Tash, Jeremy and Spencer, am I really gonna make it to the end? That's putting my fate and destiny into someone else's hands. These guys trust me, they're letting their guard now and now is my chance to shine.

Day 36[]

S31 kelley t
Keith and I are like on the outs so I'm putting all my trust in Kimmi. If we want to make a move, we gotta do it now because if we let Tasha, Spencer and Jeremy get far in this game, we are screwed.

At the Immunity Challenge, the castaways have to untie puzzle steps, build a tall staircase, and complete a slide puzzle. The winner has a one in five shot of winning the game.

Jeff says there are no second chances in the challenges, and no one has seen these before so there is no advantage. They draw for spots and start. They start untying their stairs. They can only carry one step at a time and the pieces get harder the higher they go.

Spencer, Tasha, and Jeremy take a lead. Keith, Kimmi, and Kelley catch up. Keith has to go back since he's wrong. Tasha also gets one wrong. Spencer continues to lead. Jeremy and Kelley are close behind. Jeremy is wrong and has a setback.

Spencer completes the stairs and starts the slide puzzle. Kelley gets her last step and she's up there working. Keith is struggling but gets up there exhausted. Tasha finally gets her last step in and then Kimmi. Spencer makes progress.

Spencer and Kelley are neck and neck while Spencer studies the puzzle before he moves and Kelley rushes through it. Spencer is finished and he wins his third individual immunity. Kelley says she hopes she and Kimmi can make their plan happen or she's going home. Jeff gives the necklace to Spencer.

Keith says Spencer did it again. Tasha is happy and says that means Keith and Kelley don't have it and she wants to target them. Kimmi and Keith go get water and the others roll eyes as they go, as they can tell they're scheming.

S31 tasha t
My boy Spencer wins immunity again. As long as Spencer's winning that means Keith isn't, that means Wentworth isn't and I want Keith and Wentworth gone. Kimmi, me, Jeremy, Spencer, final four. Done.

Kimmi tells Keith the others are splitting votes to target Jeremy. Spencer and Tasha talk about Kimmi jumping ship. Kimmi says they won't expect it. Keith thinks this could be a big move. Kimmi says Kelley is on board with this.

S31 keith t
Right now, it's me or Kelley but this deal Kimmi come up with (makes smacking sound) could be the big one, could be the big'un and I'm all about it.
S31 kelley t
Oh my God, Keith, Kimmi, and I have it in the bag. We'll vote for Jeremy and it's over and I don't have to play the idol and I have an idol at final five. You know, Kimmi came to me with this Jeremy plan and she knows if she doesn't get rid of him, she may not have another chance. It's just, will she execute?

Spencer points out that Kelley just went back to talk to Keith and Kimmi. Keith agrees to say he's voting for Kelley and she'll say she's voting for Keith. Kelley hopes Tasha won't back out. Kimmi talks to Jeremy and Tasha about voting out the Keith or Kelley.

Once Kimmi walks away, Tasha and Spencer tell Jeremy that Kimmi is a rat and they think that they're going to vote out Tasha or Jeremy. Spencer says they can't split the vote. Kimmi tells Kelley it's on. Jeremy says they're being paranoid.

S31 jeremy t
We're still worried about an idol out there so let's just split the vote to take out Kelley or Keith. We're all safe and we're still going in tomorrow with numbers.
S31 spencer t
Splitting the vote is great if you have an alliance you can trust. If Kimmi betrays the four that just voted together, where's the majority?
S31 jeremy t
My voting bloc is skeptical of Kimmi. I don't think Kimmi's trying to do anything.

Jeremy is completely confused. Jeremy then goes to talk to Kimmi and asks if she's jumping ship. She swears she's not. He says he believes her when she starts getting teary and talking crazy. He tells her to relax.

S31 kimmi t
You know, fifteen years out of the game, I still got this. (doing a mock cry) "Oh my gosh, I would never go and turn on you guys! We're together!" I mean, come on, I don't wanna be on the bottom of a foursome and that's where I am with Spencer and Jeremy and Tasha, I'm not stupid!

Jeremy was convinced and says the idols shake things up. He says he can trust Kimmi and doesn't want to use his idol tonight and not have it for tomorrow. Jeremy tells Spencer that he doesn't want to risk it but Spencer says they can't split this vote.

S31 jeremy t
I feel like my alliance is strong. The problem though, is that with the Hidden Immunity Idols, it shakes up everything and we don't wanna lose this. We have numbers and we could really run this to the end. I know Kimmi's kinda goofy and everything but I really think she's with us and I don't wanna use my idol and not have it tomorrow. So I mean the safe route would be to split the vote: guys vote for Wentworth, girls vote for Keith.

Spencer says Kelley doesn't have an idol and Jeremy says she found one before and can have another. He says Jeremy found one before too and he doesn't think he has one now. Spencer is wrong on both counts. Jeremy reminds Spencer that he doesn't have skin in this game.

S31 spencer t
I think Jeremy might hear the footsteps of Wentworth potentially having an idol but splitting the vote can cause a lot more problems than it could help and yeah, I'm a little biased, my ass isn't on the line... What we decide tonight is really important because when there's five, three can control this game and we can dictate a path to the Final Three. If we decide wrong, we might say for a long time: "We had it, it was right there, Final Three and we made the wrong call."

Spencer says they need to come out of this Tribal Council so they can control it. He says this could be the wrong call tonight if it doesn't go down the way they need it to. The castaways head to Tribal Council and Jeff starts the discussion.

Jeff asks if it's four against two and Kimmi says "yes" but says it fast. Keith says that clears it up. They are being weird. Keith says it's "lie, cheat and steal" right now. Jeremy says there's a lot of talk about idols. Spencer says the four people made a plan to split the votes.

He says he, Tasha, and Jeremy aren't good with splitting the vote anymore. He says Tasha, Jeremy and he are voting three strong against one person. Kimmi says she's been thrown away and Kelley acts confused. Keith says there's a showdown.

Spencer whispered to her that she's fine. He says anyone is safe if they get on board and they can go to rocks if they have to. Jeremy says this is not needed and says the voting blocs could stop and they could make a final three path.

Kimmi says she's not in the top three and apparently is a pawn. Jeremy says no one said that. They tell Kimmi she's okay if she votes as she should. Jeff calls for the vote. Spencer goes first. Kimmi is freaking out when she goes to vote.

Jeff goes to count the votes then calls for any Immunity Idols. Kelley decides to play her Hidden Immunity Idol and says she doesn't trust anyone. Jeremy tells Spencer, "I told you". She plays it for herself. Jeremy stands too and also plays his Hidden Immunity Idol.

Abi-Maria's mouth drops open and so does Joe's. Spencer says wow. Jeremy and Kelley share a laugh. The votes are Kelley Wentworth, Jeremy, Kelley Wentworth, Jeremy, Kelley Wentworth, Jeremy. Stephen says this is a first in Survivor. Jeff says for the first time in 31 seasons, they have no votes for anyone that count at Tribal Council.

Jeff says they will re-vote and Spencer, Kelley, and Jeremy are immune. They all will vote. Jeremy demands to know who voted for him. Spencer calls out Kimmi and says she, Keith and Kelley voted for him. Jeremy says "Boom..."

Jeremy says he's disappointed in Kimmi and she says really and acts annoyed. She votes first and then Jeremy skips off to cast his vote happily. Kelley says crazy when she votes. Tasha does not look happy.

Jeff goes to count the votes again. He comes back and reads the votes: Tasha, Kimmi, Tasha, Kimmi, Tasha, Kimmi. It's another tie. Jeff says they can re-vote if someone wants to change their vote. Keith says: "let's do it."

The decision is at a deadlock. Spencer, Kelley, Jeremy, and Keith will talk and if they can get a unanimous decision to eliminate either Kimmi or Tasha, that person is out. Otherwise, Kimmi and Tasha will become safe along with Spencer, Kelley, and Jeremy which would send Keith home by default.

Spencer tells Keith he has to vote against Kimmi if he wants to stay. Kimmi and Keith debate. Keith is ready to give up his spot and says he's good because he knows he'll go home. Stephen says "don't do this."

Jeff says Spencer and Jeremy want to eliminate Kimmi. Kelley and Keith have to vote against Kimmi or Keith is out of the game by default. Kelley asks if Keith wants to stay. She says Keith needs to stay and she flips her vote to Kimmi. Keith also votes for Kimmi, and Kimmi becomes the fifteenth person eliminated from Survivor: Cambodia and the 8th member of the jury.

As Kimmi brings her torch to Jeff, she says "I tried." Jeff says "the tribe has spoken," and extinguishes Kimmi's torch. Kimmi thanks the others for a good game and leaves. Stephen says this was a crazy tribal. Jeff sends the castaways back to camp.

Kimmi says in her closing speech: "You give it your all and that's all you have." She says she's proud of herself and never gave up. It turns out Kelley and Keith voted for Jeremy, and Kimmi indeed turned on Jeremy, and everyone else voted for Kelley. Back at camp, the Survivors talk about "how boring tribal was", but they were joking. Keith says that was the craziest Tribal Council ever.

Keith says with the ties, votes and unanimous decision and Hidden Immunity Idols, Kimmi was sent home but he was on the chopping block. He says he and Kelley are on the outside looking in. They talk about how good Kelley is at finding Hidden Immunity Idols. Kelley wonders what to do now.

S31 keith t
I've never seen a Tribal like that and much less be part of one. After it's all said and done and all the ties and.. and.. votes and unanimous stuff and idols played, Kimmi goes to the house but I was on the chopping block, go figure that out so it was crazy... Five people now and three of them are pretty solid, leaves me and Kelley on the outside looking in.
S31 kelley t
I survived another Tribal by playing an idol which was fantastic but the Tribal itself didn't go the way I wanted it to go. Here I am with four other people and there's only one person that I trust so what the hell do I do?... This is like the worst feeling being so close to the end and yet in so much trouble.

Back at the live finale in Los Angeles, Jeff does a reenactment/recap on a board and underlines each stage of the vote. Jeff says the open discussion is about persuading the others for a unanimous vote. If you can't agree, the consequence is that the ones on the block are then safe and you draw rocks.

However, with Keith alone and not immune by the rules process, he would have drawn the only rock.

Because Tasha and Kimmi would have been immune because they couldn't decide who to vote, along with Spencer because of his necklace and Kelley and Jeremy because of their idols, it would have defaulted to Keith since he was the sole person with no immunity options.

Day 37[]

The Survivors now face another Immunity Challenge, in which they have to race through a giant obstacle course, go to six stations to collect puzzle pieces then solve a puzzle.

The winner will be in the final four, the others face elimination at Tribal Council. The racing surface is slippery wood because of rain. Keith, Tasha, Jeremy, and Spencer are doing well. Spencer takes a tumble. Spencer is on his second bag. Tasha, Jeremy, and Keith get their second bags.

Kelley is close behind. Jeremy, Keith, and Tasha have three bags. Spencer gets his third bag. Jeremy is on his fourth bag. Kelley gets her third bag and Keith his fourth. Kelley has four bags. Jeremy has the fifth bag and one left.

Tasha lands her fourth bag, while Keith gets his fifth. Tasha gets her fifth. Spencer falls behind. Kelley is back with her sixth bag while Spencer has his fourth bag. Kelley starts her puzzle. Jeremy starts his puzzle and Keith and Tasha are close behind.

Spencer gets his fifth bag and is falling behind. Spencer passes Tasha and gets his last bag. He starts the puzzle then Tasha starts. They are all on the puzzles. Kelley gets her first piece. Jeff says then things progress fast. Jeremy and Keith also get their first then Kelley and Jeremy their second.

Spencer is freaking out and falling behind. Kelley is in the lead and is halfway done. Keith and Kelley are tied. Kelley moves ahead. Kelley has two pieces left. In a close race, Kelley wins individual immunity. Keith is upset.

Jeff says Tasha, Keith, Spencer, and Jeremy face Tribal tonight and one of them will be the ninth jury member. Keith says he didn't need Kelley to win that challenge and he feels like he's in a coffin with three nails already in it.

S31 keith t
The one person I don't need to win wins it and uh, I feel like I'm in a coffin and I got about three nails left till they put me down but it ain't shut yet. We'll go down swinging, we'll find out tonight. Stay tuned.

Spencer says they were trying to avoid the outcome of Kelley winning and failed, and that made Keith the clear target but they are worried about a Hidden Immunity Idol. Kelley tells Keith she has a plan.

S31 spencer t
Wentworth was able to win, which was exactly what Tasha, Jeremy and I have been trying to avoid. Keith is now very clearly a target but there's exactly one thing to be worried about and that is a Hidden Immunity Idol. The three of us must stay strong no matter what they do.

Kelley says she does not have an idol and says they should try and make a fake one. Kelley has been collecting materials and makes one then wraps it up with a note to make it look like Keith found an idol. Keith has it in his hand and acts like he's trying to hide it.

S31 kelley t
I'm safe tonight but I have to look out for my one ally in this game so based on the fact that all the Idols look different this season, I just picked like a little medallion that was from a Tree Mail and I had some materials that I've been collecting over the past few weeks, wrapped it up with a little note from my last idol and there you go. (grinning) Looks like Keith found an idol. I definitely want Spencer or Jeremy gone and I know that the paranoia is real. Even if those three are tight, if they even think they're going home, it's gonna create paranoia in their mind and something crazy could happen.
S31 keith t
It's crunch time, it's desperate measures right now. Kelley, the idol maker up there, we'll just see what she did. (unwraps the fake idol) Hey, pretty impressive. I like that Kel. I oughta go in there, bebop in there back to camp sporting it, you know and kinda let them see it, make them think I have one just to put doubt in their mind and that's all it takes. Just to take one of them to flip, you know, scare them into doing something stupid.

Jeremy watches and says he's feeling funny about Keith and Kelley. Keith goes off and looks at the fake idol she made. Keith hopes to create doubt and scare the others into doing something stupid. Tasha wonders what they can do if someone has an idol.

S31 jeremy t
I think there is a huge possibility that Keith or Kelley are gonna pull out a Hidden Immunity Idol tonight. I'm so worried about that... It's either me or Spencer that they're gonna put votes on, I'm worried, point blank. If Keith has an idol, one of us will go home, it's probably gonna be me, I think they're gonna go after me and I don't even wanna take a chance on it.

Jeremy is freaking about the possibility of an idol. Tasha tells Jeremy to relax but he knows they're coming for him or Spencer. Jeremy tries to get Keith's attention and he doesn't speak for a while. He whispers "vote for Spencer," to Keith.

Tasha is sleeping. Keith says maybe Jeremy may bring him in. Keith tells Kelley about the exchange. She says to keep the idol with him. He says he can pull it out and say they need to make other plans since he has an idol.

S31 keith t
Tasha was asleep up there just then and Jeremy kinda comes to me and said "vote Spence." Spencer's a good player, makes sense to send him to the house, doesn't it? Maybe Jeremy's thinking about bringing me in. Maybe me, Jeremy and Kelley... Would Jeremy lie to me? Heck, maybe at Tribal, I'll just pull it out and say "Hey, uh, there's that idol. Keith ain't going tonight. Y'all better make some better plans." I got options and options is a good thing. I mean dang, the last nail ain't in the coffin. (laughs)

The castaways head to Tribal Council and then the jury of Kass, Andrew, Kelly Wiglesworth, Ciera, Stephen, Joe, Abi-Maria, and Kimmi come in. Kelley says she knew without immunity she would go home. Spencer says "It's fairly cut and dried, but nothing is sure."

Jeremy says there is idol talk. Spencer says that would change the game. Kelley says her vote doesn't matter and Tasha calls her the idol whisperer. Jeff asks Keith what he did, and he says there are tricks to be played. Tasha says that sounds like a threat.

Jeff calls for the vote, and then he comes back and calls for idols. Keith chooses not to reveal the fake idol. The votes are Spencer, Keith, Spencer, Keith, Keith. That sends Keith out of the game and leaves the dubbed "oh-so-smart" Spencer with more game to play.

Keith becomes the 16th person eliminated from Survivor: Cambodia and the 9th member of the jury. Keith brings his torch to Jeff, and Jeff says "the tribe has spoken" and extinguishes Keith's torch. Keith says to Spencer, "hang in there." Spencer says, "See ya, Keith Nale." Keith then leaves. Jeff sends the final 4 back to camp.

Keith later explains about not revealing the idol: "You know, you try to play with a little integrity. That's why I didn't play that cheesy idol there, you know? But anyway… crazy ride out here. I wanna thank all of America for giving me this great adventure. I tried to bring it home for the ol' guys-- it just, uh, a couple of days shy." It turns out Keith and Kelley kept their word and voted against Spencer, and Jeremy stayed loyal and voted against Keith with Tasha and Spencer.

Day 38[]

On Day 38, the remaining four Survivors face the Final Immunity Challenge. Jeff says the castaways have to tie one hand behind their back, drop a ball to a chute and you must catch it. Later they add more balls one at a time.

If one of your balls drops, you are out. The winner is guaranteed a shot at the $1 million at the Final Tribal Council. They begin. Jeff says the key is the gate that sends balls different ways. Now the second ball has to start up.

Jeff says it's about spacing. Now they add a third ball. All are still in it. They now have to add a fourth ball. Spencer almost drops a ball and saves it. Kelley loses a ball and she's out of the challenge. She's frustrated as she walks away. Jeff says that it could cost her a million dollars.

Tasha loses one ball and she's out. Now they add a fifth ball. Spencer drops one ball and Jeremy wins his first individual immunity which gives him a spot at the Final Tribal Council.

Jeremy breaks down crying and Jeff says that's the most emotion he's shown. Jeremy says he feels so much right now and says he's been through this already and has thought about it. He says it's all about his family. Kelley is also crying because she's so upset. She says Tasha, Jeremy, and Spencer are tight so she knew she had to win today. She says: "that's it." Tasha goes to hug Jeremy. Jeff puts the Immunity Necklace on Jeremy and says he went as far as he can get and will go to the Final Tribal Council.

Jeff says he'll see the castaways tonight. Jeremy says this win is for his wife and kids and the son who's not even there yet. He asks who he wants to go to the end with because he doesn't want second or third place.

The castaways congratulate Jeremy on his win. Jeremy says he's sorry for getting emotional. Jeremy says even though he has an alliance, all bets are off.

S31 jeremy t
(pats the individual Immunity Necklace) This is for Val, this is for Jordan, this is for Cameron, this is for my son that's not even here yet. Like this is for them all, now the question is, who I'm going to end with because I don't want second, I don't want third. Like, I need to win this... I feel like I wanna laugh, I wanna cry, I wanna yell, you know what I mean? I just wanna explode because I feel like the season's so hard and just to have this security just for tonight, it's just a beautiful thing. I have my alliance, I have Spence and I have Tasha, but when you have this necklace all bets are off, you know? You're like "I know we said we were gonna do this" but now is the time when you figure out who is the best person that I can sit next to, that I can win a million dollars.

Tasha says she and Spencer are at Jeremy's mercy if he tells Kelley he'll vote with her. She hopes she can survive to make it to the Final Three. Kelley goes for water and the other three high five. Jeremy tells them he's locked in even though he's not certain.

S31 tasha t
Although Jeremy, Spencer and I are in a tight alliance, Spence and I are basically at Jeremy's mercy if he decides to go with Wentworth and drop one of us, our game is over tonight. I just hope the relationship that we built over the past 38 days is strong enough to get me through this vote and into a Final Three.

Spencer says this is a test of relationships whether he will make it through. Spencer asks Kelley who she's voting against and says he won't hold anything against her. Kelley says the three of them are close and Spencer says that doesn't matter.

S31 spencer t
To have it all come down to one vote with my fate out of my hands, in Jeremy's hands, it's hard to swallow but in a way, how I think my second chance could make sense. The first time I played, once I lost control of my fate, I lost the game. This is a test of whether the relationships I've built are strong enough that without control of my fate tonight, I can wake up here tomorrow and have a shot to fight and win this game.

Spencer says he's voting for Kelley because she can "kick his ass." Kelley decides to go tell Jeremy that Spencer is a bigger threat than her. She tells Jeremy that people really respect him. Then she says Spencer speaks really well and has played both sides a lot.

S31 kelley t
Spencer definitely knows he's a threat in this game. I mean, he's like (mocking Spencer) "Are you writing my name down? Like, you know, I think I have a good shot of winning." Oh, do you? Okay, interesting... I think right now the biggest threat for Jeremy is Spencer so the only thing I can do is try and convince Jeremy of that and prove that like Jeremy is a bigger threat than me. It's time to go to work.

Jeremy is still undecided on who to vote for. He wonders who gives him the best odds to win. Kelley says Spencer told her he had the best odds to win. Jeremy asks her if she would face Spencer in a fire-making tiebreaker. Kelley says "of course I would." Jeremy thinks about forcing a fire-making tiebreaker.

Jeremy says Spencer is a smart player and says Kelley is an underdog so she's dangerous.

S31 jeremy t
I don't know what to do yet. Spencer and Wentworth both have pretty good resumes, the question is, who gives me the best chance to win?... I'm trying not to let the necklace go to my head, you know but what if we made Spencer and Wentworth go against each other in a tie and make fire?... Spence came from the bottom, won a couple of immunities and he's a smart player. Kelley's won two immunities, she's played two Hidden Immunity Idols, she's an underdog. It all comes down to tonight, I'm gonna make my decision tonight whether it's gonna be Spencer or Kelley. If I want to stick with my alliance, I could stick with them, if not I could jump ship. This is a million dollar decision, it's huge.

Jeremy says he will make his decision at Tribal Council. He still has not decided and says it's a huge million-dollar decision. The Final 4 take their seats at Tribal Council.

The jury of Kass, Savage, Kelly Wiglesworth, Ciera, Stephen, Joe, Abi-Maria, Kimmi, and Keith comes in. Jeff asks about the final challenge. Jeremy says there's all this pent up emotion and knowing he made it to Day `39, he couldn't control what he felt.

Spencer says the feeling when the ball hits the floor is disheartening. He says he hopes he can still stay in the game. Kelley Wentworth says these three have been close and she's felt on the outside but says you have to think about the final three at this point.

Jeremy says he has to think about himself and his future and do what's best for him. Kelley says she's voting for Spencer because he's a big threat and probably has his speech planned out. Spencer says "this is the pot calling the kettle black."

He says Kelley has played the best game to get jury votes. He says he would vote for her and would spend all his energy making sure she won if he's on the jury. Jeremy says they have good arguments and just has to go with his gut.

Spencer tells Jeremy that Kelley has a 100% shot to win and she says, of course, he's saying that based on this. Jeremy says there are people there he can beat. Jeff asks if he knows this could be a million-dollar mistake.

Spencer makes one last shot and says Kelley deserves to win more and he will make sure it happens. Spencer votes for Kelley and says he's so nervous he can't see straight. Kelley votes for Spencer.

Jeff goes to count the voter. He comes back and reads them. The votes are Spencer, Kelley, Kelley, Kelley. Jeremy stuck with his alliance. Spencer relaxes.

Kelley becomes the 17th person eliminated from Survivor: Cambodia and the 10th and final member of the jury. Kelley brings her torch to Jeff, and Jeff says "the tribe has spoken" and extinguishes Kelley's torch. Kelley says to the Final 3 "Good Luck, Guys. See ya tomorrow." Kelley then leaves. Jeff sends the final 3 back to camp.

Kelley says about her 2nd Survivor experience: "I really just wanted to make the most of this experience this time and I feel like I did. I played some idols, won some immunities. I mean, I'm bummed that I didn't make it all the way to the end, but just like the risks I took in the game this time, it was everything I wanted to be. So, I'm really proud of myself." It turns out Jeremy and Tasha stayed loyal to Spencer and voted out Kelley, making Jeremy, Tasha, and Spencer the game's three finalists.

Day 39[]

Tasha, Spencer, and Jeremy get Tree Mail that tells them to follow a trail. There's a scale and mirror for them to see what they look like. Tasha has won no challenges, found no idols, and just made alliances to get to this point.

S31 tasha t
Being in the Final Three is amazing. I'm so happy. Second chances for me was more business and I approached it differently. I didn't win any Immunity Challenges, I didn't play any idols but the social game I played got me here. To make it to the end, crazy. Crazy. (crying) This truly was the most difficult thing I've ever done in my entire life. The conditions, the paranoia, the lies, I'm like in awe knowing that I had it in me to do it when seventeen other people couldn't. I did it.

After the trio checks themselves out in the mirror, they pick up their Day 39 breakfast. Spencer is already thinking about his statement to the jury. The three toast with champagne and congratulate each other. They cook breakfast as Spencer thinks about tonight being the most important night of his life.

S31 spencer t
As much as I can feel great today and enjoy the company of Tasha and Jeremy, job ain't over... I didn't come here to get to the Final Three, I am here to make my second chance count and to prove that the change that I've gone through deserves the win of Survivor... Unlike the first time I played, I came in here and said I want to form relationships and connect with people in a way Spencer could not do before and I truly believe I've done that. I took the personal change in me to move from the bottom to the top. Tonight is the ultimate test, the ultimate conclusion to everything Survivor has been for me. It's the most important night of my life.

Jeremy says this is all about Val and their kids and him taking care of them. He says he wants to show the jury that he's been in control of his game with two Immunity Idols and one immunity win.

S31 jeremy t
My second chance was all about Val and the kids. I just want them to be proud of me and I just want to take care of them. I miss them so much, I didn't leave this long for nothing. Ah man, can't lose this. This is right there, it's so close. I have a one in three shot at a million dollars so I want to show the jury that I was in control of this game, I got two Hidden Immunity Idols, one immunity win, I surrounded myself with the right people at the right time and even up to the end, I feel really good. I gotta finish this game, get that money and bring it home for my family.

The three head into their Final Tribal Council. Jeff greets them, then in comes the jury of Kass, Andrew, Kelly Wiglesworth, Ciera, Stephen, Joe, Abi-Maria, Kimmi, Keith, and Kelley Wentworth. Jeff says the Final 3 need to tell their jury why their gameplay was the best.

Andrew goes first and congratulates the Final 3. He says his vote is open right now and most of the jury members' votes are too. He offers heartfelt answers. He calls Spencer "arrogant" in his talk last night about saying he would vote against Jeremy.

Spencer says arrogance is a mask for insecurity and says he may have got carried away last night. He says he doesn't regret the move but how he presented it. Andrew asks Jeremy about Kimmi's elimination and says he skipped to the vote and attacked her.

Andrew then calls Jeremy arrogant. Jeremy says he wasn't arrogant, he was upset. He says Tasha and Spencer told him that Kimmi had flipped and he didn't believe them, and then was mad that she did flip on him.

Stephen goes next. He tells Jeremy he's played with integrity. He asks Tasha about her doing Jeremy's dirty work. Tasha says she's a strong woman and no one dictates anything to her. She says she played her game and says she dug in her heels when she had to.

Stephen says he was surprised that Spencer went with voting blocs and betrayed people. Spencer says he had to do more block jumping than other people had to do at the expense of certain relationships.

Ciera goes next and says flippers rarely make it to the end. She says this season of Survivor was different and voting blocs required flipping and says the jury all feels betrayed. She asks why flipping should be rewarded. Jeremy says this is the best season of Survivor and the players are higher caliber.

He reminds Ciera that she was always wanting to make a big play. Tasha says the tribe swaps made it harder because she had to make deals each time and she had to flip. Spencer says there were so many different kinds of relationships and things were fluid. He says blindsiding had to happen to get to the top.

Keith goes next and congratulates them and says being humble is a big thing. He tells Jeremy to tell him why Spencer is a winner. Jeremy says Spencer was almost out and made some good moves.

He says Spencer is intelligent. Spencer says Jeremy was in a big power position coming into the merge. Abi-Maria is next and has notes in her hand. She asks which is the subtle move that got them to the end. Tasha says reconnecting with Spencer.

She says Spencer and her relationship was the strongest. Spencer says his subtle move was shifting distrust onto Joe. Jeremy says his subtle move was hunting for idols and that made him able to play them for Stephen and himself.

Kimmi is next and tells Spencer he was a bully at last night's Tribal Council. Then she tells Jeremy they had an alliance then Spencer came in and replaced her in the pecking order and he and Tasha let it happen. Kimmi says they let Spencer ruin their "tight family".

Kimmi is upset. Then Joe is next and says Tasha was not aware of what was happening sometimes. Kimmi says she deals with alpha males then says Jeremy and Spencer were conflicted about voting Joe out and were worried about an all-girl deal.

She says she picked and chose her battles and that was the game within the game. Kelly Wiglesworth is next and she talks about losing by one vote and one simple question (referring to a question Greg Buis asked her in Survivor: Borneo). She asks them to pick a number between 1 and 10.

Jeremy says 2, Tasha says 3, and Spencer 4. She thanks them. Kass asks Spencer about her flipping at the merge in Cagayan. She asks Spencer how he can ask for your vote. He says he's changed and is not the same guy who said she had a zero percent chance of winning.

Kass says change is important and says she tried to change too. She says maybe they can have a beer. Kelley Wentworth is last and she says she's still raw from the last vote. She says she came in wanting to play as an individual.

Kelley asks for their second chance story. Tasha says it's about relationships and loyalty and trust. Spencer says he's been teetering between who he was and who he's trying to be. He says he had no people skills the first time he played and he tried to play with relationships.

He says he couldn't have played like this before. Jeremy says everyone knows that he's here for Val and his kids. He says everything he's doing is for them. He says before he left, Val told him she was pregnant and says he's missed so much of it. He cries.

He says Val came to visit and told him she's fine, the baby is fine and it's a boy. He says he couldn't tell them about his son because he didn't want to mess up his game. He says he doesn't care about himself and it's just his family.

Jeff sends the jury to vote on Night 39. They all go and cast their votes. Joe says it's a hard decision for him. Jeff goes to get the votes. Jeff thanks the castaways for a great season and sharing their second chance adventures.

The Survivor Finale picks up live in Los Angeles for the reading of the votes. Jeff comes in with the votes. Jeff says they all played hard and Jeremy, Tasha, and Spencer are here for the chance at the million dollars. The votes for the Sole Survivor are Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy.

All the votes shown went to Jeremy. Jeremy Collins is the Sole Survivor of Survivor: Cambodia and wins the million dollars. His wife Val is there and she is holding the check. Jeff starts the reunion show portion and says all votes went to Jeremy.


Challenge: Step on Up
The castaways will each race to collect a series of puzzle steps. They will then place them in order from bottom to top building a very tall staircase. Once they reach the top they will complete a slide puzzle. The first person to finish wins immunity.
Winner: Spencer Bledsoe

Challenge: Giant Tick
Each castaway race through a giant obstacle course. They must each go to six stations over different obstacles and collect six bags of puzzle pieces along the way. They must then use those pieces to solve a puzzle. The first to finish their puzzle wins immunity.
Winner: Kelley Wentworth

Challenge: Simmotion
With one hand tied behind their back, each person will drop a ball down a chute. It will spiral to the bottom where they must catch it and put it back in the chute. At regular intervals, they will add another ball, which makes it more difficult. If at any point a ball drops, that person is out of the challenge. The last person left standing wins immunity.
Winner: Jeremy Collins

Tribal Council[]

Day 36[]

Tribal Council 14:
S31 jeremy t
(used Hidden Immunity Idol)
S31 keith tS31 kelley tS31 kimmi t
Keith, Kelley, Kimmi
(votes not counted)
S31 kelley t
(used Hidden Immunity Idol)
S31 jeremy tS31 spencer tS31 tasha t
Jeremy, Spencer, Tasha
(votes not counted)
Vote Rendered Null

Vote Restart
(Jeremy, Kelley, and Spencer immune)
S31 kimmi t
Kimmi (3 votes)
S31 jeremy tS31 spencer tS31 tasha t
Jeremy, Spencer, Tasha
S31 tasha t
Tasha (3 votes)
S31 keith tS31 kelley tS31 kimmi t
Keith, Kelley, Kimmi
S31 kimmi tS31 tasha t
Kimmi, Tasha (3 votes each)

(Kimmi and Tasha ineligible to vote)
S31 kimmi t
Kimmi (4 votes)
S31 jeremy tS31 keith tS31 kelley tS31 spencer t
Jeremy, Keith, Kelley, Spencer
S31 tasha t
Tasha (0 votes)
S31 kimmi bw
Kimmi Kappenberg

Voting Confessionals[]


Final Words[]

S31 kimmi bw
You give it your all... that's all you have, you know? And I never gave up. So, I mean, I'm proud of myself. You know, wow, after fifteen years to get this second chance, I think I hung in there pretty well.

Day 37[]

Tribal Council 15:
S31 keith t
Keith (3 votes)
S31 jeremy tS31 spencer tS31 tasha t
Jeremy, Spencer, Tasha
S31 spencer t
Spencer (2 votes)
S31 keith tS31 kelley t
Keith, Kelley
S31 keith bw
Keith Nale

Voting Confessionals[]


Final Words[]

S31 keith bw
You know, you try to play with a little integrity. That's why I didn't play that cheesy idol there, you know? But anyway… crazy ride out here. I wanna thank all of America for giving me this great adventure. I tried to bring it home for the ol guys-- it just, uh, a couple of days shy.

Day 38[]

Tribal Council 16:
S31 kelley t
Kelley (3 votes)
S31 jeremy tS31 spencer tS31 tasha t
Jeremy, Spencer, Tasha
S31 spencer t
Spencer (1 vote)
S31 kelley t
S31 kelley bw
Kelley Wentworth

Voting Confessionals[]

S31 spencer t
(voting against Kelley) Right on cue. I'm so nervous I cannot see straight.
S31 kelley t
(voting against Spencer) This is the last time I'll be writing your name down on this piece of parchment.

Final Words[]

S31 kelley bw
I really just wanted to make the most of this experience this time and I feel like I did. I played some idols, won some immunities. I mean, I'm bummed that I didn't make it all the way to the end, but just like the risks I took in the game this time, it was everything I wanted to be. So, I'm really proud of myself.

Final Tribal Council[]

Tribal Council 17:
Jury Vote
Voted for
S31 jeremy t
Jeremy (10 votes)
S31 abimaria tS31 andrew tS31 ciera tS31 joe tS31 kass t
S31 keith tS31 kelley tS31 kelly tS31 kimmi tS31 stephen t
Abi-Maria, Andrew, Ciera, Joe, Kass, Keith, Kelley, Kelly, Kimmi, Stephen
S31 spencer t
Spencer (0 votes)
S31 tasha t
Tasha (0 votes)
S31 spencer bwS31 tasha bw
Spencer Bledsoe and Tasha Fox
S31 jeremy t
Jeremy Collins

Voting Confessionals[]

Votes were not revealed during either voting confessional.

S31 joe t
(voting for Jeremy) This was a really, really hard decision for me, but you guys really battled it out.
S31 kelly t
(voting for Jeremy) Fate was on your side tonight.

Final Results[]

S31 vytas bw
S31 shirin bw
S31 peihgee bw
S31 jeff bw
S31 monica bw
S31 terry bw
S31 woo bw
S31 kass bw
S31 andrew bw
S31 kelly bw
S31 ciera bw
S31 stephen bw
S31 joe bw
S31 abimaria bw
S31 kimmi bw
S31 keith bw
S31 kelley bw
S31 spencer bw
S31 tasha bw
S31 jeremy t


Life at Ponderosa[]

Kimmi Kappenberg was sad, but at the same time happy to have made it a lot further than her first time playing Survivor. She lost 23 lbs. and was surprised she lost that much weight. She arrives at Ponderosa and everyone greets her with hugs and Ciera Eastin says everyone is happy to have her there. Kimmi was not ready to look at herself in the mirror just yet. She orders a plate of fries and a milkshake for dinner and tells the others it is her own fault for sticking with Jeremy Collins, Spencer Bledsoe, and Tasha Fox as she was fourth in the alliance and was not taking it too well. The next day, she shows everybody pictures of her two sons. Later while walking on the beach, she sees a trap net with a crab tangled in the net and helps the crab out of the net.[2]

Keith Nale lost 20 lbs. Keith got a positive reception from everybody upon arriving at Ponderosa. Ciera says that Keith is a really great guy and he is somebody everybody generally likes. Keith says last time he was at Ponderosa, he only spent one night there but is glad to be spending two nights there this time. When he is questioned if he had a Hidden Immunity Idol, Keith says no, but did have a fake one though. Ciera reveals that just as Keith was leaving after being voted out, Kelley Wentworth looked at the jury and mouthed to them that she gave Keith a Hidden Immunity Idol and he did not play it. When Keith shows them the fake idol, everyone agrees that Kelley made a stupid decision for giving Keith a fake idol. The next day, Keith receives a hand made t-shirt of Keith driving a motorcycle pulling the tuk-tuks from the reward his team won. Joe Anglim trims Keith's beard and hair and Keith later hangs out with some locals.[3]

Kelley lost 31 lbs. She reacted to how much she lost. She says she hopes she made the fans proud of how much better she did playing this time than from her previous season. Joe greets her at the dock and offers her a cold beer which she accepts and appreciates. She joins the others at Ponderosa and everyone warmly greets her. Abi-Maria Gomes tells Kelley she rooted for her to make it to the end and win. When sitting at the table, Kelley remained quiet and looked tired. Kelly Wiglesworth tried to convince her to go to bed and get a good night's sleep, but Kelley refused to leave the table. She then looks at herself in the mirror and is disgusted with how her body looks despite everyone assuring her she looks fine. The next day, she feels better about herself and says her second go at playing Survivor was fun and is excited to hear what the fans have to say all season and thanks the fans for voting for her to return. The entire jury gives their final thoughts on playing Survivor for a second time.[4]


  • This is the first finale episode in which more than five castaways are still left in the game, excluding those on Redemption Island.
  • This episode marks the first time that there was a null vote at Tribal Council. This is also the first (and currently only) time the consensus tiebreaker resolved a tie and the first time that a tie would have seen a one-person rock draw if not resolved.
  • This episode marks the only time that a tie vote has occurred in an all-returnee season.
  • The episode title was said by Keith Nale at Tribal Council.
  • After Day 36, Tasha Fox improved on her previous placement in Cagayan, having placed 6th on that season.
  • After Day 38, Spencer Bledsoe improved on his previous placement in Cagayan, having placed 4th on that season.
  • Only two seasons (and two original tribes) were represented in the final five. Jeremy Collins, Keith Nale, and Kelley Wentworth were from the Hunahpu tribe in San Juan del Sur, while Spencer and Tasha were from the Luzon tribe in Cagayan.
  • The challenges used in this episode were later modified for use as the final three challenges of Survivor 42.


Survivor: Cambodia Episodes
"Second Chance" · "Survivor MacGyver" · "We Got a Rat" · "What's the Beef?" · "A Snake in the Grass" · "Bunking with the Devil" · "Play to Win" · "You Call, We'll Haul" · "Witches Coven" · "Like Selling Your Soul to the Devil" · "My Wheels Are Spinning" · "Tiny Little Shanks to the Heart" · "Villains Have More Fun" · "Lie, Cheat and Steal" · "Reunion"